Editing Forum:Notes 30, (All, Tutorial Transcripts) - TheFifteenthMember

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==358/2 Days==
==358/2 Days==
[[Forum:Notes 26, (KHD, Day-by-Day Information/Points) - Xion4ever|Obtainment/list here]]
===Day 7 (Number XIV)===
*Basic Controls
**Obtainment: Grey Area, post "Opening" cutscene
**Information:<font color=#FFFF00>Use (directional pad image, in yellow)</font> to move around. <font color=#FFFF00>Approach someone</font> and <font color=#FFFF00> press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]] <!--in yellow--></font> to talk to them.
===Day 8 (The Icing on the Cake)===
*How to Save
**Obtainment:Grey Area, start of day
**Information:<font color=#FFFF00>Press (start button, in yellow)</font> to open the <font color=#FFFF00> main menu.</font> Select <font color=#FFFF00> Save</font> from the menu to record your progress.
*Reaching High Places
**Obtainment: [[Mission 01]]
**Information, two pages: <font color=#FFFF00>Press [[File:Button B.png|x20px]] <!--in yellow--></font> to jump. You can also <font color=#FFFF00>grab ledges</font> that are otherwise out of reach. (Page 1) <font color=#FFFF00>Press (directional pad, up, in yellow)</font> while hanging to <font color=#FFFF00>pull yourself up...</font> ...or press [[File:Button B.png|x20px]] again to drop down. (Page 2)
*Adjusting the Camera
**Obtainment: [[Mission 01]]
**Information, two pages: <font color=#FFFF00> Press (select button in yellow)</font> to enter <font color=#FFFF00>freelook mode,</font> then <font color=#FFFF00>use (directional pad, in yellow)</font> to adjust the camera. Press any button other than (directional pad image) or (start button) to exit freelook mode. (Page 1) You can also <font color=#FFFF00>slide the stylus on the Touch Screen</font> to adjust the camera <font color=#FFFF00>on the fly.</font> Try it next time you need to look around! (Page 2)
*Blocked Areas
**Obtainment: [[Mission 01]]
**Information: Some areas are blocked off by <font color=#FFFF00>barricades.</font> The Organization uses these to close off areas <font color=#FFFF00>unrelated to the mission.</font>
*Treasure Chests
**Obtainment: [[Mission 01]]
**Information: <font color=#FFFF00>Press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]] while next to a chest</font> to open it. Chests contain a variety of helpful items. Collect as many as you can!
*The Backpack
**Obtainment: [[Mission 01]]
**Information, two pages: Items you collect are stored in your <font color=#FFFF00>backpack.</font> To get your backpack, <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button X.png|x20px]]</font> until the <font color=#FFFF00>Items command</font> is selected, then <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]].</font> (Page 1) Items on the list can be <font color=#FFFF00>discarded</font>-or, in the case of recovery items, <font color=#FFFF00>used.</font> Anything you throw away will appear on the screen and can be <font color=#FFFF00>collected again.</font> (Page 2)
**Obtainment: Mission 01
**Information: After a mission, you must make your way back to the <font color=#FFFF00>dark corridor</font> and <font color=#FFFF00>RTC</font> (return to the castle). The corridor's location is displayed on the <font color=#FFFF00>Touch Screen map.</font>
===Day 9 (Heartless)===
*Standard Attacks
**Obtainment: [[Mission 02]]
**Information: <font color=#FFFF00>Press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]]</font> to attack with the <font color=#FFFF00>Keyblade.</font> <font color=#FFFF00>Keep pressing [[File:Button A.png|x20px]]</font> with the right timing to perform a devastating <font color=#FFFF00>combo!</font>
**Obtainment: Mission 02
**Information: Enemies drop <font color=#FFFF00>prizes</font> when defeated.
<font color=#FFFF00>HP Prize</font>
Restores HP.
<font color=#FFFF00>Munny</font>
Serves as cash.
<font color=#FFFF00>Prize Box</font>
Contains an item.
*Locking On
**Obtainment: Mission 02
**Information: <font color=#FFFF00>Rapidly press [[File:Button R.png|x20px]] twice</font> to <font color=#FFFF00>lock on</font> to an enemy. Cycle to the <font color=#FFFF00>next target</font> by <font color=#FFFF00>pressing [[File:Button R.png|x20px]] once.</font> Rapidly press [[File:Button R.png|x20px]] twice to exit lock-on mode.
*Heart Points
**Obtainment: Mission 02
**Information: A <font color=#FFFF00>heart</font> appears where you defeat <font color=#FFFF00>certain types of Heartless.</font> You can use these <font color=#FFFF00>heart points</font> at the <font color=#FFFF00>shop.</font>
**Obtainment: Mission 02
**Information, three pages: Defeat enemies to start a <font color=#FFFF00>chain.</font> While chaining, a <font color=#FFFF00>ring of light</font> appears around whichever enemy you lock on to. (Page 1) That ring shrinks over time and disappears. <font color=#FFFF00>Keep hitting enemies</font> to make it bigger! Defeating enemies during a chain will earn you <font color=#FFFF00>bonus heart points.</font> (Page 2) What's more, if you <font color=#FFFF00>keep a chain going long enough,</font> your <font color=#FFFF00>heart counter will begin to flash.</font> Your chain becomes <font color=#FFFF00>unbreakable</font> during this time, giving you the chance to collect tons of hearts! (Page 3)
===Day 10 (Incomplete)===
*Mission Objectives
**Obtainment: [[Mission 03]]
**Information: Missions have a variety of <font color=#FFFF00>objectives.</font> The objective of your current mission is shown on the Touch Screen.
*The Map
**Obtainment: Mission 03
**Information: A <font color=#FFFF00>map of your current location</font> can be found on the Touch Screen. <font color=#FFFF00>Enemies in the area</font> also show up on the map. Use it to hunt them down.
*The Mission Gauge
**Obtainment: Mission 03
**Information: Make progress toward your objective, and the <font color=#FFFF00>Mission Gauge</font> will fill. Reach the <font color=#FFFF00>goal line...</font> ...and it's <font color=#FFFF00>Mission Complete!</font> But why stop there? Fill the gauge all the way, and it could pay off.
===Day 11 (Keyblade)===
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: You can now select <font color=#FFFF00>Panels</font> from the main menu. Panels allow you to <font color=#FFFF00>customize your abilities.</font> You can only access your panels <font color=#FFFF00>before missions,</font> so make them a part of your daily routine.
*Installing Panels
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information, three pages: Install <font color=#FFFF00>panels</font> you've obtained in <font color=#FFFF00>slots</font> in order to power yourself up! Move panels from your <font color=#FFFF00>stock</font> on the right side of the screen into the <font color=#FFFF00>slot window</font> on the left. (Page 1) Installed panels give you <font color=#FFFF00>new abilities,</font> or increase your level, HP, and other <font color=#FFFF00>stats.</font> Panels come in all varieties. Find the panel arrangement that works best for you! (Page 2) Having trouble with a mission? Don't be afraid to <font color=#FFFF00>press (Start button)</font> and <font color=#FFFF00>withdraw.</font> you can always try again, and sometimes a simple change to your panels can make all the difference. (Page 3)
*Using Magic on Missions
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Need <font color=#FFFF00>magic panels</font> for a mission? Remember, you must <font color=#FFFF00>install them before you go.</font> Don't forget! Otherwise you'll be stuck without magic.
**Obtainment: Mission 04
**Information: To access your magic, <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button X.png|x20px]]</font> until the <font color=#FFFF00>Magic command</font> is selected, then <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]].</font> You have a <font color=#FFFF00>limited number of magic casts,</font> but you can recover them by using <font color=#FFFF00>Ethers.</font>
*Recovery Items
**Obtainment: Mission 04
**Information, two pages: To use a recovery item, <font color=#FFFF00>use [[File:Button X.png|x20px]] to select the <font color=#FFFF00>Items command.</font> Choose an item, then <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]].</font> Once you use an item, it's gone.</font> This goes for both installed items and those in your backpack. (Page 1) Items must be <font color=#FFFF00>installed in slots</font> like everything else if you want to take them along on missions. Plan in advance for tougher missions! (Page 2)
**Obtainment: Mission 04
**Information, two pages: Magic and recovery items can be set to a <font color=#FFFF00>shortcut menu. Hold [[File:Button L.png|x20px]]</font> while selecting an item or magic, then <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]] [[File:Button B.png|x20px]] [[File:Button X.png|x20px]] [[File:Button Y.png|x20px]]</font> to assign it to that button. (Page 1) Next, <font color=#FFFF00>close</font> the item or magic menu. <font color=#FFFF00>Hold [[File:Button L.png|x20px]],</font> and you will see your shortcuts. While holding [[File:Button L.png|x20px]], <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]] [[File:Button B.png|x20px]] [[File:Button X.png|x20px]] [[File:Button Y.png|x20px]]</font> to use that shortcut. Backpack items cannot be assigned. (Page 2)
===Day 12 (A Closed World)===
*Control Types
**Obtainment: Mission 05
**Information: <font color=#FFFF00>Type B controls</font> have been added to the <font color=#FFFF00>Config menu.</font> Type B features a <font color=#FFFF00>more flexible camera.</font> So far, you have been using Type A controls. Try both and see what clicks for you!
*Recon Missions
**Obtainment: Mission 05
**Information, two pages: For recon missions like this one, <font color=#FFFF00>approach recon points</font> and <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]]</font> to examine theme. You must <font color=#FFFF00>defeat any nearby foes first.</font> Recon points you find are <font color=#FFFF00>marked on the map.</font> (Page 1) Find enough clues to make a <font color=#FFFF00>breakthrough,</font> and the <font color=#FFFF00>Mission Gauge will fill.</font> Breakthroughs reveal new recon points, allowing you to proceed with the mission. (Page 2)
===Day 13 (Deeds to be Done)===
*Limit Breaks
**Obtainment: [[Mission 06]]
**Information: Once your <font color=#FFFF00>HP falls into the yellow range, hold [[File:Button A.png|x20px]]</font> and you can activate your <font color=#FFFF00>Limit Break.</font> Your attacks will deal massive damage <font color=#FFFF00>until the white line reaches the left edge</font> of your HP gauge.
===Day 14 (Friends)===
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Saix may stop issuing some missions after a certain date. Don't worry, though! You can always try any mission later. Just select <font color=#FFFF00>Holo-Missions</font> from the main menu.
*The Holo-Mission Menu
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: All your missions, <font color=#FFFF00>whether you choose to accept them or not,</font> are stored for you as <font color=#FFFF00>Holo-Missions.</font> See if you can complete them all!
*Equipping a Weapon
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Installing a <font color=#FFFF00>weapon panel</font> transforms your weapon, <font color=#FFFF00>changing its appearance and abilities.</font> You can only install one weapon panel at a time. Each has a different feel, so give them all a try!
