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The Colosseum is a game mode where you can fight random opponent - ranging from standard Heartless to playable characters. Many Colosseum Tours exist, with different rules, for every levels.



It is a place where you can obtain rare accessories - especially trade accessories. To "Buy" them, you have to give Heart Points. Heart Points are obtained by defeating Heartless, Nobodies or playable characters.

It is a card-based system. You begin with three cards, and have to "play" one to receive another. If you lose, you lose a card, and continue with two cards. Successive losses bring the player to 1 card and 0 cards (Game Over).

Card Lists

heartlessw.png Heartless Cards are black-colored. Playing one allows to fight the Heartless (or Nobody) corresponding to the card. It gives a quite low number of Heart Points, but is often the less challenging.

heartlessboss.png Heartless Boss Cards are black-colored with a demonic red aura. Playing one allows to fight the Heartless Boss corresponding to the card. It gives a high number of Heart Points, and is quite hard to defeat.

playable.png Character Cards are black-colored with a green hue. Playing one allows to fight a playable character - except the character used by the player. These cards value a heavy amount of Heart Points - but they have a very high A.I. and are hard to defeat.

Item Cards are green-colored. They activate various useful effects, such as drawing card, increasing Heart Points and decreasing Enemy Power. They are one-used only.

challenge.png Challenge Cards are golden. They begin a special fight, with special rules or characters. They are rare, and can be as generous as Character Cards for Heart Points.

Challenge Cards

Watery Waltz !

In that minigame, you have to beat multiple Water Clones in a limited amount of time. The number of Water Clones, and their HP is proportional to the difficulty of the chosen Tour. They cannot attack. If one is send with Wall Rush, he hurts and possibly kills any water clones in his way.

Time Out !

In this minigame, the character fights a randomly chosen playable character. HP are replaced by time bars, and they progressively lower. They also lower when the characters are hurt with HP Attacks.


Heartless spawn continuously in this minigame, and respawn when defeated. Heartless strength is proportional to the difficulty of the chosen Tour. You have to resist a certain amount of time (proportional to the difficulty of the chosen Tour).