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===''Before Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]''===
===''Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]''===
===''Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]''===
{{canon|Which Foreteller appears is dependant on Player's Union.|*}}
{{canon|Which Foreteller appears is dependant on Player's Union.|*}}
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After traversing the worlds on various quests, Player returns to Daybreak Town, finding that a [[Gummi Ship]] had crashed in Waterfront Park. After the [[Moogle]] steals some [[Gummi Blocks]] for itself, Player meets [[Donald Duck]] and [[Goofy]], who recognize the Keyblade and ask for Player's help in recovering the Gummi Blocks. While fighting the Heartless for Gummi Blocks in the Market, Player is overcome by a group of [[Wizard]]s. [[Mickey Mouse]], guided by the [[Star Shard]], intervenes and saves Player, who informs him of Donald and Goofy's situation. Mickey introduces Player to [[Chip and Dale]], who he sends ahead with Player to help Donald and Goofy reconstruct the Gummi Ship. While alone, Mickey questions what it was that guided him to Daybreak Town, unaware that [[Invi]] is watching him from afar. With Chip and Dale's help, the Gummi Ship is restored, but because Donald prematurely launches the engine, the Gummi Ship readies for takeoff, but not before Mickey rejoins the group.
After traversing the worlds on various quests, Player returns to Daybreak Town, finding that a [[Gummi Ship]] had crashed in Waterfront Park. After the [[Moogle]] steals some [[Gummi Blocks]] for itself, Player meets [[Donald Duck]] and [[Goofy]], who recognize the Keyblade and ask for Player's help in recovering the Gummi Blocks. While fighting the Heartless for Gummi Blocks in the Market, Player is overcome by a group of [[Wizard]]s. [[Mickey Mouse]], guided by the [[Star Shard]], intervenes and saves Player, who informs him of Donald and Goofy's situation. Mickey introduces Player to [[Chip and Dale]], who he sends ahead with Player to help Donald and Goofy reconstruct the Gummi Ship. While alone, Mickey questions what it was that guided him to Daybreak Town, unaware that [[Invi]] is watching him from afar. With Chip and Dale's help, the Gummi Ship is restored, but because Donald prematurely launches the engine, the Gummi Ship readies for takeoff, but not before Mickey rejoins the group.
Player comes across The Moogle again, who asks that Player take the Light Drawing Bangle to extract Lux from Raid Bosses for him. After Player does so, the Moogle meets with an unseen figure in an alley. When the Moogle questions why the figure didn't just give Player the Bangle themselves, the unseen figure claims it to be too soon for that. Though the Moogle regrets tricking his favorite customer, the unseen figure claiming that he'd need the Moogle's help again in the future.
When Player again encounters Donald and Goofy, they have yet again crashed the Gummi Ship into Daybreak Town. Donald and Goofy encounter the Moogle, who has constructed his own Keyblade out of wood, which proves to be ineffective against the Heartless. When Player steps in, his Keyblade changes to become the [[Moogle O' Glory]] and Donald and Goofy realize that Player is the "Key". The Moogle plots to steal Player's Keyblade after he's powered it up, but when he attempts to do so, he is disappointed to find that the Keyblade simply returns to Player. As Donald and Goofy prepare to leave with Player after Chip and Dale fix the Gummi Ship, they realize that Player is not inside with them and take off without the "Key".

When Player next returns to Daybreak Town, Nightmare Chirithy, posing as Chirithy, gifts Player the Power Bangle, which allows Player the ability to unknowingly utilize the darkness to empower the Keyblade.
When Player next returns to Daybreak Town, Nightmare Chirithy, posing as Chirithy, gifts Player the Power Bangle, which allows Player the ability to unknowingly utilize the darkness to empower the Keyblade.
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One night, Player is shown a dream by Chirithy, in which the Foretellers meeting with the Master of Masters in the Foretellers' Chamber. However, before Player can explore the dream, Nightmare Chirithy forces Player awake. Chirithy advises Player to go back to sleep before confronting Nightmare Chirithy for its interference. Nightmare Chirithy asks what Chirithy was trying to achieve by showing Player the dream. Chirithy admits that its intention are the opposite of its Nightmare counterpart's, prompting the latter to declare the two of them to be enemies before it disappears. A worried Chirithy vows to protect Player.
<!--This is a short novel. Rewrite it.
The Player arrives at the Fountain Plaza to the sounds of the Moogle crying out in anguish as the Moogle comes sliding on the ground and stops at Player’s feet. The Player helps the Moogle to his feet, who then voices his failure, stating that not even Team Moogle could do “it”. After finally noticing The Player’s presence, the Moogle proclaims how happy he is to see his favourite customer, and asks if Player was listening just now – stating that Player had come just at the right time. The Moogle then lends The Player a Light Drawing Bangle, explaining how The Player could use it to extract Lux from Raid Bosses. Noticing that The Player seems confused, the Moogle explains that if they collect Lux for him that he’d trade it for items that would aid Player throughout his journey – such as more Cards – glad to see that The Player understands, the Moogle states that he’s counting on them before running off.

