
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 01:11, 1 December 2010 by Gnut2.0 (talk | contribs) (→‎About me)
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Name Gnut2.0
Favorite characters DiZ
Favorite World The World that Never Was
Favorite Heartless Xehanort's Heartless
Favorite Nobody Luxord
Games Beaten KH, KHII
Favorite Boss/Villein Maleficent

Me and Kingdom Hearts

I Started to play Kingdom Hearts the same year it came out. Seven years later I finished the game. Sure it took a long time to do, but it wasn't because I didn't get into the game or anything. I just wanted to involve my self in the story more, and that meant not finishing it. After that, I spent some time on YouTube watching the clips from CoM to get the whole story without buying it. I just wasn't into the whole card thing and I also didn't like how the graphics where so subdued. I didn't get around to playing KHII for several years. Eventually, I got up the nerve to buy it. Half a year alter, I finished that as well.

Now I'm patiently waiting for the third game (to hopefully come out on PS2 or the Wii) and trying to figure out how to play BBS without buying a PSP (probably will just watch all the vids on Youtube again)


I'm about as average as it gets for a guy like me. I try to be nice to people as much as I can, on the net and off. I listen to what ever music caches my ear and watch movies that are interesting at the time. My favorite T.V shows are House, Bones, Family guy and a few others, just can't thing of them right now. I read a book as much as possible, making it a point to be reading at least three a once. I have one brother and two dogs. One we got from the internet and the other form a friend who passed away. Movies I like are Lord of the rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and most (if not all) Anime.


  • Reading
  • Playing Video games
  • Viewing movies
  • hanging out with friends
  • Eating good food


  • Boredom
  • people who make fun of other people without a good reason
  • Yelling
  • Reading a book that monologues...A LOT
  • Seeing a movie that should never had been made at all (looking straight at you Erogon the movie!)
  • Eating bad food


<poll> Do you think there should be a Kingdom hearts the movie/TV show? Yes, it would be so assume!!! I guess so..... No, just leave it as a game please!! </poll>

Talk bubbles

Gnut2.0 - It is the fate of a Nobody...And a Heartless...Anyone who gets in the way really...
TALK - An entity shrouded in mystery...And idioms
I am a pawn of the world...and...and...*Ugh* God*#$@*@ why can't I get this line! *Sigh* I'm going to be in my Trailer if anyone needs me...


About Me
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.
ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
Template:User Nobody
Template:User World That Never Was Template:User OXIII Template:User Port Royal
Template:User Ansem the Wise
KlrYiWs.png This user is a fan of Yen Sid, and admires his humility.
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
c2EJrun.png This user is a fan of DiZ.
Template:User Xehanort Heartless
b9WDAGX.png This user wonders if you know the rules.
Template:User Manga Template:User Heartless
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.
Template:User Yensid Tower
Hu46sRJ.png This user is a fan of the mistress of all evil!

xFt7kx6.png This user is making preparations for next year's Halloween.
LQYMY29.png This user contributes using Safari.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
Template:User WikiGnome
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
Template:User Poke
SyOLkfy.png This user loves the song Simple and Clean.
Xsb2q89.png This user loves the PlanitB Remix of Simple and Clean.
1ePuB5z.png This user loves the song March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra.
zd3Hu7n.png This user loves the song Sanctuary.
WPuM7qS.png This user loves the song Passion.
Lg1wOCW.png This user loves the song Dearly Beloved.
0cTFzTM.png This user loves the song Destati.
5NCRXq7.png This user loves the song Hikari.
6n9Hxow.png This user loves the ~after the battle~ version of Passion.
mnMUMJK.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Passion.
P6r91sg.png This user loves the song Sacred Moon.
zcRUjT6.png This user loves the song One-Winged Angel.
kwwFst4.png iLove iRiku.
Template:User iSora Yellow Template:User iKairi Red
GHJo0rD.png iLove iNaminé.
ThfL7Lq.png iLove iKeyofDestiny.
4HtBZ7m.png iLove iLuxord.
FNil3l7.png iLove iXigbar.
LKmWbwS.png iLove iLarxene.
UseriJack.png iLove iJack.
UseriGenie.png iLove iGenie.
UseriCheshirecat.png iLove iCheshireCat.
UseriJafar.png iLove iJafar.
UseriHades.png iLove iHades.
UseriHook.png iLove iHook.
UseriShadow.png iLove the iShadowHeartless.
UseriNobody.png iAm an iNobody.
Template:User iSephiroth Purple