Forum:Notes 26, (KHD, Day-by-Day Information/Points) - Xion4ever

Forums: Index > Ansem's Computer > Notes 26, (KHD, Day-by-Day Information/Points) - Xion4ever

OPXion4EverIcon.png This is a list of noteworthy/perhaps useful information taken as I re-play through the game. I'll have to play through again to check certain things. >_<' Anyways, feel free to add on, but kindly do not remove. Some of this information may be worth mentioning in certain articles. If so, please feel free to do so. Should that happen, kindly <s>Important fact here</s> [slash] through the point. Thank you!
Xion4ever Who am I? — 06:34, 6 January 2014 (UTC)


Pre-Rank [Days 7-25]

Day 7 (Number XIV)

  • Tutorial:Basic controls info.
  • Grey Area: Larxene, Xigbar, Axel, Saix
  • Xion introduced
  • Talk sprites: Axel 1, Roxas 7, Axel 2, Roxas 6, Axel 7

Day 8 (The Icing on the Cake)

  • Roxas begins missions
  • Saix 1, Saix 4, Axel 4, Axel 6, Roxas 2, Roxas 10
  • Tutorial:How to save info.; reaching high places; adjusting the camera; blocked areas; treasure chests; the backpack; RTC
  • Grey Area: Saix, Xion (referred to as No. XIV), Zexion, Axel
  • From Mission 01: Learn Mission Basics
  • 1st mission in Twilight Town
  • RTC explained
  • "The icing on the cake" = eating ice cream on clock tower

Day 9 (Heartless)

  • Grey Area: Marluxia, Demyx, Saix, Vexen
  • Marluxia 2, Marluxia 1, Marluxia 3
  • From Mission 02: Learn the Basics of Combat
  • 1st appearance of Heartless (Shadows)
  • Tutorial: Standard attacks; prizes; locking on; heart points; chaining

Day 10 (Incomplete)

Day 11 (Keyblade)

  • Saix 4, Larxene 1, Larxene 2, Larxene 3
  • Partner w/ Larxene
  • From Mission 04: Learn How to Use Magic
  • Tutorials: Panels; Installing Panels; Magic; Recovery Items; Shortcuts
  • Grey Area: Vexen, Xigbar, Saix

Day 12 (A Closed World)

Day 13 (Deeds to be Done)

Day 14 (Friends)

  • Tutorial: Holo-Missions; Equipping a weapon; selecting a mission
  • Grey Area: Saix, Larxene, Axel, Marluxia, Demyx
  • From Mission 07: Collect hearts
  • Axel #4, Hayner 4, Pence 4, Hayner 3, Olette 2, Pence 3, Roxas 10, Roxas 2, Roxas 6, Roxas 7, Axel 2, pence 1, Hayner 1

Day 15 (Missions)

Day 16

Day 17

  • Grey Area: Zexion, Marluxia, Xion, Saix, Luxord
  • From Mission 08: Eliminate the Watchers
  • Luxord hints at Castle Oblivion [CO] team: "What shall I do without half the poker league?"

Day 22 (Left Behind)

  • Grey Area: Luxord, Xaldin, Saix, Xigbar, Axel
  • From Mission 11: Eliminate the Guardian
  • Axel 2, Axel 3, Roxas 10, Axel 4
  • First appearance of "WINNER" ice cream stick
  • First appearance of Minute Bombs
  • "Here we go! Roxas, keep your head out of the clouds!" cutscene image (CHECK CUTSCENE IMAGES/RENAME)
  • Axel leaves for CO

Day 23 (Silent Companion)

Day 24 (Silence Broken)

  • Demyx 2, Xigbar 2
  • Grey Area: Demyx, Xion, Saix, Luxord, Xigbar
  • Tutorial: Ring panels
  • From Mission 13: Eliminate the Deserters
  • Xion speaks for first time ["R...Roxas."]
  • Flashback: Roxas naming ceremony

Day 25 (Two Keys)

  • Grey Area: Xion, Xaldin, Saix
  • From Mission 14: Eliminate the Darkside
  • Tutorial: Unit Panels; Unlocking Slots
  • Xion takes hood off for Roxas
  • Xion 2, Roxas 8, Xion 1, Xion 6, Xion 8
  • Xion can use Keyblade

Novice Rank [Days 26-116]

Day 26 (Terminated)

  • Grey Area: Saix, Xigbar, Xaldin, Demyx, Xion, Moogle (first appearance)
  • Xaldin 1, Demyx 1, Xigbar 2, Xigbar 1, Moogle
  • Given Novice rank
  • Tutorial: Ranks; The Moogle Shop; Shop Services
  • Moogle Shop (Buy): Slot Releaser 270pts; Potion 90pts; Ether 180pts; Level Up 180pts; Fire 90pts; Blizzard 90pts; Triplecast (3) 450pts; Aerial Recovery 270pts; Technical Gear (3) 720pts; Chrono Gear (3) 720pts; Lift Gear (3) 1080pts; Wild Gear (3) 1080pts; Power Unit (L) 180pts; Brawl ring 270pts; Soldier Ring 450pts; Iron 200pts
  • Moogle Shop (Synth): Hi-Potion 800munny; Mega-Potion 1,500munny; Hi-Ether 1,200munny; Limit Recharge 2,000munny; Fira 700munny; Magic Ring 3,600munny; Fencer's Ring 3,600munny; Fire Charm 3,600munny
  • First time in Agrabah
  • From Mission 15: Investigate this New World
  • Xigbar 1, 2, 3; Jasmine 3, 2, 1; Aladdin 1, 2, 6; Roxas 7, 11
  • 1st mission w/ Xigbar
  • Roxas passes out = thinking of Xion, Axel, and Namine (w/ sketchbook)

Day 27 (The Dark Margin)

  • Cutscene of Xemnas and Roxas at Dark Margin
  • Saix/Xemnas in Roxas's room (Saix: "Namine must have begun her work.")
  • Xemnas 3, 2, 1
  • Xemnas: "And the Chamber...have you found it?" S: "No, sir."
  • Xemnas: "So, sleep has taken you yet again."

Day 49

  • First time hearing Xion's theme
  • Xion 1, 2
  • Roxas still asleep
  • Xion tells Roxas of missions/leaves seashells behind (21 seashells, total)
  • Sora shown going to sleep in memory pod at CO

Day 50 (Familiar Sound)

  • Kairi's voice: "I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here."
  • Xion 6; Roxas 7, 8
  • Roxas wakes up, heads to Clock Tower
  • Flashback: Sora, Kairi at dock during sunset on Destiny Islands

Day 51 (Missing)

  • Tutorial: Unity Badges, The Bonus Gauge
  • Grey Area: Demyx, Moogle, Saix, Xigbar
  • Xigbar: "During your beauty nap, we found out the whole CO team is toast."
  • From Mission 17: Eliminate the Tailbunker
  • First appearance of Unity Badges

Day 52 (Solitude)

Day 53

Day 54

  • Grey Area: Demyx, Saix, Moogle, Xigbar
  • From Mission 16: Eliminate the Fire Plants
  • First appearance of Barrier Master
  • Aladdin 4, 5, 3
  • Flashback: (while Aladdin is scolding Abu) Sora, hands behind head

