Template:Enemy Alice is one of the Princesses of Heart first introduced in Kingdom Hearts. The world in which she appears is Wonderland, although whether or not this is her home world is debatable. Alice is the only member of the Princesses of Heart who is not of royal heritage, through marriage or lineage, aside from Kairi.


Kingdom Hearts

After falling down a rabbit hole into Wonderland and meeting a host of bizarre characters, Alice follows the White Rabbit to the Queen of Hearts' court where she is put on trial for supposedly assaulting the Queen with the intention of stealing her heart. Attempting to prove Alice's innocence, Sora is challenged to find evidence, and Alice is placed in captivity.

Later on, when Sora brings forth evidence of Alice's innocence, the Queen's anger at his attempts lead to a scuffle. As the Queen orders her subjects to attack Sora, Donald, and Goofy, Alice's cage is covered and lifted above the court so as to keep her out of Sora's reach. During the fight, Alice goes missing. It is later revealed that she was abducted by the Heartless and taken to the world of Hollow Bastion, where a group of villains from other worlds, led by the witch Maleficent, are plotting to take over all worlds. Their plan happens to involve Alice who, as a Princess of Heart, has the power to open the Final Keyhole. She is captured while trapped in a cage in Wonderland, and is kept in stasis along with the other Princesses.[1] Upon discovering her disappearance, Sora and his friends continue venturing to other worlds, keeping an eye out for Alice so that they could return her to her world.

Some time later, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness interferes with Maleficent's plan, using Alice's heart to create the Keyblade of People's Hearts. However, a selfless act by Sora restores Alice's heart. Upon awakening, she assists the other Princesses in defending Hollow Bastion from the darkness that is threatening to consume it. After Sora sealed the Keyhole, she remains behind in Hollow Bastion to protect the world.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Alice appears as a fragment of Sora's memories, a sort of doppelganger to her real self. Thus, the real Alice that Sora met in Kingdom Hearts is not aware of the following details. Alice's role is similar to her first appearance, but this time she is blamed for stealing the Queen of Hearts' memories. She manages to escape when Sora, unable to think of anything else, claims that he is the thief. After Sora defeats the real thief, a Trickmaster, Alice assists Sora by tricking the Queen of Hearts into believing the she asked Sora and Alice to defeat the Heartless as proof of their innocence, and thus they are all saved from beheading.

Kingdom Hearts II

The DTD dataspace in Space Paranoids is sealed with a password composed of the seven Princesses' names: "Belle, Snow White, Aurora, Alice, Jasmine, Cinderella, Kairi".

Kingdom Hearts coded

Alice reappears once again in Wonderland in Kingdom Hearts coded, this time as a data duplicate, she is chased by Heartless but Data-Sora comes to her rescue. She is about to introduce herself before she realizes that she had forgotten her own name. Data-Sora looks around in Wonderland and find Alice's memory pieces in hopes to help her remember more about her name and a Keyhole that she saw earlier. When Data-Sora finds all of Alice's memories, she gives him the ability HP Gain.

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts χ

Alice appears as a character in Kingdom Hearts χ.


Alice is a young girl around the age of ten (though in the original book, she was more around the age of seven). She has long, thick, blond hair in which she ties a black bow (which gave rise to the popular term "Alice band"). She wears a blue dress with a white pinafore, along with white tights and black Mary Jane shoes. Her eyes are blue and she is also fairly short in comparison to the other Princesses of Heart, due to her age.


Alice is a daydreamer first and foremost with a large imagination. However, Alice's quick temper and eagerness to show off her knowledge often proved to be bad qualities in Wonderland, and landed her in many precarious situations. However, she is a kind-hearted, polite, and honest young lady. Notably, Alice possesses a intense curiosity about things and an adventurous spirit.


Powers as a Princess of Heart

Despite that she is the lead character of Wonderland, Alice does not fight beside Sora, and thus does not have any abilities for combat. However, as she is a Princess of Heart, Alice does have some very unique powers due to her purely light-filled heart. If her heart is lost, her body will remain in a dormant state in the Realm of Light until her heart returns.

  • Her most significant power is to open the Final Keyhole to Kingdom Hearts when she is joined with the other six princesses.
  • Her heart (along with that of the other princesses) can be used to create the Keyblade of People's Hearts, which allows the bearer to unlock anyone's heart.
  • She also seems to be able to upgrade other people's powers, as revealed when she and her fellow princesses upgrade Sora's Fira spell to Firaga in the first Kingdom Hearts.
  • On her own, still with the aid of her pure heart, Alice has the ability to hold back darkness, although the details of this act are unknown aside from the fact that doing so for too long will eventually sap her strength. When joined with the other Princesses of Heart, her powers to hold off darkness increase.
  • Alice and her fellow Princesses are also capable of sensing darkness, as shown when they tell Sora of a great darkness approaching nearby.


Alice first appears in Walt Disney's 1951 film, Alice in Wonderland that was based on the books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll. Carroll created Alice after telling his story to three young sisters who were daughters of a friend; one of these young girls, Alice Pleasance Liddell, was the main inspiration for Alice's character. Alice made her literary debut in Wonderland's first publication on July 4, 1865. However, she first appeared (unofficially) in writing on November 26, 1864 as a gift to the real Alice Liddell.

In the film, Alice slips away from an afternoon lesson with her older sister to follow the White Rabbit out of curiosity. Tumbling down the rabbit hole, Alice arrives in Wonderland and explores the strange world, meeting and befriending many of the residents along the way. Not long after, Alice walks in a hedge maze and spots a trio of Spades playing cards coloring white roses with red paint. The cards explain to her that they had accidentally planted white roses in the garden and are quickly trying to remedy the mistake before the Queen of Hearts finds out. Alice offers to assist them in their work, but it was not long until the Queen shows up. Enraged at the cards, the Queen sends the them to be executed, but Alice pleas for the Queen to reconsider. However, the Queen forces Alice into a game of croquet. During the game the Cheshire Cat appears to Alice and her alone, incensing the Queen's anger by Alice's claims the cat was there. When the Cheshire Cat plays a trick on the Queen, Alice was blamed and sent to trial. At the nonsensical trial, Alice insults the Queen and flees the courtroom once the latter sent her guards after the former. When she reached the Doorknob, she peeks though the keyhole and sees herself asleep under a tree. As the infuriated inhabitants of Wonderland advance on her, Alice awakens to her sister's command for her to recite her history lesson. Dazed, Alice only spouts out some nonsensical poetry, much to her sister's exhaustion. In the end, Alice then picks up her cat Dinah and they all return home for tea time.

Notes and references

  1. ^ If the player completes Deep Jungle before Wonderland, Snow White replaces Alice in the scene in which she stumbles upon Maleficent's allies, although Alice is still present once Sora reaches Hollow Bastion.