*Selecting a Mission
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information, two pages: Check in with Saix to see a list of <font color=#FFFF00>currently available missions.</font> First, <font color=#FFFF00>select a mission</font> from the list. (Page 1) This will open a <font color=#FFFF00>mission brief.</font> Use (control pad) to review the summary and objectives, then <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button A.png|x20px]]</font> to embark on the mission. (Page 2)
===Day 15 (Missions)===
*Mandatory Missions
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information, two pages: Some of the missions you receive from the Organization are <font color=#FFFF00>mandatory.</font> These missions are <font color=#FFFF00>marked with a key.</font> (Page 1) Once all the mandatory missions are complete, you can <font color=#FFFF00>advance the data...</font> ... or choose to hold back until you've finished the full list of missions. (Page 2)
===Day 23 (Silent Companion)===
*Link Panels
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information, two pages: You may see the work LINK next to the description of certain panels. These are called <font color=#FFFF00>link panels.</font> When you install a link panel in a slot, a <font color=#FFFF00>link zone</font> appears around it. (Page 1) If you install a <font color=#FFFF00>compatible panel</font> inside this zone, it will <font color=#FFFF00>link up.</font> Links are the key to <font color=#FFFF00>maximizing your stats.</font> Some <font color=#FFFF00>abilities</font> can only be unlocked with the <font color=#FFFF00>right link.</font>
===Day 24 (Silence Broken)===
*Ring Panels
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Install <font color=#FFFF00>ring panels</font> to bump your stats way up. Some will even unlock <font color=#FFFF00>unique abilities.</font> Unfortunately, ring panels <font color=#FFFF00>can't be linked,</font> and you are <font color=#FFFF00>only allowed to install one.</font>
===Day 25 (Two Keys)===
*Unit Panels
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: <font color=#FFFF00>Unit panels</font> link to your weapon panels. Some release your weapon's <font color=#FFFF00>innate abilities,</font> while others <font color=#FFFF00>boost Strength, Defense, or other stats.</font>
*Unlocking Slots
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Completing missions <font color=#FFFF00>unlocks additional panel slots.</font> More slots = more panels = more power for you. Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
===Day 26 (Terminated)===
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Saix has noted your achievements and awarded you a new <font color=#FFFF00>rank.</font> Rise through the ranks to unlock <font color=#FFFF00>new items in the shop,</font> as well as <font color=#FFFF00>new missions for Mission Mode.</font>
*The Moogle Shop
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Looks like the <font color=#FFFF00>Moogle Shop</font> is open for business! Talk to the <font color=#FFFF00>moogle</font> here in the Grey Area whenever you need the shop's services.
*Shop Services
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: At the shop, you can spend <font color=#FFFF00>heart points</font> to <font color=#FFFF00>purchase</font> panels... ... or pay <font color=#FFFF00>munny</font> to <font color=#FFFF00>synthesize</font> new panels by combining the materials you have.
===Day 51 (Missing)===
*Unity Badges
**Obtainment: [[Mission 17]]
**Information: Find a mission's <font color=#FFFF00>Unity Badge</font> to <font color=#FFFF00>make it playable in Mission Mode.</font> Keep in mind that each mission has a <font color=#FFFF00>minimum rank.</font> You cannot select it unless all players qualify.
*The Bonus Gague
**Obtainment: [[Mission 17]]
**Information: Complete missions to fill up the <font color=#FFFF00>Bonus Gauge.</font> The amount varies from mission to mission. Once the gauge is full, completing additional missions will earn you <font color=#FFFF00>more rewards than usual.</font>
===Day 52 (Solitude)===
*Organization Emblems
**Information, two pages: <font color=#FFFF00>Collect the Organization emblems</font> scattered across the map. The emblems have <font color=#FFFF00>rings of light</font> around them which <font color=#FFFF00>get smaller as time elapses,</font> and eventually <font color=#FFFF00>vanish.</font> (Page 1) If you want to <font color=#FFFF00>completely fill the Mission Gauge,</font> you must grab the emblems <font color=#FFFF00>with their rings intact. Recharge</font> the rings by <font color=#FFFF00>grabbing other emblems</font> or <font color=#FFFF00>defeating enemies.</font> (Page 2)
*Level Links
**Obtainment: Grey Area; given with link panel/any time you obtain a panel with links
**Information: Some level panels <font color=#FFFF00>don't actually raise your level.</font> Instead, they generate a link zone. <font color=#FFFF00>Link up normal Level Up panels</font> to this zone to <font color=#FFFF00>multiply</font> the number of levels you gain!
===Day 71 (Reunion)===
*Challenges & Ordeal Badges
**Information, two pages: Now you can try your hand at <font color=#FFFF00>Challenges!</font> Find <font color=#FFFF00>Ordeal Badges</font> to unlock these tricky missions. Challenges show up on the Holo-Missions menu once the missions you found them in become available. (Page 1) Challenges feature special <font color=#FFFF00>restrictions,</font> and your performance will be <font color=#FFFF00>judged on different factors.</font> Perform well to earn <font color=#FFFF00>Challenge Sigils</font> you can trade in at shops for all kinds of <font color=#FFFF00>freebies.</font>
**Obtainment: (same requirement as for Challenges and Ordeal Badges)
**Information: You can now collect <font color=#FFFF00>freebies</font> at the shop. Rack up <font color=#FFFF00>Challenge Sigils</font> and <font color=#FFFF00>Mission Crowns...</font> ... to earn free stuff based on <font color=#FFFF00>how many you've collected</font> during Challenges and Mission Mode.
===Day 72 (Change)===
*Pursuing Targets
**Obtainment: [[Mission 21]]
**Information: Pursue the target by <font color=#FFFF00>keeping him inside your blue zone.</font> Careful! If he <font color=#FFFF00>escapes,</font> or <font color=#FFFF00>you enter his red zone,</font> you'll be caught.
===Day 74 (Trio)===
*Expanding Your Backpack
**Obtainment:Grey Area, after obtaining a backpack panel w/ links
**Information: Install a <font color=#FFFF00>Backpack</font> panel into your slots and you will be able to <font color=#FFFF00>pick up more items</font> during missions. This also means you can carry more stuff home.
===Day 79===
*Stay Out of Sight
**Obtainment: [[Mission 27]]
**Information: Careful! If you enter Lumiere's line of sight- <font color=#FFFF00>the red zone</font>- you'll be caught. This will force you to return to where you started. Find a way to advance <font color=#FFFF00>without being seen.</font>
===Day 97 (Transfer)===
*Storing and Retrieving Decks
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: You can <font color=#FFFF00>store</font> your current panel arrangement in a <font color=#FFFF00>deck...</font> ...and then <font color=#FFFF00>retrieve</font> it if you need it again later. (Remember to <font color=#FFFF00>save</font> if you want to keep your decks!)
===Day 117===
*News from the Shop
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: The <font color=#FFFF00>Moogle Shop</font> has some <font color=#FFFF00>brand new items</font> in stock. Take a look! You can also <font color=#FFFF00>synthesize weapon panels</font> now. Try to create a more powerful weapon!
*Phil's Training
**Obtainment: [[Mission 36]]
**Information: <font color=#FFFF00>Break barrels to earn points.</font> Chain-break them for more points! Smack one barrel into another barrel or an enemy for even MORE points!
===Day 118 (Lazy Day)===
**Obtainment: [[Mission 37]]
**Information: Hit the <font color=#FFFF00>ball</font> to <font color=#FFFF00>propel it into the air. See how many times you can hit it</font> before it falls to the ground <font color=#FFFF00>five times.</font>
===Day 153 (Disjointed Days)===
*Hunting for Heartless
**Obtainment: [[Mission 45]]
**Information: Heartless are <font color=#FFFF00>hiding everywhere</font>- not just in Jack's balloons. Examine everything carefully! <font color=#FFFF00>Give Zero a bone</font> and he'll <font color=#FFFF00>show you one of the Heartless's hiding places.</font>
===Day 173 (Lies)===
*Powering Up Abilities
**Obtainment: Grey Area
**Information: Some ability panels come in multiple sizes. The ones with <font color=#FFFF00>larger link zones</font> can be <font color=#FFFF00>powered up more...</font> ...but that also leaves <font color=#FFFF00>less room for other kinds of panels.</font> Try to find the right balance.
**Obtainment: [[Mission 53]]
**Information: You can now use <font color=#FFFF00>Auto-Glide</font> to fly. First, <font color=#FFFF00>press [[File:Button Y.png|x20px]] while jumping</font> to float. <font color=#FFFF00>Pressing [[File:Button Y.png|x20px]]</font> will take you <font color=#FFFF00>higher. Use [[File:Button B.png|x20px]]</font> to <font color=#FFFF00>descend.</font> You can now move freely with <font color=#FFFF00>(directional pad image).</font>
===Day 225 (Quietude)===
*Powering Up Limit Breaks
**Obtainment: Reaching "expert rank;" obtaining Final Limit panel
**Information: Install a <font color=#FFFF00>Final Limit</font> panel to release your <font color=#FFFF00>Limit Break's true power.</font> This also causes the white line in your HP gauge to rebound, increasing <font color=#FFFF00>how long the Limit Break lasts.</font>
===Day 300 (Shutdown)===
*Treasure Hunt
**Obtainment: [[Mission 77]]
**Information: Visit <font color=#FFFF00>suspiciously-marked spots</font> on the map and use your Keyblade to dig. Unfortunately, <font color=#FFFF00>the map is torn and you're missing part of it...</font> Where could the rest be?
===Mission Mode===
*Gathering Gates
**Obtainment: [[Mission 00]]
**Information: You can pass through <font color=#FFFF00>Gathering Gates</font> once <font color=#FFFF00>all players have gathered in front of them.</font> Standing by the gate also <font color=#FFFF00>protects you from other players' attacks.</font>
*Mission Points
**Obtainment: Mission 00
**Information: Defeat enemies or collect mission prizes to earn <font color=#FFFF00>Mission Points. The player with the most at the end wins!</font> Keep coming in first, and it might just pay off...
*Mission Mode RTC
**Obtainment: Mission 00
**Information: In Mission Mode, a <font color=#FFFF00>countdown</font> will occur once the dark corridor opens at the end of the mission. The mission will end when the timer reaches zero. <font color=#FFFF00>RTC before then</font> to earn bonus points.
===Player directed tutorials (aka, whenever you [freely] choose something)===
*The Holo-Mission Menu
**Obtainment: Whenever you click on Holo-Missions section from menu screen
**Information: All your missions, <font color=#FFFF00>whether you chose to accept them or not,</font> are stored for you as <font color=#FFFF00>Holo-Missions.</font> See if you can complete them all!

