Featured User Medal for November 2014

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We prefer to use redirects, instead of piped links, so that if we decide to split Seekers of Darkness to its own page, we don't have to change all the links. {{User:TheSilentHero/Sig}} 16:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
We prefer to use redirects, instead of piped links, so that if we decide to split Seekers of Darkness to its own page, we don't have to change all the links. {{User:TheSilentHero/Sig}} 16:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
::Frankly, it still doesn't make sense on a page to have a page, particularly Seekers of Darkness redirecting to the [[Real Organization XIII]] page it just feels off putting, secondly I doesn't make sense to just wait for the game to officially come out especially if its a month or 2-3 weeks before the official game's release to split the Seekers of Darkness to its own page.--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 19:00, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
::Frankly, it still doesn't make sense on a page to have a page, particularly Seekers of Darkness redirecting to the [[Real Organization XIII]] page it just feels off putting, secondly I doesn't make sense to just wait for the game to officially come out especially if its a month or 2-3 weeks before the official game's release to split the Seekers of Darkness to its own page.--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 19:00, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
::@{{User:TheSilentHero}} Secondly I don't like your "so-called policy" and locking the KH3 template and going in your own ways. You can say whatever you want at me and ignore my messages but from the way you guys run this site you care nothing about what you believe in and care ONLY but yourselves on what is allowed on the templates especially when a future Kingdom Hearts game is on the Horizon. So DEAL WITH IT!!--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 01:12, 23 June 2018 (UTC)

Revision as of 01:12, 23 June 2018

"Also like the other KH templates the party members will be ordered in appearance of their respective worlds.)"

That is not how the other navboxes are arranged. I'm confused where you got that impression."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 17:10, 1 March 2018 (UTC)

"That is not how the other navboxes are arranged. I'm confused where you got that impression."
How is this not making any sense to you, I did this because the other KH Templates had the Party members listed in order of the world's you go to in the game, so i don't see why not to have the party members . If you don't believe me, then look at them before you start "twisting the facts" and having them listed in "alphabetical order" instead:

1. Template:KH 2. Template:COM 3. Template:KH2 4. Template:BBS 5. Template:DDD

Besides, The first round of worlds in KH3 will be the following: Olympus, Toy Story and Monster's Inc. It was from the Translated Famitsu article Famitsu - Kingdom Hearts 3 D23 Japan 2018 & Famitsu-Details-Some-of-KH3-s-World-Order-Pudding-Heartless-Gummi-Ship-Customisation-and-More-11333. Say what you want on how this site likes to be run but the sources I got were cited and reliable information.-- 17:20, 3 March 2018 (UTC)