Day 71 (Reunion)

  • Demyx 3, 2
  • Grey Area: Demyx, Xigbar, Saix, Moogle
  • From Mission 20: Destroy the Shadow Globs
  • Tutorial: Challenges & Ordeal Badges; Freebies
  • Moogle: "I hear they're letting you take on challenges now, kupo." -> Now allowed to do/redeem mission crowns/challenge sigils
  • Challenge Sigils: Slot Gear = 5 sigils (#1); Haste 10 sigils (2); Casual Gear (2) 15 sigils (#3); LOCKED: #7, 9, 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
  • Mission Crowns: Slot releaser 1 crown (#1); valor gear+ (2) 2 (#2); potion x10 5crowns (#3); LOCKED: 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • Axel 2, 4; Roxas 11, 1, 8
  • Axel returns

Day 72 (Change)

  • Grey Area: Axel, Saix, Moogle, Demyx
  • Axel 5; Saix 2; Roxas 3; Pete 1; Axel 6; Pete 2, 4, 5, 3; Roxas 8
  • From Mission 21: Collect hearts
  • Hint that Xion is missing: Demyx: "Xion? Search me, man. Probably out on a mission, no?"
  • Tutorial:Pursuing Targets
  • First appearance of Pete and Cave of Wonders
  • Flashback: Sora, Donald, and Goofy in Agrabah

Day 73 (The Promise)

Day 74 (Trio)

  • Grey Area: Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Saix, Moogle
  • From Mission 23: Search for Xion]
  • Roxas 9; Hayner 4; Olette 1; Hayner 3; Olette 2; Hayner 1; Pence 4, 1, 3, 2
  • Tutorial:Expanding Your Backpack
  • Synthesis: Mega-ether 180 munny (when you have two hi-ethers)
  • First appearance of Cymbal Monkey
  • Axel 8, 3; Xion 4; Roxas 9
  • Xion still hooded to Axel (during mission in Twilight Town)
  • Learn Xion cannot use Keyblade
  • Xion takes off hood for Axel (during ice cream at clock tower, post mission)
  • (From Mission 23: Search for Xion) Mention of the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town
    • Axel: "Spooky steps?" "Friend from Beyond the Wall?" Hey, this one about a moaning tunnel...
    • Roxas: Sound familiar, huh?
    • Axel: There's more. "The Doppleganger"..."The Animated Bag"...
    • Roxas: "A ghost train, a haunted mansion"...There's seven altogether.
  • Joke/mention of an eighth wonder: shaky tree out in woods (referencing Veil Lizard)
  • First day we learn Xion cannot use the Keyblade. ("Without the Keyblade...I'm useless.")
  • Xion takes off hood for Axel/Axel and Roxas are only two Organization members shown to see "Hoodless"-Xion

Day 75 (Inseparable)

  • Moogle reacts to certain in-game events. EVENT: Roxas/Xion starting to work together in hopes Xion remembers how to use Keyblade. Moogle: "Working as a pair now, kupo? Do this moogle proud, kupo."
  • Xion 2, 5;
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Xion, Saix, Moogle, Axel
  • From Mission 25: Collect Organization Emblems

Day 76

Day 77

  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Saix, Moogle, Axel, Xion
  • From Mission 28: Collect Hearts
  • First appearance of Cogsworth; mention of Belle
  • Cogsworth
  • East Wing area now open for exploration

Day 78

  • (From Mission 24: Investigate the Cave)
  • First appearance of the Magic Carpet and Genie.
  • Abu drops gem orb for Cave of Wonder's treasure. Xion holds on.
  • Flashback of Sora in desert: Sora running through desert.
  • Flashback of Sora in desert: Sora meeting the Magic Carpet in the desert.
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Xion, Axel, Saix, Moogle
  • Xion 8; Roxas 9; Xion 3, 5; Pete 5
  • Second appearance of Abu
  • Sandstorm seen in distance; removed by Genie
  • Genie 4, 3, 1, 2

Day 79

  • (From Mission 27: Investigate Beast's Castle) First mention of Belle; After completing first half of mission (enough to RTC), return to the Entrance Hall and check the top right door. -> Voice: "The Master insists...Belle."
  • Grey Area: Xion, Xaldin, Saix, Axel, Moogle
  • West Wing now open for exploration
  • First appearance of Lumiere
  • Lumiere; Beast 2
  • Tutorial: Stay Out of Sight

Day 94 (Hearts)

  • Xemnas summons Kingdom Hearts to others. (check this screenshot in Days Cutscene Category and rename according to cutscene naming schema)
    • Xemnas: "There in the sky hangs a promise of a new world. Remember why we have organized- all the things we hope toa chieve. The strength of the human heart is vast. Soon, though...we will have gained power over it! Never again will it have power over us."
  • CHECK: Does KH appear outside the Grey Area before today? CHECKED: No, it does not.
  • Lumiere reveals fate of the castle: "Unless Bell and Master love each other, I'll be stuck as a candelabra forever."
  • Mission reward: Treasure magnet
  • Xemnas 3, 1, 2
  • Roxas notices difference in hierarchy between Beast's Castle and Organization XIII -> the master wouldn't be fighting, we would
  • Grey Area: Saix, Moogle, Xion, Axel, Xigbar
  • From Mission 29: Eliminate the Neoshadows
  • First time in Undercroft & Secret Passage
  • Roxas: "We're fighting for something we don't know anything about." -> Questions why hearts are so important [to Organization XIII]

Day 95 (Nobodies)

  • Xaldin: "Earned a Challenge Sigil yet in the Mission 16 Challenge?" (No) "...Not yet, I see. Tell me when it is done." -> NOTE: You cannot reach the unity badge yet. Don't have glide. (CHECK) (CHECKED: 05-14-14; this is true)
  • Axel: "Unlike lesser Nobodies, we remember who we were."
  • DiZ/Namine move into the Mansion in Twilight Town
  • From Mission 30: Collect hearts
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Axel, Xion, Saix, Moogle

Day 96 (Xion's Keyblade)

  • Saix and Axel cutscene image in Days Cutscene Category?
  • Xion: "I'd like to dedicate this Keyblade summoning to my good friends Roxas and Axel." -upon being able to use Keyblade again.
  • Axel: "As long as we remember each other, we'll never be apart. Got it memorized?"
  • Last mission together (w/ Xion)
  • Grey Area: Axel, Xion, Xaldin, Saix, MOogle
  • From Mission 31: Eliminate the Bully Dog
  • Saix 2
  • Roxas = stick boy mission

Day 97 (Transfer)

  • Tutorial: Storing and Retrieving Decks
  • Info. on saving and retrieving decks. -> CHECK: See if possible to do so before today.
  • Moogle is influenced by in-game events: "Working solo again now, kupo? I salute you, kupo." - when Roxas resumes doing missions solo.
  • Grey Area: Saix, Moogle, Axel, Demyx, Xaldin
  • From Mission 35: Collect hearts

Day 98

Day 99

Day 100

  • Post-Antlion battle = Genie leaves Agrabah
  • Strike Ring, Lucky Ring, White Ring available in shop
  • Redeem stuff locked at Novice rank: (Challenge Sigils) Numbers: 7, 9, 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (Mission Crowns) 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Demyx, Axel, Saix, Moogle
  • From Mission 32: Vanquish the Heartless Threat

