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Name: Kai

Sex: Female

DOB: July 13, 1995

Location: Southwestern Illinois

Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers women, but in love with and dating a guy

Religious/Spiritual beliefs: Ghosts, reincarnation, animism, balance, and a higher power that permeates the universe

Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to music, learning, drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing, making jewelry/accessories, inventing, occasionally video games, cooking, eating, sleeping, board games, Go Fish, daydreaming, lurking on forums, hiking, working out, camping, catch-and-release fishing, sparring, puzzles/riddles, RPing, and hugging

Interests: Literature, art, music, culture, food, history, mythology, daily life in medieval/ancient society, biology, zoology, anatomy, botany, natural medicine, geology, astronomy, anime/manga, creepy glitches, psychology, theology, spirituality, chemistry, physics, volcanology, the paranormal/supernatural, psychic abilities, anything over 1000 degrees, crime and punishment, Marvel comics

Dislikes: Racism, homophobia, sexism, ageism, reality TV, Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, people who blindly trust authority, the government, all the corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, mandatory minimum sentences, sex offenders, anyone who is cruel to animals/children/elders/disabled people, Twilight and anything else by Stephenie Meyer, Carly Rae Jepsen, and hypocrites

Flaws: Arrogance, impatience, poor basic math skills, difficulty reading an analog clock, difficulty telling left from right, overprotectiveness, paranoia, violent temper, inability to sound sincere even when I really am, huge ego, dwelling on things, hypocrisy, hypochondria, lust, being overly frugal, inability to sing or dance, terrible handwriting, spouting random facts at inopportune moments

Favorite Books: Vampire Chronicles, Harry Potter, Chronicles Of Narnia, Lord Of The Rings, The Wizard Of Oz, Matador series, Dragonriders Of Pern, Star Dragon, Rebel Moon, Bright Particular Star, Firestarter, The Dark Tower series, Everything's Eventual, The Talisman, Black House, The Tommyknockers, Skeleton Crew, The Silk Vendetta, Stormswift, Siddhartha, The Hunger Games series, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Journey To The Center Of The Earth, The Three Musketeers, The Merry Adventure Of Robin Hood, Oliver Twist, A Tale Of Two Cities, Captains Courageous, David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol, Treasure Island, Tales Of Mystery And Terror, Smoke, Warriors series, The Odyssey, The Iliad, The Journey Outside, The Giver series, When The Wind Blows, The Lake House, Critical Judgment, Howl's Moving Castle, Stealing Shadows, Stowaway, Aliens In The Family, Julie Of The Wolves, Island Of The Blue Dolphins, Tweaked, The Borrowers series, Mrs. Frisbie And The Rats Of NIMH, Houses Without Doors, Tara Road, Peter Rabbit series, Bridge To Terabithia, The Great Gatsby, Grapes Of Wrath, Of Mice And Men, Paradise County, The Silent Stranger, Paradise County, My Magic Garden, and Time Cat

Favorite Authors: JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, Ann McCaffrey, Anne Rice, Stephen King, CS Lewis, Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Ray Bradbury, and Peter Straub

Favorite Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, classic Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, classic Beyblade, Akira, Summer Wars, Fruits Basket, By The Sword, Vampire Hunter D, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fooly Cooly, and Fullmetal Alchemist

Favorite Cartoons: Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend Of Korra, Adventure Time, Hercules, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Sophia The First, Jake And The Neverland Pirates, Regular Show, The Amazing World Of Gumball, original Powerpuff Girls, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Scooby Doo, Dexter's Lab, Robot Jones, Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go, Young Justice,X-Men, X-Men Evolution, Wolverine And The X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Totally Spies, Kim Possible, Winx, WITCH, House Of Mouse, The Emperor's New School, Little Bear, Franklin, Winnie The Pooh, Bolt, and Code Lyoko

Favorite Cartoon Movies: The Lion King series, Beauty And The Beast, Alice In Wonderland, Tangled, Tinker Bell series, Aladdin series, Cinderella, Snow White And The Seven Dwarves, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid series, Peter Pan, The Fox And The Hound, Scamper The Penguin, The Land Before Time series, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Up, Horton Hears A Who, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, Monsters Inc, Toy Story series, How To Train Your Dragon, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, The Incredibles, Brave, The Prince Of Egypt, Aristocats, 101 Dalmations, Lady And The Tramp, Lady And The Tramp, Bambi, The Jungle Book, Tarzan, Pocahontas, Hercules, Mulan, Mulan 2, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Lilo And Stitch, The Iron Giant, Balto, Bambi, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Oliver And Company, Corpse Bride, Coraline, and Despicable Me

Favorite Live Action Movies: Harry Potter series, The Hunger Games, Chronicles Of Narnia, Lord Of The Rings, anything by Marvel, Interview With The Vampire, Queen Of The Damned, The Lost Boys, Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Joy Luck Club, The Wizard Of Oz, Oz The Great And Powerful, Alice In Wonderland, Sweeney Todd, Beetlejuice, Volcano, The Core, Disaster Zone: Volcano In New York, Swamp Volcano, Edward Scissorhands, The Odd Life Of Timothy Green, Pirates Of The Carribean series, CJ7, Flubber, 101 Dalmations, 102 Dalmations, Dark Skies, Cabin Fever, Firestarter, Firestarter 2, The Langoliers, Carrie, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Inception, The Butterfly Effect, Sucker Punch, Dark Shadows, Bridge To Terabithia, National Treasure, Knowing, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Armageddon, Apocalypto, Deep Impact, Sinister, The Haunter Mansion, Holes, The Parent Trap, O Brother Where Art Thou, Matilda, RomeoJuliet, Shutter Island, Kill Bill, Kill Bill 2, Sin City, From Dusk Til Dawn, Beautiful Creatures, Pacific Rim, Detroit Rock City, Easy Rider, I Am Legend, Gatsby, Grapes Of Wrath, White Fang, Flipper, and Flyboys

Favorite Live Action Shows: Agents Of SHIELD, Sleepy Hollow, American Horror Story: Coven, Sons Of Anarchy, Arrow, That's So Raven, General Hospital, Rescue Me, Hannibal, Bates Motel, and Full House

Favorite Video Games: Kingdom Hearts series, Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2 (or Dark Chronicle, whatever name you prefer), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Malice, Syphon Filter: Omega Strain, Inuyashe: Secret Of The Cursed Mask, Inuyasha: Feudal Combat, Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tournament, Pokemon series, Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Duel Stories, and Red Ninja: End Of Honor