The first template is not a navbox.
The CoM template lists them mostly alphabetically - it's not in game order, because it has Ariel before Jack. The DDD template doesn't have NPC party members.
Accusing me of "twisting the facts" is incredibly bad faith and rude. Please don't do it.
"the sources I got were cited and reliable information" - khinsider is not a primary source, and the famitsu article didn't say what you were claiming. You seem to have an understanding of what defines a primary source - it means something coming directly from the author themselves, or for example an interview they have approved. Commentary from a fansite is not a primary source. You are not helping the wiki at all by repeatedly neglecting basic prudence and other editors' corrections."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 16:33, 21 May 2018 (UTC)
"You seem to have an understanding of what defines a primary source - it means something coming directly from the author themselves, or for example an interview they have approved.
Commentary from a fansite is not a primary source. You are not helping the wiki at all by repeatedly neglecting basic prudence and other editors' corrections."
Accusing me of "bad faith and being rude" is incredibly disresspectful from an administrator running this site and going out of line. Please don't do it and it's ironic that 4 months ago that you were going to stop editing on this site, and here you are continuing to heckling me and every non-registerd user saying stuff about the "sources aren't final" "reliable sources are not connected, regardless of good faith" YOU NEED TO STOP YOUR overreaction at me and with anyone. Don't you even accept articles, press releases as reliable sources anymore?-- 21:25, 21 May 2018 (UTC)
"from an administrator" -- I'm not an administrator.
"going out of line" -- I've strictly followed the wiki's consensus policy this entire time. As demonstrated by multiple other editors and staff members having the same view.
"Accusing me of "bad faith and being rude" is incredibly disresspectful" -- you explicitly accused me of "twisting the facts", i.e., intending to go in and change the navboxes in order to lie about what the precedent was. That's poisoning the well, and it's by definition bad faith.
"and it's ironic that 4 months ago that you were going to stop editing on this site" -- even granting for the sake of discussion your misunderstanding of what I had done, what does that have to do with this discussion? Why would that be ironic?
"and every non-registerd user" -- no, you're the only IP editor I've seen in the last few months that's breaking the rules and edit warring with multiple members. It sounds like you're trying to derail the discussion and portray this as some sort of "KrytenKoro is a rogue admin who hates IP editors", which doesn't make sense because I am neither (1) going outside of the consensus rules, (2) an admin, or (3) debating with any other IP editor but you. Please focus on the topic, don't try to turn this into victimization farce.
"Don't you even accept articles, press releases as reliable sources anymore?" -- posts written by the fans who work on khinsider are not press releases. They are not primary sources. I don't understand why you seem to be implying there is something wrong with not mistakenly believing they are primary sources. A press release or primary source requires direct interaction with the actual authors, not secondhand commentary. They may be informative to fans, but they are no more a primary source than the wiki itself is.
"YOU NEED TO STOP YOUR overreaction at me" -- ??? I've reminded you of the wiki's policies, repeatedly, and cleaned up after your edits when you violate those policies. I've put in the work that you have neglected to do in finding acceptable citations for as much of your content as I could. In return, you've gotten increasingly aggressive and defensive against any sort of reminder that you are edit warring and violating policy. I'd like to point out that actual administrators (not just editors like me) have reverted your edits, and yet you keep pushing them through. That kind of behavior usually winds up in a block for edit warring -- though I'll remind you that, since I'm not a staff member, I would not be the one blocking you, so this is not a "KrytenKoro coming down on 73" situation.
Dude. Seriously. The game looks like it's going to come out soon. We're getting new, verifiable, primary-sourced info by the day. There are plenty of things you can do to contribute in a way the wiki's policies allow, like writing the sandbox articles. I don't understand why you're so determined to violate policy on a small template that by definition can't even be considered usable until the game is actually released and all this back and forth is moot."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 00:12, 22 May 2018 (UTC)
"Dude. Seriously. The game looks like it's going to come out soon. We're getting new, verifiable, primary-sourced info by the day. There are plenty of things you can do to contribute in a way the wiki's policies allow, like writing the sandbox articles. I don't understand why you're so determined to violate policy on a small template that by definition can't even be considered usable until the game is actually released and all this back and forth is moot."
It's funny and Ironic given that when the two trailers (Orchestra, D23 2017) came out lst year, YOU continuously remain dismissive and and apprehensive that the game wasn't coming out and continously say that everythin in the trailers might be Removed content till the cows come home.
"For crap's sake, use the [[Gallery:]] page, or add description to the trailers on the main game article."