Rookie Rank [Day 117-171]

Day 117

  • Grey Area: Demyx, Luxord, Xigbar, Saix, Moogle
  • Cutscene: Axel in room, on bed. Saix enters ordering Axel to go back to Castle Oblivion [CO]. CHECK: Days Cutscene Category for screenshot.
  • Mention of Chamber of Repose/Waking
    • Axel: "You mean the chamber?"
    • Saix: "Xemnas isn't telling us something."
  • Reveal of Xion's origin: Saix: "Namine isn't the only one who can trace her beginning to Castle Oblivion. Xion comes from there, too."
  • Attain Rookie rank; Xion now a playable character in Mission Mode
    • Moogle affected by in-game event: Moogle: "Your new rank means I get to show you the real good, the hottest commodities, the cream of the- The new stuff, kupo. Plus, it earns you the right to synthesize weapon panels, kupo!"
  • Rookie Rank goods (new stuff in shop):
    • (Buying from shop) Sight Unit L: 480; Flower Charm 1,200; Blizzard Charm 2,400; Bronze 600; Slot Releaser 1,200; Panacea 120; Lvl Up 1,200; Backpack 480; Aero 360; Thunder 360; Cure 480; Magic LV2 (4) 840; Auto-Life (3) 4,800; Range Extender 1,200; Nimble Gear (4) 3,600; Fearless Gear 3 2,400; Ability Unit 360
    • (Synthesizing from shop) Duel Gear 4 4,600 munny [Materials: Gear Component A x3; Combo Tech x3; Bronze x2]; Chrono Gear+ 3 2,000 [Materials: Gear Component A x3; Rune Tech x2; Bronze x1]; Nimble Gear+4 3,700 [Materials: Gear Component A x3; Aerial Tech x2; Bronze x2]; Fearless Gear+ 3 2,000 [Materials: Gear Component A x3; Power Tech x2; Bronze x2]
    • (Redeem/Freebies) [what is still locked]: (Challenge Sigils) 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (Mission Crowns) 12, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • Now allowed to synth. own weapon panels
  • Tutorial: News from the Shop
  • (from Mission 36: Investigate This New World - Olympus Coliseum):
    • First time at Olympus Coliseum
    • Phil's Training
    • "Break barrels to earn points. Chain-break them for more points! Smack one barrel into another barrel or an enemy for even MORE points!"
    • Task 1: Break the barrels and shoot for a high score.
  • Phil's response to certain point scores-> KEY: (Score Roxas gets|Phil's response)
    • 163|Next time go for 200
    • 146|Try for 150
    • 181|Next time go for 200
    • 204/215|Incredible! You sure you aren't a rookie?
  • Flashback: Sora, Donald, Goofy in Vestibule
  • Phil 2, 5, 3, 1, 4; Hercules 3, 1; Xion 4
  • Xion: "I get the strangest feeling I used to watch the sun set with somebody else. Or when I'm by the sea..."

Day 118 (Lazy Day)

  • Struggle sword shown
  • Meet Hayner, Pence, Olette (formally)
  • Pence says Hayner is one of best Grandstanders in town
  • New mini-game: Grandstander
  • Grandstander:
    • "Hit the ball to propel it into the air. See how many times you can hit it before it falls to the ground five times. Shoot for a new Grandstander record!"
    • (My final score) 110. Guide book notice: Get at least 100 for a reward later
  • Mention of Seifer; Hayner was upset because Seifer is better at Grandstander
  • Axel tells Roxas/Xion how he has to do recon- "be gone for a few days" (reference back to Saix's previous order to revisit CO)
  • Saix warns Axel he's getting to close to Xion/Roxas. "You've changed" - Saix
  • Grey Area: none
  • Vacation: Axel- sleep Xion- practice
  • Olette 3, 2; Hayner 4, 2, 1, 3; Roxas 8; Xion 3
  • Tutorial: Grandstander
  • First appearance of struggle wand
  • Axel leaves for a few days

Day 119 (Work to Do)

Day 120

Day 121

  • (from Mission 39: Collect Hearts):
  • Flashback while fighting Clay Armor: Sora fighting two Soldiers in Coliseum
  • GUIDE BOOK ERROR: (pg. 148) "Accumulate 250 heart points during training to complete the mission and 500 to fill the Mission Guage 100%."
    • I have screenshots of this... (Standard mode) Mission gauge wasn't at 100% until reaching 573 hearts
  • Scores and Phil's comments: KEY: (Points earned|Phil's response)
    • 103|About what I'd expect. Go for 150
    • 0-100|Bad
  • CHECK: Guide says unlimited number of times...until mission gauge is completed. I had 3-4 tries. RECHECK.
  • Grey Area: Luxord, Saix, Moogle, Xaldin
  • Challenge Sigils (locked): 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
  • Mission Crowns (locked): 12, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37

Day 122

  • (from: Mission 38: Investigate the Castle's Master)
  • Xion: "Why would caring about something be a weakness?"
  • First mission w/ Xaldin
  • Xaldin 3, 2, 1
  • Foreshadowing Infernal Engine:
    • Xaldin: "If a giant Heartless were to attack it would be through here." talking about bridge/only entrance to castle
    • Roxas: "Okay...but that's kind of a big if."
  • First time at top of Ballroom; first appearance of Belle
  • Belle 3, 2, 1; Xion 2

Attention: Sales/Accounts

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Day 150 (Fear)

  • Xion talking to Saix: "Just give me another chance!" S: "We can't afford to expend any more chances on you. You were a mistake we never should have made."
  • (from Mission 43: Eliminate the Giant Heartless)
  • Post boss battle: Investiage Beast
    • Reveals what happens when last rose petal falls off: will remain a beast.
    • Xaldin: "This key will be remorseful."
      • Foreshadows Xaldin's events with Beast during Kingdom Hearts II
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Moogle, Axel, Saix
  • Xion 7, Xaldin 2
  • Riku remembers encounter with Xion

Day 151 (Distress)

  • Grey Area: Luxord, Xigbar, Moogle, Saix, Axel
    • Xigbar: "I look into Poppet's eyes, and I see determination. C'mere, let's see your game face."
  • (from Mission 44: Eliminate the Avalanche)
  • See Xion at Clock Tower, her mission is also at Twilight Town
    • Reveals previous failed mission on impostor. Xion: "I was ordered to take him out...but I couldn't beat him."
    • Missing You plays (first time) (CHECK)
  • Xion 5
  • Xion rejoins Axel/Roxas for ice cream
  • Axel never comes
  • Xion remembers full event with Riku-> cinematic cutscene w/ voices
  • Icecream eating/topic of discussion: Why do we do what we do for the Organization? -> (leads to) Why do we need hearts?
    • Xion: Why are we working for the Organization?
    • Roxas: To get hearts of our own
    • Xion: "Why? What do we need hearts for?"
    • Roxas: "I don't know."
    • Xion: "I just wish I knew what I was doing here. How I got here. Why I started having the strangest dreams."
  • Xion reveals she's been dreaming; can never remember, but don't feel right
  • Flashback: Sora in field before entering CO

Day 152 (The Wrong Buttons)

  • Grey Area: Xigbar: "I sure hope Poppet pulls through. That was one tough mission she got stuck with."
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Xigbar, Saix, Moogle, Demyx
  • (from Mission 48: Eliminate the Solid Armor)
  • Xion not at Clock Tower for ice cream; instead, Axel and Roxas
  • Icecream eating/topic of discussion: Girls are complicated.
    • Axel's advice: Don't push the wrong buttons

Day 153 (Disjointed Days)

  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Luxord, Demyx, Saix, Moogle
    • Xaldin: "You don't need a heart to manipulate one. Remember that." = Reference to KHII
  • (from Mission 45: Collect Hearts)
  • First appearance of balloons, Zero, Dr. Finklestein
  • Jack 4, 1, 3, 2; Dr. Finklestein
  • Tutorial: Hunting for Heartless
    • "Heartless are hiding everywhere- not just in Jack's balloons. Examine everything carefully! Give Zero a bone and he'll show you one of the Heartless's hiding places."

