Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX

Item Card

Revision as of 21:45, 20 March 2015 by (talk) (Found another difference in Riku's deck between the original and remake.)

Item Cards appear in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories as a type of playing card which restock other playing cards. They can be identified by their green borders, which they share with friend cards. The seven item cards in the game represent the restorative items Sora found throughout Kingdom Hearts, but are used in a completely different manner; instead of restoring HP or MP, they instantly restock certain types of cards in the player's deck. Unlike the other types of playing card, item cards disappear from the deck after being successfully used, unable to be restocked, and they cannot be made into Premium Cards. They can also be used in various combinations with other item cards, as well as attack, magic, summon, and friend cards to perform completely different spells unavailable in the other games. Many of these new combinations are Kingdom Hearts versions of traditional Final Fantasy spells like "Holy" or "Teleport".

Item cards are available in both Sora's Tale and Reverse/Rebirth, and several bosses also use the cards.

In Reverse/Rebirth mode, however, only the Potion and Hi-Potion cards are available. Unlike Sora's Story, where item cards can be selected at will, the Potion and Hi-Potion cards appear arbitrarily in Riku's deck at different points of the game. Item cards are excluded from Riku's deck while he is in Dark Mode.

List of item cards

Card Name Location Description
  Potion Available from the beginning.[SS]
Available in Hallow Bastion[KH CoM] and Twilight Town [R/R]
Quickly reloads attack cards with no charge time required. It does not work on cards that cannot be reloaded.
  Hi-Potion Clear the Olympus Coliseum Room of Guidance.[SS]
Available in Agrabah[KH CoM], Olympus Coliseum, Destiny Islands and Castle Oblivion [R/R]
Quickly reloads attack cards with no charge time required. Even normally unreloadable cards are restored.
  Mega-Potion[SS] Defeat Riku on the 11th floor of Castle Oblivion. Quickly reloads attack cards with no charge time required and resets the reload counter. Even normally unreloadable cards are restored.
  Ether[SS] Clear the Agrabah Room of Guidance. Quickly reloads magic cards with no charge time required. It does not work on cards that cannot be reloaded.
  Mega-Ether[SS] Defeat Vexen on the 10th floor of Castle Oblivion.[KH CoM]
Clear Whirlwind Plunge.[KH Re:CoM]
Quickly reloads magic cards with no charge time and resets the reload counter. Even normally unreloadable cards are restored.
  Elixir[SS] Find Roo.[KH CoM]
Clear Bumble-Rumble.[KH Re:CoM]
Quickly reloads attack cards and magic cards, including normally unreloadable cards.
  Megalixir[SS] 1st Destiny Islands Reward Quickly reloads attack cards and magic cards, including normally unreloadable cards. The reload counter is also reset.