==Birth by Sleep==
==Birth by Sleep==
{{Q|Learn more about how to play the game|The information give for selecting "Game Help" from the START Menu}}
===Opening Tutorial===
('''Pause Menu''')
{{button|pspana}} Walk/run {{button|c}} Jump
{{button|shoulderl}}/{{button|shoulderr}} Rotate camera
Tab {{button|shoulderl}} or {{button|shoulderr}} twice to recenter the camera
<font color=#FFFF00>Head for the Summit!</font>
<font color=#FFFF00>Press {{button|x}} to attack the ring!</font>
Keep attacking to string together a powerful combo!
('''Pause Menu''')
Press {{button|x}} to attack in the direction of the<br>yellow attack marker. Keep pressing {{button|x}}<br> to string together a powerful combo!
<font color=#FFFF00>Attack the single hanging ring!</font>
You can earn <font color=#FFFF00>prizes</font> by defeating enemies<br>or hitting things in the field. Green prizes<br>restore HP. Yellow ones give you <font color=#FFFF00>munny</font>.
Your <font color=#FF0000>Command Deck</font> contains special moves.<br>Use {{button|dpad}}<ref>The Up and Down Directional Buttons are highlighted in red</ref> to select one, then press {{button|t}} to <br>use it once its gauge is filled.
('''Pause Menu''')
Your <font color=#FF0000>Command Deck</font> contains special moves.<br>{{button|dpad}}<ref>The Up and Down Directional Buttons are highlighted in red</ref> Select a command {{button|t}} Use command<br>You have to wait for its gauge to fill.
You can lock on to targets so that the camera automatically keeps them in view.
Lock on by tapping {{button|shoulderl}} and {{button|shoulderr}}}<br>at the same time.
Once you're locked on, you can<br>switch targets using {{button|shoulderl}} or {{button|shoulderr}}, or tap<br>both at once to exit lock-on.
You found the <font color=#FFFF00>Sliding Dash</font> command.<br>Press {{button|START}} to open the main menu, where<br>you can install it in your Command Deck.
This HP Guage represents your health.<br>Run out of HP, and you will be defeated.<ref>There is a red-orange arrow pointing at the HP guage</ref>
Use {{button|s}} to defend yourself!<br>Press it while moving to slide...
Or press {{button|s}} while holding still to block.
('''Pause Menu''')
Use {{button|s}} to defend yourself.<br>Terra will slide if you press it while moving,<br>and block if you press it while stationary.<br><font color=#FFFF00>Block Ven's attacks!</font>
This Command Gauge fills when your attacks<br>hit enemies. If you go a few seconds without<br>landing an attack, it will start to drain.<ref>There is a red-orange arrow pointing to the Command Gauge</ref>
Once you've filled the gauge all the way,<br>you can devastate opponents with the<br>powerful <font color=#FF0000>Finish</font>command.
('''Pause Menu''')
Keep hitting enemies without interruption<br>to completely fill up the <font color=#FF0000>Command Guage</font>,<br> then press {{button|x}} to use your <font color=#FF0000>Finish</font> command.<br><font color=#FFFF00>Try it on Ventus now!</font>
Using {{button|t}} commands instead of regular<br>attacks to fill the Command Gauge may cause<br>you to change <font color=#FF0000>Command Styles</font>.
Command Styles make your {{button|x}} attacks<br>much more powerful.
Which Command Style you get depends on<br>the commands you used to fill the gauge.<br>You will unlock more as you progress.
Some Command Styles are tricky to<br>activate. Try all kinds of command<br>combinations!
Use your <font color=#FF0000>Shotlock</font> command to hit<br>lots of enemies at once.
Hold down {{button|shoulderl}}+{{button|shoulderr}} and a big target circle will<br>appear. Use {{button|pspana}} to point the circle at one or<br>more enemies and lock on multiple times.
While still holding {{button|shoulderl}}+{{button|shoulderr}}, press {{button|x}} to<br>use your Shotlock, which hits enemies as many times as you locked on.
('''Pause Menu''')
Hold down {{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} to lock on multiple times,<br>then, without letting go, press {{button|x}} to use<br>your <font color=#FF0000>Shotlock</font> command.<br><font color=#FFFF00>Try it on Ventus now!</font>
Shotlock attacks require <font color=#FF0000>Focus</font><ref>There is a red-orange arrow pointing at the Focus Gauge</ref>.<br>This Focus Gauge will drain when you<br>use them.
Move into the circle of light and<br>press {{button|x}} to save your progress.<br>Touching the circle fully restores HP.
('''Pause Menu''')
Move into the circle of light to restore HP,<br>Then press {{button|x}} to save. Later, these circles<br>will let you move between worlds.<br><font color=#FFFF00>Open the save menu!</font>
===Command Deck===
====Installing Commands in Your Deck====
(Unlocked by selecting "Command Deck" from the START Menu for the first time.)
<font color=#FFD700>Install commands in your deck</font> to use them.
Start by choosing <font color=#FFD700>Edit Deck</font>.<br>
There are different types of<br>commands you can install, like<br><font color=#FFD700>battle commands</font> and <font color=#FFD700>action<br>commands</font>.
Get to a command faster by setting a shortcut with {{button|s}}.
Your current shortcut<br>is highlighted in yellow.
In combat, you can jump<br>right to your shortcut by<br>pressing {{button|dpad}}.<ref name="left">The Left Directional Button is highlighted in red</ref>
====Shotlock Commands====
(Available from the Game Help Menu, no unlocking requirement)
Shotlock commands target <font color=#FFD700>many foes at once</font>.
Hold down {{button|shoulderl}}{{button|shoulderr}} to<br><font color=#FFD700>lock on</font>to your targets...
...then press {{button|x}} to<br>attack them all at once.
You need <font color=#FFD700>Focus</font> to use your Shotlock command.
Refill this Focus<br>Gauge by <font color=#FFD700>landing<br>attacks on foes</font>.
Use a leveled-up Shotlock command and lock on the<br><font color=#FFD700>MAX number of times</font> to perform <font color=#FFD700>extra attacks</font>.
====Item Command Limitations====
(Available from the Game Help Menu, no unlocking requirement)
Item commands you use <font color=#FFD700>disappear for food</font>.
Unlike other commands, you can only carry<br>a <font color=#FFD700>finite number</font> of item commands <font color=#FFD700>into each<br>battle</font>. This number is shown in your deck.
If you run out of an item, you can still keep<br>it installed in your deck, but you won't be<br>able to use it.
====Leveling Up Commands====
(Unlocked by selecting "Command Deck" from the START Menu for the first time.)
Commands will <font color=#FFD700>level up</font> and <font color=#FFD700>increase in power</font><br> as you collect <font color=#FFD700>CP (command points)</font>.
*Defeat enemies to earn CP.
*Commands at the maximum level<br>are marked with a crown.
====Melding Commands====
(Unlocked by selecting "Meld Commands" from "Command Deck" from the START Menu for the first time.)
You can create a new <font color=#FFD700>new command</font> by melding two existing ones.
The commands you meld have to<br>reach a <font color=#FFD700>high enough level</font> first.
Use a synthesis item while melding<br>to add an <font color=#FFD700>ability</font> to the command.
(Unlocked by selecting "Abilities" from the START Menu for the first time.)
Abilities are <font color=#FFD700>bonus skills</font> tied to commands.
Just <font color=#FFD700>install the command</font> to gain its ability.<br>Abilities boost stats or provide special skills.
Gain a new ability by adding a<br><font color=#FFD700>synthesis item</font>when melding commands.
(Unlocked by selecting "Abilities" from the START Menu for the first time.)
<font color=#FFD700>Auto-abilities</font> are permanent and <font color=#FFD700>don't have<br>to be installed</font> in your deck.
You gain an auto-ability by raising a command<br>with that ability to the <font color=#FFD700>maximum level</font>.
====Evolving Your Finish Command====
(Unlocked by selecting "Finish Command" from "Command Deck" from the START Menu for the first time.)
<font color=#FFD700>Meet certain requirements</font> to power up your finish command.
Your Finish command may <font color=#FFD700>power up<br>in different ways</font> depending on which<br>conditions you fulfill.
You can also power it up by <font color=#FFD700>reuniting<br>with friends you've D-Linked with.</font>
Use the Finish Commands screen to change your<br>command or give commands new names.
===Dimension Links===
====Borrow Your Friends' Powers!====
(Unlocked after receiving the Wayfinder from Aqua).
The Wayfinder allows you to <font color=#FFD700>Dimension Link</font><br>with friends to borrow their powers.
You will meet lots of characters throughout<br>the story that you can <font color=#FFD700>D-Link</font> with.
====How D-Linking Works====
(Unlocked after leaving Land of Departure)
