Forum:Isn't It Ironic that Luxord Isn't In CoM?

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Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Isn't It Ironic that Luxord Isn't In CoM?

iZerox I'm enjoying this. you guys are something else! — 03:19, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Lea Frisbee.png Hey Guys! I was just replaying Chain of Memories when I realized that Luxord, master of cards, isn't in Chain of Memories at all. Yet a huge thing in Chain of Memories is cards heck the game practically revolves around them. I just found it really ironic and felt like sharing it with everyone here. Just something to think about. =P

The Inexistent - Pitiful users, mindlessly collecting information. The rage of an edit releases this knowledge, and they all come together, to form: The Wiki!!!
TALK - And on the Wiki these words appear: "My name is The_Inexistent, user of users: Look upon my edits, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Invisible Sword.png I'm not even sure if Nomura had plans for him yet. But it is quite funny, as Luxord is his favorite character.
iZerox Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the dusks are gonna crack this one... — 16:40, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Lea Frisbee.png It's possible. Where did you hear that Luxord was his favorite character?

The Inexistent - Pitiful users, mindlessly collecting information. The rage of an edit releases this knowledge, and they all come together, to form: The Wiki!!!
TALK - And on the Wiki these words appear: "My name is The_Inexistent, user of users: Look upon my edits, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Invisible Sword.png According to the Kingdom Hearts Character Report Volume 2, Luxord is Tetsuya Nomura's favorite member of Organization XIII. That statement was removed from the article at some point.