Day 154

  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Luxord, Demyx, Saix, Moogle
  • (from Mission 49: Collect hearts)
  • First time given access to bridge? (CHECK)
  • Xion not at Clock Tower for ice cream.
    • Axel: "They've been keeping me busy lately. Xion, too."

Day 155

  • Grey Area: Demyx, Xaldin, Luxord, Saix, Moogle
  • (from Mission 46: Collect hearts)
  • Demyx 1, 2, 3; Phil 1
  • First appearance of the Ice Cannon
  • Champ's Challenge
    • Earn 60 points to complete mission
    • Key: What Roxas Scores|Phil's response
      • 73|Steep learning curve; go for 100
    • You only get three attempts
    • Despite results, Phil will say Roxas is ready for the real Games
  • Flashback: Sora, Donald, and Goofy talking to Phil in the Vestibule
  • No ice cream cutscene

Day 156

  • Grey Area: Luxord, Xaldin, Demyx, Saix, Moogle
  • From Mission 47: Collect hearts
  • First mission in Wonderland
  • White Rabbit 1; Doorknob 1, 2
  • Flashback: Sora in Rabbit Hole
    • This occurs once the controls switch back to the player. The cutscene will split into two short flashbacks, both with the same thing: Sora w/ Keyblade mirroring what Roxas does
  • First appearance of the White Rabbit and Doorknob

Day 171 (Love)

  • Grey Area: Xigbar, Saix, Moogle, Axel, Demyx
  • (from Mission 50: Vanquish the Heartless Threat)
  • Beast 3, 4, 1; Belle 3, 1
  • Battle on the Big Bridge = Infernal Engine
    • Beast gets injured fighting Heartless (pre-boss fight); Belle comes out to see him (post-boss fight)
    • Revealed: Beast is fighting to protect Belle & others
    • Xaldin appears- not revealing how long he has been at this world.
  • Ice cream cutscene: Roxas and Axel
    • Topic: What is love?
    • Roxas: "Love is a power? Is love fighting to protect what's important to you? Where does its power come from?"

Agent Rank [Day 172-224]

Day 172 (Sound of the Surf)

  • Grey Area: Xigbar, Luxord, Saix, Moogle, Demyx
  • Luxord 2, 1, 4; Roxas 9, 5, 4
  • Xion asleep -> Missing You plays
  • Grey Area: Luxord: "Oh, by the way, did you hear what happened to Xion? She bungled her last mission and has been in a deep sleep ever since."
    • Demyx: "Hey, did you hear about Xion? Word is, she fought one tough customer."
  • Obtain Agent rank
  • Riku playable character in Mission Mode
  • Moogle reacts to story events: "The latest and greatest merchandise is in, kupo. Have a look, kupo."
    • BUY: (New) Slot Releaser 1,650 points; Hi-Potion 360; Hi-Ether 480; Fira 480; Blizzara 480; Cura 720; Magic LV 3 (4) 840; Dodge Roll LV+ (L) 600 (stock = 2); Aerial Recovery (3) 2,400; Auto-Life LV+ (L) 1,200; Limit Boost 1,440; Auto-Lock 960; Prestige Gear (4) 3,600; Guard Unit (L) 480; Knight's Defense 2,400; Dark Ingot 1,200; Moonstone 100; Diamond 2,000; Adamantite 5,000
    • SYNTH: (New) Fira 1,000 Munny, Fira Recipe x 1/Fire x 1/Blaze Gem x 2; Quick Recovery (L) 4,500 munny, Moonstone x 2/Rune Tech+ x 2
    • REDEEM/FREEBIES: (Still locked) Challenge Sigils: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; Mission Crowns: 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • Challenge Sigils (still locked): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
  • Mission Crowns (still locked): 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • (from Mission 51: Eliminate the Pink Concertos)
  • First appearance of Cheshire Cat and Card Soldiers (referred to as "PLAYING CARD")
  • Failed flashback in Lotus Forest
  • Second flashback in Queen's Court post eliminating final Pink Concerto: Sora talking (3 second flashback)
  • Ice cream scene: Roxas and Axel
  • Axel confronts Saix about Xion
    • Saix: "I warned you to keep out of this."
    • Axel: "And I told you I can't. I have to know what Xion's deal is. Why can't you be straight with me for once?"
    • Saix: "Just like you're always honest with me? Xion has no right to be among our number."
    • Axel: "Why not?"
    • Saix: "What is it you two see in that thing? Just look at it."
  • Roxas suspects Saix knows more about Xion then he lets on
    • "Saix knows something. Why me and her are special Nobodies."
  • 3rd (?) time we hear Xion's theme? (CHECK)

Day 173 (Lies)

Day 174

  • Grey Area: Axel, Moogle, Saix, Luxord, Demyx
  • (from Mission 52: Collect hearts)
  • (Halloween Town) Dr.'s second creation: lanterns
  • First time in Boneyard I and Moonlight Hill
  • Lock: "Pranks are the best!"; secret shortcut in Moonlight Hill area = from Lock, Shock, and Barrel's escape
    • Use pumpkin bomb to make bigger
  • Ice cream scene: Roxas and Axel

Day 175

Day 176

  • Grey Area: Axel, Moogle, Saix, Luxord, Demyx
  • (from Mission 53: Eliminate the Wavecrest)
  • First time in Neverland
  • First appearance of Captain Hook, Smee, and Tinkerbell
  • Flashback: Sora on ship
  • Auto-Glide
    • "You can now use Auto-Glide to fly. First, press Y while jumping to float. Pressing Y will take you higher. Use B to descend. You can move freely with <insert control pad image>."
  • Reference to Sora: Roxas, on flying: "Funny...I almost feel like I've done it before."
  • Ice cream cutscene: Roxas and Axel
  • Xion still asleep

Day 193 (Memories)

  • (Xion has a) Flashback: Sora in Hollow Bastion- cutscene where he releases his heart
  • After flashback, wakes up
  • Finds Roxas and the seashells he placed on her bed
    • Roxas: "Do you hear it?
    • Xion: "Yeah. The sound of the waves."
  • Was asleep for 20 days.
    • Xion: "How long was I asleep?"
    • Roxas: "About twenty days."
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Xion, Saix, Moogle, Axel
  • (from Mission 56: Eliminate Both Giant Heartless)
  • First and only mission in story-mode that involves two other allies
    • Xion: "A three-man team? That's a first..."
  • Xion passes out
    • (Xion has a) Flashback: Sora and various cutscenes with Kairi (such as getting the good luck charm, releasing heart)
    • First mention of Sora (CHECK): Xion: "Sora"
  • Take Xion to room/discusses friendship
    • Axel: "You're my best friends." (Music: Friends in My Heart)
    • Xion wakes up
  • Namine's third appearance: Shown sketching Roxas, Axel, and Xion (Music: Missing You)
  • Axel "Keep Your Mouth Shut" comment to Saix
    • Saix: "Something at Castle Oblivion must have changed you."

