Forum:Which one of Xehanort's Heartless's Voice Actors do like more?

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Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Which one of Xehanort's Heartless's Voice Actors do like more?

BlackSoulBlade - Keyblades of Light and Dark were locked in combat...
TALK - As the great Keyblade War raged!
If you don't know what I mean, listen to Ansem from KH1, than either Riku-Ansem, or Ansem in RE:COM. I prefer the KH1 VA, he just sound better for Ansem's role.(Also, to anyone who saw the BBS teaser trailer, I pray to Kingdom Hearts thats not Master Xehanort's VA, his seiyu sounded more suited to his role.)
No Heart KHBBSFM.png
LapisScarab Xemnas (card).png Embrace... nothing! — 02:08, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
Xemnas's Replica Data KHIIFM.png Billy Zane was far better. His voice was unique, and not the typical deep voice that I always hear. Not to disrespect Richard Epcar, I just like Zane better in that particular role. As for MX, I actually like Leonard Nimoy a bit better. Give his voice some time and you'll get used to it, we're all just accustomed to the seiyuu's voice. The thing about Master Xheanort is that he's unnaturally powerful, but he's also much weaker than he should be because of his age. The original seiyuu gets the age part down, a little better than Nimoy does, but not so much the power. Nimoy's voice has a great deal of strength in it, but you can also tell that he's old (Nimoy's what, like 80 now?). that's just my opinion though.
KrytenKoro - Pinocchio with his nose attached to the trigger of a rifle, which points at his face as he says, "I want to live!"
I prefer Billy Zane by a large margin. Hell, I prefer pretty much all of the KH1 cast to the KH2 cast...basically, KH2 was a huge disappointment to me.
Symbol - Magic Hat.png
FA icon.png Billy Zane = ♥. Richard Epcar = disappointment. Leonard Nimoy (for MX, seriously) = HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. And he does not at all sound like James Woods.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:49, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

BlackSoulBlade - Keyblades of Light and Dark were locked in combat...
TALK - As the great Keyblade War raged!
Oddly enough, this topic is how I learned the names of Ansem's and MX's voice actors.