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Nobody.pngAbout MeNobody.png

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~RoxasXIIILK~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Gender Male
Number XXVI
Weapon Keyblades (Duel Two Become Ones)
Attributes Light & Wind
Original Name Joey
Role Protagonist, Drummer
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Heroes Roxas, Ventus, Sora, Riku, Terra
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Villains Organization XIII, Vanitas
Favorite Keyblades Two Become One, Oathkeeper & Oblivion, Wayward Wind, Lost Memory, Bond of Flame, Void Gear, X-Blade, Master Xehanort's Keyblade
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Games Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts II
Home World Twilight Town
Other Residence Land of Departure, The World That Never Was

I am 16 years old and I live in Melrose, Massachusetts. From the time I get home from school to when I go to bed which is rather late I am always on here. So feel free to leave me a message on my talk page whenever for whatever reason. Anyone is very wlecome to do so for whatever reason! I love Kingdom Hearts and know sooooo much about it. My favorite KH characters are Roxas (obviously) and Ventus. I am a total fan of Organization XIII and all its members. I'm really nice and love talking to people, making friends, and helping people out! I also love thinking and taling about KH. I pride myself in the knowledge I posses on it. I won't be snobbish and say I know everything because that's probably not true. However, I will say I know A LOT about it and I'm even able to talk about any character in as much depth as possible. No joke name anyone and I will go off on said character... I dare you ;). Again I pride myself with this. These days I'm pretty much always on here after school and after I finish playing on my drumset. I can't think of anything else to put here at the moment so uhh yea.

Nobody.pngMy History with Kingdom HeartsNobody.png

My history with Kingdom Hearts begins all the way back in 3rd grade. I remember when the first game came out; the school year had just started and I had just transferred to a new school and new no one. I was a total stranger... easy to say I hated it. Anyway when I saw the commercials for the game I was quickly taken by all the Disney characters and wanted the game so badly. But unfortunately, back then I didn't have a PS2, so I couldn't get it. However when Christmas came around I got a PS2 which I was EXTATIC about, but by that time the struggles of the new school life had made me forget about the game. You see my parents were quite adamant that the systems were a lot of money and well I didn't think that they'd ever buy it. So with all the problems arising in school, who can really blame me for forgetting about a game I probably wasn't even going to be able to get. But regardless you can only imagine how shocked I was when I opened my presents and saw the PS2 sitting there! But since I had forgotten about the game obviously I didn't ask for it. However, about a month or two later at my cousin's birthday party, her brother was playing Kingdom Hearts. At that moment I remembered the game and asked him about it. He told me all about the game and how it wasn't only linked to Disney but this game series that was called Final Fantasy. I had no idea what that was at that time but it didn't really matter to me either. Started a new game with me and right away I loved it! When I had to go he let me barrow both the game and his memory card to continue playing. As I continued to play the game I got more and more into the game. Needless to say, I ended up buying the game for myself and continued. On my birthday, about a year later, my mom got me Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I wasn't able to beat it though, due to the fact that Marluxia was too hard for me. So I gave up and went back to KH1. However after I beat every possible challenge to the game it got a little boring. Then in 6th grade, when Kingdom Hearts 2 came out, I had a one-track-mind to get it. When I finally did so I of course was immediately taken and loved it. I came to like KH2 even more than KH1 and thought the story was awesome. But in 7th grade my life went down the drain due to my school life. It only got worse in 8th grade. Through all of this it got to the point where I shut myself away from everything in an attempt to solve my problems. I was extremely depressed until it got to a point where I built a wall so monstrous around me that I was smothered by it. But one thing kept me at peace during this time. I know this sounds weird but it’s just that it game me something to come home to and have fun with and like, I could sit there play the game and not get judged. It was pretty much the only thing in my life that wouldn’t judge me at that point. Everyone else hated me for everything, no matter what. The simple concept of being able to come home and be myself was great which is what kept me going among other this that the game provided me. But anyways, ever since then I’ve always lived and breathed Kingdom Hearts. From then on I also made it a part of me to learn everything I could about the series, which I’ve accomplished in most respects at least. But anyway, later I bought Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. By that time I had finally beaten the original version of the game so I had the advantage of knowing how the game worked. Over all I felt the game was definitely better than the original. When Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days came out I was psyched! By that time I had developed my extreme obsession of Roxas and was VERY anxious to get the game. I bought it the very day it game out and got right to playing it. It’s DEFINITELY without a doubt my favorite game in the entire series due to the fact that it tells Roxas’s entire story from his birth to his capture which I love! Also it features the Organization which I also like. I feel the game gives you a much better sense of the members’ personalities and whatnot which again I love, and you can play as each of them in mission mode which I was EXSTATIC about. When I beat it on Proud Mode I went right to getting the 255 Challenge Sigils and 358 Mission Crowns and reach Lv 100 and any other challenges in the game. I finally achieved this and was very proud of myself. Now that Birth by Sleep is out I’m dying to play that! But unfortunately, since I don’t have a PSP I couldn’t get it for myself so I have to wait for my cousin to let me borrow it. Which I hope will be soon! I would just get a PSP for myself but I don’t want to spend all that money on a system for one game….. Even if that game is totally awesome…. But anyway I digress. I’m also eagerly awaiting January 11th for Re: Coded! Well I believe we’re all caught up to the present. This is gunna be periodically added to as history is written, but till then that’s all.