Why didn't you say anything about them in the first place, it would've saved so much time and effort regarding the characters that appeared in the trailer and bound to be in the game rather than continuously removing them claiming "they don't exist" "needs better source". Seriously if their names aren't referenced in interviews, articles, mentioning by Nomura and his team or on the Kingdom Hearts III website then we can simply take a snapshot of the scenes/characters that appeared in the trailer and add a caption to it, simple as that. Yes it's my fault I didn't know about this until you edited the template, but seriously though the game is coming out in January 2019 and frankly their is no reason to just remove the characters if they are obviously going to be in the game itself.-- 22:54, 20 June 2018 (UTC)
That's neither funny or ironic, because they're still trailers, and nothing I suggested you do equated to "keep inserting material into the navbox based on trailers". Instead, I suggested you work on the Draft pages. And we're still at the point in time where KH2 trailers were showing the Organization at the Great Crest, and KH1 trailers were showing Disney Castle as playable.
"That's neither funny or ironic, because they're still trailers, and nothing I suggested you do equated to "keep inserting material into the navbox based on trailers." - No offense, but it's the same argument the same "till the cows come home" on EVERY KH3 trailer in general. How are the recent trailers (Orchestra, D23 2017, D23 2018, the E3 2018) going by your arguments even comparable to the early KH2/KH1 trailers before the final games came out or especially the KH3 trailers we got in 2013 and 2015?
Just be excited the game is coming out in Jan. 2019, and we will soon be getting more trailers and more interviews regarding the game, but for the love of Pete stop being so pessimistic and ambivalent while removing information when users insert material (particularly characters that were seen from those trailers, regardless if they have not been addressed or mentioned in the magazine articles or through an image found within the KH3 Image gallery with a caption) based on the latest trailers, the latest articles. You can argue back at me and say I'm "rude" or "I'm violating the site policy" and continue reminding me about Removed content from trailers not final and "Don't add in info based on a trailer" I'm just being realistic. And yes you can continue "till the cows come home" and using examples of removed content from the early KH1/KH2 trailers. I just don't see the need to just wait for the game to come officially come out to add the info when you have the latest new trailers (e.g the E3 trailers) and interviews mentioning about what was shown and what to expect regarding the game.-- 04:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
I assumed that if you were finding a minor navbox hidden at the bottom of the KH3 page, you could find the Gallery: page prominently displayed at the top. And we had already talked about just adding content to the sections talking about the trailers themselves. More to the point, I'm not your mother, and you and you alone are responsible for your own behavior. I'm not even an admin, it's not my job to try to placate you when you violate policy.
"I'm not your mother, and you and you alone are responsible for your own behavior. I'm not even an admin, it's not my job to try to placate you when you violate policy." - Okay, that last statement you made at me I disagree and just sounds way out of line at me.-- 04:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
"if they are obviously going to be in the game itself" -- if it was at all obvious, sure. We have ample precedent from past games that it is much less guaranteed than you think, and your continued denial of these amply-documented facts don't make them false."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 12:35, 21 June 2018 (UTC)
"if it was at all obvious, sure. We have ample precedent from past games that it is much less guaranteed than you think, and your continued denial of these amply-documented facts don't make them false." - Then why continuously removing them? You can continue making points "till the cows come home" but as a said, the latest trailers we got (Orchestra, D23 2017, D23 2018, the E3 2018) going by your arguments comparable to the early KH2/KH1 trailers before the final games came out or especially the early KH3 trailers we got in 2013 and 2015 show how much the game has evolved and what were going to be seeing in the game. Again, I just don't see the need on the removal of information, especially the game when it's half way there to completion and it's coming out in 6-7 months?-- 04:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
Can you two please stop arguing about this? This is our current policy. If you have a problem with that, bring it up on a forum or something, instead of fighting over it with one other user. TheSilentHero 07:34, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
I'm sorry about that, it's just very frustrating just having myself and KrytenKoro arguing over a template, especially when Kryten keeps on arguing on justifying that "the latest trailers for KH3" aren't final. Even if I officially create a user account and bring this issue in the forums, I'm not going to make Amends with Kryten giving his history of constantly arguing about the " characters in the trailers not valid" till the cows come home, also I didn't bark back at him but was being realistic. But honestly the arguments have gone WAY to far.-- 12:38, 22 June 2018 (UTC)