Day 194 (Like It Should Be)

Day 195

Day 196

  • Grey Area: Luxord, Axel, Xion, Saix, Moogle, Xigbar
  • (from Mission 57)
  • Second appearance of the White Rabbit and Card Soldiers
  • First appearance of the Queen of Hearts
  • First time in White Rose Hedge Maze
  • Flashback: Sora's back is shown (happens after Queen speaks)
  • (post mission) At The World That Never Was [TWTNW], Axel is seen reading a book
    • "The Truth about Namine" by Vexen
  • Ice cream cutscene: Xion/Roxas

Day 197

  • Grey Area: Luxord, Axel, Xion, Saix, Moogle, Xigbar
  • (from Mission 58: Eliminate the Artful Flyers)
  • First time on Rocky Expanse
  • Flashback: Sora looking to the left (after Captain Hook talks)
  • The darkness within Captain Hook is physically seen
  • First time Axel flies
  • First appearance of Bubble Beat
  • First time Pete is shown at Neverland
    • Pleased to see Hook/Smee digging, but wonders what happened to the Heartless
  • Ice cream cutscene: Roxas/Axel/Xion

Day 224 (Anomaly)

  • CGI cutscene with DiZ/Namine
    • Namine explains the interference
  • Xion shown in room, sitting on top of bed
  • Grey Area: Moogle, Saix, Demyx, Axel
  • (from Mission 61: Vanquish the Heartless Threat
  • Day of the Games
  • Flashback: Sora, Donald, and Goofy talking in the Vestibule
  • Flashback #2: (Post third Game's battle- Ice Cannon & Stripped Arias) Sora, with Keyblade, striking his victory pose
  • Round 1 of Games: 3 Soldiers; 4 Shadows
  • Round 2 of Games: 7 Hover Ghosts
  • Round 3 of Games: 3 Striped Arias; 1 Ice Cannon
  • Round 4 of Games: 4 Yellow Operas; 1 Tailbunker
  • Round 5 of Games: Xigbar
    • Halfway through battle, Guard Armor drops in
      • Flashback #3: Guard Armor's apperance in Traverse Town. During fight, Sora will mimic what Roxas is doing on the top screen.
  • Hercules reveals to Phil that Roxas wasn't the new guy he recruited
  • Ice cream cutscene: Xion/Roxas/Axel
    • Xion asks Axel what Castle Oblivion is like
    • Axel: "The Organization uses it as a research facility."
    • Xion observes that neither her or Roxas are sent there
    • Xion almost falls off tower -> saved by Roxas
    • Axel proposes group goes to the beach next day they have off

Expert Rank [Day 225-295]

Day 225 (Quietude)

  • Grey Area: Axel, Moogle, Saix, Xion, Demyx
  • Grey Area: Promoted to Expert rank, given Final Limit panel, Donald now a playable character in Mission Mode
  • Moogle: "The latest and greatest merchandise is in, kupo. Have a look, kupo."
    • (BUY): Slot Releaser 3,000 pts; Level Up 2,500; Thundara 600; Magic LV 3 (4) 1,400; Quadcast (3) 2,000; Glide LV+ (L) 1,000; Treasure Magnet (3) 1,500; Rainforce Ring 3,000; Critical Ring 4,000; Silver 2,400
    • (SYNTH): Blizzara 1,300 munny 1 Blizzara recipe; 1 Blizzard; 2 Frost Gems
    • (Redeem; what is still locked): Sigils: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Mission Crowns: 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • (from Mission 63: Destroy the Shadow Globs)
  • Tutorial: The Holo-Mission Menu (whenever you click on holomissions)

Day 226

Day 227

  • Grey Area: Axel, Moogle, Saix, Xion, Demyx
  • (from Mission 62: Eliminate the Carrier Ghost)
  • Dr.'s new/third invention: blizzard pumpkin bombs
  • Mention of Sally- spotting Lock, Shock, and Barrel on outskirts of town
  • Tentaclaw's first apperance
  • First time in Boneyard 2
  • Ice cream cutscene: Roxas/Xion/Axel
    • Xion immediately leaves- before Axel shows up
      • Goes to the World That Never Was
        • Gets on computer

Day 255 (The Longest Day)

  • Where Nothing Gathers: Xemnas/Saix/Xigbar
    • Axel is sent to clear out Castle Oblivion
    • Namine is missing
    • Notice someone [Xion] has accessed the main computer without authorization
  • Xion goes to Castle Oblivion, finding Axel, who orders her to leave
    • Doesn't listen, instead running deeper into the castle
    • Xion remembers Saix taking her from the castle
    • Xion wants to know who she is
  • Grey Area: Luxord, Saix, Moogle
  • From Mission 65: Eliminate the Novashadow
  • Flashback: Sora, Donald, Goofy in Queen's Court
  • First time in Red Rose Hedge Maze
  • Flashback: Sora looking to the left (Once Cheshire Cat starts talking)
  • Ice cream cutscene: Roxas/Axel
    • CGI Cutscene: Why the Sun Sets Red/Day 255
      • Roxas's theme heard in background
    • Axel lies about Xion not coming ("She got sent on an important mission")
  • Xion in Castle Oblivion: looking at orb used by Marluxia/Larxene

Day 256 (News)

  • Where Nothing Gathers:
    • Xemnas: "Xion is gone."
    • No one is allowed to go after Xion without permission
  • Grey Area: Saix, Moogle, Xigbar, Luxord, Demyx
  • (from Mission 68: Collect hearts)
  • Ice cream cutscene: Roxas/Axel (hiding)
    • Roxas eats alone, saying: "At least Axel could show up."
      • Axel is shown at the Clock Tower, but hiding next to the side

Day 257 (Hollow)

Day 258

Day 276 (Disorder)

  • Flashback: Sora/Kairi on beach of Destiny Islands (Beginning of KH)
  • Cutscene: Roxas, at Destiny Islands, sees Xion. Later flees. (Snarl of Memories)
    • Now in Xion's perspective: Remember the whole transformation into Riku then Sora CGI cutscene; I think: "Riku Watches Over Xion" or something...
  • Namine and Riku meet
    • "Missing You" playing in the background
    • Namine's promise to watch over Sora
    • Namine: "I never imagined Sora's Nobody and the other one would fight so hard to be their own people."
    • Real solution: both must be gone
    • "Did you know her face was blank at first?" -Namine
    • Sora's awakening is delayed
  • Cutscene: Roxas/Axel/Xion at Destiny Islands, watching sun set
  • Ice cream cutscene: Axel/Roxas
    • Topic: Start looking for Xion in free time