Nobody.pngMy Favorite Character Forever and Always: RoxasNobody.png

Roxas is by far my all time favorite character it the Kingdom Hearts series. I am absolutely obsessed with him, and have been ever since 7th and 8th grade. As I mentioned in the section above; my 7th and 8th grade years were easily the worst years of my life. During that time I was relentlessly picked on and hated by everyone in my grade because I was different from them. In their eyes I was a Goth because I wore a lot of black, I was a freak because I didn’t like sports, and I was impossible to be around because I listened to different music than they did. Over time I just crumbled into depression and put as much distance from them and me but it made no difference. Eventually I got so depressed that all my emotions literally melted away. I didn’t feel sad, happy; anything. Also as I said before, during this time I played KH2 a lot which kept me out of complete detachment from reality. It was at this point in time that I started feeling a bond to Roxas. He was treated like nothing; like he didn’t exist. This is just like I felt. I was treated like dirt every day. I was a ghost in their perfect little lives. I watched them all sit with friends and laugh and have such a good time at lunch and recess as I sat by myself, alone, without anyone to be with. I hated it and it made me feel like a Nobody; like I didn’t even exist. It’s for this reason I started growing a bond to Roxas. It was Roxas that helped me get through those tuff years. I thought if he could make it though without breaking down and killing himself then so could I. So I pushed on and persevered through it. In the end, I was so much stronger than I was and I owe it all to Roxas. I know you may feel that it is extremely weird that I idolize Roxas but try to see it in my eyes. Never ever make comments like that until you’ve walking in their shoes. You never know how someone else’s life is because it’s not your life; it’s theirs. Anyway I wear a Roxas pendant everyday to symbolize what I went through and survived thanks to Roxas. Again you may think I’m weird for thinking all that but don’t judge. It’s never a good policy…EVER. As I learned more and more about Roxas I felt more and more attached to him until I started to act just like him and I still do. I’m not kidding when I say I’m obsessed with the guy. He’s awesome to me and if someone insults him I get all defensive. It’s kinda funny actually. I even love the number 13 it is my total favorite number. But bottom line Roxas is my hero again don’t judge.

Nobody.pngBuddy ListNobody.png





Nobody.pngFriend UserboxesNobody.png

Simba-Roar-Userbox.png This user is a friend of Soxra and just can't wait for him to be king.

Nobody.pngWhich Organization XIII Member Am I Most Like?Nobody.png

DaysXemnas.png I. Xemnas File:Interdiction.png

[ ] You are the leader most of the time.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like black.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You wished/wish you were someone else.
[ ] You don't listen to others.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like doing research.

