The Dream Shield is a weapon in Kingdom Hearts.


Kingdom Hearts

The Dream Shield is one of the Disney-themed weapons that appears in Kingdom Hearts. Sora obtains the Dream Shield in the Awakening; but only if the player so chooses. The player may choose to use the Dream Shield, to ignore it, or to discard it. If they accept to use the Dream Shield, then Sora's stats will focus on Defense and he will learn support abilities more quickly. If he discards it, then Defense will be the least focused stat. If he ignores it, then Defense will grow normally. If Sora takes the Dream Shield, he loses it upon leaving the Awakening. Sora battles with the Dream Shield in the same way as Goofy does with his shield. Later in the game, the shield may be obtained as a weapon for Goofy.

Kingdom Hearts II

The Dream Shield made a cameo appearance in Kingdom Hearts II, along with other elements from the Awakening that Roxas found in the Station of Awakening. Like Sora, the player may choose to accept the shield or not. However, it turns into the Keyblade if taken.


See Also