Forum:Need help getting started here.

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Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Need help getting started here.

BlackSoulBlade - Keyblades of Light and Dark were locked in combat...
TALK - As the great Keyblade War raged!

I just joined. Can anyone help me get started here?

Like how to use a friggin template?

Why hello there! I'm Auror, Lily, or Aurora! I came across this and decided..."Why not?". So, when typing in your template, like {{BlackSoulBlade}}, you have to put {{BlackSoulBlade|text=YOUR TEXT WRITTEN HERE!}} Got it? [Ѧüя◎ґ]

BlackSoulBlade - Keyblades of Light and Dark were locked in combat...
TALK - As the great Keyblade War raged!
Testing,testing. Thank you, that was bugging me