DaysXigbar.png II. Xigbar File:Sharpshooter.jpg

[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You have bad eyesight.
[ ] You like throwing things aon t others when angry.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You wish you were able to teleport.
[ ] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
[ ] You have/wish you had a gun.

DaysXaldin.png III. Xaldin File:Xaldin.png

[ ] You like windy days.
[ ] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
[ ] You like dragons.
[ ] You have/like dreadlocks.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You've tried to anger someone on purpose.

DaysVexen.png‎ IV. Vexen File:Freeze Pride.png

[ ] You are disrespected by the young ones.
[ ] Someone has already considered you a traitor.
[ ] You are the oldest of your group.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like experiments.
[ ] You like cold days.

DaysLexaeus.png V. Lexaeus File:Torn Heaven.jpg

[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You are not very talkative.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like brain games.
[ ] People are afraid of you because of your appearance.
[ ] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
[ ] You are very strong, physically speaking.

DaysZexion.png‎ VI. Zexion File:Book of Retribution (Days).PNG

[ ] You love reading.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You are not very sociable.
[ ] You are one of the shortest of your group.
[ ] You have a very sensible nose.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like to elude others.

DaysSaix.png‎ VII. Saïx File:Lunatic.png

[ ] You have double-personality issues.
[ ] You are more active during night rather than day.
[ ] You like werewolves.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] Your superior trusts you.
[ ] You have a scar on your face.

DaysAxel.png‎ VIII. Axel File:Eternal Flame.jpg

[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You care deeply for your best friends.
[ ] You are a two-face when you need to be.
[ ] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
[ ] You have a very fiery personality.

DaysDemyx.png IX. Demyx File:Sitar.png

[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like music.
[ ] You know how to play a guitar.
[ ] You like rainy days.
[ ] You like swimming.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You are usually a very happy person.

DaysLuxord.png X. Luxord File:Fair Game.png

[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like playing cards.
[ ] You like to gamble.
[ ] Your favorite color is gold.
[ ] You have stolen money from others.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You have/wished you could curse someone.
DaysLuxordHappy.pngTOTAL: Nobody.pngNobody.png

DaysMarluxia.png‎ XI. Marluxia File:Graceful Dahlia (Days).png

[ ] You like pink.
[ ] You like flowers.
[ ] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You were betrayed by someone.
[ ] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.

DaysLarxene.png‎ XII. Larxene File:Éclair.png

[ ] You're the only female in your group.
[ ] You like storms.
[ ] You're pretty agile.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You like to mock others.
[ ] You think ninjas are cool.

DaysRoxas.png‎ XIII. Roxas Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHD.png

[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You love ice cream.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You are the youngest of your group.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You think people are hiding something from you.
[ ] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
[ Roxas's Symbol small.png ] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.
DaysRoxasHappy2.pngTOTAL: Nobody.pngNobody.pngNobody.pngNobody.png

DaysRoxasHappy.png ‎I'M MOST LIKE ROXAS YAAAAAAAY!!!! =D

Nobody.pngTalk BubblesNobody.png

I am VERY AWESOMELY proud of my talk bubbles! As you know Roxas is my favorite character, so I just HAD to have a complete set of Roxas talk bubbles. I also like Ventus a lot because he is also awesome, so I made a set of Ven bubbles. When I finally play BBS the Ven quotes might change and if there's more Ven sprites that are put on this site more will be added. These are just soooo fun to make and use hahaha. When I first came on here and didn't have any I got so annoyed with the same boring look of my messages. But now, well you tell me; are they boring in any way? I think not.