While D-linked, you can <font color=#FFD700>use the other character's commands</font>.
Press {{button|dpad}}<ref>The Right Directional Button is highlighted in red</ref> to open your list of D-links.
This <font color=#FFD700>D-Link Gauge</font> will drain<br>as long as you remain linked.<br>When the gauge runs out,<br>your link will be <font color=#FFD700>broken</font>.
D-Linking <font color=#FFD700>fully<br>restores your HP</font>.
Refill the gauge by collecting these <font color=#FFD700>D-Link prizes</font>.
<font color=#FFD700>Defeating enemies</font> while<br>D-Linked may cause them<br>to drop special <font color=#FFD700>emblems.</font>
Collect the emblems to <br><font color=#FFD700>power up</font> the D-Link.
===Adaptive Combat===
====Changing Command Styles====
(Unlocked after defeating the Orbs of Light)
If you fill the Command Gauge by at least partly using <font color=#FFD700>using<br>{{button|t}} deck commands</font>, you will sometimes change <font color=#FFD700>Command Styles</font>
The Command Style you get depends on <br>how many and which deck commands you used.
===Command Board===
Available under "How to Play" in the Command Board.
=====Power is Born Within the Heart/Getting Started=====
(Unlocked after ending the spar in the tutorial, later named "Getting Started" in the "How to Play" Menu)
*During your travels, you can<br>find new strength by playing on<br>the <font color=#FFD700>Command Board</font>.
*In this game, you roll the dice and<br><font color=#FFD700>power up your commands</font>as you<br>make your way along the board.
You can access the Command Board<br>at <font color=#FFD700>save points</font> or on the <font color=#FFD700>World Map</font>.
The commands in your <font color=#FFD700>Command Deck</font><br>become your game pieces, and you<br>can also <font color=#FFD700>obtain new commands</font>.
=====Welcome to the Command Board!=====
(Unlocked by opening the Command Board for the first time)
On the Command Board, you roll the dice, move along<br>the panels, and try to rack up <font color=#FFD700>GP</font>.
To win, be the first<br>back to Start with<br>enough for the <font color=#FFD700>GP Goal</font>!
Select <font color=#FFD700>New Game</font>, then choose a <font color=#FFD700>game board and GP Goal</font>.
Check the instructions if you need help.
(Unlocked when it's the player's first turn)
When it's your turn, choose<br><font color=#FFD700>what you want to do</font>.
Check the bottom right to<br>see <font color=#FFD700>how you're all doing</font>.
=====Adjusting the Camera=====
(Unlocked when it's the player's first turn)
{{button|t}}: Toggle Panel View,<br>which lets you move the<br>cursor around the board.<br>Hold {{button|t}} to move faster.
{{button|shoulderl}} {{button|shoulderr}}: Rotate the camera.
{{button|s}}: Switch to an overhead<br>view of the board.
Pres {{button|x}} to toggle the panel info window.
=====Rolling the Dice to Move=====
(Unlocked when it's the player's first turn)
Start by choosing the <font color=#FFD700>Roll</font> to roll the die.<br>You will move forward the number of spaces you roll.
When you hit a fork in the road, use {{button|dpad}}<ref>All buttons are highlighted in red</ref><br>and press {{button|x}} to choose a new direction.
=====Your Command Deck=====
(Unlocked when landing on a blank tile)
The <font color=#FFD700>deck commands you own</font> serve as your game pieces.
<font color=#FFD700>Symbols</font> are assigned based on command type.
=====Placing Command Cards on Panels=====
(Unlocked when landing on a blank tile)
Land on an empty panel, and you can pay GP<br>to <font color=#FFD700>place a command</font> there.
Whenever opponents land on your<br>panel, they must <font color=#FFD700>pay you a toll</font>.
Commands you placed on the board are powered up<br>at the end of the game...
...based on their value and your final rank.
=====Your GP Wallet and Wealth=====
(Unlocked when landing on a blank tile)
Each player has both a <font color=#FFD700>GP Wallet</font> and <font color=#FFD700>Wealth</font>.
The <font color=#FFD700>GP Wallet</font> is basically<br>your spending money.
<font color=#FFD700>Wealth</font> is your GP Wallet <font color=#FFD700>plus</font> panels you own.
For you to win, your <font color=#FFD700>Wealth must<br>equal or exceed the GP Goal</font>.
=====Leveling Up Command Panels=====
(Unlocked when landing on a checkpoint for the first time)
You can spend GP to <font color=#FFD700>raise a panel's level</font>.
This increases the <font color=#FFD700>toll</font> and affects<br>how much the command will <font color=#FFD700>power up</font>.
You can level up any panel if you land on<br>the <font color=#FFD700>Start Panel</font> or a <font color=#FFD700>Checkpoint</font>...
...or level up a <font color=#FFD700>panel you own</font> if you happen to land on it.
=====Taking Over Command Panels=====
(Unlocked when landing on an opponent's panel)
If you land on an opponent's panel, you can<br><font color=#FFD700>pay that opponent GP</font> to take it over.
These commands are also <font color=#FFD700>yours to keep</font> as<br>deck commands.
=====Checkpoints and the Start Panel=====
(Unlocked when landing on a checkpoint for the first time)
<font color=#FFD700>Pass through a Checkpoint</font> to earn <font color=#FFD700>bonus GP</font><br>and <font color=#FFD700>collect one command card</font>.
The ones you've been<br>through are <font color=#FFD700>marked</font>.
Check your <font color=#FFD700>nameplate</font> to find out<br>which Checkpoints you've passed.
Pass through all four Checkpoints and <font color=#FFD700>then<br>pass the Start Panel</font> to collect more <font color=#FFD700>bonus GP</font><br>and <font color=#FFD700>restock your command cards</font>.
The bonus changes as<br>you <font color=#FFD700>complete laps</font> and<br><font color=#FFD700>acquire more panels</font>.
=====Prize Cubes and Damage Panels=====
(Unlocked when landing on a Prize Cube or Damage Panel for the first time)
Land on a Damage Panel and some of your<br><font color=#FFD700>GP</font> will be <font color=#FFD700>absorbed</font> into the Prize Cube.
<font color=#FFD700>Ride the Prize<br>Cube</font> to avoid<br>taking damage.
Ride the Prize Cube the number of spaces shown in the star<br>to earn <font color=#FFD700>bonus GP</font> as well as the <font color=#FFD700>GP absorbed from players</font>.
=====Taking Breaks and Ending the Game=====
(Unlocked ???)
Choose Options from the menu to take a break from the game.
Choose <font color=#FFD700>Continue</font>to pick up the game later.
If you collect commands from the board and take a break...
...you are permitted to install<br>them in your Command Deck.
However, you cannot <font color=#FFD700>discard</font><br>them, <font color=#FFD700>sell</font> them, or <font color=#FFD700>meld</font> them<br>into other commands. Affected<br>commands appear in <font color=#FFD700>blue</font>.
All commands in play are<br><font color=#FFD700>marked with a die</font>.
====Advanced Tactics====
=====What's a Hand?=====
(Unlocked when selecting "Hand" in a game for the first time)
You can play hands using different<br><font color=#FFD700>command card combinations</font>
Hands yield various results. With the right cards,<br>you could even <font color=#FFD700>turn the tables</font>on your opponents...
=====Bonus Panels=====
(Unlocked when landing on a Bonus Panel for the first time)
*Some commands are placed on the board<br>from the get-go.
*Land on one of these <font color=#FFD700>Bonus Panels</font> and<br>you can acquire a new <font color=#FFD700>deck command</font>, so<br>long as you pay the GP.
=====Special Panels=====
(Unlocked ???)
Land on a Special Panel for a unique surprise!
Each board's Special Panel does something different.<br>If you're lucky, you might run into a certain <font color=#FFD700>wannabe hero</font>...
=====GP Booster Panels=====
(Unlocked ???)
GP Booster Panels <font color=#FFD700>increase the value of all panels</font>.
The stakes increase as players pass through...
...until someone<br>lands on the<br>panel. Ka-ching!
=====Zone Sweeps and Panel Chains=====
(Unlocked ???)
Zone Sweeps
*Each zone is indicated by a<br>different color.
*<font color=#FFD700>Place commands on every<br>panel</font> of one color and you<br>can sweep the zone, which<br><font color=#FFD700>boosts all the panels' values</font>.
Panel Chains
*Place two commands of the<br><font color=#FFD700>same symbol</font> next to each<br>other to <font color=#FFD700>boost their values</font>.
*This bonus is <font color=#FFD700>in addition</font> to<br>any Zone Sweep bonuses.
=====Differences Between Solo and Multiplayer=====
(Unlocked ???)
In multiplayer, you can take over opponents' panels,<br>but you <font color=#FFD700>cannot keep them as deck commands</font>.
Instead, <font color=#FFD700>medals</font> are<br>awarded for Wealth<br>and where you place.

