Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Battlefields of War

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Kingdom Hearts II
Battlefields of War

"Deals various attacks."

Strength Magic
+3 +0
Auron's Default Weapon

Battlefields of War is Auron's sword in Kingdom Hearts II. This blade does not appear in his original game, Final Fantasy X; it was created for Kingdom Hearts II, although it does resemble one of Auron's first weapon in Final Fantasy X. Auron uses it with wide slashes to take down even large enemies.


The Battlefields of War has a long, turquoise handle with a gold pommel. Its guard is blue-green and decorated with swirling, yellow patterns. The blade itself is quite large. The Battlefields of War resembles Auron's starting weapon in Final Fantasy X, a sword known as the "Katana". Although classed as a katana, it seems more closely related to the zanbatou, or even to the nodachi.