You can't assume aqua is a seeker of darkness just because of what we saw. let's just leave the KH3 template as it is.

I didn't include Aqua into the Seeker of Darkness I was expanding info and in the event that my edit was not going to be accepted I had to copy it, but not knowing Aqua was in the seeker of darkness list. So no, I didn't put in Aqua with the other Seekers of Darkness.

-- 21:28, 16 June 2018 (UTC)

I put it in, it was not the IP. Yell at me."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:34, 21 June 2018 (UTC)
She can still be saved, so that doesn't mean she has to be a seeker of darkness. Kingdom210 (talk) 12:20, 22 June 2018 (UTC)

Wreck-it Ralph

I've been through those scans and I can't find anything but ラルフ. Are you actually reading the sourced material, or just treating the forum posts as accurate?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:34, 21 June 2018 (UTC)

Is it really necessary to just call him as just Ralph and ONLY Ralph even when the game officially comes out and cited from the KH3 Journal entries? I mean yeah they mention Ralph in the interviews but that's just his shortened name compared to his actual full name, Wreck-It Ralph. It's not any different when compared to CLU from Tron: Legacy who ONLY was referred to as just CLU in Dream Drop Distance and not CLU 2.0. What about James P. Sullivan, is the article going to have him under his full name or just "Sulley"?-- 04:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
We're using the full name if it is used in the game. So we have Fa Mulan, because she's called that in the game, but only Cloud, and not Cloud Strife, because he's never called that in the series. So until the game releases and we find out if they're calling him Ralph or Wreck-It Ralph, we're going with whatever the official sources use, which in this case is just Ralph. TheSilentHero 10:30, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
James P. "Sulley" Sullivan has been given in official KH3 promotional material, so it's acceptable for our purposes until the game is released, and we find out whether that (and Woody Pride, etc.) are being retained for the published material."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 14:21, 22 June 2018 (UTC)


Thank you for adding the Villains section to the KH2 navbox. Please feel free to add to the wiki article as much as you want."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 14:19, 22 June 2018 (UTC)

I don't need your thank you going by your shrewd pessimistic attitude on the KH3 Template, and I did it because of making changes on the Templates, NOT because of taking your word.-- 14:41, 22 June 2018 (UTC)

Regarding the Seekers of Darkness link

We prefer to use redirects, instead of piped links, so that if we decide to split Seekers of Darkness to its own page, we don't have to change all the links. TheSilentHero 16:37, 22 June 2018 (UTC)

Frankly, it still doesn't make sense on a page to have a page, particularly Seekers of Darkness redirecting to the Real Organization XIII page it just feels off putting, secondly I doesn't make sense to just wait for the game to officially come out especially if its a month or 2-3 weeks before the official game's release to split the Seekers of Darkness to its own page.-- 19:00, 22 June 2018 (UTC)
"Ah well. Can't all be heroes."
—Hades, Kingdom Hearts II

My name is TheSilentHero, but you can call me TSH, Silent, or Hero.

Date of Birth 07-04-1995
User on KHWiki since 21-04-2013
Country The Netherlands
KH Games I Own
Kingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts Re:codedKingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts Unchained χKingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueKingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMIXKingdom Hearts IIIKingdom Hearts III Re MindKingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Other KH Games I Have Played
Kingdom Hearts Final MixKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts Re:Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Game template guide

Game Game Tag Link Tag Navbox
Kingdom Hearts KH1 {{KH}} {{KH1}}
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix FM1 {{FM}} {{FM1}}
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories COM {{KHCoM}} {{COM}}
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories REC {{ReCoM}} -
Kingdom Hearts II KH2 {{KHII}} {{KH2}}
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix FM2 {{FMII}} {{FM2}}
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 358 {{KHD}} {{358}}
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep BBS {{KHBbS}} {{BBS}}
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix FMB {{FMBbS}} {{BBSFM}}
Kingdom Hearts coded KHC {{KHc}} {{Coded}}
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded RCO {{KHR}} -
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance DDD {{KH3D}} {{DDD}}
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD DHD {{KHDDDHD}} -
Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] KHX {{KHx}} {{XChi}}
Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] UCX {{Ux}} {{UCX}}
Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover XBC - -
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- AFP {{KH0.2}} {{AFP}}
Kingdom Hearts III KH3 {{KHIII}} {{KH3}}
Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind 3RM {{RM}} {{3RM}}
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road DR {{DR}} {{KHDR}}
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory MOM {{KHMoM}} {{MOM}}
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX HD1 {{KHHD}} {{KHHD1.5}}
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX HD2 {{KHHD2}} {{KHHD2.5}}
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue FCP - {{KHHD2.8}}
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX 1P2 {{KH1525}} -