==Re:coded "Tutorials"==
==Re:coded "Tutorials"==
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===First, Get Down the Basics===
===First, Get Down the Basics===
;Controls <small>('''Unlocked:''' Start of Dive to the Heart)</small>
Use {{button|dpad}} to move around.<br>Use {{button|dsb}} to jump.
Use {{button|dpad}} to move around.<br>Use {{button|dsb}} to jump.

*'''The "Attack" Command''' <small>('''Unlocked: First fight of Dive to the Heart''')</small><br>
*'''The "Attack" Command'''<br>
Press {{button|dsa}} to <font color=blue>attack</font>.<br>Keep pressing to chain together a <font color=blue>combo</font>!
Press {{button|dsa}} to <font color=blue>attack</font>.<br>Keep pressing to chain together a <font color=blue>combo</font>!

*'''The Command Deck''' <small>('''Unlocked: Third fight of Dive to the Heart''')</small><br>
*'''The Command Deck'''<br>
The blue boxes above the Attack command<br>are called <font color=blue>deck commands</font>. Press {{button|dsx}} to use the<br>command in the middle box. You must wait for<br>deck commands to <font color=blue>reload between uses</font>.
The blue boxes above the Attack command<br>are called <font color=blue>deck commands</font>. Press {{button|dsx}} to use the<br>command in the middle box. You must wait for<br>deck commands to <font color=blue>reload between uses</font>.

*'''Auto-Jump''' <small>('''Unlocked: After first conversation with Wakka.''')</small><br>
Keep holding {{button|dpad}} as you approach a ledge<br>and you will <font color=blue>automatically jump up or across</font>,<br>depending on context.
Keep holding {{button|dpad}} as you approach a ledge<br>and you will <font color=blue>automatically jump up or across</font>,<br>depending on context.

*'''Adjusting the Camera''' <small>('''Unlocked: Start of Dive to the Heart''')</small><br>
*'''Adjusting the Camera'''<br>
Hold {{button|shoulderr}} and press {{button|dpad}}, or just slide<br>along the map on the Touch Screen<br>to adjust the camera.
Hold {{button|shoulderr}} and press {{button|dpad}}, or just slide<br>along the map on the Touch Screen<br>to adjust the camera.

*'''Locking On''' <small>('''Unlocked: At the start of the second fight of Dive to the Heart''')</small><br>  
*'''Locking On'''<br>
Lock on to an enemy to <font color=blue>automatically<br>keep it in your sights</font>.<br>{{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} (tap): Lock on/ Exit lock-on<br>{{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} (hold) + {{button|dpad}}<ref>D-Pad icon here has the up and down buttons highlighted here.</ref>: Change targets
Lock on to an enemy to <font color=blue>automatically<br>keep it in your sights</font>.<br>{{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} (tap): Lock on/ Exit lock-on<br>{{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} (hold) + {{button|dpad}}<ref>D-Pad icon here has the up and down buttons highlighted here.</ref>: Change targets

;The HP Gauge <small>('''Unlocked:First fight of Dive to the Heart''')</small>
;The HP Gauge
The green gauge in the lower right<br>represents your <font color=blue>HP</font>, or health.<br>If you run out of HP, it's <font color=blue>Game Over</font>.
The green gauge in the lower right<br>represents your <font color=blue>HP</font>, or health.<br>If you run out of HP, it's <font color=blue>Game Over</font>.

;The Map <small>('''Unlocked: Start of Destiny Islands''')</small>
;The Map
On the Touch Screen is a map that shows your<br>position and where to find enemies and exits.<br>Press {{button|select}} to <font color=blue>zoom the map and camera out</font><br>when you are moving through dense areas.
On the Touch Screen is a map that shows your<br>position and where to find enemies and exits.<br>Press {{button|select}} to <font color=blue>zoom the map and camera out</font><br>when you are moving through dense areas.

;Save Points <small>('''Unlocked: Reach first save point.''')</small>
;Save Points
Enter a save point and press {{button|dsa}} to<br>open the <font color=blue>save menu</font>, where you can<br>record and save progress.
Enter a save point and press {{button|dsa}} to<br>open the <font color=blue>save menu</font>, where you can<br>record and save progress.

===Keep Those Abilities Flowing===
===Keep Those Abilities Flowing===
;Overclocks <small>('''Unlocked: After first raising the Clock gauge to level 2''')</small>
Attack enemies or certain objects to <font color=blue>fill up<br>the clock gauge</font>. Each time you do, you will rise<br>a <font color=blue>clock level</font>, activating an <font color=blue>ability</font> on the<br><font color=blue>Clock Ability Tree</font> and moving to the next tier.
Attack enemies or certain objects to <font color=blue>fill up<br>the clock gauge</font>. Each time you do, you will rise<br>a <font color=blue>clock level</font>, activating an <font color=blue>ability</font> on the<br><font color=blue>Clock Ability Tree</font> and moving to the next tier.

;Finish Commands <small>('''Unlocked: After first raising the Clock gauge to level 2.''')</small>
;Finish Commands
<small>''Page 1/2''</small><br>
After you have reached one of the endpoints<br>on the tree, <font color=blue>filling the clock gauge one last<br>time</font> will change the Attack command to <font color=blue>Finish</font>.<br>Press {{button|dsa}} to unleash a <font color=blue>devastating attack</font>!
After you have reached one of the endpoints<br>on the tree, <font color=blue>filling the clock gauge one last<br>time</font> will change the Attack command to <font color=blue>Finish</font>.<br>Press {{button|dsa}} to unleash a <font color=blue>devastating attack</font>!

<small>''Page 2/2''</small><br>
;The Clock Ability Tree
Afterwards, your clock level will<br>return to 1, and <font color=blue>your abilities for clock<br>levels 2 through MAX will deactivate</font>.
;The Clock Ability Tree <small>('''Unlocked: Upgrade a Keyblade.''')</small>
Touch the <font color=blue>TREE icon</font> on the Touch Screen to<br>bring up the Clock Ability Tree at any time.
Touch the <font color=blue>TREE icon</font> on the Touch Screen to<br>bring up the Clock Ability Tree at any time.

*'''Choosing Abilities''' <small>('''Unlocked: Upgrade a Keyblade.''')</small><br>
*'''Choosing Abilities'''<br>
By <font color=blue>touching your choice</font> on the Clock Ability Tree,<br>you can <font color=blue>control which ability will activate next</font>.<br>Keep in mind that Finish commands are more<br>powerful at higher levels along the tree.
By <font color=blue>touching your choice</font> on the Clock Ability Tree,<br>you can <font color=blue>control which ability will activate next</font>.<br>Keep in mind that Finish commands are more<br>powerful at higher levels along the tree.

===Leave No Spoils Unclaimed===
===Leave No Spoils Unclaimed===
;EXP (Experience) <small>('''Unlocked: After levelling up for the first time''')</small>
;EXP (Experience)
<small>''Page 1/2''</small><br>
You receive EXP for defeating enemies.<br>Earn enough EXP and you will receive a<br><font color=blue>Level Up</font> chip.
You receive EXP for defeating enemies.<br>Earn enough EXP and you will receive a<br><font color=blue>Level Up</font> chip.

<small>''Page 2/2''</small><br>
Install <font color=blue>Level Up</font> chips in the main menu's<br><font color=blue>Stat Matrix</font> to <font color=blue>increase your level</font>.
;Prizes <small>('''Unlocked: After first fight of Dive to the Heart''')</small>
Defeating enemies may cause them to<br>drop <font color=blue>prizes</font>. Collect the green ones<br>to <font color=blue>restore HP</font>.
Defeating enemies may cause them to<br>drop <font color=blue>prizes</font>. Collect the green ones<br>to <font color=blue>restore HP</font>.

Line 878: Line 76:
If you want to shop, you will need<br>munny first. Take out enemies or break<br>prize blox to keep your wallet happy!
If you want to shop, you will need<br>munny first. Take out enemies or break<br>prize blox to keep your wallet happy!

*'''Stat Chips''' <small>('''Unlocked: Report back to Wakka after breaking your first rare prize blox.''')</small><br>
*'''Stat Chips'''<br>
<font color=blue>Install</font> any <font color=blue>stat chips</font> you find in the<br><font color=blue>Stat Matrix</font> to increase your HP, strength,<br>or other attributes.
<font color=blue>Install</font> any <font color=blue>stat chips</font> you find in the<br><font color=blue>Stat Matrix</font> to increase your HP, strength,<br>or other attributes.

Line 885: Line 83:

===Use the Stat Matrix to Power Up===
===Use the Stat Matrix to Power Up===
;The Stat Matrix <small>('''Unlocked: Open the Stat Matrix''')</small>
;The Stat Matrix
Install <font color=blue>chips</font> into the <font color=blue>slots</font> on the<br>board to gain new powers.
Install <font color=blue>chips</font> into the <font color=blue>slots</font> on the<br>board to gain new powers.

*'''Installing Chips''' <small>('''Unlocked: Open the Stat Matrix''')</small><br>
*'''Installing Chips'''<br>
Start by pointing to an empty, adjacent<br> slot and pressing {{button|dsa}} to select a chip.
Start by pointing to an empty, adjacent<br> slot and pressing {{button|dsa}} to select a chip.

