Talk:Abilities (KH)

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get shared abilities

  • Fire: Unleashes a small burst of flame. Consumes a small amount of MP.
  • Fira: Unleashes a potent burst of flame. Consumes a small amount of MP.
  • Firaga: Unleashes an incredible burst of flame. Consumes a small amount of MP.
  • Blizzard: Unleashes a gust of frost. Consumes a small amount of MP.
  • Blizzara: Unleashes a gust of frost. Longer range than Blizzard. Consumes a small amount of MP.
  • Blizzaga: Unleashes a gust of frost. Longest range. Consumes a small amount of MP.
  • Thunder: Calls bolts of lightning to the target area. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Thundara: Calls a powerful lightning storm to target area. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Thundaga: Calls a great maelstrom of lightning to the target area. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Cure: Restores a little HP to one character. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Cura: Restores a lot of HP to one character. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Curaga: Restores a massive amount of HP to one character. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Gravity: Wrings a percentage of HP from the target. Effective against enemies with lots of HP. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Gravira: Wrings a percentage of HP from the target. Wider area of effect than Gravity. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Graviga: Wrings a percentage of HP from the target. Wider area of effect than Gravira. Consumes 1 MP.
  • Stop: Prevents target from taking action for a limited time. Consumes 2 MP.
  • Stopra: Prevents targets from taking action for a limited time. Wider area of effect. Consumes 2 MP.
  • Stopga: Prevents targets from taking action for a limited time. Widest area of effect. Consumes 2 MP.
  • Aero: Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage. Consumes 2 MP.
  • Aerora: Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage. Damages enemies on contact. Consumes 2 MP.
  • Aeroga: Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage. Deflects certain attacks. Consumes 2 MP.

Unique, Common, Special(?)

What is the source of the categories we have on this page? Shared is clearly stated in the game, but I don't know about the others. What do the guides say? Semi-related, what comes up when you sort the ability list in the menu? --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 05:41, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

I do not remember the guides saying anything about special/unique/common abilities. The abilities were stacked in a table of "Here it is, this is how you earn it."
The term special came from, according to the third introduction paragraph: "Sora also has a set of Special Abilities, very similar to the unique abilities, which do cost MP; in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix these abilities are replicated for Limit Form..." Interesting enough, all special abilities are obtained outside of basic leveling up/weapon abilities.
Unique abilities, as taken from the article: "Unique abilities, including "Special attacks", "Support skills", and "Defense skills", are active abilities that represent combat techniques..."
Common abilities: "Common abilities are the passive abilities that represent personal upgrades, and have effects such as increasing the duration of a Summon, or allowing the character to regenerate MP by taking damage. Common abilities are not unique to any character..."--Xion4ever 14:04, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

Yes, but if those are in the article just because we put them there, and they aren't ever called that in-game or in-guide, then we'd be better off calling them what they are, action and support. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 15:27, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

All the game calls the unique abilities is "Special Attack", "Support Skill", and "Defense Skill". "Unique" and "common" are my names for the categorizations, and if they're being confused as formal names, then we can switch them for something else. However, although the game recognizes the "type" and sorts the abilities by it, no formal name is given that I know of. Maybe Shard or Erry would have some way of peering at the game code to see if a name is given there? I don't know. In any case, no, there's not a formal name for the distinction, although the distinction exists."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 07:53, 29 December 2012 (UTC)

So when you sort, what does it do? Does it do it automatically, or do you pick some sorting criteria? --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 06:26, 30 December 2012 (UTC)

"Type" is one of the criteria, and it sorts all abilities (except Combo Plus and Air Combo Plus, which are annoyingly placed within the active abilities) in the order given on this article."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 12:10, 30 December 2012 (UTC)