Table colors

All colors taken from the logo images

Kingdom Hearts (Final Mix)
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts (Re:)Chain of Memories
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts II (Final Mix)
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (Final Mix)
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts (Re:)coded
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts III (Re Mind)
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts Union χ[cross]
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts IV
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts series
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX
Primary Secondary
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Text Text
Heartless Sub Text
Nobodies Sub Text
Unversed Sub Text
Dream Eaters
Dream Eaters Sub Text
Entelechies Sub Text
Primary Sub Text
Kingdom Hearts Concert -First Breath-
Primary Text
Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour-
Primary Text
Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World of Tres-
Primary Text
Kingdom Hearts Concert -Second Breath-
Primary Text


  • Synthesis/Item revamp
  • Create pages KH3 Gummi ships
  • MoM stuff
  • Enemy attack tables
  • KHUX special attacks
  • Manga pages
  • Novels?

KHUX Wiki:

  • Finish KHDR
  • Add KHX stuff


Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
29 This user is 29 years old.
nl Deze gebruiker heeft Nederlands als moedertaal.
CEST This user's time zone is CEST.
73ToH1j.png This user contributes to the wiki's magazine, the Twilight Times!
Magazine Issue 8 CelebrationTitle.png This user was around during the wiki's 10th anniversary!
7RndviR.png This user would like to be part of Master Xehanort's True Organization XIII.
JzCJIHh.png This user will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward!
ha5QErC.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!
c2EJrun.png This user is a fan of DiZ.
ou5JnEC.png This user is not interested in anything except Cloud.
iws5VfD.png This user is a fan of Auron, and would like to be part of his story.
Q6a5k5G.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.
knFHeVL.png This user is a fan of the One-Winged Angel.
PGSt9ol.png Is this user a fan of the Cheshire Cat? Or not? That's for you to figure out.
cuvg4Jo.png This user is a fan of The Oogie Boogie Man!
v29RX0D.png Hey. User, fan of Hades, yadda yadda yadda.

