Template:Enemy Foreteller Ira is a Keyblade Master who appears in Kingdom Hearts χ. He leads the Unicornis Union and is an apprentice of The Master of Masters.


Before Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ

Ira is given a Keyblade forged from his own heart by the Master of Masters, who takes Ira, Aced, Ava, Gula, Invi, and Luxu as his apprentices. Ira eventually achieves the rank of Keyblade Master alongside his fellow apprentices.

The Master of Masters bestows a copy of the Book of Prophecies upon Ira, making him a Foreteller and giving Ira leadership over what will become a Union of Keyblade wielders, Unicornis. As Ira and the other Foreteller read their copies of the Book of Prophecies, they are shocked by the final entry, which details an event known as the Keyblade War, during which Light would expire and the world would reach its end.

Mysteriously, Luxu disappears, leaving the Foretellers shocked and confused by his disappearance. Shortly thereafter, the Master of Masters meets with Ira in the Outskirts of Daybreak Town, delivering Ira’s role to act as the leader in the event of his own demise. Ira questions if anything can be done to avoid the fate of the Keyblade War – which Superbia denies; explaining that fated events cannot be changed, thus they need to focus on what comes after. Ira remains adamant and opts to instead attempt to avert this end by gathering enough Keyblade wielders.

Ira, alongside his fellow Foretellers, are soon introduced to a new creation of the Master of Masters's, the Chirithy. Though the Master of Master explains that the Spirit Chirithy are meant to aid Keyblade wielders in their endeavors, he warns that should a wielder fall to Darkness, so too will their Chirithy, causing them to transform into a Nightmare.

Without warning, the Master of Masters fades from the world - and although the Foretellers actively seek him out, they come up with nothing. Following the Master of Masters's teachings, Ira and the other Foretellers begin recruiting Keyblade wielders to each of their Unions; utilizing the powers of their copies of the Book of Prophecies, powers from the future in the form of Medals, to aid their wielders in collecting Lux in order to maintain the balance.

Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
the Player joins the Unicornis Union.

Having watched Player defeat countless Heartless throughout Daybreak Town, Ira approaches Player and commends his abilities. However, Ira offers some words of wisdom in regard to defeating larger Heartless, suggesting that Player combine his strength with fellow Union members and making his friends his power; leaving Player to defeat a Darkside alongside other members of the Unicornis Union. After the Darkside is defeated, Ira reappears, warning Player that there are others who collect Light, but that not all among them share the same goal of bringing peace to the world; though Ira leaves it up to Player to discern who walks the path of Darkness; leaving shortly thereafter. Template:Canonend

The Foretellers take notice of the Keyblade wielders utilizing Bangles that, when equipped, provide the power to collect dark energy, ultimately settling on the fact that their wielder's utilizing the Bangles was okay.

Ira calls a meeting among the Foretellers in the Foreteller's Chamber, where he announces that there is a traitor among them. Shocked - Invi asks what proof Ira has to make such accusations, prompting Ira to reveal a Chirithy that he caught snooping around. As Ava notes the dark pattern of the Chirithy, Invi suggests that the Chirithy before them could be a Nightmare. Aced immediately denies that he is the traitor - prompting Gula to suggest an easy solution: have each of the Foretellers summon their Spirits. Even so, Invi tells Gula that it's not that easy, because of the amount of wielders under each Union, it would be easy for any of them to summon a Chirithy that isn't a Nightmare. Piping up, Ava questions why the Nightmare even necessarily has to belong to one of the Foretellers. Ira brushes this off as unlikely, reminding everyone of the Bangles - and while the Foretellers don't tend to concern themselves with the tools at their wielders' disposal, Ira is of the mind that the Bangles are the Nightmare's doing. When Ava questions this, Ira explains that utilizing the dark energy collected by the Bangles is the same as wielding the power of Darkness. Commending the plot, Gula elaborates that because all Chirithy look the same and Keyblade wielders are in such high quantity, it'd be impossible to discern who the Nightmare belongs to. As the Foretellers look to Ira for guidance, he suggests that only one of them could have obtained the Bangles, meaning that the traitor has to be one of the Foretellers. Questioning Ira's leadership as he spreads doubt, Aced storms off on his own, adjuring the meeting.