Line 897: Line 95:
A <font color=blue>new section</font> of the Stat Matrix is<br>unlocked whenever you complete a world.<br><font color=blue>Each section has its own CPU</font> you can use<br>as a starting point.
A <font color=blue>new section</font> of the Stat Matrix is<br>unlocked whenever you complete a world.<br><font color=blue>Each section has its own CPU</font> you can use<br>as a starting point.

*'''Bonus Boosters/Support Abilities''' <small>('''Unlocked: Access a Bonus Booster.''')</small><br>
*'''Bonus Boosters/Support Abilities'''<br>
Use chips to fill in the slots between<br>these pink objects and a <font color=blue>CPU</font> to unlock<br>useful <font color=blue>support abilities</font>.
Use chips to fill in the slots between<br>these pink objects and a <font color=blue>CPU</font> to unlock<br>useful <font color=blue>support abilities</font>.

Line 909: Line 107:
Each command uses up a certain amount of<br><font color=blue>system memory</font>. You cannot install a command<br>if it will cause the <font color=blue>MEMORY</font> indicator at the<br>bottom of the Touch Screen to <font color=blue>exceed 100%</font>.
Each command uses up a certain amount of<br><font color=blue>system memory</font>. You cannot install a command<br>if it will cause the <font color=blue>MEMORY</font> indicator at the<br>bottom of the Touch Screen to <font color=blue>exceed 100%</font>.

*'''CPUs''' <small>('''Unlocked: Open the Stat Matrix''')</small><br>
All chips are powered by <font color=blue>CPUs</font>.<br>Install your first chip next to a CPU, then<br>build outward to complete the Stat Matrix.
All chips are powered by <font color=blue>CPUs</font>.<br>Install your first chip next to a CPU, then<br>build outward to complete the Stat Matrix.

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===Upgrade Commands with Conversion===
===Upgrade Commands with Conversion===
;The Command Matrix <small>('''Unlocked: View the Command Matrix.''')</small>
;The Command Matrix
In this game, every action you can take<br>is represented by a <font color=blue>command</font>. Use this board<br>to <font color=blue>install</font> the commands you use in combat.
In this game, every action you can take<br>is represented by a <font color=blue>command</font>. Use this board<br>to <font color=blue>install</font> the commands you use in combat.

*'''Installing Commands''' <small>('''Unlocked: View an empty command panel.''')</small><br>
*'''Installing Commands'''<br>
When you obtain a <font color=blue>new command</font>, try<br>installing it into an <font color=blue>empty blue slot</font>.
When you obtain a <font color=blue>new command</font>, try<br>installing it into an <font color=blue>empty blue slot</font>.

*'''CP (Command Points)''' <small>('''Unlocked: Insert a new command into the Command Matrix.''')</small><br>
*'''CP (Command Points)'''<br>
<small>''Page 1/2''</small>
Defeat enemies and your installed commands<br>will gain <font color=blue>CP</font>. Once a command gains enough CP,<br>it will be marked with an <font color=blue>exclamation point</font>.
Defeat enemies and your installed commands<br>will gain <font color=blue>CP</font>. Once a command gains enough CP,<br>it will be marked with an <font color=blue>exclamation point</font>.
<small>''Page 2/2''</small>
Install new commands with a <font color=blue>[!]</font> in two adjacent<br>blue slots, and you can then <font color=blue>convert</font> them into<br>a powerful new command.

*'''Converting Commands'''<br>
*'''Converting Commands'''<br>
Once the two commands in adjacent blue<br>slots have absorbed as much CP as they can,<br>you should <font color=blue>convert</font> them into a single, <font color=blue>more<br>powerful command</font>.
Once the two commands in adjacent blue<br>slots have absorbed as much CP as they can,<br>you should <font color=blue>convert</font> them into a single, <font color=blue>more<br>powerful command</font>.

*'''Test-Converting Commands''' <small>('''Unlocked: Test-convert a command.''')</small><br>
*'''Test-Converting Commands'''<br>
If you install commands in two adjacent blue slots,<br>they will <font color=blue>temporarily transform into a new command</font><br>which appears in the red slot. This red command is<br>the one you will take into battle.
If you install commands in two adjacent blue slots,<br>they will <font color=blue>temporarily transform into a new command</font><br>which appears in the red slot. This red command is<br>the one you will take into battle.

Line 973: Line 167:
:<font color=blue><small><code>LV.</code></small></font> = have a greater effect at higher levels.
:<font color=blue><small><code>LV.</code></small></font> = have a greater effect at higher levels.

*'''Item Commands''' <small>('''Unlocked: Obtain an item command.''')</small><br>
*'''Item Commands'''<br>
<font color=blue>Item commands</font> like Potions are marked with a<br>numeral, and do not reload until after combat.<br>In the heat of battle, <font color=blue>you can only use the<br>quantity shown</font>. However, you can use them in<br><font color=blue>rapid succession</font>.
<font color=blue>Item commands</font> like Potions are marked with a<br>numeral, and do not reload until after combat.<br>In the heat of battle, <font color=blue>you can only use the<br>quantity shown</font>. However, you can use them in<br><font color=blue>rapid succession</font>.

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===Arm Yourself and Accessorize===
===Arm Yourself and Accessorize===
;The Gear Matrix <small>('''Unlocked: Visit the Gear Matrix.''')</small>
;The Gear Matrix
Arm yourself with a <font color=blue>Keyblade</font>, <font color=blue>accessories</font>,<br>and a devastating <font color=blue>Finish command</font> by installing<br>them in this board.
Arm yourself with a <font color=blue>Keyblade</font>, <font color=blue>accessories</font>,<br>and a devastating <font color=blue>Finish command</font> by installing<br>them in this board.

*'''Keyblade Chips''' <small>('''Unlocked: Select the Keyblade slot in the Gear Matrix.''')</small><br>
*'''Keyblade Chips'''<br>
The <font color=blue>Clock Ability Tree</font> on the top screen<br>lists special abilities unique to each <font color=blue>Keyblade</font>.<br>You can unlock <font color=blue>secret abilities</font> (???) by<br>defeating enemies and upgrading the Keyblade.
The <font color=blue>Clock Ability Tree</font> on the top screen<br>lists special abilities unique to each <font color=blue>Keyblade</font>.<br>You can unlock <font color=blue>secret abilities</font> (???) by<br>defeating enemies and upgrading the Keyblade.

*'''Finish Command Chips''' <small>('''Unlocked: Select the Finish Command slot in the Gear Matrix.''')</small><br>
*'''Finish Command Chips'''<br>
<font color=blue>Finish commands</font> are the most powerful attacks<br>in your arsenal. You can use the one you've<br>installed once the <font color=blue>clock gauge</font> reaches MAX.
<font color=blue>Finish commands</font> are the most powerful attacks<br>in your arsenal. You can use the one you've<br>installed once the <font color=blue>clock gauge</font> reaches MAX.

*'''Accessory Chips''' <small>('''Unlocked: Select the Accessory Chip slot in the Gear Matrix.''')</small><br>
*'''Accessory Chips'''<br>
Install accessory chips to gain a wide<br>variety of <font color=blue>new abilities</font>.
Install accessory chips to gain a wide<br>variety of <font color=blue>new abilities</font>.

===Revisit Worlds to Uncover Secrets===
===Revisit Worlds to Uncover Secrets===
;Selecting a World
;Selecting a World
Choose <font color=blue>Select a World</font> from t<small>('''Unlocked:''')</small>savehe save menu to<br><font color=blue>replay episodes</font> you have completed, challenge<br>world bosses in <font color=blue>Score Attack</font>, or just head in<br>to explore.
Choose <font color=blue>Select a World</font> from the save menu to<br><font color=blue>replay episodes</font> you have completed, challenge<br>world bosses in <font color=blue>Score Attack</font>, or just head in<br>to explore.

*'''Replaying Episodes'''<br>
*'''Replaying Episodes'''<br>
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===Smash Bugs in the System Sectors===
===Smash Bugs in the System Sectors===
;System Sectors <small>('''Unlocked: Enter a System Sector.''')</small>
;System Sectors
The datascape created from Jiminy's journal<br>requires code to run. This code is housed in<br>special areas called <font color=blue>system sectors</font>.
The datascape created from Jiminy's journal<br>requires code to run. This code is housed in<br>special areas called <font color=blue>system sectors</font>.

*'''Locating Backdoors''' <small>('''Unlocked: Come into contact with a backdoor.''')</small><br>
*'''Locating Backdoors'''<br>
<small>''Page 1/2</small><br>
<small>''Page 1/2</small><br>
To fix glitches, you will first need to<br>find a <font color=blue>backdoor</font> into the <font color=blue>system sector</font>.<br>
To fix glitches, you will first need to<br>find a <font color=blue>backdoor</font> into the <font color=blue>system sector</font>.<br>
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As you unlock higher levels of the <font color=blue>Scan</font> ability,<br>your <font color=blue>sensor will power up</font>, revealing new<br><font color=blue>backdoors</font> that lead to <font color=blue>previously inaccessible<br>system sectors</font>.
As you unlock higher levels of the <font color=blue>Scan</font> ability,<br>your <font color=blue>sensor will power up</font>, revealing new<br><font color=blue>backdoors</font> that lead to <font color=blue>previously inaccessible<br>system sectors</font>.

*'''Sector Debug''' <small>('''Unlocked: Enter a System Sector.''')</small><br>
*'''Sector Debug'''<br>
Glitches in the datascape are caused by<br>abnormal enemies inside the system sector.<br>Defeat these <font color=blue>bug baddies</font> and <font color=blue>debug the sector</font><br>to return the world to normal.
Glitches in the datascape are caused by<br>abnormal enemies inside the system sector.<br>Defeat these <font color=blue>bug baddies</font> and <font color=blue>debug the sector</font><br>to return the world to normal.