Day 277 (Searching)

Day 278

Day 279

Day 280

Master Rank [Day 296-356]

Day 296 (Confessions)

  • Grey Area: Xigbar, Xaldin, Axel, Moogle, Saix
  • Xigbar: "Heh heh...keep running wild and somebody might have to throw a leash on you."
  • Promoted to Master Rank; Goofy playable in Mission Mode
  • Shop:
    • Buy: Slot Releaser 4,000pts; Mega-Potion 400pts; Mega-Ether 640pts; Magic LV 2 (4) 1,200; High Jump LV+(L) 2,400; T.Magnet LV+(L) [stock: 2] 800; Auto-Life LV(L) 2,400; Champion Gear+ (5) 6,400; Lucky Star 4,400; Gold 4,800
    • Redeem, still locked: Sigils: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Crowns: 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
  • From Mission 73: Defeat Heartless in the Games
  • Games:
    • Round 1: 2 Air Battlers, 1 Sky Grappler
    • Round 2: 6 Li'l Cannons, 3 Jumbo Cannons
    • Round 3: 2 Snowy Crystals, 1 Switch Launcher
    • Round 4: 4 Watchers, 1 Ice Cannon
    • Round 5: 1 Stalwart Blade
  • Roxas wants to check CO
    • Axel reveals that's where Xion comes from

Day 297 (Contact)

  • Grey Area: Moogle, Saix, Axel
  • From Mission 74: Search for the Impostor
  • Impostor sighted again, this time at CO
    • Roxas and Axel sent to eliminate
  • At Castle Oblivion...
    • Roxas gets flooded with memories/pictures
    • Passes out, taken to Twilight Town
  • Roxas hears Riku say: "Giving up already? I thought you were stronger than that." NOTE: This is what Riku tells Roxas before turning into Ansem
    • Wakes up, calling out "RIKU!"
  • Impostor and Xion appear
    • Xion leaves, Impostor runs
  • Xion stays with Riku
  • Ice cream scene = Missing You plays
    • Roxas: Why would Xion run away?
    • Axel: "At least she's safe. She'll come back when she's ready."

Day 298 (Fracture)

  • Grey Area: Saix, Axel, Moogle
  • Saix orders Axel to eliminate Xion
  • From Mission 75: Eliminate the Impostor
  • Saix: "Xion has betrayed us."
  • Roxas sent to eliminate impostor
  • Axel sent to retrieve or destroy Xion
  • CGI cutscene: Xion vs. Axel
  • Roxas mad at Axel for using force

Day 299 (Sora)

  • CGI cutscene: Saix and Axel
  • Roxas asks where Xion is
    • Axel: "Safe"
    • Xaldin: "Xion? Why would I know where she is?"
    • Luxord: "I wasn't aware she had returned."
  • Visits Xemnas
    • Xemnas: "Put your mind at ease. Xion is a valued member of the Organization, but she needs her rest."
    • Roxas flashback: conversation with Xemnas at Dark Margin
    • Asks about Sora
      • Xemnas: "He's the connection. He is what makes you and Xion a part of each other's lives."
    • Xion to return to duties tomorrow
  • Grey Area: Xaldin, Saix, Xigbar, Moogle
  • From Mission 76: Destroy the Shadow Globs
  • First time @ The Night Sea, Captain's Cabin, and Pirate Ship Deck areas
  • Encounters 4 Wavecrests
  • Xemnas meeting w/ Saix
    • X: "We wanted the Key."
    • Xion is trapping Sora's memories -> keep close to Roxas = Sora will never wake up
    • Impostor: Stay away from Roxas
  • Riku shown at Memory's Skyscraper
  • Xion in room; "Riku, what should I do?"

Day 300 (Shutdown)

  • Grey Area: Moogle, Saix
  • From Mission 77: Eliminate the Phantomtail
  • Another appearance of Hook's darkness
  • Flashback: Sora & Tinkerbell
  • Tutorial: Treasure Hunt
  • Pete: Someone is messing with the plan. "I'll summon a great big whopper of a Heartless!" -> Reference/foreshadow of Ruler of the Sky
  • First time trio back together for ice cream; eat in silence
  • Namine & DiZ cutscene
    • Sora's memory restoration has stopped
    • DiZ declares it is time for the gloves to come off

Day 301 (Vacant Place)

Day 302

Day 303

Day 304

Day 321 (Waning Power)

  • Grey Area: Xion, Saix, Moogle, Xigbar
  • Flashback: Riku takes Sora's Keyblade at Hollow Bastion (KH)
    • Roxas cries
  • Something wrong w/ Roxas
    • Xion: "Roxas are you okay? You don't look so good..."
  • From Mission 82: Eliminate the Spiked Crawler
  • Xion remembers/recognizes Agrabah's Keyhole
    • Flashback: Sora sealing Agrabah
  • Xion: "You look so much like him."
  • Xion eliminates boss by herself -> "Where did that power come from?"
    • Roxas weakens
  • No hearts collected from boss
  • Ice cream scene:
    • Roxas, Xion
    • Roxas still mad at Axel
    • "It's just not the same without all three of us." - Xion
  • Xion asks Axel about Roxas
    • Axel: "Means you're borrowing more than you should. You already know you're a Replica. A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas's powers. You're no puppet in my book. You're my best friend. Mine and Roxas's, got it memorized?"
    • Also asks about Sora
    • Xigbar overhears everything

Day 322 (The Program)

  • Xigbar: "Sora's having a powerful influence on her."
  • Xemnas: Puppet is more worth vessel.
  • First mention of devices: "Saix, are the devices ready?"
    • All three will be operational in few days
  • Roxas kept around to either: 1- Xion absorbs him 2- Roxas destroys Xion
  • Grey Area: Saix, Moogle, Axel, Xion, Luxord, Xigbar
  • From Mission 83: Search for Xaldin
  • Beast has been acting strange
    • Something to do with Xaldin
  • Mention of Mrs. Potts
    • Spotted stranger in castle
    • Cogsworth: "She said it was a man in a black coat with black hair."
  • Xaldin manipulating Beast
    • Convinces Beast that Belle will betray him
      • Beast: "Belle, betray me? He said she would take everything from me."
  • Xaldin: "Just making a few preparation. It won't be long now. Things should become quite interesting." - Foreshadow events of Kingdom Hearts II

Day 323 (Fleeting)

Day 324

  • Grey Area: Saix, Moogle, Luxord, Xigbar, Xion
  • From Missino 85: Collect hearts
  • Guide book error:
  • 1350+ = full mission gauge; guide book pg. 241 "Heart total 1241"

Day 325

Day 326

Day 352 (Sunset)

  • Missing You plays = Xion in room
    • Xion: "I'm going to wreck everything..."
    • Flashback: CGI cutscene Xion & Riku
    • First time we hear Kairi's theme? Only time? (Check)
  • Saix informs Roxas of a Heartless in Halloween Town
    • Roxas agrees
    • Axel enters "Hey, whoa whoa whoa...Roxas, you really wanna do that?" -> Foreshadow of events
  • Grey Area: Luxord, Saix, Moogle, Axel, Xigbar
  • From Mission 88: Eliminate the Giant Heartless
  • Orcus = actually Xion
    • Axel: "This mission was a setup. It was rigged so you two would battle each other."
  • Ice cream scene:
    • Xion, Axel, Roxas
    • Explanation of "WINNER" stick
    • Xion: "If only things stayed like this."
    • Roxas theme when Roxas asks: "What if we all ran off? We could always be together."
  • CGI cutscene: Namine & DiZ
    • DiZ sends Riku to fix situation

