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Game Concepts - For use in the Wiki's Magazine

Kingdom Hearts: Into Oblivion - CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT

"Hearts divided in darkness are connected by light..."


The themes for the story are "connected but separate" and "separate but connected."

Mickey's Scenario

Kingdom Hearts

  • Sensing the Door to Darkness is about to be opened, Mickey leaves Disney Castle to search for the Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness, so that he may close it. He instructs Donald and Goofy, via a letter, to find the "key."
  • Mickey goes to Traverse Town and witnesses Donald and Goofy meet up with Sora. Remaining out of sight, he then departs and later finds himself in the Realm of Darkness. He is followed by Pluto.
  • In the Realm of Darkness, Mickey eventually comes across three worlds that are slowly being corroded in the shadows. He visits each one on his search for the dark realm's Keyblade, Starseeker in hand.
    • As he journeys throughout the dark worlds, Mickey learns that these worlds once belonged to the light but were lost when the strongest hearts of light were removed from their borders. The worlds and their denizens must be given salvation and returned to the light by wielders of the Keyblade, or they will vanish forever into the darkness.
      • It is Mickey's desire to help those in need suffering in the Lost Worlds found in the dark realm. However, he is losing precious time before the Door to Darkness is opened. Intending to return later, Mickey shares the light in his heart with the hearts of the Lost Worlds, hoping to protect them from further corruption until his next visit.
  • Mickey wanders the Realm of Darkness, guided to the place where the Door to Darkness will be opened by a strange feeling in his heart. This feeling leads Mickey to Riku, a boy whose body was stolen from him by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Mickey agrees to be Riku's light and the two become traveling companions. It is at the formation of Riku and Mickey's bond that the Kingdom Key D finally appears.
  • Mickey and Riku eventually reach the Door to Darkness. Mickey dispatches several Heartless while he sends Riku off to help Sora close the Door. When the Heartless are vanquished, Mickey uses his new Keyblade, in conjunction with Sora's Keyblade of light, to forever close the Dark Door.

Between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

  • Mickey and Riku are trapped together in the Realm of Darkness. Knowing their previous encounter was rushed due to the looming threat of the Door to Darkness, Mickey decides to get better-acquainted with Riku. Riku tells Mickey about how he had given in to the darkness, reminding Mickey of the Lost Worlds he had just voyaged across. Mickey is thankful he got to Riku in time before the boy, who Mickey senses should be one of the Keyblade's chosen, was lost forever to the shadows.
  • Almost as soon as they meet up, Riku and Mickey are separated. Mickey searches desperately for Riku until he remembers the two now share a special connection. Even if he can't see the boy, Mickey knows Riku is still there and a part of him.
  • Mickey's travels across the dark realm eventually take him to more Lost Worlds. As he explores these four worlds decaying in the darkness, Mickey reflects upon the Keyblade and its relation to the worlds' Keyholes. Perhaps, he thinks, if he could find the Lost Worlds' Keyholes, he could seal them, thus saving the dying worlds by blocking the darkness from their hearts and returning them to the light as a result.
    • However, Mickey is somehow unable to find the Keyholes. This puzzles him, for he is a Keyblade Master.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

  • On his journey, Mickey finds Riku in need of his aid and power as he battles in a place called Castle Oblivion. Mickey can only send pieces of himself to help his new friend, as time is running short for the Lost Worlds. As a Keyblade Master, Mickey wants Riku to trust in their new bond and fight alone for just a bit longer. Mickey also seeks to as well as save the Lost Worlds before it is too late for them.
  • Eventually Mickey senses in his heart that Riku is in terrible danger at Castle Oblivion. The boy has given in to his darkness and is in danger of losing himself once again. Using what little remains of their connection, Mickey uses his light to transport himself out of the Realm of Darkness and to Riku's side at Castle Oblivion. Unfortunately, this happens before Mickey has the chance to figure out why he was unable to summon the Lost Worlds' Keyholes; all he can do is once again share his light with the four new ones he has discovered to buy them more time, as he did with the previous three. At Castle Oblivion, the pair, reunited at last, meets an enigmatic figure named DiZ, who gives them both black coats to avoid a group called Organization XIII. Mickey helps Riku to overcome the darkness within himself, Ansem, and their journey together continues.

