Forum:Notes 20, (KH3D, Boss attacks) - ShardofTruth

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Forums: Index > Ansem's Computer > Notes 20, (KH3D, Boss attacks) - ShardofTruth

ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing.
Game Clear Data KHRECOM.png Being not able to make new scans for the time being, I will collect the various boss attacks here. The English equivalents can be found in this faq, although I'm not sure if the translations are from the game itself because the Bradygames guide doesn't use them (or any other Dream Eater attack name for that matter).


(ス)ペルカン - Spellican

  • 水晶コメット - Crystal Comet / Suishou Cometto
  • 水晶メテオ - Crystal Meteor / Suishou Meteo
  • コスモソード - Cosmos Sword / Kosumo Sōdo
  • スターライト - Starlight / Sutāraito
  • メテオシャワー - Meteor Shower / Meteo Shawā

パペットブルーム - Puppet Broom / Papetoo Burūmu

  • サンダー - Thunder / Sandā