b4euk2H.png This user is a fan of the White Rabbit, and is running horribly late.
tB91CxN.png This user is a fan of Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King!
GfQsBVB.png This user is a dan of Foc—uh, fan of Doc.
TFveUTa.png User. Fan. Fuu.
Hareraiser1_zpshwcze3yn.png Cute? Nope. Meet the anti-cuddly.
4vFIzv2.png This user knows bun fu!
Id6czMx.png This user doesn't use magic, they hit you with magical awesome.
Thresholder_zps5tauqmwx.png You shall not pass this user!
FTR1okt.png This user likes fishsticks.
ErDUslB.png public void attack(DE CyberYog) {
beam = CyberYog.getLaser();
blast(beam, this.user);   }
WOlekDC.png This user makes life generally less pleasant.
dFdCtml.png This user prefers heavy weapons.
KSbo49l.png This user is a proud wielder of the Frozen Pride.
U4PpOF7.png This user holds in their hands the power of the guardian.
XxYRFtE.png This user is a proud wielder of the Eternal Flames.
WybhSjg.png This user is a proud wielder of the Book of Retribution.
CVIC3nh.png This user is a proud wielder of the Skysplitter.
dLs8XBR.png This user is a proud wielder of the Guardian Soul.
0VNPenj.png This user is a proud wielder of the Fenrir.
Q1fOKSo.png This user is a proud wielder of the Lionheart.
AZqyE9m.png This user is a proud wielder of the Metal Chocobo.
7Zo7kA7.png This user lives in a small, idyllic paradise.
TJiY6tM.png This user lost their world to the darkness and ended up in Traverse Town.
LGIIGwR.png This user likes to test their strength at the Coliseum.
xFt7kx6.png This user is making preparations for next year's Halloween.
Vz4P2mu.png This user is part of a musical odyssey.
CMrFSvW.png This user loves the song Destiny Islands.
bdQ7DvL.png This user loves the song This Is Halloween.
CudqiiJ.png This user loves the song Traverse Town.
jSVnaAt.png This user loves the song Lazy Afternoons.
2dyXcYP.png No wonder no one wants to die.
XDZmb8W.png And you're just as lazy as he is!
zrk8GOe.png So you noticed.
z4b0Dkq.png If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition... Right.
OtWdZ0A.png Disappoint you? You go too far! In this Organization, you're number 11! I'm number 4 and I will not have you—
0UtpMMg.png So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid.
Hvt94kZ.png OLD loon you say!?
FaKoyPS.png Court is now in session!
ntaEwdf.png Hello there, Somebody-I-Don't-Know. It's a beautiful day, don't you think?
og1YJB2.png Hey there! Name's Tigger! T-I-double-guh-RR. That spells Tigger!
8WsNLOm.png Are you prepared for the worst? If not, too bad!
23U1Rxf.png Oh, yeah, this is fair.
CE66QgB.png Hey there, Donald. Good morning
LTVk0f4.png From where I stood, the only thing you drew was a big L on your forehead for "Loser"...
aHMIwY0.png You cast away your home, your friends, everything... But at least they gave you a nice room.
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
MeoGwdI.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
qk6vzKA.png This user not only defeated Xemnas, but also had a chance with the Lingering Will!
SBxRUwt.png This user has beaten all of the Organization XIII Data Replicas.
C3khPEH.png This user has played with all of the Mushroom XIII.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
gOA7JF1.png This user has unlocked Sora in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
6vqhXgC.png This user became the Lingering Will and completed Terra's story.
jArRktg.png This user dove to the heart and completed Ventus's story.
LiyFa5c.png This user destroyed the χ-blade and completed Aqua's story.
AquaCharm.png This user not only completed the trio's stories, but also completed the Final Episode.
zuD393l.png This user has taken on the Vanitas Remnant and won!
sNrGZMg.png This user did battle with the enigmatic Unknown and won!
rYtwEVm.png This user has defeated the Armor of Eraqus!
adkubjI.png This user has defeated No Heart!
66PdF7h.png This user debugged the datascape.

