Forum:Aqua, Terra or Ven? Who are you looking forward to?

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town > Aqua, Terra or Ven? Who are you looking forward to?

Hello! I did not properly introduce myself in the previous post I made. But now I am making a topic! Bwaha! Anyways, I am Osvir, and a huge Kingdom Hearts fan. I'm from Sweden, 20 years old. Not all screws in the right place though, so I am not a "master" of knowledge of Kingdom Hearts. So I will probably refrain from editing anything but present crazy theories and crazy ideas. Don't judge me, I am merely trying to look inside, outside, around the box, and the box of the box when I present theories and analyze theories. In other words, I analyze all possible ideas, and the impossible ones. Because nothing is impossible. And that's kind of the simple way to explain me. As said, I won't edit anything. Unless I notice something which is terribly wrong, though in case of that I will most likely discuss it beforehand (so that I(!) am not terribly wrong). Anyways! To the question of this topic, who do you look forward to play as in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep? I am looking forward to Aqua, magic ftw! =D oh and do you have any theories if multiplayer will be in the game or not? Seeing as Days will have it, it should not be -impossible- yeah? *hopes* Osvir 11 December 2008 14:12 (EET) EDIT: I am not crazy, forgot to mention that I don't have all screws in the right place regarding Kingdom Hearts :p I thought it would be obvious, but now that I look at it. It DOES look like I state I am crazy... that is not the case :p 13:19, 12 December 2008 (UTC)