Forum:English version of the KH final mix's

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > English version of the KH final mix's

Hello I have a question to ask the KH team about the games in general

First off all we the KH fans are well aware that the KH 1 north American release as well as the KH 2 American release was remade into something else

KH 1 final mix and KH 2 final mix plus chain of memories

Know I don't mean any disrespect to the creator of this grand series but i don't think that it is right that japan has a copy of these two games while we don't and the reason why is that the ones japan has, has English voice acting throughout the game, i mean whats the point in that if it's released in japan only and people from japan buy it why have English in it, there really is no point

Know first off why can't America get a English version as well, you already have all the voice files prepared all you would have to do is change the lettering on the menus and etc.. and walla you have a English version, pretty much what im saying is that there is really no excuse why not to

you have the resources to do so, all you need to do is change the text to English and that's pretty much it as well as with the programing it isn't really that difficult to change it over so it can work with our ps2

lets face it it's a good idea, with the new games announced and inside KH fans heads you can re release these two games for us as a sort of consolation package give us something while we wait for the new games to come out to tide us over, it's all planned out and you have the resources to do it there really isnt any problems you would run into

Luna XIV High school never ends! Or so I thought... — 8:39pm EST Australia
I do have to agree on you on that part. Nomura did say that the final mixes can be released outside Japan but only as a "trump card". But I would really like the Final Mixes in America and other PAL regions but it just depends on Square-Enix's descisions, etc. But just to compensate for that, you can just buy the Final Mixes via Ebay or something like that since it already has English Voice Acting so if I were you I would go for that.