Day 353 (Resolve)

  • Grey Area: Saix, Moogle
  • From Mission 89: Eliminate Six Giant Heartless
  • Xigbar/Xion/Axel sent on mission to Wonderland
    • Xigbar vs. Xion
    • Xigbar sees Xion as Ventus
    • Xion flees
    • Xion asks Axel to watch over Roxas
  • Xion leaves the Organization
  • Axel tries to explain what Xion is (to Roxas)
  • Xion goes to Beast's Castle, finds Riku (Riku's Theme plays)
    • Is directed to Twilight Town to find Namine

Day 354 (Truth)

  • Organization meeting
    • Xion is gone
    • Luxord/Xaldin/Demyx unaware of Replica Project
    • Axel sent to retrieve Xion
  • Grey Area: Saix, MOogle, Xaldin, Demyx
  • From Mission 90: Place the Device
  • CGI cutscene: Mickey and Riku in forest
  • Riku updates Mickey (Riku's Theme plays)
    • Riku makes Mickey promise to watch over Sora/Donald/Goofy once they wake up.

Day 355 (Unsaid, Unheard)

  • Grey Area: Axel, Moogle
  • From Mission 91: Escape the Castle
  • Talks to Axel
    • "Who am I?"
  • Leaves WINNER stick in Axel's room
  • Roxas leaves Organization
  • CGI cutscene: Roxas leaves the Organization/talk w/ Axel

Day 356 (Place to Belong)

  • CGI: Namine meets Xion
  • Cutscene: Namine & Xion (Xion's Theme plays)
    • Xion decides to go back to Sora
    • No one will remember Xion; Namine: "I can't save you, Xion."
    • Namine: "He [Roxas] can't feel Sora. But he will."
    • Xion asks Namine to watch over Roxas when she's gone
    • DiZ alerts that the Organization has found them
    • CGI: Xion vs. Axel (Icky Jobs)
      • The Other Promise plays
  • Axel takes Xion back to CO
    • Passes out
    • Xemnas takes Xion

Legend Rank* [Day 357-358]

  • Note: Roxas does not actually receive this rank until completing the game. However, Missions "Xion," and "Believe" are both Legend rank missions.

Day 357 (Tears)

  • Roxas goes to Twilight Town
  • Moogle: "I couldn't let you leave the castle alone, kupo! Your munny always has a place in my pocket, kupo."
  • From Mission 92: Xion
  • CGI: Xion attacks
    • Xion looks like Sora
    • Xion sets out to absorb Roxas
    • Wonderland device: Bizarre Room, on table
    • Halloween Town device: Manor Ruins, center of field
    • Agrabah device: Lamp Chamber, where Roxas placed
    • Twilight Town: Station Heights, no device shown
    • Post fight: Roxas begins losing memories of Xion
  • CGI: Xion fades away (The End of Xion)
    • Xion's smile.jpg
    • WINNER stick shown
    • Axel in room (CHECK image on Wiki)
  • Saix: "Xion is no more"
  • Xemnas: "Get me back my Keyblade wielder. Fetch me Roxas."

Day 358 (Believe)

  • From Mission 93: Believe
  • First time of Dual-Wielding Roxas
  • CGI: Deep Drive
    • Everyone loses memories of Xion
  • CGI: The Results of the Battle

Day 359 (The First Day)

  • Roxas in Stimulated Twilight Town
  • "Maybe today we'll finally hit the beach!"
  • "Only seven days to go and then my summer vacation is over."

Post Game Completion

  • Obtain Legend rank, new Secret Report unlocked
  • Moogle: "I just got some super-special goods in, kupo. Have a look, kupo."
    • Buy: Slot Releaser (#1) 10,000 points; Slot Releaser (Stock #2) 50,000 points; Air Slide LV+ (L) 6,000 points; LV Quadrupler (3) 6,000 points; High Jump LV+(L) 6,000 points; Block LV+(L) 6,000 points; Zero Gear (5) 30,000 points; Princess's Crown 10,000 points; Deep Sky 12,000 points; Critical Sun 13,000 points
    • Redeem: Sigils (still locked): None Mission Crowns (locked): None
  • The King's Return
    • "Nice work getting through all the normal missions, kupo! How about a little icing on the cake, kupo? Now you can pick up a new item at the shop called "The King's Return," kupo!"
    • Support panel
    • 1,000 points
    • Let's you play as The King in Mission Mode
    • How to unlock: Complete all missions, including hidden ones
  • Sora's Awakening
    • "Nice work fully completing all the normal missions, kupo! How about a little icing on the cake, kupo? Now you can pick up a new item at the shop called "Sora's Awakening," kupo!"
    • Support panel
    • Unlock: 100% on all missions (fill Mission Gauge)
    • 2,000 points
    • Let's you play as Sora in Mission Mode

Mission Mode

  • From Mission 00
  • Tutorial: Gathering Gates; Mission Points; Mission Mode RTC



  • PTA = Prop Type A (can be targeted; gives something back to user [i.e. HP orbs/munny])
  • PTB = Prop Type B (can be targeted; performs an action [i.e. unlocking doors/gates])
  • PTC = Prop Type C (can be targeted; pertains to the story)

Mission 01

  • Twilight Town
    • Underground Passage
      • (PTA) Wooden Crates -> HP orbs/munny
      • (PTB) Yellow Switch -> Raises yellow gate

Mission 02

  • Twilight Town
    • None

Mission 03

  • Twilight Town
    • None

Mission 04

  • Twilight Town
    • None

Mission 05

  • Twilight Town
    • None

Mission 06

  • Twilight Town
    • None

Mission 07

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 08

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 09

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 10

  • The World that Never Was
  • None

Mission 11

  • Twilight Town
    • Underground Passage
      • (PTB) Yellow Switch -> Raises yellow gate
      • (PTB) Turquoise Switch -> Raises turquoise gate
      • (PTA) Wooden Crates -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Purple Switch -> Raises purple gate
    • Side Street
      • (PTA) Wooden Crates -> HP/munny

Mission 12

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 13

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 14

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 15

  • Agrabah
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) [Red] Jar -> Munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Wooden Crates -> Use to get to higher levels
      • (PTB) Wooden Switch -> Releases gate blocking Agrabah Gate area
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny

Mission 16

  • Agrabah
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny

Mission 17

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 18

  • Agrabah
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP

Mission 19

  • Agrabah
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> Munny

Mission 20

  • Twilight Town
    • Side Street
      • (PTA) Wooden Crate -> used to reach out of reach Shadow Glob; destroy for munny
    • Sandlot
      • (PTA) Wooden Crate -> reach out of reach Shadow Glob; destroy for HP

