User:Azul81677/Castle Oblivion

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< User:Azul81677
Revision as of 02:56, 27 April 2009 by Azul81677 (talk | contribs) (archiving till we figure this out.)
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Just Ideas......




I don't mean to be ungrateful, but... was that true, what you said? Are you the thief?
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Fourth Warning

Feeling better after that mad dash? You're not out of the woods yet!
File:Cheshire Cat-ChOfMem.png
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Bad Name

What's his name...? I just... just can't think of it....
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Featured Articles


Riku (リク) is the best friend of Sora, the main character of Kingdom Hearts. His name is derived from the Japanese word for 'land'. He is voiced by David Gallagher in the English versions and by Mamoru Miyano in the Japanese version. As revealed in Kingdom Hearts, Riku's story began a number of years before the night of the heartless invasion on Destiny Islands. On an earlier night, there is a meteor shower and a mysterious girl appears on the islands.(more...)

Recently featured: Leon - Sora


Kairi (カイリ) is one of the three main characters appearing in Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts II . Kairi lives on Destiny Islands along with her companions, Sora and Riku. She is the love interest of the two, who compete for her in the first part of the series. Kairi is voiced by Hayden Panettiere in the English version, and by Risa Uchida in the Japanese version.In the original game Kairi is seperated from Sora and Riku when they are taken from the island. Riku later finds Kairi, and uses the power of darkness to restore her (which eventually leads to Riku being possessed by Ansem). Sora also tries to find her, to no avail, until... (more...)

Recently featured:Leon - Sora - Riku

Upcoming TalkTemplates

Or just experimental

Azul81677 - A snake, am I? Perhaps you would like to see how ssssssssnake-like I can be!
TALK - Like sands through the hourglass....
Azul81677 - The Pumpkin King is Here!
TALK - Halloween! Halloween!
File:Cheshire Cat-ChOfMem.png
Azul81677 - The shadows are coming! Are you prepared for the worst? If not, too bad!
TALK - I'm late oh dear oh dear
File:KHCOM-Riku talk sprite.png
Azul81677 - Sora... Take care of her.
TALK - Why, Why do you have the keyblade!??


Item Cards

Card Name Description
Potion Quickly reloads attack cards with no charge time required. It does not work on cards that cannot be reloaded.
Hi-Potion Quickly reloads attack cards with no charge time required. Even normally unreloadable cards are restored.
Ether Quickly reloads attack cards with no charge time required. It does not work on cards that cannot be reloaded.

To-Do List "rough draft"

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Project XIII
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Goddamn Quotes


"Too clever. I'm Larxene. So...Are you enjoying your stay, at the castle?"
"I bet it's nice to peel away all the worthless memories and awaken the true memories...That lie deep inside your heart."
"Although...It’s seems that you’re still forgetting the most important thing here."
"When that poor girl hears that you’ve forgotten her name, why...It’ll...It'll just…break her heart."
"Yes, she is. You see, the bad guys are holding her captive somewhere deep inside the castle. And you’re obviously the hero, so you have to go save her."
"Although...I'm a bad guy, so you have to go through me!"
"What a shame...You've been wearing it all this time, and forgot?"
"No…That’s not possible. The memory has to be engraved somewhere deep inside your heart. Sora—you think carefully, now. What oh what...Could it be? And who gave it to you?"
"Sora...Sora...You're getting it now. Release the memory from within your heart!"
"Well, it's about time. That's right. Naminé."
"Yes, she's the one who gave you that tacky little good luck charm."
"Not that you even bothered to remember. No surprise, seeing that you also couldn’t remember her name! Talk about heartless! I can’t believe you! It’d serve you right if I decided to smash this piece of junk!"
"Oh, it's important to you?"
"Ten seconds ago you didn't even know what it was!"
"You're not as bad as I thought. You really are a hero. A heartless hero!"
"Oh, does it hurt because its the truth? You are just a baby! And if your gonna be a baby, then here ya go."
"I created another card from your memories, you know. Be a good boy and say 'thanks'. Ta-ta!"
"Whew...Throwing that battle wore me out."
"H-How dare you! You don’t appreciate the nuances of—"
"Hmph. Well here we go again. It's just an excuse, so you can carry out your little experiments. That's all."
"What he actually is, is a toy."
"What's going on, Vexen? Your Riku was supposed to counter Sora. What’s he waiting for? Where is he?"
"A-ha! Oh, I see now! I would have never guessed that. So sorry, Vexen."
"Predictable response. Forget it. Men without hearts are so boring."
"Who needs a half-baked good-for-nothing, anyway?"
"Nice work. I say good riddance to that blabbermouth."
"Not just his, but yours, too. We weren’t sure if you actually had it in your bones to take out a fellow member."
"Well, I guess you did. It’s time to join up. Taking over the Organization will be like child’s play with the three of us."
"Of course. He wants to see Naminé, so why don’t we just give him what he want?"
"But I'm warning you. You'd better not do anything to betray Sora's feelings. Do understand me, little one?" "Broke his heart. I’d say more like she smashed it, really."
"Oh, you're so much fun to watch. If it’s Riku you’re worried about, then don’t. Because, Riku was never really here."
"Do you really think I’m just gonna say it? That's too easy! Oh, what to do?"
"All right, have it your way then. I know it’ll kill you to hear this, but I think I can live with that."
"That thing] lying there is just a puppet that Vexen made as an experiment. No more than a toy. It’s laughable, really. It called you a fake, but IT was a fabrication all along!"
"Fake in every possible way! It was only finished recently. How could it remember anything?!"
"Don't you get it? Its memories with Naminé were just planted, not real. Yup. That means, all this time, it’s been picking fights with you over memories that were counterfeit, trumped up, and completely bogus!"
"Isn't that right, Naminé? Aw, so cute...But behind this little face, you do awful things."
"You're so stupid! Don’t you get it, now? That’s what Naminé’s powers are about! She can enter, rearrange, and even create new memories of anything, even things that never happened. The girl you been trying to protect all this time is really a manipulative witch who shackles people’s hearts!"
"Oh, you do get it. Lies, lies, all lies! Just Naminé’s illusions, nothing more. Binding you tin the chains of your own memories was central to our trap. It makes me tingle to think how easily you were duped. So close to it...We were almost there. This was our only chance to turn the Keyblade Master into our puppets, but,that jerk, Axel...He used Naminé to betray us!"
"So now, I’m left with no choice, but to eliminate you!"
"Huh? It's a little late, for the witch to grow a conscience. Last time I checked—YOU’RE the one who fooled around with his memories creating this mess!"
"I should tell you, that I'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood! Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined!"
"What's this? Are you upset? And you don’t even actually know her!"
"Hmph. You're such an idiot! There is no promise and there never was! You’re just delusional! Must you insist on playing the hero!? Whatever. If that’s the way you want it...You’re going down alone!"
"Okay...Have it your way! More pain for you means more fun for me!"
"(While fading into darkness) "No...No! I refuse to lose to a bunch of losers! I think I'm...FADING!? No...This isn't...The way I...I won't allow...!"