Forum:Which major Final Fantasy villain would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts III or the other two still in development?

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Which major Final Fantasy villain would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts III or the other two still in development?

Bruiser KHBBSFM.png
Gr8champ - I'm the lord of the wasteland...
TALK - Shit! I've thrown up on meself.
Which major Final Fantasy villain would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts III or the other two still in development? Me, I'd choose Kefka Palazzo or Jecht!
Vanitas Awakening (Art) KHBBS.png
ShadowsTwilight - He's leaving you behind, and when you catch up, he'll be a different person
Vanitas Sprite KHBBS.pngI agree with you on jecht. that would be pretty cool