*'''SP (Sector Points)''' <small>('''Unlocked: Obtain SP''')</small><br>
*'''SP (Sector Points)'''<br>
While inside a system sector, you will<br>rack up <font color=blue>SP</font> that can be redeemed for EXP,<br>munny, or other <font color=blue>rewards</font> once you have<br>completely debugged the sector.
While inside a system sector, you will<br>rack up <font color=blue>SP</font> that can be redeemed for EXP,<br>munny, or other <font color=blue>rewards</font> once you have<br>completely debugged the sector.

*'''Terminals''' <small>('''Unlocked: Find a terminal.''')</small><br>
Defeat the last of the <font color=blue>bug baddies</font> inside<br>a system sector to reveal a <font color=blue>terminal</font> some-<br>where on the floor. This is your <font color=blue>way out</font>.
Defeat the last of the <font color=blue>bug baddies</font> inside<br>a system sector to reveal a <font color=blue>terminal</font> some-<br>where on the floor. This is your <font color=blue>way out</font>.

*'''Links''' <small>('''Unlocked: Find a link.''')</small><br>
Some system sectors contain <font color=blue>multiple floors</font>.<br>Defeat all the <font color=blue>bug baddies</font> on one floor to<br>reveal a <font color=blue>link</font> to the next.
Some system sectors contain <font color=blue>multiple floors</font>.<br>Defeat all the <font color=blue>bug baddies</font> on one floor to<br>reveal a <font color=blue>link</font> to the next.

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===Know Each World's Wacky Workings===
===Know Each World's Wacky Workings===
;Boss Stage Scoring <small>('''Unlocked: Before battling the Darkside.''')</small>
;Boss Stage Scoring
''<small>Page 1/2</small><br>''
''<small>Page 1/2</small><br>''
Defeat enemies or bash blox to release<br>prizes that increase your score. You will be<br>awarded items based on your performance.<br>
Defeat enemies or bash blox to release<br>prizes that increase your score. You will be<br>awarded items based on your performance.<br>
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===Becoming a Blox Expert===
===Becoming a Blox Expert===
;Blox <small>('''Unlocked: After first conversation with Selphie''')</small>
Bugs in the journal data have caused <font color=blue>blox</font><br>to pop up all over the world. You can <font color=blue>break<br>them with the Keyblade</font> to reveal prizes,<br>or use them as <font color=blue>stepping stones</font>.
*'''Blox Types''' <small>('''Unlocked: Destroy a rare prize blox.''')</small><br>
The blox marked with a star ★<ref>In the game, the star isn't filled in; the icon is just an outline of a star.</ref> are called<br><font color=blue>prize blox</font>. Smash these with your Keyblade<br>to reveal the <font color=blue>treasures</font> inside.<br>Grey <font color=blue>metal blox</font> cannot be destroyed.
*'''Rare Prize Blox''' <small>('''Unlocked: Destroy a rare prize blox.''')</small><br>
Blox marked with silver stars ★<br>contain valuable items. It takes three<br>hits to break one.
*'''Bounce Blox'''<br>
The blue blox with bubbles on them will<br>push you back if you try to approach from<br>the side. However, if you jump on them<br>from above...
*'''Ghost Blox'''<br>
The green blox will pop in and out of<br>existence at regular intervals. While fully<br>visible, they can be used as stepping stones.<br>While they are transparent, you will walk or<br>fall right through them.
*'''Slider Blox'''<br>
You can move the blue blox with the<br>turquoise pattern someplace more useful<br>by hitting them with your Keyblade.
*'''Pair Blox'''<br>
''<small>Page 1/2</small>''<br>
Each blue blox with a star ★ has a<br>corresponding light green blox with a star ★<br>somewhere in the area. Both of these <font color=blue>pair blox</font><br>will move if you hit them.<br>
''<small>Page 2/2</small>''<br>
<font color=blue>Slide the blox up next to each other</font><br>to turn them into a <font color=blue>prize blox</font>.
*'''Blast Blox'''<br>
Red blox with a cracked pattern will explode<br>not long after you touch them, or immediately<br>if they are hit with too much force.
*'''Magnet Blox'''<br>
Blox marked with a red and blue swirl are<br>called <font color=blue>magnet blox</font>. The glowing sides of<br>these blox will pull you toward them, but the<br>darkened sides have no effect.

===Connect with Friends in Tag Mode===
===Connect with Friends in Tag Mode===
;The Avatar Menu
Return to the Title Screen to access this<br>special menu for connecting with other players<br>via <font color=blue>Tag Mode</font>. You will receive a <font color=blue>floor challenge</font><br>and <font color=blue>scratch card</font> from each person you meet.
;Your Avatar
Why settle for an average avatar when<br>you can have the <font color=blue>avatar of your dreams</font>?<br>Use <font color=blue>Tag Mode</font> to unlock a huge assortment<br>of <font color=blue>parts</font> that add pizzazz and personality.
;Tag Mode Settings <small>('''Unlocked: Enter the "Tag Mode" menu in the Avatar Menu.''')</small>
<font color=blue>Customize</font> the type of floor you send to<br>other players you meet by choosing a<br><font color=blue>Floor Code</font> (floor layout and behavior)<br>and <font color=blue>Floor Challenge</font>.