Between Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts II

  • Walking the Road to Dawn with Riku, the Mickey finds himself at Hollow Bastion. Adorned in the black coats of Organization XIII DiZ had given them, Mickey and Riku fight together across the world, which holds many dark memories for Riku, until the pair comes to the Great Maw. There, Riku collapses from pain and fatigue due to the awakening darkness inside of him, and Mickey becomes concerned for his friend, only for the boy to say he'll be alright on his own and must fully conquer the darkness by himself. Mickey and Riku part ways once again. Worried for Riku, Mickey heads back to the dark realm to finish what he started in the Lost Worlds. He must find their Keyholes.
  • Back in the Dark Realm, Mickey finds all seven of the Lost Worlds he's discovered awaiting him. Their appearances, however, have been further distorted by darkness. More corrupt than before, the worlds' hearts are no longer protected by the light Mickey had shared with them; the darkness's power is too great for any light to last long. Mickey rushes into the Lost Worlds, and this time, he is surprised to find that he is able to locate their Keyholes after facing new threats in each one. Sealing every Lost World's Keyhole, Mickey is again puzzled to find that the Lost Worlds have not been saved. Rather, the darkness flowing into them from their Keyholes and from the outside has been diminished a great deal, thus the worlds' appearances are no longer distorted and a faint light is able to return to them. Suddenly, in an intense burst of light, Mickey is transported out of the Realm of Darkness.
  • Awakening in Twilight Town, Mickey explores the mysterious world and soon finds himself in a dark, wooded area. Before him stands a man in a black coat who reveals himself to be Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Mickey summons his Keyblade only to find out that Ansem is actually just a transformed Riku; the boy, now a young man, tells Mickey not to worry about him and tells him of the slow progression of the repair of Sora's memories. Riku states he'll soon have to face a member of the Organization in battle in order to help Sora awaken from slumber, and he makes Mickey promise that should he not come back, Mickey must be there for Sora and never tell him what happened to Riku while he was out in the darkness. Mickey promises, and feeling just how strong his trust for Riku and Riku's trust for him has grown since they first met, even while they were apart, Mickey parts ways with him.
  • Still troubled by the Lost Worlds and his inability to save them, Mickey decides to seek council from his master, Yen Sid, at the Mysterious Tower. Telling the elderly sorcerer he doesn't understand why he has failed (after all, it is said that only wielders of the Keyblade can return the Lost Worlds to the light and save them), Yen Sid states that it may take something a little stronger than the Keyblade to save the Lost Worlds, and when Mickey asks what it is, the sorcerer states Mickey already possesses it; he has yet to realize it, but he is closer to doing so than he thinks. Yen Sid returns Mickey to the Realm of Darkness upon his request to save the Lost Worlds once and for all.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • In the Realm of Darkness, Mickey returns to the Lost Worlds, determined to find out what Yen Sid had meant. As he continues to combat the dark forces attempting to turn the Lost Worlds back to evil, it dawns on him that the "greater strength" Yen Sid was referring to was Mickey's bond with Riku and the trust the two had for each other, a trust that first budded when Mickey first found Riku in the Realm of Darkness, grew stronger when Mickey came to Riku's aid in Castle Oblivion, and became its strongest when Riku trusted Mickey with the thing he cared most about: his best friend, Sora. Keeping his bond with Riku fresh in his mind and in his heart, Mickey finally succeeds in saving the Lost Worlds.

Riku's Scenario

Kingdom Hearts

  • After they finish building a raft that will take them to see other worlds, Riku and his friends Sora and Kairi prepare to head home for the night. Riku senses something is amiss when he passes by the Secret Place, however, so he tells Sora and Kairi to return home without him while he goes to investigate. As Riku approaches the Secret Place, he feels something within calling out to him, drawing him towards it. At that moment, a mysterious hooded figure appears beside Riku, telling him not to resist. The enigma claims that "this world has been connected, tied to the darkness," and it goes on to state that the raft cannot possibly take Riku to see other worlds as he desires, especially not if his friends are holding him back. The voice explains that only a "special power" would grant Riku the voyage he seeks; this power, the figure says, lies beyond the door located in the Secret Place. Tempting Riku to open the door, the mysterious figure vanishes. Riku then submits to the strange urge he feels in his heart and enters the Secret Place.
    • Riku finds the door within the Secret Place. The hooded figure appears before him again, claiming that only those with the strongest of hearts would be able to open the door and control the immense power found inside. The mysterious entity demands that Riku prove the strength of his heart to it, and Riku arrogantly does so, touching the door. Upon doing this, the door reacts to the darkness in Riku's heart, and dark wisps of energy start to emanate from its edges. Startled, Riku jumps back. He watches in shock as the door slowly opens by itself and an intense burst of darkness rushes towards him and out of the Secret Place. The door vanishes, leaving Riku winded and horrified. He asks the mysterious hooded figure what just happened, to which the entity states Riku has just taken his "first steps into a larger world." Riku is puzzled by the hooded figure's words, but it states that Riku can now find the "correct path" to other worlds at "the place where hearts are connected." Telling Riku it is impressed by his willingness to accept the darkness, the mysterious figure departs.
    • Assuming the hooded figure was referring to the Paopu Tree when it mentioned "the place where hearts are connected," Riku exits the Secret Place to head there. Riku is shocked to see the Destiny Islands have been consumed by darkness; an intense storm is brewing, and the entire island is now crawling with mysterious black creatures with glowing, yellow eyes: Heartless. These creatures strangely pay Riku no mind, and rather than try to guess why, the boy heads off to the Paopu Tree. After all, he does not wish to miss his chance to escape from his prison of a home world and see worlds that exist beyond his own.
      • At the Paopu Tree, Riku is approached once again by the hooded figure. It congratulates Riku for finding "the place where hearts are connected," and it tells him he is now ready to see other worlds. Conjuring a dark portal before them, the mysterious being tells Riku to step inside with it and at last escape from his prison. Riku refuses, however, for he senses Sora has returned to the island. Not willing to leave his friend behind, Riku demands that the hooded enigma let him see if Sora wants to join them before he abandons his home forever. The figure complies, but it states that it will not wait for long. Warning Riku that if he passes this chance up it will never come again, the mysterious figure then walks into the dark portal it summoned and disappears. Gazing at the troubled skies above, Riku senses Sora is getting closer.
        • When Sora confronts Riku, the silver-haired boy tries to tell his best friend that now they can see other worlds together. He tells Sora that while they may never see their home again if they leave, they can't miss this chance. Riku declares he is not afraid of the darkness, and another dark portal appears behind him. Riku offers his hand to Sora, but the boy is unable to grab it before the portal closes with Riku inside it.
          • Riku emerges from the dark portal atop a large, floating piece of the Destiny Islands that has been lost to the raging storm of darkness. Riku looks over the piece of the island's edge to see Sora rushing into the Secret Place; annoyed by his friend's weakness and inability to join him on his voyage, Riku walks off, only to be joined once again by the hooded figure. It summons another dark portal behind Riku, telling him his destiny is now his own. Seizing the opportunity to see other worlds at long last, Riku walks inside.