Following the meeting, Invi questions Ira's out of character behavior, prompting Ira to reveal the existence of the Lost Page, an entry depicting the events surrounding the traitor which has been excluded from his copy of the Book of Prophecies. Ira suggests that the identity of the traitor is likely whomever is in possession of the Lost Page - with Invi confirming that it has been excluded from her copy of the Book of Prophecies as well - making her wonder if providing the Lost Page to only one of the Foretellers was done intentionally by the Master of Masters. Invi then promises to keep an eye on the others, while continuing to report back to Ira.

A few days later, Invi reports back to Ira that Aced and Gula have formed an alliance - though Ira assumes this means that Aced is the traitor, Invi argues that Aced's intentions indicate that his Heart still belongs to the Light. Ira points out that Aced is betraying the Master of Master's teachings - which are absolute. As such, Invi volunteers to try and convince Gula to break off his alliance with Aced, believing that Ira's intervention will only make things worse; which Ira accepts. Finally, Invi reveals that Aced has begun to question their relationship, and as such her reports to Ira will be less frequent so that Aced doesn't get the wrong idea.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins the Unicornis Union.

When Neoshadows appear in Daybreak Town, Player joins three other Keyblade wielders in their efforts to quash the Darkness being spread by the new species of Heartless; however in the end Player is the only one to survive. After Chirithy witnesses another of his kind fade, Ira appears to speak with him; revealing that while the Keyblade wielders are gathering Lux at an amazing rate, the Darkness is spreading even faster. With this, Chirithy asks if that means that there really is a traitor among them - to which Ira states that she's not willing to believe that yet. Template:Canonend

One night, Player is shown a dream by Chirithy, in which Ira meets with the Master of Masters in the Foreteller's Chamber alongside Aced, Ava, Gula, and Invi - though Nightmare Chirithy quickly puts a stop to this dream.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins the Unicornis Union.

Following the Dark Corridor Trials, Chirithy ventures to the Foreteller's Chamber to report to Ira. Ira is happy to hear that Player has made such progress, but Chirithy asks if it wasn't a little too early to send Player on such a mission. Ira laments that he has no choice but to hasten Player's training, as he must strengthen their resistance to Darkness as quickly as possible. When Chirithy asks why, Ira reports that the Darkness draws near, and that they will require as many warriors as they can get on the side of Light; which Chirithy shakily accepts. Template:Canonend

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins the Unicornis or Vulpes Union.

Player eventually returns to the entrance to the Foreteller's Chamber after encountering another wielder named Skuld, who also has ties to Ephemer. Upon finally entering the Foreteller's Chamber, Player, Chirithy, and Skuld find nothing - disappointing Skuld - only to be caught in the act by Ira. Skuld apologizes, explaining that they're looking for someone. Angry, Ira voices his disappointment in Chirithy; as he knew that the Foreteller's Chamber was off-limits. Ira admits that he'd caught another wielder in the Foreteller's Chamber several days before, asking if he was a friend of the group's. Player confirms this, and Skuld asks if Ira had talked to Ephemer. Ira then confirms this, but explains that Ephemer's Union collects Lux for a reason that contradicts their own, and that Ephemer had only gotten close to them in order to get information; however he is no longer a threat. As the group realize that Ira had eliminated Ephemer, Ira asks what they intend to do - though Chirithy assures Ira that they will do nothing; taking full responsibility for everything. Stepping forward, Player tells Ira that the whole thing was his idea, and that he'd wanted to find Ephemer because, up until meeting him, Player had only ever done what was asked of him without question. Ephemer had left a lasting impression on Player - and even though he broke one of their promises, Player knew they were still friends. However, Ira had taken Ephemer away from him, and it stirred negative emotions within him - though he did not care if that meant they had Darkness in his heart, because he couldn't let Ira get away with what he'd done. Raising his Keyblade against Ira, Player couldn't care less about the consequences because in his heart he knew Ephemer would've done the same. Player and Ira battle each other ferociously – with Ira ultimately emerging victorious. As Player is cast to the ground, the façade of the Foreteller’s Chamber fades away and the group find themselves in the sewers yet again, where Ava reveals herself to have been disguised as Ira the whole time in order to test Player and Skuld. Template:Canonend