Mission 21

  • Agrabah
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Cave of Wonders
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Cave/Entrance Hall
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Wooden Crate -> reach higher elevation/level
      • (PTB) Wooden Switch -> release gate blocking Pillar Room area
      • (PTB) Gold Column -> reach higher elevation/level
    • Cave/Pillar Room
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Plugger -> move cylindrical pillars
    • Cave/Abyss
      • (PTB) Wooden Switch -> release gate blocking Cave/Hidden Room area

Mission 22

  • Beast's Castle
    • Courtyard
      • (PTB) Statues -> Open secret door to Entrance Hall/Upper Level area
    • Entrance Hall/Upper Level
      • (PTB) Switches -> releases blocking walls
    • Entrance Hall
      • (PTB) Wooden bar -> open door leading to Courtyard

Mission 23

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 24

  • Agrabah
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Cave of Wonders
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Cave/Entrance Hall
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Wooden Crate -> reach higher level
      • (PTB) Gold Column -> reach higher level
      • (PTC) Emerald Gem -> summon fire blocks
      • (PTC) Fire block #2 -> (with all three) creates steps in Cave/Abyss
    • Cave/Pillar Room
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Plugger -> move cylindrical pillars
      • (PTC) Fire block #1 -> (with all three) creates steps in Cave/Abyss
    • Cave/Abyss
      • (PTB) Wooden Switch -> open gate blocking Cave/Hidden Room area
      • (PTC) Fire block #3 -> (with all three) creates steps in Cave/Abyss
    • Cave/Hidden Room
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny

Mission 25

  • Twilight Town
  • None

Mission 26

  • Agrabah
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Wooden Crate -> reach higher level
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny

Mission 27

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 28

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 29

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 30

  • Agrabah
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> Munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
      • (PTB) Wooden Crate -> reach higher level
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP

Mission 31

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 32

  • Agrabah
    • The Palace
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Sandswept Ruins
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny

Mission 33

  • The World that Never Was
    • Hall of Empty Melodies
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny/Samurai/Potions

Mission 34

  • Agrabah
    • Agrabah Street
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Sandswept Ruins
      • (PTA) Jar -> Munny

Mission 35

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 36

  • Olympus Coliseum
    • The Coliseum
      • (PTB) Training Barrels A (Normal) & B (Exploding) -> Points

Mission 37

  • Twilight Town
    • The Sandlot
      • (PTB) Grandstander ball -> Points

Mission 38

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 39

  • Olympus Coliseum
    • The Coliseum
      • (PTB) Training Barrels A (Normal) & B (Exploding) -> Points

Mission 40

  • Olympus Coliseum
    • The Coliseum
      • (PTB) Training Barrels A (Normal) & B (Exploding) -> Points

Mission 41

  • Olympus Coliseum
    • The Coliseum
      • (PTB) Training Barrels A (Normal) & B (Exploding) -> Nothing (CHECK)

Mission 42

  • Halloween Town
      • (PTB) Pumpkin Bomb A (Normal) -> explosion, can damage enemies

Mission 43

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 44

  • Twilight Town
    • Underground Passage
      • (PTB) Yellow Switch -> raises yellow gate
      • (PTB) Turquoise Switch -> raises turquoise gate
      • (PTB) Purple Switch -> raises purple gate

Mission 45

  • Halloween Town
    • Halloween Town Gate
      • (PTB) Pumpkin Bomb A (Normal) -> explosion, can damage enemies
    • Halloween Town Square
      • (PTB) Pumpkin Bomb A (Normal) -> explosion, can damage enemies
      • (PTB) Balloons -> Nothing
    • Graveyard
      • (PTB) Pumpkin Bomb A (Normal) -> explosion, can damage enmies
      • (PTC) Bones -> Used by Zero; hidden Heartless locations
      • (PTB) Balloons -> Heartless

Mission 46

  • Olympus Coliseum
    • The Coliseum
      • (PTB) Training Barrels A (Normal) & B (Exploding) -> Points

Mission 47

  • Wonderland
    • Bizarre Room
      • (PTC) Red Potion -> grow in size
      • (PTC) Blue Potion -> shrink in size
      • (PTC) Chair -> summons Lurk Lizard

Mission 48

  • Agrabah
    • Agrabah Gate
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Cave of Wonders
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny
    • Cave/Entrance Hall
      • (PTA) Jar -> HP/munny

Mission 49

  • Beast's Castle
  • None

Mission 50

  • Beast's Castle
  • None


See the organized list here. Below shall be the realm of clutter.

Official track list from BBS/Re:coded/Days soundtrack

  • "Dearly Beloved"
  • "Results and Rewards"
  • "Mystic Moon"
  • "Critical Drive"
  • "Sacred Moon"
  • "Musique pour la tristesse de Xion"
  • "Xemnus"
  • "Secret of Neverland"
  • "Crossing to Neverland"
  • "At Dusk, I Will Think of You…"
  • "Fight and Away"
  • "Vector to the Heavens"
  • "Another Side – Battle Ver.-"

CGI cutscenes

  • Opening: Sanctuary
  • Meet Xion: Nothing is played
  • The Dark Margin: Nothing is played
  • The Man in Black Reflects: Nothing is played
  • Xion’s Defeat: Riku’s Theme
  • Namine and DiZ: Nothing is played
  • Why the Sun Sets Red: Roxas
  • Snarl of Memories: Treasured Memories
  • Riku Watches Over Xion: Nothing is played
  • Roxas Passes By: Nothing is played
  • Xion’s Dream: Missing You
  • Xion’s Capture: Face It!
  • Axel and Saix: Organization XIII
  • Xion and Riku: Kairi III; Treasured Memories
  • Riku’s Resolve: Nothing is played
  • Mickey and Riku-Ansem: Disquieting
  • Roxas Leaves the Organization: Nothing is played
  • Xion and Namine: Nothing is played
  • Xion and Axel Face Off: The Other Promise
  • Xion Attacks: Nothing is played
  • Xion’s End: Musique pour la tristesse de Xion
  • WINNER: Musique pour la tristesse de Xion
  • Skyscraper Battle: Nothing is played
  • Roxas and Riku: Another Side – Battle Ver.-
  • Riku Turns into Ansem: Riku’s Theme
  • After the Battle: Roxas
  • A New Day: Nothing is played
  • The Usual Spot [Credits]: Sanctuary
  • The End: Dearly Beloved - Reprise

The list *cue "dun dun dun"*


  • "Dearly Beloved" - Title screen
  • "Sanctuary" - Opening

Day 7

  • The World That Never Was
    • "Sacred Moon" - The Grey Area

Day 8 (The Icing on the Cake)

  • The World That Never Was
    • "Sacred Moon" - The Grey Area
  • Twilight Town
    • "Lazy Afternoons" - Field theme: Twilight Town
    • "At Dusk, I Will Think of You..." - Event theme: Clock tower

Day 9 (Heartless)

  • The World That Never Was
    • "Sacred Moon" - The Grey Area
  • Twilight Town
    • "Lazy Afternoons" - Field theme: Twilight Town
    • "Sinister Sundown" - Battle theme: Twilight Town

Day 10 (Incomplete)

  • The World That Never Was
    • "Sacred Moon" - The Grey Area
  • Twilight Town
    • "Lazy Afternoons" - Field theme: Twilight Town
    • "Sinister Sundown" - Battle theme: Twilight Town