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::I'm not seeing ''threats on every corner''...  All I did was try to add something to your talk page.  And THAT, by the way, is a hilarious thing to say considering Helen banned me for "intimidating behavior."  I'm sorry....did I put a gun to her head or something?  Now...let's clear up a few things.  First off, I'm a bit of a dick.  Have been for a very long time.  And as you've noticed in the past, I've ''genuinely'' tried to change things up a bit.  But to put lightly, I'm not an advocate for saints.  If you think my past transgressions - ''PAST'' - call for me getting banned on here, then I wholly accept that.  However, as you might have glimpsed in the IRC, I DO NOT accept Helen's ban, nor do I recognize her authority.  I've kept my mouth shut about her for a very long time, and this whole started when she antagonized me first - all I did in retaliation was a little bit of snark and alluded to her very colorful history.  She perceived that as a threat....and now we are here.  And you're right - I ''should'' apologize.  And normally, I would.  But not to her.  Why is she so special?  Because unlike you, I ''know'' her.  And I know what sort of trouble she brings everywhere she goes, and here's a very simple litmus test to prove my point:  Am I the first person on this wiki to have engaged with her in this sort of drama?  Am I....I dunno, the fifth?  No?  Okay, then how about this:  In comparison, in how much shit do the ''other'' admins and mods on here get into?  For a while, I thought she was made an admin on here because, like me, she went out and looked for a change.  Last night's IRC was illuminating to say the least.  So, ''why the fuck'' would I respect the authority of someone who has repeatedly caused me trouble time and again?  There's a ''reason'' why she never goes to any other KH community site out there anymore.  Normally, I would try to appeal to your senses and ''urge'' you to get rid of her.  But 1, I have absolutely no right to do that since I'm equally guilty of some stupid stuff in the past, and 2, that requires me to talk at length precisely ''why.''  Unless you ''want'' me to, because there are a good half dozen stories to share.  So that really brings us down to the magic question:  You want assurance that ''this will never happen again''.  A proposition from me that this will never happen again.  Happily, it's ''extremely'' easy and doable - not even remotely irrational at that.  I don't want her talking to me.  I don't want her even talking ''about'' me.  If I somehow upset someone over something in the future, I don't want her confronting and judging me - someone else can do that.  If someone needs to post something on my talk page, someone else can do it.  I mean, we have more admins than mods anyway.  If I do something super duper awesome, I don't want her to nominate me for member of the month - ''someone else can do that''.  Basically, ''I don't want to know that she even exists''.  And I '''''guarantee''' you'', I won't even make a passing mention of anything remotely hinting at her existence.  As long as that's on the board, it's 100% guarantee that you'll have nothing but peace and tranquility around here as far as I'm concerned.  I mean....have I gotten into a ''serious confrontation'' with anyone else on here?  Do I seriously have a problem with ''anyone else'' on here?  Nyope!  Helen is special because we share an ''annoying history'' - and I'll simply end it at that.  If you feel like she ''genuinely'' has a place here, then it's not my place to soil it.  But all the same, I will not accept anything she has to say about me.  Nor will I accept any middlemen.  If you want to kick me out, it has to be for ''your reasons'', and ''your rationale''.  As long as this compromise is follow through, I promise you I won't even remotely bring her up.  Kick me in the ass, solder off my balls - ''I will stick to it''.  Is this fair?  --[[User:Webber22|Webber22]] ([[User talk:Webber22|talk]]) 17:42, 1 June 2016 (UTC)
