Forum:Soul Eater: To be, or not to be a Keyblade because holy hell this plot is confusing

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Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Soul Eater: To be, or not to be a Keyblade because holy hell this plot is confusing

KrytenKoro - Click
"Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania, "Scenario Mysteries"; Tetsuya Nomura: "Since Riku has always been using Soul Eater, he still calls it that even after it changed form. Keyblades aren't something that you can obtain suddenly out of nowhere so in Riku's case, his Soul Eater was used as an intermediary for that Keyblade.""

"Keyblades are said to be man-made counterparts to Kingdom Hearts."

We know, definitively, that the Soul Eater has abilities that only Keyblades are supposed to have. We know, definitively, that it transforms into a true Keyblade, the Way to the Dawn. We know that Keyblades are somehow man-made.

Xehanort's quote gives us added context to what Nomura explicitly says, and I think the proper reading is that the Soul Eater is an intermediate for the Keyblade—not a medium for it to suddenly manifest, as we originally thought, but as a literal "Keyblade-in-progress", a larval form of Riku's Way to the Dawn. This is actually more in agreement than our original interpretation, since Nomura explicitly says that Keyblades aren't something that you can obtain suddenly out of nowhere. In fact, given his quote, and the similarity of the situation with the Keyblade of Peoples' Hearts, it's a wonder we didn't interpret it this way to begin with. This also gives a neat answer to why the Soul Eater has the ability to release an Emblem Heartless's heart, and why Riku was so desperate to get Sora's Keyblade in KH1, if Keyblades can be obtained by anybody—Sora's was the only available completed Keyblade. Riku could certainly create one of his own, but not in time to save Kairi.

I propose we change the lead to "The Soul Eater (ソウルイーター Souru Ītā?) is the (embryonic/incomplete) form of Riku's Way to the Dawn that appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and Kingdom Hearts coded."


"However, by the time Riku arrives at The World That Never Was, Soul Eater has finally matured into the Way to the Dawn."

Vanitas Awakening (Art) KHBBS.png
ShadowsTwilight - He's leaving you behind, and when you catch up, he'll be a different person
Vanitas Sprite KHBBS.pngLike you said in the header:Holy crap is this confusing. First Sora has the Keyblade, then Riku/Ansem has one, then Mickey, then Roxas has two, then Sora gets two, then Riku has one, then Kairi, then we get Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Eraqus, Xehanort, Vanitas, then all of a sudden there's a wasteland of a billion keyblades, then the χ-blade, now it seems that they're man-made and Riku's Soul Eater was a incomplete one, and it evolved into WttD. Jeebus Cripes, Nomura, would it kill you to keep this crap straight?

But anyways, yeah, that seems to make sense--ShadowsTwilightΧ-blade (Incomplete) KHBBS.png 04:20, 20 September 2011 (UTC)

"Embryonic" is good. While I take issue with some of the interview translations, that much works just fine. I would say "developed" instead of "matured", though. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 04:53, 20 September 2011 (UTC)

I'd use "the developmental form". maggosh 05:03, 20 September 2011 (UTC)

17master - Hey, guys, check out my new camera!
TALK - Oh wait, this isn't a camera... - {{{time}}}
Like ST and the title said. I thought Sora was a special boy that was chosen to wield an almighty giant key weapon...until KHII. Anyway, I agree with Maggosh's "the developmental form", "embryonic" makes it sound like it's some kind of an organism (well it does have an eye, but that's beside the point).

Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}
Heartless Emblem.pngI think that the Keyblade can be considered a living thing as it choose its owner and can act for itself (like going back to the hand of it's owner against his will), but Maggosh is right "the developmental form" sound better.
P.S.:Lol to the title

"The Soul Eater (ソウルイーター Souru Ītā?) is the In-Training form of Riku's Way to the Dawn that appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and Kingdom Hearts coded."

"However, by the time Riku arrives at The World That Never Was, Soul Eater has finally digivolved into the Way to the Dawn."

:-P --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 16:37, 20 September 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, that seems perfect. Can someone post that up on the page, please?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 17:21, 20 September 2011 (UTC)