Between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Between Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts II

Kingdom Hearts II


  • Riku and Mickey are both playable.
    • The story is split into "Side: Riku" and "Side: Mickey." Each Side is comprised of two scenarios; "Scenario I" spans from Kingdom Hearts to Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, while "Scenario II" spans from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days to Kingdom Hearts II. Depending on the Side picked, only Riku or Mickey will be playable. Each can still access the other's power in a manner similar to Dimension Links from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, however.
      • Filling the gaps between scenarios and such are transition phases known as "joint scenarios" that take place in the Realm of Darkness and feature both Riku and Mickey as playable characters. The player can switch between them freely at any time, allowing for various combos to be performed and sometimes aiding in navigation. Differences exist between Riku and Mickey as characters:
        • Riku runs slightly slower than Mickey and cannot jump as high. However, his attacks have greater power.
        • Mickey is less powerful offensively than Riku. However, he is more agile and is a faster runner and better jumper.
      • These are just some of the differences Riku and Mickey share. It is up to the player to determine which character is better to use when and how their strengths can be combined in the most efficient manner. The player must strive to make one character's strengths cover the other's weaknesses to get the most out of this adventure.
      • The character not being played as during joint scenarios serves as a party member controlled primarily by the game's AI.
  • Mickey's default Keyblade is the Starseeker until he obtains the Kingdom Key D, which replaces it at that point (Starseeker can still be equipped via the main menu).
    • Mickey is initially the only one who can obtain Keyblades as clear bonuses for saving one of the Lost Worlds. As Riku wields the Soul Eater, which is confirmed not to be a Keyblade, he obtains unique abilities as clear bonuses until he obtains Way to the Dawn. At that point, Riku can go back to the Lost Worlds he's already cleared and obtain their respective Keyblades.
  • Riku and Mickey only have a set amount of time in which they can save each Lost World. The more time passes, the more darkness seeps into the world in question and the more difficult the enemies encountered within become.
    • If Riku and Mickey fail to save a Lost World within the time limit, then the world is lost to the darkness, and made unvisitable. Riku and Mickey can give the Lost Worlds a second chance at salvation if they have enough Light Points (LP), which are obtained as drop bonuses by defeating Heartless along with the usual HP balls and munny. Restored Lost Worlds force Riku and Mickey to traverse them at the maximum level of corruption (difficulty).
  • Riku and Mickey's ability has to do with their Bond Level. Certain levels can only be reached and certain abilities can only be learned after Bond Level has been increased. Until Bond Level is increased, it operates as a form of level-capping.

