Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ


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Template:Enemy Foreteller Aced is a Keyblade Master who appears in Kingdom Hearts χ. He is the leader of the Ursus Union.


Before Kingdom Hearts χ

According to Chirithy, the five Foretellers, as well as one other Keyblade wielder, were the apprentices of his creator. They each received a tome from the Book of Prophecies and learned of the event that would doom the world. In an attempt to avert this crisis, the Foretellers established Unions to battle the Heartless.[citation needed]

Kingdom Hearts χ

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
the player allies with the Ursus Union.

Shortly after arriving in Daybreak Town, Player is confronted by a Darkside Heartless emerging from a massive Corridor of Darkness. Fortunately, Master Aced arrives alongside Chirithy, rescuing Player by forcing the Darkside back into the Realm of Darkness and follows it in order to destroy the massive Heartless; leaving Chirithy to explain the situation to Player.

After exploring the Fountain Plaza and defeating several Shadow Heartless, a portal to the Lanes Between opens before Player, from which Foreteller Aced emerges. Aced makes note of how Player has managed to access the power of the Keyblade, meaning that lesser Heartless won't stand a chance. However, in order to defeat stronger foes, Player must combine their strength with those who share their purpose and aspirations. Just then, another Corridor of Darkness opens in the Fountain Plaza, unleashing another Darkside onto Daybreak Town. Just then, Player and Aced are surrounded by fellow Keyblade wielders hailing from their Union, with Aced explaining that Player's friends will become their power. Following the defeat of the Darkside, Aced reveals that there are others who collect the Light, but not all of them share the same goal of bringing peace to the world - though it is up to Player to discover who among them walks the path of Darkness; taking their leave through the Lanes Between shortly thereafter.

As Player continues on their missions throughout the worlds, Chirithy often returns to Aced's side in order to report Player's progress, occasionally applying tests of strength in order to prove such advancements.

After having defeated the Darkball Heartless in Agrabah, Player returns to Daybreak Town, where Chirithy compliments their progress and ultimately decides to tell Player what they need to know. Chirithy explains that before The Master of Masters - his creator - disappeared, he gave his six disciples new names, and to five of them a tome from the Book of Prophecies. Those five disciples became the Foretellers, and looked to the Book of Prophecies, only to be shocked by what was revealed in the last verse: "By waging war o that land, Light shall face defeat and be annihilated. The world shall be engulfed in eternal darkness." In order to save the future, the Foretellers thought about using the hidden power within the Book of Prophecies, with Chirithy revealing that this is the power that Player is using; with the Medals acting as intermediaries. Elaborating, Chirithy explains that they used the power from the future to protect the Light from the Darkness, and tried to change the future that is engulfed in Darkness. Chirithy then reminds Player that even though the Foretellers have similar goals, their wills differ, which is why Player mustn't lose sight of who they are.

Later, following the demise of Chirithy (2), Master Aced approaches Chirithy, informing him that despite all the Light that has been gathered by those who wield the Keyblade, Darkness has continued to spread with more and more power. Chirithy then asks if that truly means that there is infact a traitor among the five forces of Light - however Aced states that they don't want to believe that just yet.

Sometime later, Player meets Chirithy in the Fountain Plaza, where Chirithy greets them happily and asks if he’s right to assume that Player’s always “going at it with all he’s got” – revealing that he’d brought something as a reward for all of Player’s hard work, handing Player Beads of Light. Player celebrates briefly before Chirithy tells them that there’s no need for it and asks that Player put it away. Chirithy explains that while Player wears the Beads of Light, they can’t be devoured by the Darkness, continuing to say that they’d been assigned a special mission directly from Master Aced and that they’ll need the Beads of Light to complete the mission successfully. Elaborating, Chirithy explains that Player would still be defeating Heartless, but within the Corridors of Darkness, advising Player to be careful because the Beads of Light can only protect them from the Darkness for a set period of time. Player accepts the mission before them, earning some encouragement from Chirithy, who suggests that Player not push themselves and do their best.

