Quotes:Mickey Mouse

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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Mickey Mouse during the course of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts coded.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Terra's Story

  • "Alakazam!"
    before flying away from the Mysterious Tower.

Ventus's Story

  • "Don't worry! You're safe."
    after guarding Ventus from Vanitas's attack
  • "Tell me where you got that! Keyblades are not something you use just to bully somebody around! Here, I'll show ya!"
    before he and Ventus fights Vanitas.
  • "Yep. I've been trainin' under the great Yen Sid."
    talking to Ventus after defeating Vanitas.
  • "At least I thought it would. I haven't quite got the fine points down, like...when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to. But I wouldn't have met you if it hadn't brought me here."
    talking about the Star Shard.
  • "Ya know, it might not be an accident. Maybe it starts workin' 'cause it's reactin' to somethin'."
    before the Star Shard glows brightly and transports both him and Ventus.

Aqua's Story

  • "Hurry! Ya gotta get that girl to someplace that's safe."
    before protecting Aqua and Kairi from the Unversed.
  • "And I'm Mickey. I used to be Yen Sid's apprentice. I came back to him for some more training."
    introducing himself to Aqua.
  • "Let's join forces! Oh no, not now!"
    before the Star Shard reacts and begins to glow.
  • "Gosh, I'm glad you're okay."
    upon seeing Aqua in the Keyblade Graveyard.
  • "That's not Ven!"
    before guarding Aqua from Ventus-Vanitas's attack.
  • "Oh no! It...it's gone all haywire!"
    after defeating Ventus-Vanitas.
  • "Don't you worry, Aqua. I believe in Ven, too. Gosh, he's been as good a friend to me as anybody. And if both you and me believe in him with all our hearts...then he'll have two lights to follow instead of one."
    talking about protecting Ventus.

Kingdom Hearts

  • "Now, Sora! Let’s close this door for good!"
    upon Donald and Goofy seeing him on the other side of the door.
  • "Don’t worry. There will always be a door to the light."
    talking to Sora.
  • "Donald, Goofy, thank you."
    before he and Sora closes and locks the door.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Reverse Rebirth

  • "You betcha! Riku, you're not alone. Listen careful now, Riku. The light'll never give up on you. You'll always find it, even in the deepest darkness! But you have to believe!"
    upon appearing before Riku.
  • "I can only send a little bit of my power here. But I have a request."
    wanting a request from Riku.
  • "You and I have seen it! The far-off, welcoming light inside the door to darkness... The light of Kingdom Hearts, Riku — it'll show you the way. Please don't give up. Believe in the light. That's all I ask."
    telling Riku to believe in the light.
  • "But we shook hands, in our hearts. We're connected, you and me."
    before disappearing.
  • "Sorry I couldn't come sooner, Riku."
    interrupting Ansem.
  • "I'm not really sure. I can't help feeling that I met him somewhere before..."
    talking about DiZ.
  • "No can do! I already made my choice. No matter what happens, I'm going to be there to help you. I'm not backing down. Unless you don't believe. I'll come through for you..."
    saying that he'll help Riku.
  • "I know you wanted to do this alone, but you don't mind a LITTLE help, right? Let's go, Riku."
    after Ansem vanishes.
  • "Your darkness belongs to you. Just like your light. Until now, I thought darkness was nothing but bad. But my time with you made me change my mind. You've chosen a road I never thought of. Light and dark, back to back. With you, they mingle in a way no one's ever seen before. I want to see where that road leads. And if it's okay, I want to walk the road with you."
    talking about the darkness.
  • "Oh, you don't have to call me that, heh heh!"
    before the ending.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • "Gosh, have I been worried about you! Where've you been all this time?"
    talking to Riku.
  • "That's great to hear. But, you said that Sora hasn't woken up yet... Did something go wrong?"
    worried about Sora.
  • "Well, then you have to let me help! Maybe I could get the memories back!"
    trying to help Riku.
  • "Of course, Riku. I promise."
    promising Riku.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Now, Sora! Let's close this door for good!"
    during Roxas's dream
  • "Shh! You gotta board the train and leave town! The train knows the way."
    upon meeting Sora and company in Twilight Town.
  • "Say, fellas, did somebody mention the Door To Darkness?"
    upon appearing in Hollow Bastion.
  • "Well, the Door To Darkness can only be opened by the seven princesses. There's Snow White, Jasmine, and Belle..."
    talking baout the password for the DTD.
  • "I'll see ya when you get back. Oh! One more thing. Let me give your clothes some new powers, Sora."
    before giving Sora Master Form.
  • "Of course I do! And this is him! I'm positive!"
    talking about Ansem the Wise.
  • "But, what you actually fought was his Heartless. Ya see, he wasn't really Ansem. He just went around telling everybody that he was."
    talking about Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.
  • "I know I've met this fake Ansem before, and I've seen the leader of Organization XIII, too. Hmm, kinda felt like bein' around the same fella."
    talking about Xemnas.
  • "Don't worry. There's already lotsa help here. We'll take care of this fight."
    while in the Bailey.
  • "You sure have lotsa friends to help. So, I guess we better all pull together and finish this battle for good!"
    after defeating Demyx.
  • "They'll pay for this."
    after Goofy is knocked unconscious.
  • "Yep, that's what worries me too."
    during his flashback.
  • "Now I remember! Xehanort! Ansem's apprentice! The leader of Organization XIII is Xehanort's Nobody!"
    before fighting 1000 Heartless.
  • "I got somethin' to tell ya. I found out where Ansem is---Ansem the Wise! The real Ansem! He snuck into Organization XIII's stronghold."
    talking to Sora and company about where Ansem the Wise is.
  • "I don't wanna break my promise."
    talking about his promise to Riku.
  • "Hey, that's it! Ansem the Wise loved ice cream!"
    giving a clue about Ansem's password.
  • "Then we better find a way to get to that castle!"
    upon arriving in The World That Never Was.
  • "Ansem the Wise. Why didn't you come to me before things got so bad?"
    talking to Ansem the Wise in The World That Never Was.
  • "Gosh, we didn't lose each other exactly. Riku left...well, 'cause Xehanort's Heartless was still inside his heart, troubling him. And he sure must've been suffering. But what I don't understand is why he looks like that now, when he's still Riku at heart..."
    talking about Riku's current appearance.
  • "What's this gadget for?"
    talking about the Kingdom Hearts Encoder.
  • "Ansem did say "anything could happen"..."
    upon seeing back to normal.
  • "They're doing what their hearts command. We can't interfere."
    talking about Pete and Maleficent.
  • "Aw, we don't hate it. It's just kinda...scary. But the world's made of light AND darkness. You can't have one without the other, 'cause darkness is half of everything. Sorta makes ya wonder why we are scared of the dark."
    upon meeting Xemnas.
  • "Xemnas! No!"
    during Xemnas' speech.
  • "The worlds gave us this doorway. They want us to be the guardians of their destiny!"
    talking about the door.
  • "Gosh, you all did great!"
    after defeating Xemnas for the first time.
  • "Well, I'm not sure. But we'd better hurry and get through."
    before going through the portal.

