User:D.Dark./Walkthrough: Kingdom Hearts II/Part 9: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 19:23, 3 January 2010

Sorry for the lack Well you cant really blame me i mean its been christmas and new years and i have been north of my country with my grandparents during new years and at my aunt's for new years. Oh and HAPPY NEW YEARS and MERRY CHRISTMAS! Anyway lets begin.

The Mystery Tower

Now are you ready? Picked up all the items you could find? Good! Cause we aint coming here again in a WHILE! Alright ALL ABOARD(talk to Donald)! But first go to the stores and buy some items and i defiantly reccomend you go to the weapon shop and buy something for Donald and Goofy.

Now a ...somewhat touching cutscene later we are at...*deep scary voice* THE MYSTERY TOWER!!! ...alright its just The Tower but its still a you guys. Anyway you can talk to Donald or Goofy if you want but also get the two treasure chests that are right there....THERE! Unless your as blind as an 80 year old man with eye cancer i will tell you where they are: One is near Donald at the right bush and another is a bit farther away at the left bush and the last is near the one we just got. Got it? Alright lets go find out who is humping the door on the tower.

Well it just happens to be Donald and Goofy's old stupid meatball friend Pete. And what is he doing here? Trying to turn some almighty wizard into a heartless and going world to world recruiting heartless for Maleficent. Anyway the pea brain sends a few heartless shadows at us no biggie took me less then 20 seconds to destroy. Just blindly mash the X button and maybe walk a bit around and your done. Inside the tower there is a save spot if you want to save and a chest with a mythril shard. Again you can talk to Donald and Goofy but they dont say anything important just go up the stairs and into the light blue blob thing to appear higher in the tower but the stair case. Boy thats a lot of stairs. Just go up the stairs while fighting some heartless that you might encounter and kill them. Seriously just a tip here: NEVER RUN AWAY FROM A BATTLE UNLESS YOU ARE ALMOST DEAD. And then go into the door in the middle of the stair case to appear in a room to fight a small wave of heartless. Then go trough the green door. Yep more stairs...oh goody. Once you have defeat the heartless in those stair and gotten trough the doors you will fight another wave of heartless but this time there is a new heartless thrown into the mix called Soldier. Now the Soldier aint tough but has an attack called cyclone which is pretty damaging, but thankfully Sora has a RC (Reaction Command) to it called Cyclone....original aint it? This fight isnt hard either so just fight your way trough and enter the next door. Aaand fight another wave of heartless and enter the last door. OK after a brief introduction and explaining and what not we have a chance to save, talk to Donald or Goofy, get a chest and read a book. The book contains nothing special so just talk to Yen Sid. Alright to sum up what we learned in the cutscene we just saw Goofy found the solution to destroy the heartless forever we learn that the circus freak's are actually called Nobody's...and so is Axel. Now just go the next room talk to the red fairy to get your new outfit. And along the way another keyblade OH GOODY! And also a special form called Valor Form which i will give a Form Box instead of Character Box.

Valor Form

Now as you just saw and see in the picture Sora now has two keyblades. Being in Valor form increases your strenght greatly allows you to jumps higher and run faster and look like and all around badass. But it has its weaknesses such as: Goofy disappears for a while,you are only in Valor Form for a limited time and you have no means to heal your self and you cant use magic (later when we get it).

And as you can see on the picture HERE

You really do look like a badass so enjoy your time with Valor Form.

Now to lv up Valor Form (yes you lv up forms) you only have to hit enemy's. In other words one hit against say a heartless counts as a exp and two hits as two exp's and so on. It may sound easy to lv up the form...and it kinda is but it takes a bit of time.

The Mystery Tower (whats left of it anyway)

Now Yen Sid gives us our old Gummi Ship which we...havent seen since The End of the World in the first game...thats quite some time. Now we have good news and bad news. The good news is that we can go to other worlds now (altough its only one at the moment), the bad news is the annoying bitch Maleficent is back...greaaat.

Hollow Bastion

Now Hollow Bastion you may remember as the most annoying world in KH because of hard enemies, Riku, annoying puzzle's, Riku, the complicated castle, Riku, Maleficent and did i forget something....oh yeah Riku was there too.

Anyway in town you will find the Item Synthesis shop, now it may look somewhat complicated but its as easy as once in a while just visiting and choosing to synthesis anything you can. Not much brainwork really, at least until you start to try and get Sora, Donald and Goofy's ultimate weapons the Ultima Weapon (Sora), Save the Queen (Donald) and Save the King (Goofy), but we will get to that later..hehe much later.

Now you might see some familiar face's such as Huey, Dewey and Louie Donald's nephews and Uncle Scrooge or even Wedge from the FF series...i wonder which Wedge it is cause there are like 4 or 5 Wedge's. Talk to Uncle Scrooge..twice to find out that Leon (or Squall) from FF8 is in Merlin's house. Simply go down the stair's meet up with the grand annoying ninja Yuffie and get attacked by some circus frea...i mean Nobody's. By now you easily know how to fight and how to fight Dusk's but you dont know how to fight the new nobody Samurai, the samurai may be somewhat slow but he can go fast suddenly and pack a punch right in Sora's face. Also there is a RC called Dual Stance involving Sora and the Samurai facing of in a quick duel of speed while everyone else enemy or ally freeze for a moment. The goal of the RC is to hit the button that appears on the command bar before the Samurai can attack,the command bar empty's by the way. If you successfully hit the button before the Samurai attacks you kill him in one shot and any enemy that might be in the middle. I have a question about this battle like why didn Yuffie try and help us fight? Anyway she acts like a bitch and leads us to Merlins house where we will save for the time being cause IM OUT!