As Aced hobbles through the streets of Daybreak Town following a confrontation with Gula, he eventually finds himself face-to-face with Ira. Believing that Ira had come to finish him off, Aced allows himself to collapse to the ground, asking that Ira make his end swift. Walking to Aced's side, Ira reveals that he's there not to eliminate Aced, instead explaining that he wants to fulfill the role he was given by the Master of Masters. Ira adds that it's not their place to try to change the events of the future, explaining to Aced that they are meant to ensure that Light lives on instead; stressing that they can't afford to lose any of the five Lights. Touched, Aced is surprised to hear that Ira still considers him to be one of the Lights. However, as Ira helps Aced to his feet, Aced reveals that there still may only be four Lights, revealing that Gula has the Lost Page in his possession and that he's been using it to discern the identity of the traitor. While Gula claimed this to be his role, Aced remains unsure - though what he is sure of is that he will never forgive Gula for what he's done, knowing that someone would betray them and remaining silent, believing this to be the biggest betrayal of all. Ira voices that he'd like to believe Gula was being true to his role, telling Aced that he'd deal with the situation at hand, but advising him to keep it to himself for the time being. Aced claims to understand and parts ways with Ira, who sets out to find Gula and retrieve the Lost Page.

Ava takes Gula into hiding, knowing that Ira is searching for him; with the only one knowing of their location being Invi. However, Invi tells Ira Gula's location - prompting him to confront Ava a few days later. While Ava is tending to Gula, her Chirithy runs in to inform her that someone is coming. Ava leaves Gula in her Chirithy's care, while she goes to intercept the visitor. Worried that Ira intended to do something awful, Ava remains firm - which Ira accepts - turning and leaving calmly.

In the time that follows, Gula begins collecting more and more Lux in order to summon Kingdom Hearts and force the Master of Masters to return in order to avert the Keyblade War. Subsequently, in order to maintain the balance, Ira and Aced also begin collecting more Lux, as the day of the final battle draws nearer.

Kingdom Hearts χ

Drawn to the Fountain Square, Ira finds that Aced had viciously attacked Player and disqualified him as a Keyblade wielder. Ira condemns Aced for raising his Keyblade against another wielder. Though Aced claims it to have just been a test of Player's strength, Ira suggests otherwise, as it had been Aced's bloodlust that drew him there. Aced retaliates by proclaiming that the Keyblade War is not unavoidable, and that the other Foretellers - including Ira - are becoming desperate to collect more Lux than the other Unions. Aced claims that the fight had started from the very beginning, and that it was only intensified by the Foretellers themselves. Ira questions if this is to mean that Aced will try to hold them back - with Aced stating that he is no longer gathering Lux, but rather soldiers, as a strong Union is absolute and they need but one leader to hold everyone in balance; declaring that he will banish Ava, Gula, Invi and Ira and ultimately rule over all of the Unions. Knowing that Aced lacks that kind of strength, Ira warns him of his cockiness, though decides to allow Aced to discover the fate of one who overestimates himself of his own accord. With that, Aced states that he will be waiting at the place of the final battle before taking his leave.

With that, the crowd disperses, leaving only Player, Skuld, Ira and Chirithy; with Ira explaining that the decided time is nearly upon them and that there is now way to avoid the Keyblade War. Shocked, Skuld mentions how Ava had said there’d be no winner after of the Keyblade War – questioning the point in fighting. Ira confirms this much to be true, but explains that it is the fact that there will be no winner, asking that Skuld and Player prepare themselves before taking his leave.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins any Union that is not Unicornis.

When the Keyblade War breaks out in the Badlands, Ira leads the Unicornis Union into battle. During the battle, Ira witnesses Aced assailing Player and steps in to defend him. Furious, Aced sets his sights on Ira instead, chasing after him as he retreats from Aced's attacks.

Later, after collapsing from his battle with Gula, Ira approaches Player. Remembering Player, Ira offers him a quiet end. Player and Ira battle viciously, with Ira telling him that he’d come a long way – voicing his disappointment, knowing how close Player was. Ira is then attacked from behind by Aced, only just managing to defend himself against his massive opponent. Aced announces to Ira that he’s tired of waiting, intent on remaking the world as its new leader. Ira pushes Aced back, stating that even he must not disturb the balance; attacking Aced. Aced blocks Ira and retreats, with Ira following close behind. Template:Canonend


Ira is a young man who hides his face under a white unicorn mask that has a gold trim. His white, hooded cloak covers a robe, shirt, and sash that are all light blue in coloration and have gold embroidering. Gold tassels appear on the front of Ira's cloak.


Ira is a dependable individual with a no-nonsense attitude.




Ira's name is derived from the word ira, which means "wrath" in Latin and is represented by a unicorn in the Ancrene Wisse.

Notes and references

See also