This page contains a list of quotes spoken by Chirithy in Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Kingdom Hearts III, Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind, and Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Kingdom Hearts III

  • "Can't stay away, now, can you?"
  • "The name's Chirithy. And this is The Final World."
  • "There's nothing else beyond this. You've wandered here more than once before on your visits to the Station of Awakening, buuut... I let that slide. The edges of sleep and death touch, and one can't help the occasional crossover."
  • "Yes. The natural end for those whose hearts and bodies perish together. But some persist, and arrive here.
  • "Something is holding you here- refusing to let you go. You're hanging by a thread."
  • "I'm afraid that no one else arrived with you. And if they're not here, they're either gone forever, or they're clinging to the world you came from."
  • "Whoa, whoa! How exactly? You can't just wander out like your other visits."
  • "I told you. The other times you came here by your own choice. This time is very different. To become your old self again and return to the real world, you'll have to piece yourself back together in this world first."
  • "What? No, not literally, of course. You're conceptually in pieces. On the inside, who knows, but on the outside you're just fine."
  • "Oh boy... Usually, only a heart can reach The Final World. But since you've clearly managed to retain some kind of form, that can only mean your body was cast into this world as well."
  • "Precisely. But there's a lot of you to find. You're going to be busy."
  • "I see that you found them all."
  • "Then, isn't it time that you left?"
  • "What? I'm doing you a big favor here, you know. Don't push it."
  • "Oh, I don't work like that."
  • "Mmm... sort of?"
  • "Uh, no no no no, that's okay. He doesn't remember the past. Besides, I'm sure that he's much happier with his new friends. But I'll wait. He'll arrive here one day."
  • "What?!"
  • "Really? I've missed having friends."
  • "Seriously? Are you a Keyblade wielder, or aren't you? Haven't you already learned how to restore someone's heart after it's been lost?
  • "I'm not sure, but... give it a shot?"
  • "Look for the light in the darkness! May your heart be your guiding key."

Memory Archives

  • "Do you remember this story? It begins with Sora and his friends Kairi and Riku. The three are inseparable. And they believe another world is waiting out beyond the sea."
  • "But then darkness consumes the islands they call home and tears them apart."
  • "Sora wakes up in an unknown world, and before long he meets two courageous companions. A magician named Donald and a knight named Goofy."
  • "They embark on an adventure and make countless friends..."
  • "And a few enemies..."
  • "Just as Sora is starting to grasp the power of the Keyblade, he comes face to face with his friend Riku."
    Summarizing Memory Archive 1
  • "Are the memories we share with the people we love our only true connection to them? Sora, Donald, and Goofy have been searching for King Mickey and Riku, their friends who were stranded on the other side of the door to darkness. A clue leads them to a mysterious citadel called Castle Oblivion."
  • "Sora is determined to press on and look for his friends. But as he climbs, his most precious memories begin to slip away. He is being tricked by Marluxia and a mysterious Organization who are trying to make him their puppet. Unaware that the events of his past have been rewritten inside his mind, Sora races to the top of the castle to save a girl named Namine."
  • "But there, he learns the shocking truth."
  • "Namine has special powers, and she's the one who's been changing Sora's memory."
  • "This would be Sora's first encounter with Organization XIII, but certainly not his last."
    Summarizing Memory Archive 2

Think now, for a moment, about your best friend. Someone you couldn't bear to lose.

  • "His mind a blank slate, Roxas starts counting the days, determined to never forget anything again. He and his friend Axel go on missions for the Organization."
  • "They are soon joined by the group's fourteenth member, a girl named Xion. Like Roxas, she has no memory of her past."
  • "The three have been told they don't have hearts that they're "Nobodies" and yet it's strange. They start to realize how much they care about each other."
  • "If only all of this could last forever..."
  • "Xion's darkest secret..."
  • " that she only exists to seize control of Sora's power the Keyblade's power."
  • "If they really have no hearts, then why does the truth hurt this much? The grief... The anger... The loss... The emptiness..."
  • "But I believe there's hope for them. Don't you? One day they'll be together again."
    Summarizing Memory Archive 3
  • "Who are we fighting? How did this all begin? And why did it take us so long to notice?"
  • "Twice now, Master Xehanort has sought to drag the World into a great Keyblade War between the forces of light and darkness."
  • "But both times his ambitions have been thwarted. In his first attempt, he divided a boy's heart into two beings a pure light named Ventus and a pure darkness named Vanitas. The two were to clash and forge a relic known as the x-blade."
  • "Three students of Master Eraqus, Xehanort's former brother-in-training, rose up in order to stop the x-blade from being forged."
  • "They fought bravely. And their strong bond allowed them to triumph over Xehanort."
  • "But, all three paid a terrible price, and their destinies were sealed. The destruction of the x-blade plunged Ventus into a deep sleep. "Aqua sacrificed herself to the realm of darkness to save Terra. And, by the time he was found, Terra was going by a different name."
  • "Master Xehanort's second attempt to start the Keyblade War involved pitting seven pure lights against thirteen darknesses. His heart and body acted separately. His heart, Ansem, manipulated Riku and Maleficent into capturing the seven pure lights he needed, the princesses of heart. His body, Xemnas, founded Organization XIII, who would serve as the thirteen darknesses. But his plans were dashed by Sora and his friends, who defeated Ansem and Xemnas."
  • "Now, Master Xehanort has warned of a third attempt to start his war."
  • "Thirteen darknesses. Seven lights. The End is coming..."
    Summarizing Memory Archive 5

Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind

Action Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

  • "Incoming trick!"
    when the opponent sends a trick.
  • "Two tricks headed your way!"
    when the opponent sends two tricks.
  • "You pulled ahead!"
    when Player is ahead in points.
  • "You're falling behind!"
    when the opponent is ahead in points.
  • "Trick activated!"
    when Player sends a trick.
  • "Two tricks activated!"
    when Player sends two tricks.
  • "Whoa, be careful!"
    when Player is low on HP.
  • "It's not over yet!"
    when Player loses their HP and is revived.