Worlds and Characters

Ancient Kingdom
  • Kronk
  • Kuzco
  • Pacha
  • Palace Guard
  • Yzma
Lands of Darkness
  • Creeper
  • Eilonwy
  • Fflewddur Fflam
  • Gurgi
  • Hen Wen
  • Orddu, Orwen, and Orgoch
  • Taran
  • The Horned King
Legacy to Galaxy
  • B.E.N.
  • Captain Amelia
  • Dr. Doppler
  • Jim Hawkins
  • John Silver
  • Morph
  • Scroop
Mystic Woods
  • Flit
  • Governor Ratcliffe
  • Grandmother Willow
  • John Smith
  • Meeko
  • Percy
  • Pocahontas
  • Powhatan
Swamp of Frogs
  • Dr. Facilier
  • Louis
  • Mama Odie
  • Naveen
  • Ray
  • Tiana
The Lost Empire
  • Audrey
  • Dr. Sweet
  • Kida
  • Lt. Sinclair
  • Milo
  • Mole
  • Rourke
  • Vinny
Wild Jungle
  • Bagheera
  • Baloo
  • Hathi
  • Kaa
  • King Louie
  • Mowgli
  • Shanti
  • Shere Khan

"Young Eraqus and Young Xehanort" Game - TO BE DEVELOPED


  • The story explores the mysteries of the Keyblade War and connects to Kingdom Hearts III. Depending on who the player chooses to play as, they will either see the rise of Eraqus or the fall of Xehanort.
  • The game begins just after Young Xehanort returns to his proper place in time after the events of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. The game itself takes place before Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, some time after the events of the Keyblade War.
  • A rough idea of the story (Xehanort's side):
    • Xehanort is the "chosen one" who will restore balance to light and darkness, hence his desire to create a world where they exist in equilibrium.
    • Xehanort longs to see other worlds. He opens the door in the Secret Place on the Destiny Islands, and he winds up in the Land of Departure (or a similar place), where he meets Eraqus. The two travel to several worlds together with their Master and eventually come to see each other as brothers.
    • Eraqus and Xehanort's Master continually tells Eraqus secret information pertaining to the events of the Keyblade War and the like, shaking Xehanort's trust in both of them. Soon Eraqus and Xehanort are dubbed strong enough to travel from world to world on their own, leaving Xehanort vulnerable to darkness and its temptations.
    • While Eraqus uses the Keyblade per his Master's orders to protect the worlds from the darkness, Xehanort uses it to bring ruin and chaos.
    • Xehanort gains much knowledge on his journey and eventually discards his Keyblade Armor. He tries at first to maintain his brotherhood with Eraqus, but the man's devotion to light makes the two enemies. Xehanort goes on several unauthorized journeys to other worlds, and eventually, he and Eraqus have a climatic final duel from which Eraqus (?) emerges victorious.
    • Eraqus is pronounced a Keyblade Master, as is Xehanort, but Eraqus is the one chosen to inherit the Land of Departure. In a secret ending, perhaps, an older Eraqus takes Terra and Aqua in as students while, on his travels, an older Xehanort finds a boy named Ventus to train.

Side: Eraqus
Side: Xehanort


  • Both Eraqus and Xehanort are playable.
  • Gameplay is designed so that players may experience the full power of true Keyblade Masters for the first ever.
  • In the various worlds they visit, Eraqus and Xehanort are presented with many choices concerning the characters they meet and how they interact with their environment. Most of the time, the choices they make shape the gameplay experience and how the plot unfolds. One of the most important choices is "Light or Darkness? Eraqus or Xehanort?"
  • Keyblade Armor and Keyblade Gliders return. Eraqus's armor matches that of the Armor of the Master, while Xehanort's matches that of No Heart. Eraqus's Keyblade Glider perhaps takes the shape of a horse, while Xehanort's is more like a jetpack.

Worlds and Characters

Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade War - TO BE DEVELOPED

This game is chronologically the first in the Kingdom Hearts series and is a canon version of Kingdom Hearts X, detailing the events of the Keyblade War.


Long ago there was only one world, a world filled with light. But soon people came to fight over the light, and darkness was born. The world was torn asunder, but small fragments of light remained in the hearts of children. From these lights, the world was reborn, but in a splintered form. Now these children find themselves in possession of strange weapons known as Keyblades. Despite their differences, they must come together as a team if they are to survive a conflict larger than they could possibly imagine: the Keyblade War. Only these young heroes stand between other wielders of the Keyblade and the power of Kingdom Hearts.

  • This story explores the origin of Keyblades and their true purpose.
  • The story is told in a similar fashion to Final Fantasy XIII.
  • The story begins in the United Paradise. Perhaps the Keyblade War is already transpiring by the game's beginning and the protagonists all belong to a school for Keyblade wielders. Each belongs to a different class, thus they are canon "Foretellers." The classes could not get along until conflict forced them to team up.
  • The heroes of this game do not survive. They become known as the "missing masters" mentioned by a young Eraqus and Xehanort several centuries later in their respective game.


Worlds and Characters


  • The story and gameplay ideas listed here are property of EternalNothingnessXIII of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki.
  • EternalNothingnessXIII is in NO WAY affiliated with Disney or Square Enix. "Kingdom Hearts" and all related games, worlds, items, and characters are property of Disney and Square Enix.