==Dream Drop Distance==
==Dream Drop Distance==
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====Flowmotion Basics====
====Flowmotion Basics====
<font color=magenta>Flowmotion</font> lets you use your environment to the fullest.
Use {{button|3dsana}} + {{button|dsy}} to slide into a wall or pole, and you will enter <font color=magenta>Flowmotion</font>.
While in Flowmotion, you can press {{button|dsb}} to jump or {{button|dsy}} to gain a burst of speed. This makes getting around much easier.
<font color=#f3c503>Slide toward that lamppost to gain a burst of speed!</font>
You don't always have to slide into Flowmotion. You can use some objects, like hand rails and ropes, <font color=magenta>just by landing on them</font>.
<font color=#f3c503>Jump onto the rail to kick into Flowmotion!</font>
That's just the tip of the iceberg. Not sure where to go? Go with the Flow!
<font color=#f3c503>Flowmotion Basics</font> tutorial complete!
====Reality Shift====
====Reality Shift====
Use <font color=magenta> Reality Shift</font> to bend the rules of the world around you.
Reality Shift works differently in each world.
;Reality Shifts
If this pink symbol appears over a target, it's time for a <font color=magenta> Reality Shift</font>!
Press {{button|dsa}} + {{button|dsx}} to trigger Reality Shift. Action will move down to the Touch Screen.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Slingshot
Touch the <font color=#f3c503>object you were targeting</font> on the Touch Screen, then slide back and aim!
Let go to launch the target in the trajectory shown and blast any enemies it hits.
<font color=#f3c503>Use Reality Shift to launch the barrels!</font>
Depending on your lock-on target, you may need to meet different requirements to get the pink Reality Shift marker to appear. For most foes, this means <font color=magenta>dealing a certain amount of continual damage</font>.
Try Reality Shift on everything! You never know what might happen.
<font color=#f3c503>Reality Shift</font> tutorial complete!
====Flowmotion Combat====
====Flowmotion Combat====
Flowmotion isn't just for getting around. You can also use it in combat.
;Flowmotion Attacks
Press {{button|dsa}} while in Flowmotion to perform a powerful <font color=magenta>Flowmotion Attack</font>.
Your basic <font color=teal>Attack</font> command will change automatically when a Flowmotion Attack is possible.
Different Flowmotions will trigger different attacks, so give everything a try!
<font color=#f3c503>Slide toward walls and poles, and use Flowmotion to defeat the enemies!</font>
Sometimes <font color=magenta>sliding into enemies</font> will trigger Flowmotion.
;Flowmotion Throws
Press {{button|3dsana}} + {{button|dsy}} to slide into a large enemy, and you will swing around that enemy.
While swinging around, press {{button|dsa}} and you can send the enemy flying.
<font color=#f3c503>Take out the enemies by sending them flying!</font>
Use Flowmotion to weave together a dynamic offense, and you'll dominate the battlefield in no time.
<font color=#f3c503>Flowmotion Combat</font> tutorial complete!
====Linking With Spirits====
====Linking With Spirits====
Sora and Riku each <font color=magenta>link with spirits</font> in their unique way.
;Linking with Spirits
Completely fill up a Spirit's <font color=magenta>Link Gauge</font>, and it will briefly lend you its power.
Sora uses <font color=magenta>Link Attacks</font> to team up with his Spirits and take on the enemy.
Riku changes <font color=magenta>Link Styles</font>, absorbing his Spirits to power up his combos for a period of time.
The Link Gauge will refill as a Spirit's attacks connect with the enemy.
To link, touch Spirit icons on the Touch Screen, or hold {{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} and press either {{button|dsx}}, {{button|dsb}}, or {{button|dsa}}.
You can link with both your Spirits at once to perform a devastating <font color=magenta>Dual Link</font>.
<font color=#f3c503>Link with your Spirit to defeat the enemies!</font>
Fill up the Link Gauge of both Spirits in your party, and you can team up with both at once to perform a powerful <font color=magenta>Dual Link</font>.
To perform a Dual Link, <font color=magenta>touch the Spirit icon</font> on the Touch Screen. You can also hold down {{button|shoulderl}} + {{button|shoulderr}} and press {{button|dsa}}.
Naturally, Dual Links are much more powerful than linking with a single Spirit. Collect as many Spirits as you can, and you never know what new tricks you might unlock!
<font color=#f3c503>Linking with Spirits</font> tutorial complete!
===Game Help===
===Game Help===
====Gameplay Basics====
====Gameplay Basics====
<font color=magenta>Mementos</font> are optional tutorials and flashbacks. When you see the cue on the top screen...
...you can access the Memento by selecting <font color=#f3c503>Play Now</font> or <font color=#f3c503>View Now</font>. Mementos are also available from the main menu at any time.
;Save Points
Glowing circles on the ground are <font color=magenta>save points</font>. Touch the light to recover your HP.
Press {{button|dsa}} while at a save point to open the <font color=magenta>save menu</font>, where you can do the following:
Save your progress.<ref name="box">This text is displayed in a yellow text box next to an image.</ref>
Return to the World Map.<ref name="box" />
Switch between playable characters.<ref name="box" />
;The World Map
Use the <font color=magenta>World Map</font> to move between worlds. You can choose your entry point as well.
World data will appear on the Touch Screen. Each time you drop, the world's Dream Eaters and <font color=magenta>Lucky Item</font> may change.
;Dropping Between Characters
In this game, you will <font color=teal>alternate</font> between Sora and Riku to progress through the story.
To <font color=magenta>drop</font>, or switch, between characters, just touch the <font color=#f3c503>DROP</font> button on the pauses screen or the main menu.
;Earn Bonuses with Drop Points
When you drop, a screen will appear where you can spend <font color=magenta>Drop Points (DP)</font> to give the next character a bonus.
There are three ways to earn DP:
Collect these Droplets.<ref name="box" />
Find and complete this Link Portal.<ref name="box" />
Collect this Lucky Item.<ref name="box" />
;The Drop Gauge
The <font color=magenta>Drop Gauge</font> continues to decrease as you explore the field.
<font color=teal>Sleep</font> and other <font color=teal>negative statuses</font> will cause your <font color=magenta>Drop Gauge</font> to drain more quickly.
When the gauge runs out, you will enter <font color=magenta>Bonus Time</font>, and Droplets will appear more often.
After Bonus Time ends, you will drop into the next character.
;The Command Deck
You must <font color=magenta>install</font> commands to use them, In the main menu, choose <font color=#f3c503>Command Deck {{button|r}}<ref>In the game, this is a white arrow pointing to the right</ref> Edit Deck</font>.
You can assign one <font color=magenta>shortcut command</font> by highlighting it and pressing {{button|dsx}}.
To easily jump to this shortcut command in combat, just press {{button|dpad}}<ref name="left" />.
;Item Commands
<font color=magenta>Item command</font> let you use items in your stock.
You can only use a limited number of each item per battle. This number is shown in your deck.
If you are out of an item, you cannot use it, even if you leave it installed in your deck.
Special <font color=magenta>abilities</font> can be learned and activated which boost your stats or unlock new moves.
Abilities are obtained from Spirits.
Most abilities you obtain can be activated at any time, but <font color=teal>stat-boosting abilities</font> require that the Spirits you obtained them from stay in your party.
;Link Critical
If your basic <font color=teal>Attack</font> and a Spirit's attack connect at the same time, both attacks will power up and send opponents flying.
Performing this <font colot=magenta>link critical</font> will give your <font color=magenta>Link Gauge</font> a huge boost.
====Action Commands====
====Action Commands====
;Link Block
Press {{button|dsy}} to block just as your Spirit is attacked to warp in front of the Spirit and protect it.
Successful <font color=magenta>link blocks</font> will charge up the <font color=magenta>Link Gauge</font>.
;Air Slide / Sonic Impact
Press {{button|dsy}} while jumping to <font color=magenta>air slide</font> and move through the air at high speed.
If you have <font color=magenta>Sonic Impact</font> installed, you can press {{button|dsy}} while air sliding to gain a second burst of speed.
;Glide / Superglide
While controlling Sora, hold {{button|dsb}} while jumping to fly through the air.
Once you obtain <font color=magenta>Superglide</font>, you will be able to fly at even faster speeds.
;Shadow Slide / Shadow Strike
While controlling Riku, you can <font color=magenta>shadow slide</font> to warp behind your opponent.
<font color=magenta>Shadow Strike</font> lets you follow up with a downward slash after you reappear.
Shadow Strike must be installed <font color=#f3c503>underneath Shadow Slide</font>.
Use this ability to jump a second time while in midair.
Press {{button|dsb}} in midair to perform a second jump.
;Payback Raid / Payback Blast
<font color=magenta>Payback Raid</font> and <font color=magenta>Payback Blast</font> are counterattacks you can use after an enemy's attack sends you flying.
After you are sent flying, press {{button|dsy}} to strike back.
;Counter Rush / Counter Aura
<font color=magenta>Counter Rush</font> and <font color=magenta>Counter Aura</font> are counterattacks used after blocking an enemy attack.
Press {{button|dsa}} right after a successful block to strike back.
Counter Rush and Counter Aura must be installed <font color=#f3c503>underneath a block command</font>.
;Aerial Recovery
If an enemy attack sends you flying, you can get back in the action with an <font color=magenta>aerial recovery</font>.
After you are sent flying, press {{button|dsy}} to get yourself upright again.
;Steep Climb / Rapid Descent
Use <font color=magenta>Steep Climb</font> and <font color=magenta>Rapid Descent</font> to continue attacking enemies drifting in midair.
Just approach the drifting enemy and press {{button|dsa}} to attack.
;Sliding Sidewinder / Sliding Crescent
These commands let you transition from slide commands preformed with {{button|dsy}} into combo attacks.
Press {{button|dsa}} while sliding to attack.
<font color=magenta>Sliding Sidewinder</font> and <font color=magenta>Sliding Crescent</font> must be installed <font color=#f3c503>underneath a sliding command</font>.
====Reality Shifts====
====Reality Shifts====
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Code Break
Touch the <font color=#f3c503>glowing letters</font> on the Touch Screen to piece together the code!
Each code has a different effect.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Faithline
Slide the stylus to <font color=#f3c503>connect the glowing dots</font> on the Touch Screen.
You will slide along the line you draw, dealing damage to any enemies you hit.
Complete the loop and you can continue the slide for several laps.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Bubble Burst
Hit the enemies with bubbles to trap them.
The distance between the <font color=#f3c503>center globe</font> and where you touch determines the range and power.
You can ride trapped enemies and use them against other foes.
Press {{button|dsa}} to burst the bubble and damage surrounding foes.
Press {{button|dsb}} to burst the bubble and perform a <font color=magenta>super jump</font>.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Wonder Comic
Trap enemies in a comic-book world where their ending will not be a happy one.
Use the Touch Screen and <font color=#f3c503>follow all the directions correctly</font> to blast all nearby foes.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Melody Catcher
Use the Touch Screen to <font color=#f3c503>interact with the notes and conduct</font> along with the rhythm.
In some areas, <font color=magenta>Melody Catcher</font> will change the environment and open new routes.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Nightmare's End
Slide the stylus on the Touch Screen to <font color=#f3c503>cut through the white links</font> in the chains.
Cut through all the white links to deal major damage to enemies.
;Reality Shift<nowiki>:</nowiki> Mirage Split
Slide the stylus on the Touch Screen to <font color=#f3c503>cut through the white links</font> in the chains.
Cut through all the white links to deal major damage to enemies.
;Creating Spirits
You can create new Spirits in two ways: from <font color=teal>recipes</font>, and from <font color=teal>scratch</font>.
To create a Spirit using a recipe, you'll need to collect the materials in advance.
Starting from scratch may allow you to create Spirits in unexpected ways.
Once you've settled on what Spirit you want to create, you can sacrifice one of your <font color=teal>deck commands</font> to give your creation a stat boost.
Your new Spirit is part of the family.
Be sure to give it a meaningful name and lots of TLC.
;Bonding with your Spirits
Touch a Spirit's <font color=#f3c503>silhouette</font> on the Touch Screen and you can pet that Spirit.
This might change a Spirit's disposition, increase your Affinity, or earn it some EXP.
Use <font color=magenta>Training Toys</font> to play with Spirits and you can help them grow.
Fighting alongside Spirits or bonding with them will earn them <font color=magenta>Link Points (LP)</font>.
LP can be spent on the <font color=magenta>Ability Link</font> board to unlock new commands and abilities for you.
Point the camera at the <font color=magenta>AR Card</font> included with this game to bond with that Spirit in AR!
You can pet Spirits in this mode, or give them certain items.
;Rescuing Spirits
If a Spirit runs out of HP, a countdown will begin. Once the timer hits zero, the Spirit will <font color=red>turn back into Dream Pieces</font>.
Don't let that happen! Get close to your Spirit and rescue it by tapping {{button|dsa}} until you fill up the gauge.
====Link Portals====
====Link Portals====
;Link Portals
Access a <font color=magenta>Link Portal</font> to face-off against -or team up with- Spirits from other worlds.
To begin, touch a <font color=#f3c503>Portal</font> on the Touch Screen. You must be zoomed in to see it.
Each portal is marked with a difficulty level, so don't bite off more than you can chew.
Use <font color=magenta>StreetPass</font> to exchange Link Portals with other players.
Touch the <font color=#f3c503>Portal button</font> on the Touch Screen to place Portals or manage the Portals you have received.
====Dive Mode====
====Dive Mode====
;Dive Mode
In this mini-game, you take down enemies and collect prizes as you fall at high speed.
Your objective is to pass through the <font color=magenta>goal ring</font> that lights up once you've met certain goals.
Those goals vary from dive to dive.
Press {{button|dsa}} to attack enemies.
To defeat bosses, you will need to target their flashing weak points.
Press {{button|dsb}} to reduce speed.<ref name="box" />
Press {{button|dsy}} to quickly dodge.<ref name="box" />
Don't forget to decelerate and dodge to make it safely through the dive!
If you pick up a <font color=magenta>magic prize</font>, you can use {{button|dsx}} to perform a special <font color=magenta>magic attack</font>.


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