After the mission proves to have been a success, Chirithy meets with Master Aced in the Clock Tower to report on how Player handled the mission. Aced, intrigued, states that all’s well that ends well before leaving – only to have Chirithy chase after them. Chirithy asks Aced if they didn’t think that it was a bit early to be giving Player a mission like that, only for Aced to explain that it was necessary in order to expedite Player’s growth; as they must develop a resistance to the Darkness as soon as possible. When Chirithy asks why, Aced reveals that a rise of the forces of Darkness draws near, and until that time the numbers of their Union must be increased as much as possible, which Chirithy says he understands. Template:Canonend

After a long day of pursuing Minute Bomb Heartless, Player returns home for some much needed rest. That night, while Player sleeps, they dream of the Clock Tower, where they see all five Foretellers meeting with someone in a Black Coat, Unknown. Before Player can investigate however, they are surrounded by Darkness and pulled out of the dream; finding Chirithy to be sitting in the room with them when they wake. Chirithy asks what had happened, as it looked as though Player was having a pretty bad nightmare, when Player confirms this, Chirithy advises them to go back to sleep. When Player is sleeping once again, Chirithy turns to the window and asks if he’s right to assume that Chirithy (3) had been the one to get in the way. Chirithy (3) materializes and asks if Chirithy was showing The Player a dream and what it was up to. Coldly, Chirithy claims that his interests are the exact opposite of Chirithy (3). Chirithy (3) sighs and asks if that means that they’ll become enemies before disappearing again. Turning to Player, Chirithy asks itself whether or not it will be able to protect them.

Returning from their mission at Beast's Castle, an exhausted Player and Chirithy encounter another Keyblade wielder named Skuld, who wonders why the Unions are competing for the collection of Light when all the Unions have similar goals, reasoning that at some point people sought to outdo one another and that may have changed their goals ultimately. Abruptly, Skuld asks if she’s right to assume that Player knows Ephemera – shocking both Player and Chirithy – though Skuld explains that she knew Ephemera because they were from the same party. Continuing, Skuld explains that Ephemera had become a Keyblade wielder not long ago, and recently he’d left their party. Skuld admits that the next part is the most important, revealing that Ephemera has since visited her in her dreams and instructed her to help Player. When Chirithy asks why Ephemera would ask her to do such a thing, Skuld admits that she doesn’t know, though ever since Ephemera disappeared she’s felt as though she’s passed by him a hundred times – though he’s never greeted her, and she’s unsure why he’s appearing to her through her dreams; so she’s not even sure why she’d meant to work with Player. Ultimately she’d sought out Player in hopes that they might know something. Player then explains to Skuld that Ephemera’s appeared to them through their dreams as well. Happy to be finally getting somewhere, Skuld asks what Ephemera said and what kind of dream he’d appeared in. When Player explains the dream to Skuld, Skuld is intrigued by the fact that Ephemera had said that he’d be waiting for Player. Skuld then suggests that they return to the place Player went to with Ephemera once more, though Chirithy says that they can’t – as Master Ava had barred them from doing so. However, Skuld suggests that this is because there’s something there; believing that the reason Ephemera wanted her to work alongside Player likely has something to do with that. Skuld then mentions that there’s something else as well, only to be interrupted by a large crashing. Realizing that the sound came from nearby, Skuld summons her Keyblade and suggests that they investigate, with Player and Chirithy following close behind.

Skuld, Player and Chirithy are brought to a stop when they see that the source of the crashing was in fact the Anguis Foreteller, Master Invi, and Master Aced, battling across the rooftops of Daybreak Town. Skuld questions why the Foretellers are fighting one another, stating that it seems as though Ephemera was right; confusing Player and Chirithy. Skuld reveals that what she was going to say earlier was actually something that Ephemera told her in her dreams; that the end of the world was drawing near. Chirithy asks what Skuld means, and while she doesn’t know, she does remark on how the end always comes suddenly and without warning – similarly to how Ephemera disappeared.


Foreteller Aced is a muscular young man with dark skin who wears a dark grey bear mask and a tan hooded cloak over a light brown robe, shirt, and sash, each with black embroidering. His shirt is worn beneath his cloak, is fastened by the sash, and has long sleeves that extend slightly past his wrists. The tassels on the front of the cloak are gold in coloration.

His name is derived from the Latin word "acedia", or Sloth, which is symbolized by a bear in the Ancrene Wisse.