::I'm not seeing ''threats on every corner''...  All I did was try to add something to your talk page.  And THAT, by the way, is a hilarious thing to say considering Helen banned me for "intimidating behavior."  I'm sorry....did I put a gun to her head or something?  Now...let's clear up a few things.  First off, I'm a bit of a dick.  Have been for a very long time.  And as you've noticed in the past, I've ''genuinely'' tried to change things up a bit.  But to put lightly, I'm not an advocate for saints.  If you think my past transgressions - ''PAST'' - call for me getting banned on here, then I wholly accept that.  However, as you might have glimpsed in the IRC, I DO NOT accept Helen's ban, nor do I recognize her authority.  I've kept my mouth shut about her for a very long time, and this whole started when she antagonized me first - all I did in retaliation was a little bit of snark and alluded to her very colorful history.  She perceived that as a threat....and now we are here.  And you're right - I ''should'' apologize.  And normally, I would.  But not to her.  Why is she so special?  Because unlike you, I ''know'' her.  And I know what sort of trouble she brings everywhere she goes, and here's a very simple litmus test to prove my point:  Am I the first person on this wiki to have engaged with her in this sort of drama?  Am I....I dunno, the fifth?  No?  Okay, then how about this:  In comparison, in how much shit do the ''other'' admins and mods on here get into?  For a while, I thought she was made an admin on here because, like me, she went out and looked for a change.  Last night's IRC was illuminating to say the least.  So, ''why the fuck'' would I respect the authority of someone who has repeatedly caused me trouble time and again?  There's a ''reason'' why she never goes to any other KH community site out there anymore.  Normally, I would try to appeal to your senses and ''urge'' you to get rid of her.  But 1, I have absolutely no right to do that since I'm equally guilty of some stupid stuff in the past, and 2, that requires me to talk at length precisely ''why.''  Unless you ''want'' me to, because there are a good half dozen stories to share.  So that really brings us down to the magic question:  You want assurance that ''this will never happen again''.  A proposition from me that this will never happen again.  Happily, it's ''extremely'' easy and doable - not even remotely irrational at that.  I don't want her talking to me.  I don't want her even talking ''about'' me.  If I somehow upset someone over something in the future, I don't want her confronting and judging me - someone else can do that.  If someone needs to post something on my talk page, someone else can do it.  I mean, we have more admins than mods anyway.  If I do something super duper awesome, I don't want her to nominate me for member of the month - ''someone else can do that''.  Basically, ''I don't want to know that she even exists''.  And I '''''guarantee''' you'', I won't even make a passing mention of anything remotely hinting at her existence.  As long as that's on the board, it's 100% guarantee that you'll have nothing but peace and tranquility around here as far as I'm concerned.  I mean....have I gotten into a ''serious confrontation'' with anyone else on here?  Do I seriously have a problem with ''anyone else'' on here?  Nyope!  Helen is special because we share an ''annoying history'' - and I'll simply end it at that.  If you feel like she ''genuinely'' has a place here, then it's not my place to soil it.  But all the same, I will not accept anything she has to say about me.  Nor will I accept any middlemen.  If you want to kick me out, it has to be for ''your reasons'', and ''your rationale''.  As long as this compromise is follow through, I promise you I won't even remotely bring her up.  Kick me in the ass, solder off my balls - ''I will stick to it''.  Is this fair?  --[[User:Webber22|Webber22]] ([[User talk:Webber22|talk]]) 17:42, 1 June 2016 (UTC)
::Please don't use my real name. My real name is only reserved for people I know, and are friends with. So please don't address me familiarly like this, using my real name without my permission. And also, please don't talk as if you know me. So, apparently, we have encounters offsite before? Please illuminate me on them. Who are you, then? What have I done to you in the past? I have asked before, you refused to answer. But it seems this is more than just what happened here on the KHWiki.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 18:04, 1 June 2016 (UTC)
::Please don't use my real name. My real name is only reserved for people I know, and are friends with. So please don't address me familiarly like this, using my real name without my permission. And also, please don't talk as if you know me. So, apparently, we have encounters offsite before? Please illuminate me on them. Who are you, then? What have I done to you in the past? I have asked before, you refused to answer. But it seems this is more than just what happened here on the KHWiki.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 18:04, 1 June 2016 (UTC)
::Our compromise Kryten....not off to a great start!  --[[User:Webber22|Webber22]] ([[User talk:Webber22|talk]]) 18:15, 1 June 2016 (UTC)