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Normal: this is the talk bubble I use when I saying something that doesn't really posses much need for any other emotion. I'm not gunna say it's the one I use the most cause in all honnesty that's not true. If you're constantly seeing this on conversations with me, then either I'm in a really dull mood or we're having a real dull conversation. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"I dunno. Maybe it's destiny."Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "You make a good other."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Happy: This is the bubble you'll see most often. I'm almost always happy and in a good mood. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Very Happy or Laughing: I tend to use this a lot as well because again I genrally pretty happy... At least on here. I also use this if you say something that makes me awesomely happy, or something that I found funny! File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"Maybe... Today we'll finally hit the beach!"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "Look sharp!"
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png EXCITED: I use this when I'm ULTRA happy! not used that ofen but still. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"How could you say such a thing... even if it were true?"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know..."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Shocked, Confused, Questions, or Intriged by something. I like using this one as well. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"Sora... You're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is... over."Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "There's nothing left for me here."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Sad: This is used when I in a bad mood or something offends me. This is very rare. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"What's gonna happen to me now? Just tell me that. Nothing else really matters anymore."Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "Where did I think I could go? What a joke."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Depressed: This is used when I'm in depression mode. This I doubt you'll see. To get this one out of me you're gunna hafta say somthing really hurtful. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"Have I got anything left? Any place I really belong? Any friends... I still belong with?"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "No! Xion... Who else will I have ice cream with?.........Xion."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Hurt: This is used in the event that I'm extremely hurt and want to go in a corner and cry... Since I do not cry I doubt this will be used. Usualy when I'm in that state I skip tears and go right to anger and rage. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.pngWho are you talking to? Me, or Sora?Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "You knew all this time and didn't tell me!"
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Annoyed: This is used when I'm getting annoyed by comments or people. Don't expect this one often cause unless you're trying to tivk me off... which I hope no one would do. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"What are you talking about?! I am ME! Nobody else!"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "Get real! Look which one of us is winning!"
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Angry: This is my angry bubble. I am extremely hard to make angry, but when I do it usualy doesn't turn out well for the person that accomplished such a thing. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"Was that... was that supposed to be a joke?! 'Cuase I'm not laughing!"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "I have a right to know who I am!"
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png ENRAGED: This is my enraged or very angry bubble. You do not wanna EVER see this one. I really never get that mad though, especialy on here I doubt it will be used... I hope it isn't used... File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - Roxas's Symbol small.pngNobody.png"Tell me... Tell me why he picked you!"Nobody.pngRoxas's Symbol small.png
TALK - "Riku? I defeated a Riku once..."
File:OathOblivTalkPic.png Hooded: This is used when I'm sorry or in more major cases asshamed of something I said. File:OathOblivTalkPic.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png Vsymbol.png“Hi, I’m Ventus! But you can call me Ven!”Vsymbol.png File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "Y'ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from?"
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Talk: The first and most common normal talk bubble I use with good friends. If you're a good friend of mine expect this a lot! Wayward Wind KHBBS.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).pngVsymbol.png“Hi, I’m Ventus! But you can call me Ven!”Vsymbol.pngFile:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "Y'ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from?"
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Talk Normal: This is my second normal Friend talk bubble. I use this less often than the first one with frinends. Wayward Wind KHBBS.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).pngVsymbol.png“Hi, I’m Ventus! Call me Ven!”Vsymbol.pngFile:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "A meteor shower!"
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Happy: This is used in conversation with good friends when I'm very happy or something was said to make me so happy. I also like to use this one a lot. Wayward Wind KHBBS.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).pngVsymbol.png“I’m asking you… as a friend. Just… put an end to me.”Vsymbol.pngFile:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "But my heart is fractured. And now... the little I have left is slipping away."
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Sad: This is used when a friend said something hurtful or if I'm sad. Don't expect this one often at all. Wayward Wind KHBBS.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).pngVsymbol.png“In your prison? That's your excuse...for keeping me imprisoned here, isn't it”Vsymbol.pngFile:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "You trying to pick a fight or what?!"
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Angry: This is used when I'm mad at a friend for something that was said or if the topic makes me mad. Don't expect this to be used often either. Wayward Wind KHBBS.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).pngVsymbol.png“Please don't do this, Master! I'm not strong enough!”Vsymbol.pngFile:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "Listen to yourself, Aqua. Terra would never!"
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Shocked: Basicaly this bubble is the same as my Roxas Shocked bubble. However I like using my Roxas one more even in conversations with friends for a few reasons. Sp if you're a friend and you see the other Shocked Bubble instead of this one it's not cause I don't like you ;) Wayward Wind KHBBS.png

