
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 08:24, 2 February 2012 by FinalRest (talk | contribs)
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General Stuff
Gender Female
Birthday 18th February 1995
Currently Playing Re:CoM, Alice: Madness Returns, Little Big Planet 2 (Just for fun) and Portal 2 (Co-op mode)
Kingdom Hearts Stuff
Games I Own Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts, 358/2 Days Re:COM, Kingdom Hearts II and Re:Coded
Favorite Playable Protagonist Tie between Sora and Roxas
Favorite Support Character Namine!
Least Favorite Support Character King Mickey.
Favorite Antagonist Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. He comes out of nowhere!
Least Favorite Antagonist Pete. He's impossible to take seriously
Favorite Keyblade Ultima. I LOVE Power!
Least Favorite Keyblade Kingdom Key. Too Plain
Favourite World Wonderland! Followed closely by Halloween Town
Least Favourite World Atlantica. For obvious control reasons
Favourite Organisation XIII member Axel.(Excluding Roxas of course)
Least Favourite Organisation XIII member Larxene. Only because of her stupid hair.
FinalRest - All right then, I'll put you out of your misery.
TALK - Even if it's a rule...whether or not I follow it is up to me – 08:24, 2 February 2012 (UTC)
Hello and welcome to my userpage! My name is FinalRest (or FR for short) but you probably figured that out from the title of this page. If you have stumbled across this page and are currently reading this, you are probably here to learn a bit about me. Well, you've come to the right place! This page is filled with all sorts of useless information about myself, so feel free to explore a bit and maybe you'll come across something interesting.

If you leave this page and still feel unsatisfied with your knowledge of who I am, leave a message on my talkpage and I will get back to you as soon as possible. No refunds will be given. You can also stop by my talkpage if you need any help or you are in the mood for a chat. If you need help, I'll try and assist you as best as I can and if you just want to chat, then I won't object to that long as you provide the tea and cookies. Actually, don't bring tea, I hate tea. The cookies will do fine. See, you've already learnt that I don't like tea! Isn't this riveting?

In summary, enjoy your time here and thank you for stopping by!



NOTE: Extra content can be found here, although this page may or may not be severely out of date.

My personality sort of contradicts itself. For example, at times I can be very pessimistic, but on the whole I am very optimistic. I am also quite confrontational and aggressive by nature, but due to some unfortunate experiences in my life, I have recently become more reserved and I have developed an 'if-its-not-a-big-deal-I-won't-worry-about-it' attitude. I suppose, like the great ogre Shrek, I have many layers. That's right, I am an onion.

An important thing to know about me is that I never judge someone before I know them myself. Intolerance in any form is absolutely disgusting in my opinion and I have actually been teased in the past for the way that I get quite angry when faced with any form of hate. However, I have been hurt by people in the past (who hasn’t? ;P), so I am very cautious when it comes to new people. Yes, everyone I meet starts on an even playing ground, but if you do anything that makes me question your character, I won't ever open myself up fully to a friendship with you. But, if you are a nice person and you are lucky enough to earn my trust (it is a rarity after all ;D) then I will treat you with the utmost respect. Friendship is INCREDIBLY important to me and I would go to the ends of the earth to help anyone who I care for.

A final note of importance is that I am incredibly honest. I have no secrets about who I am and if you want to know something about me you only need ask. That being said, be prepared for the answer you'll receive, whether it turns out to be shocking, sad, or just plain boring! I also respect honesty being used with me, even if it hurts. If you have a problem with me, please let me know because I'd prefer to know rather than look like a moron because I think we're friends, when in reality, you hate my guts. Seriously, if you have a problem with anything to do with me, LET ME KNOW. Yes, it could result in a fight, but I will really appreciate it.

Kingdom Hearts and I


I am a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland and everything related to it (except for the latest remake, blegh) and I always look for Wonderland related media. It was through this that I heard about a game where you could play in Wonderland. It sounded really cool so I sent my Dad off to the DVD rental store to rent it out. As soon as I heard the first line of Simple and Clean I was hooked. I played the game through, loving every moment, and as soon as I finished it I sent my Dad to get the second game. This time I decided to play properly so I spent weeks making sure I didn't die, getting the max amount of money, leveling and all that other meticulous stuff. This took me so long that I managed to rack up a pretty hefty bill on our rental account. My parents finally got sick of paying for a game I constantly had out and they made me return it just before the final boss.

I went on a little hiatus after that, but after a few months my parents let me get it out again. I was a good gamer by now as opposed to the novice I was when I first got into Kingdom Hearts, so I got out both games and decided to play them both through again, while completing every available objective. I finished both games in half the time it took me to do KH II by itself, the first time I played it. It was around this time that I started to research more into the franchise and each time my main source of information ended up being this wiki.

Eventually I was able to get myself a copy of both the main games and the Kingdom Hearts manga, all of which were surprisingly hard to find. I decided I wanted to play the series in chronological order so I didn't touch my own copies in the hope that I'd be able to get BBS to play first. I also decided to join the wiki at this time, because I checked in on it every day anyway.

When Christmas 2010 came around I was ecstatic when I was given a PSP and Birth by Sleep and I started to play it immediately. I got Days, Re:COM and Coded soon after that, followed by all of the guides that were available and a mod for my PS2 so I am able to play Re:COM. I have since slowly worked my way through BBS, KH1 and I am currently stuck on Re:COM. I'll get back to it soon, I promise!



Okay, let me explain a few things. First, this is all in New Zealand time, so make calculations accordingly. This schedule tells you when I am able to be contacted. It's pretty accurate, but I can't predict the future. Appointments are made and guests are unexpected, so I don't want any grilling because I wasn't available when my schedule said I would be. This simply gives you an idea of when it is best to contact me if need be.

It's spilt into a colour code, that is as follows:

  • Green: This means that there is a high probability that I am at the computer, my email is open and I will be immediatly alerted by any messages that are left for me.
  • Yellow: During these times it'll be very hard to contact me, but it might be possible. This is usually when I am away from the computer doing something else, but I might happen to walk past the computer and decide to check in.
  • Red: There is no way you will be able to get a hold of me. The computer is off and I am nowhere near it. Anytimes that are not listed on the schedule are also red zones. If you need me to be available in a red time, you must give me at least a days notice.

Each block of time is an hour. For example, the block of available time at 11.00pm ends at 12.00am, at which point I become unavailable. If you have any questions, just let me know on my talk page!



Below is a list of the amazing people that have helped make my time on this wiki so amazing. If it wasn't for these people, I wouldn't have had the wonderful experience I have been lucky enough to have on this site. Thank you all so much, and I mean that with the greatest sincerity.

A huge thanks goes out to Roxas who helped me with the design for this section, among so many other things.

This list is in no particular order.

Here are the userboxes of the awesome people above. If I have your name above but I don't have your userbox, just let me know and I'll add it up. This section is also in no particular order.

