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Neku - I remember, Mr. H. Your art kept me going. Every piece seemed to shout, "Enjoy life!" And outside my headphones, the rest of the world heard it, too. It was fun just standing here, looking... When I found out you were CAT, man, I just shook. I mean, I knew you were different the second I met you. The things you said... Somehow, they just clicked. I thought I finally met a guy I could respect. And now look... But I won't falter anymore. You taught me better than that.
TALK - {{{time}}}
Neku - Full of fail, as usual.
TALK - {{{time}}}
Neku - Alright, now today is gonna totally kick ass! ... Or... is it? Oh no... I can feel my inner-emo stirring... Must... fight... emo... urges... I know! I just need to think about the light of my life--my beacon of hope... My purpose! Tin Pin Slammer is my purpose
TALK - {{{time}}}
Neku - ...Why...what the HELL?!
TALK - {{{time}}}