Scar: Difference between revisions

1,850 bytes added ,  10 years ago
Sorry it took him so long to get to this! I was watching a movie with my sister. ^_^; Okay, let the corrections begin! I only have Kiara left to do.
(Sorry it took him so long to get to this! I was watching a movie with my sister. ^_^; Okay, let the corrections begin! I only have Kiara left to do.)
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Scar first appeared in the 1994 film {{w|The Lion King|''The Lion King''}}. Scar is Simba's evil uncle and the king of the Pride Lands after Mufasa's death. When Simba returns to the Pride Lands and admits that he is the one responsible for Mufasa's death, Scar tries to kill him by making him fall off of Pride Rock. Before making him fall down, Scar tells Simba that not Simba, but Scar is the one responsible for Mufasa's death. Simba climbs back up and forces Scar to confess that he was the one who killed Mufasa. After that, Scar and Simba start fighting. As in the game, Simba throws Scar off the cliff, only he survives the fall but is mauled to death by the hyenas whom he had previously betrayed.
Scar originates from the Disney 1994 film {{w|The Lion King|''The Lion King''}}. At the beginning of the film, Scar did not attend's Mufasa's new-born cub Simba's presentation to the kingdom, much to Mufasa's disappointment. Resentful about having lost the throne to the Pride Lands to his older brother and now to his Simba, the next rightful heir, Scar's jealousy for the both of them intensifies over the years as he plots to kill them. In order to accomplish this, he begins to build an army of hyenas by bribing them with food. When a young Simba and Nala journey to the Elephant Graveyard, Scar sends his hyenas, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, to eat them, but watches with displeasure as his plain was foiled by the timely arrival of Mufasa. Afterwards, he lures Simba into a gorge where a pack of wildebeest were migrating through. Mufasa was able to save Simba from being trampled to death, but he was struggling on the edge a cliff, where confronts Scar confronts his brother and reveals his evil intentions before flinging Mufasa to his death in the stampede. Scar tricks Simba into running away from the Pride Lands by making him believe that it was his fault Mufasa died. Simba does so, and Scar then sics his hyenas after him to guarantee Simba's death. Scar took over the Pride Lands, using the hyenas to ensure his reign goes undisputed. Under his tyranny, the Pride Lands were overrun by hyenas, and the excess of predators drove the herds away, while a drought deprived them of water. In addition, he passes a law to prevent the subjects from speaking about Mufasa. In spite of near starvation, Scar forbids anyone from leaving the Pride Lands.
A few years later, an adult Simba returns to the Pride Lands to reclaim the throne from Scar. Upon seeing his nephew alive (the hyenas lied to him that they killed Simba), a shocked Scar reigns relief of his nephew's survival and forces Simba to admit that he is responsible for his father's death. Scar backs Simba to edge of a cliff and reveals to him that he was truly responsible for Mufasa's death. Enraged, Simba coerce him into confessing the truth to the entire clan. In an act of desperation to preserve his life, Scar tries to blame the hyenas for Mufasa's death. When Simba chooses to exile Scar rather than kill him, Scar appears to concede, but then blinds his nephew by brushing embers into his face and fights his nephew. After a fierce battle between the two, Scar is thrown off a cliff and survives the fall, but is then mauled to death by the hyenas whom he had previously betrayed.

