Talk:Organization XIII

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Shall we had new info on the Organization that was revealed in the Final Mix version.DarkLordofChaos90

Yes. BTW, does anyone have the in-battle quotes from Re:COM?

OMG, they are so hard to decipher,(even in KHII its hard to tell the quotes, and thats in English...) its not even funny. I got some of them down though, if you want them. XienZo 00:28, 6 May 2008 (UTC)
Yes please.CyberXIII 00:45, 15 May 2008 (UTC)
Heh, just as I realize I don't have it written down, but anyway, from memory....
Axel-Doushita, doushita? (what, what? (like taunt)) kiokusitaka? (Got it memorized?) honouniyakkarero! (burn in the flames!) madaowaranze (something about "its not over yet", or it means "its over", or something like that)oiyo, anatagakeshiteiru (I shall annihilate you) moete! (burn!)
Larxene- ikazutuyo (lightning)kienai (can't escape!) saigonina(here's the end(for you)!) waruiwane~(how pitiful...) ...kowastyauwa (I'll break you!(referance to the "Oh, I won't break the toy..."))
I'll put the rest later, since I'm not sure if half of these are right anyway.... XienZo 03:13, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

Xehanort's Heartless himself does not have an Org cloak in KH2. That is Riku in Xehanort's Heartless' form.


They don't wear hakama... What the hell? Where the hell did that come from? Fix it.


I noticed that in the trivia it mentions that Sora may have recovered his memories of the dead organization members by reading their graves. Couldn't it also be possible that he gained the infomation from Ansems computer? - Redlight11 16/2/09

Possible, but unlikely. Sora really doesn't use the computer exept to go to the Space Paranoids. I'm the one who put that in the trivia and I didn't think of that. I won't mind if you add it in there though. -xNaminéx

Added it and it was removed, that's a no then? -Redlight11

Guess so. iIt really wasn't likely at all. Sora rarely uses it and orobably barely knows how to use such a complex piece of machinary. -xNaminéx

Organization Collage Picture

The current Collage Picture we have seems to be lacking somewhat in quality. I propose we use this image I made myself. Organization XIII CollageBowser the Second 11:27, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Sure, go with that. XienZo 18:39, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

The Nobodies Heartless

If Xehanort had a special heartless AND a special Nobody, wouldn't the rest of Organization XIII too? Excluding Xion. 21:43, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

Most probally, to keep a form it seems you need to have a strong heart & to willingly accept the darknes. Xehanort did and so his heartless kept its form (not becoming a shadow,darkside etc) and his nobody was born, chances are the apprentices, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus & Zexion gave there hearts willingly too so theres a strong chance there heartless do, but its unknown if the remaining members gave there hearts willingly or they just became corrupted so there heartless might have been a super powerful, but did not look like them. Ximodnic 17 Febuary 2009

Dragoon (Art).png
ShadowXemnas -!!!
TALK - Turn to Darkness!
What if one of the apprentice's Heartless is the "New Unknown"? Just thinking aloud.


Just a thought I had, has anything official ever specifically said that any members of Organization XIII have died? It's been said that they've been "eliminated", or they've "met their end", with the most specific answer being they've "faded back into Darkness", but nothing has ever been said they aren't alive. But that brings up the fact that Nobodies aren't actually "alive" in the first place. I've narrowed it down to three possible answers: 1-I'm overthinking the whole thing and they all are dead. 2-Only Xemnes is alive because his element is Nothingness and could have used it to save himself. 3-All the members could still be alive somewhere because as Nobodies, they didn't have lives to loose in the first place. The most likely place they would be the Realm of Darkness, since they've faded back into Darkness. -xNaminéx

Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png True, for the fact tha they haven't any lives to protect, we can't say they actually "died", did they ? I guess the words that befit this context are "eliminated" or "met their end".

About what you said of Xemnas being alive even as a Nobody - it sounds quite convincing. Take a look at how he disappeared, compared with the rest of the Organisation members. Xemnas disappeared twice (and he didn't disappear like Axel did in Re:Chain of Memories), and when he did disappear at the end... it was more dramatic than any other member's disappearance.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Yeah, but the dramatic disappearance was probably because he was the leader and final boss, but it could've been fake. I think he's still alive. He always said "I am Nothing" and Riku once said that Nothingness probably goes on forever. Also, that picture from Coded with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy looking at someone in one of those cloaks. They looked scared like it was an enemy, which rules out Riku. When I put it all together, it's really sounds true. -xNaminéx

The gravestone Theory

I decided to start playing the game again >_>. I just finished Hallow Bastion (The battle of 1000 heartless, etc) and noticed afterwards that the entries for the eliminated Organization XIII members appear in the journal. (Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia and Larxene) This is long before Sora reaches their gravestones in The World that Never Was. Does this not make the theory that Sora gained the information from that source impossible? - Redlight11

I suppose it does. But what event in the storyline would cause Sora to remember them? I restarted the game too, but i'm pretty far away from the war still. -xNaminéx

Hmm well.. Sora did meet Xenmas there, that could have triggered suppressed memories. Also, Sora went into "The relm of Darkness" where he found the picture. That could have triggered something. Or it could have just been that the creaters of the game thought that would be as good an oppertuinity as any to stick the entries in. - Redlight11

huh... probably a combination of the three. I'll change the trivia. Thank you for the info! -xNaminéx