Kingdom Hearts coded

  • "A note you don't remember taking?"
    during the opening.
  • "Somebody left a mysterious message in Jiminy's notebook. We need to analyze the notebook in detail to solve the mystery."
    talking to Goofy about the situation.
  • "That's because I'm in a different world right now. I guess it doesn't make much sense to you. I can't go into the world you're in right now. But, I want you solve a mystery for me."
    talking to Data-Sora.
  • "Beyond the keyhole... Sora, try using the keyblade. It might do something."
    talking about the keyhole to Sora.
  • "It looks like the blocks are all gone, thanks to you."
    talking about the Bug-Blox.
  • "Sora, be careful. You're in a different space, now. It looks like a special space."
    upon Sora arriving in Traverse Town.
  • "This world is in pain, isn't it? It looks like the corruption... the bugs are spreading there, too. Considering what we've seen so far, there must be something behind a keyhole, and if you can defeat it, the world will go back to normal."
    talking to Sora about a way to turn the world back to normal.
  • "This place is inside the data world, too?"
    talking to Riku.
  • "It means that we really are inside the Data world."
    saying that him and company are in the data world.
  • "Captain Pete! How did you get here?"
    upon meeting Pete.
  • "It looks like Jafar cast a special kind of spell on this city."
    talking about Jafar.
  • "Maleficent. I didn't expect you to be here, in the data world."
    talking to Maleficent.
  • "Hey, Jiminy, how many more worlds still have bugs left inside them?"
    talking to Jiminy about how many worlds are left to debug.
  • "Riku's body was taken over by the bugs. So that means...Oh! If we don't get rid of these bugs, Riku might never wake up!"
    talking about Riku to Sora.
  • "Thanks to you and your hard work, all the bugs are gone from the data world. Thank you so much."
    thanking Sora.
  • "I thought you'd already know. You and I, we're friends, Sora. So, remember... You're not fighting this battle all by yourself. The light that never goes out, even in the deepest darkness...You already have that light within you!"
    during the battle of Sora's Heartless.
  • "No, Sora. That's how it feels to say goodbye. Since meeting you here in the data world, I've come to remember a lot of things. Things about the first time I left home to go on an adventure. About the first time I made friends, long ago... This all brought back so many memories. And now I understand. The notebook didn't only contain the record of your journey. It also held everything that each of us felt. Our hearts. I promise you. We will tell everything that happened here to Sora and Riku. That way, we can all remember this adventure, together. Memories link hearts to each other. They link us to each other So... we'll be friends forever."
    saying goodbye to Sora.
  • "Sora, let me explain. Once upon a time, you lost all of your memories. This girl was the one who helped you recover them."
    during the conversation with Sora and Namine.
  • "Sora, Riku, Kairi. The Truth about the Keyblade is connected to you in many ways. It was in your hearts all along. Sora, everybody connected to you is waiting for you. You are the only one who can relieve their sadness. It could be that your journeys so far were only a warm-up for the next one. Everything you thought was a coincidence is turning out to have a connection. The door to a new journey is just about to open."
    during the ending.

Action Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Ventus and Aqua's Story

  • "Now!"
    while attacking.
  • "There!"
    when using Pearl.
  • "Let's team up!"
    before starting Burst of Light.
  • "Together!"
    after finishing Burst of Light.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days'

  • "Here goes!"
    The King activating his Limit Break.
  • "Gotta win!"
    The King activating his Final Limit.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Sora!"
    when entering battle and using Healing Light.
  • "I'll help ya!"
    when entering battle.
  • "My turn!"
    when using D-Charge or Pearl.
  • "Keyblade!
    when using D-Charge.
  • "Light!"
    when using D-Charge or Pearl.
  • "Give me power!"
    when using D-Charge.
  • 'The rest is up to you, you gotta wake up!"
    when reviving Sora with Healing Light.
  • "Don't give up!"
    when reviving Sora without Healing Light.
  • "Oh boy!"
    using Pearl.
  • "Now!"
    using a spinning attack and Pearl.