KHWiki:Votes for featured users


Featured Users is a place to recognize the hard-working editors that make this wiki such a wonderful place. The rules and guidelines are a work-in-progress; if you have suggestions, please leave them on the Talk Page.

Nomination Guidelines

So, what makes a user eligible for nomination? Here are the guidelines:

  • The user should be obviously hard-working. Any sort of edits, from spelling corrections to full page rewrites are acceptable, as long as the user makes quality edits.
  • The user should not vandalize, or maliciously violate the policies of this wiki. You don't have to be perfect to be nominated, but any unhappiness you may have shouldn't disrupt the voting process.
  • Nominations should put emphasis on the user's edits for the last month. While a user's lifetime edits should certainly be taken into account, it should be possible for a hard-working "newbie" to be the Featured User, if they outshine other editors in that month.
  • Any editor who was nominated one month prior to this voting session is ineligible to be nominated this month.
  • Any editor who currently holds a staff position is ineligible for this award.
  • If the nominations for a single user become extremely redundant, the nominator will be asked to refrain from nominating for several months.
  • It's probably a good idea to be an editor of this wiki.
  • Most importantly: the editor must have substantially improved the wiki in some way. That does not necessarily mean writing articles, but it does mean that whatever you nominate them for must have measurably moved us closer to being "done".

Nomination Process

So, there's an editor you think should be recognized. How do you make it happen?

For the first 21 days of a month, just post the name of the user, and sign under your nomination with your signature. If someone has already nominated the user you support, just second their nomination using the # symbol. To find a user's contributions, along with a complete breakdown of the namespaces that they have contributed to, simply enter their name into the edit count page.

On the first of the following month, the winner will receive a Featured User medal, which can be displayed on their user page, and the winner will be showcased on the wiki's front page along with a commemorative, custom description of the winner.

To keep any one person from sweeping the awards, any editor can only win once. Furthermore, to prevent sockpuppeting and other forms of cheating, only registered users may vote. If it is discovered that someone is being a poor sport and attempting to sockpuppet, their votes for the current election, as well as the next two, will be negated.


Each registered editor can make one nomination or seconding; they must put their vote and signature, (~~~~) underneath the nominee of their choice. If you want to explain what it is about the user that makes you agree with the nomination, just add a comment as if you were posting on a talk page. Please don't vote for yourself.


June 2011

  • The Inexistent - I forgot to vote last month, so I guess I'll nominate this month. The Inexistent should be featured for all of the reasons listed last time, he's an extremely helpful, hard-working, and reliable editor. Pawprintorange.png Dan - Don't Blink! Pawprintblue2.png 07:51, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  1. Indeed. Chitalian8 09:18, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  2. Jyes. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono   09:19, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  3. Done. --File:Xigbar - Replica Data.pngAS IF!File:Xigbar - Replica Data.png 10:53, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  4. Agreed.--NinjaSheik 11:46, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  5. Yes. The17 Master 12:25, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  6. [insert one word epression of approval here]LapisLazuliScarab16:36, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  7. *Inserts a word of approval* YES. SMG2_Starbit.pngKeyblade0 11t5t1g.png
  8. Here's to you Inexistent! Wear it proudly! twobecomeoneleft20px.png roxaspageicon20px.png Roxas roxaspageicon20px.png twobecomeoneright20px.png 18:34, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  9. Yes, isn't he the one who takes care of this whole Featured User system? You have wormed your way to the very nadir of repugnance. - Erry 19:34, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
  10. I daresay he deserves it. Darkheart3  
  11. Org13left.png Organization13 Org13right.png 07:05, 2 May 2011 (EDT)
  12. Good guy, and worthy editor. Inexistent compels you!--Xion4ever 17:41, 2 May 2011 (EDT)
  13. --Dark-EnigmaXIII 20:10, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  14. Definitely. - LevL 13:17, 8 May 2011 (EDT)

May 2011

  1. :3 Because you asked! *UE approves t'is user.* UnknownEnigma 00:18, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  2. Yes :D twobecomeoneleft20px.png roxaspageicon20px.png Roxas roxaspageicon20px.png twobecomeoneright20px.png 00:20, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  3. Troisnyx approves. TamboursNéant Ensemble ! 03:48, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  4. Oui! You have wormed your way to the very nadir of repugnance. - Erry 06:52, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  5. Definately! Darkheart3  
  6. Chitteh 8D --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono   17:37, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  7. He deserves it! --File:Xigbar - Replica Data.pngAS IF!File:Xigbar - Replica Data.png 19:08, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  8. Yes. Just, Yes.   It gets late early out there   20:13, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
  9. Looks like I won't be leaving any time soon. mmm, yes, excellent gnome. -- LegoAlchemist  01:46, 2 April 2011 (EDT)
  10. He just had sex Definitely! The17 Master 09:46, 2 April 2011 (EDT)
  11. ~Lilienne^^ 13:19, 2 April 2011 (EDT)
  12. Org13left.png Organization13 Org13right.png 08:58, 16 April 2011 (EDT)