RoxasXIIILK - File:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).pngVsymbol.png“Sorry Aqua...”Vsymbol.pngFile:Keyblade Glider (Ventus).png
TALK - "Get out of my head!"
Wayward Wind KHBBS.png Friendship Hooded (or well Armored technically): Same as regular Hooded bubble but again I'm probably going to use my Roxas Hooded one more just cause I like it more. Wayward Wind KHBBS.png


Two Become One KHIIFM.png
ZY6RW3a.png This user is a fan of Roxas.
knsrYnY.png This user is a fan of Ventus.
nN5R32J.png This user is a fan of Sora.
Template:User Twilight Template:User World That Never Was
t68Uamd.png This user is training to be a Keyblade master at the Land of Departure.
DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...
yidmdso.png This user wonders if you've been a good boy.
Vfr6rba.png This user would like you to enlighten us about that pet project of yours.
7o03K3j.png This user is a scientist... yes!
JzCJIHh.png This user will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward!
E0H7VGV.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!
zpt3vzO.png This user is a master of the moon. Now move aside!
Axel3_zpswtbwjcko.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?
Bzyb62y.png This user is a master of water.
b9WDAGX.png This user wonders if you know the rules.
cjREgxg.png This user is a master of flowers.
YY2MDE5.png This user should warn you that they are in an EXTREMELY FOUL MOOD!
Template:User Roxas XIII Template:User OXIII Template:User Xemnas Quote
Template:User Xigbar Quote Template:User Xaldin Quote Template:User Vexen Quote
Template:User Lexaeus Quote Template:User Zexion Quote Template:User Saix Quote
Template:User Axel Quote Template:User Demyx Quote Template:User Luxord Quote
Template:User Marluxia Quote Template:User Larxene Quote Template:User Roxas Quote
fx0rSiF.png This user loves Roxas's character theme.
Template:User Nobody Template:User Heartless
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
MeoGwdI.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
jhdYTAx.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
OwyYcz4.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
6LR24Jg.png This user has obtained 255 Challenge Sigils!
weWh9JY.png This user has obtained 358 Mission Crowns!
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
gOA7JF1.png This user has unlocked Sora in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
UserTwilightThorn.png This user will be a thorn in your side for all eternity!
UserDusk.png The user you see before you is known as a Dusk.
Sorcerer_zpsylntasrz.png This user is an unstoppable Sorcerer. Dare you try to break his or her poise?
UserSniper.png This user is a Sniper and has got you in his or her sights.
Dragoon_zpsbi69h5on.png This user is a powerful Dragoon. You would do well to learn from him or her.
UserCreeper.png This user is a stealthy Creeper; can you predict his or her next move?
Berserker_zpsxrvxi22f.png This user is a mighty Berserker and warns you to move aside!
UserAssassin.png This user is a paid Assassin.
Dancer_zps1tw3iwb6.png Everybody dance! This user thinks Dancers are love.
Gambler_zpsyu6xrvr7.png This user is a Gambler. Raise or Fold?
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
M1W9Bdq.png This user is a fan of Terra.
JVkEVas.png This user is a fan of slave to Vanitas.

tm58PuK.png This user is a fan of Riku.
mzAU9vX.png This user loves Final Form.
SwTZdmz.png This user loves Valor Form.
dnGiMFL.png This user harnesses the power of their bond with Riku.
UserMale2.png This user is male.
Corridor of Darkness KHII.png This user uses a quite different style of travel...
IiM1rm1.png This user enjoys skateboarding around the worlds.
HdZsMHu.png This user is a master pilot of Gummi Ships.
AmH2GTz.png This user is a master of the cards.
Template:User Keyblade Master Template:User Sora Quote
wMKLInP.png This user loves the song Organization XIII.
G9zpBBS.png This user doesn't mind doing odd jobs to earn a trip to the beach.
File:Sephiroth-KH Firaga.jpg This user has beaten Sephiroth.
JUf15B1.png This user has completed Jiminy's Journal.
y9De6C0.png This user is a fan of Eraqus.

Ei62VZC.png This user wishes to live on forever. Get it memorized!
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.