Ultimate Finish (フィニッシュアーツ Finisshu Ātsu?, lit. "Finish Arts") is an ability in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to unlock the Keyblade's full potential and perform a powerful move.


In Kingdom Hearts III, Ultimate Finish is an action ability. Any Formchanges equipped with Ultimate Finish come with a Finish Situation Command, which allows Sora to perform a powerful finishing move that terminates the Formchange.

Learning Ultimate FinishEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Other appearancesEdit

Final Fantasy Brave ExviusEdit

In Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Ultimate Finish is an ability learned by Sora (KHIII). It costs 90 MP to perform. Ultimate Finish deals physical damage to one enemy, and increases the user's light physical and magic damage for 2 turns.