CIMLDgU.png This user passed the Mark of Mastery exam and emerged as a true Keyblade Master!
RL45zbR.png This user defeated Julius and obtained Sora's Ultima Weapon!
RL45zbR.png This user defeated Julius and obtained Riku's Ultima Weapon!
XVdwSCn.png This user rewrote history and saved their friends... at a high price.
nvKRdrw.png This user traced the connection between hearts in Re Mind.
Merit_Rank_A_KHIIIRM.png This user has proven their mettle against the bosses of Kingdom Hearts III and achieved the highest Merit Rank!
YhUBt75.png This user harnessed the power of music to reveal hidden memories.
This user has earned all the Trophies for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix!
Proud Player Trophy KHHD.png Proud Player
This user has completed Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Proud Mode!
Speedster Trophy KHHD.png Speedster
This user completed Kingdom Hearts Final Mix in under 15 hours!
He Who Doesn't Exist Trophy KHHD.png He Who Doesn't Exist
This user defeated the Enigmatic Man in Hollow Bastion!
The Cloaked Shadow Trophy KHHD.png The Cloaked Shadow
This user defeated the Phantom at the clock tower in Neverland!
The Sandy Blade Trophy KHHD.png The Sandy Blade
This user defeated Kurt Zisa in Agrabah!
The Frosty Giant Trophy KHHD.png The Frosty Giant
This user defeated the Ice Titan in the Gold Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
One-Winged Angel Trophy KHHD.png One-Winged Angel
This user defeated Sephiroth in the Platinum Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
Natural Player Sora Trophy KHHD.png Natural Player Sora
This user finished Sora's story in Standard mode!
Natural Player Riku Trophy KHHD.png Natural Player Riku
This user finished Riku's story in Standard mode!
Card Master Sora Trophy KHHD.png Card Master Sora
This user collected all Card Collection entries in Jiminy's Journal!
This user has earned all the Trophies for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix!
Critical Competitor Trophy KHIIFM.png Critical Competitor
This user has completed Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Critical Mode!
Lingering Will Trophy KHIIFM.png Lingering Will
This user defeated the Lingering Will!
One-Winged Angel Trophy KHIIFM.png One-Winged Angel
This user defeated Sephiroth!
To Rule Them All Trophy KHIIFM.png To Rule Them All
This user won all the Organization XIII Data Rematches!
Mushroom Master Trophy KHIIFM.png Mushroom Master
This user satisfied every member of the Mushroom XIII!
Coliseum Champion Trophy KHIIFM.png Coliseum Champion
This user won the Hades Paradox Cup Tournament in Olympus Coliseum!
A Mere Shell Trophy KHBBSFM.png A Mere Shell
This user defeated the Vanitas Remnant!
Time's Teller Trophy KHBBSFM.png Time's Teller
This user defeated the Hooded Unknown!
Darkness's Will Trophy KHBBSFM.png Darkness's Will
The user defeated No Heart!
Light's Will Trophy KHBBSFM.png Light's Will
This user defeated the Armor of Eraqus!
The Adventurer- Ventus Trophy KHBBSFM.png The Adventurer: Ventus
This user completed all the Reports for Ventus!


Featured User Medal for November 2014
The Featured User for the month of November is TheSilentHero! He's made 1,714 edits on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, and has been a huge help on the wiki. He's been of significant help with Project: Cards, creating pages and filling out information on the Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game. He's also recreated Template:InfoKeyKHX, our information template for Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts χ, and has also helped tons with Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. And he's helped us stay on top of things with the wiki's Mirage Arena! Indeed, he's been a much needed help on the wiki! Congratulations!
Written by KeybladeSpyMaster
Stitch's Wayfinder (Art).png Fren-ship...Cir...cle?
This Wayfinder has been awarded to TheSilentHero
for being part of Team χ, who were participants of
the user trivia contest of the 2014 End of Year Event.
Given by TheFifteenthMember
Mirage Arena Medal Round 9.png
My Pages
Userpage - Talk page - Archives - Contributions - Signature - Talk bubbles - Navigation
Template drafts and recent page drafts Final Fantasy Brave Exvius page - Game:Sora idea - Manga - Sandbox (Official attack translations) - Tester (Scratch Card) - Zandbak (Attack page)
Project χ: InfoMedal - InfoCardKHX - Project χ
Translations Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories - Kingdom Hearts II
Ultimania notes Werkplaats (KH3D Ultimania Notes) - CoM Ultimania Notes - BBS Ultimania Notes - BBS Ability/Command Meld notes
Attempt at walkthrough KH1: Dive to the Heart - Destiny Islands | KH3: Dive to the Heart - Olympus
Forgotten/Abandoned projects HP draft - Strength draft

Secondly I don't like your "so-called policy" and locking the KH3 template and going in your own ways. You can say whatever you want at me and ignore my messages but from the way you guys run this site you care nothing about what you believe in and care ONLY but yourselves on what is allowed on the templates especially when a future Kingdom Hearts game is on the Horizon. So DEAL WITH IT!!-- 01:12, 23 June 2018 (UTC)