Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Japanese ファンタジスタ
Strength MP Length
+3 +3
Crit. Rate Crit. Bonus Recoil
x0 +0 1
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Item Synthesis

The Fantasista is a staff belonging to Donald Duck that appears in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.


Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Fantasista can be synthesized once the sixth list is unlocked.


The Fantasista's handle is blue-white with blue and pale yellow tips. A blue orb surrounded by intertwined, pale pink rings hovers above the tip of the handle. This orb is surrounded by a long string of glowing, blue-white glyphs that coils around it and the top of the handle.

World Fantasista is the first game which was composed for by Takeharu Ishimoto, the synthesizer programmer for Kingdom Hearts and composer for several Final Fantasy games.