After defeating a Raid Boss and returning to the Fountain Plaza, The Player meets with the Moogle, who thanks them and says that he now has more than enough Lux thanks to Player. The Moogle then politely asks for the Light Drawing Bangle back, to which The Player obliges, prompting the Moogle to bid them farewell and run off again.
The following day, Player is sent to deal with a Heartless in Waterfront Park and befriends another Keyblade wielder named Ephemer. After the two wielders decide to investigate the Foretellers' Chamber from Player's dream, Chirithy asks its Nightmare counterpart if Ephemer is its wielder. Chirithy notices that Nightmare Chirithy's fur has darkened, to which Nightmare Chirithy mocks its adversary and asks what it intends to do as Player is getting closer to the truth.

The Moogle makes his way to a nearby alleyway, where he speaks to an unseen figure; asking why they’d go to all this trouble when they could’ve just given The Player the Light Drawing Bangle themselves. The figure admits that what the Moogle said was true, but that it doesn’t seem to be the right time for that yet, adding that the Moogle got something out of it as well so they don’t see why it matters. A regretful Moogle admits that he doesn’t like tricking his favourite customer, to which the figure is intrigued to hear that the Moogle considered it to be a trick, when in fact The Player’s mission and their goal happened to be the same. The figure mentions that they're sure they’ll need the Moogle again in the future, and that they’d be counting on him then once again, before vanishing. Alone, the Moogle voices how things are getting bad.
Aced meets with Ava and Gula to discuss their lack of faith in Ira's leadership. Gula agrees to form an alliance with Aced, though their alliance would not influence their respective Unions. Ava remains loyal to the Master of Master's teachings, which forbid alliances. Invi arrives and discovers Aced's intent, condemning him for his actions, though Aced counters with his suspicion of an alliance between her and Ira based on Invi's actions. Invi reports back to Ira about the alliance, intent on convincing Gula to change his mind, before distancing herself from Ira in order to quell Aced's suspicion.

After journeying to various worlds to complete Chirithy's missions, The Player once again hears the Moogle cry out and slide across the ground to their feet when they enter the Fountain Plaza. Helping the Moogle up, The Player learns that the Moogle has “failed” again, and that “it” really seems to be too much for him. Happy to see his favourite customer, the Moogle notes how “it” seems to be impossible without The Player’s help and lends The Player the Light Drawing Bangle once again. The Moogle urges The Player to collect more Lux from Raid Bosses and states that he’d have some “goodies” ready to trade for them when Player gets back. Saying that he’s counting on Player, the Moogle runs off once again and leave Player to his mission.
Together, Player and Ephemer find an entrance to the waterways in the 2nd District, leading them to discover an entrance to the Clock Tower. The two agree to continue their investigation the following day to dissuade suspicion. Afterwards, Ephemer finds Ava mulling over recent events in the Fountain Plaza and attempts to comfort her. Although Ava remains vague, she expresses her doubts about the Master's teachings regarding the competition between the Unions. Ava approves of Ephemer's desire to solve the mysteries of the world, as she believes that people should question things and think for themselves. When Ephemer reveals that he had befriended a Keyblade wielder from a different Union, Ava is pleased that wielders from other Unions could work together and encourages him to get some rest. Meanwhile, as Player tells Chirithy about Ephemer, Chirithy entertains the notion of making friends, but remarks on not having friends of its own. Player assures Chirithy that the two of them are friends, a sentiment that surprises Chirithy.  

Upon returning to the Fountain Plaza, The Player meets with the Moogle, who thanks them and once again states that because of The Player’s efforts he has more than enough Lux now. The Moogle states that he may need The Player again in the future, but that for now he’ll just take back the Light Drawing Bangle and bid The Player farewell.
Later that night, Ephemer attempts to enter the Clock Tower alone, only to encounter Ava. Ava discloses to him that she intends on choosing five people from the Dandelions, including Ephemer, to act as Union Leaders in the Foretellers's stead after the Keyblade War. Although Ephemer is reluctant to ascend to the position, he agrees to do cooperate with Ava's intention. Ava provides Ephemer with a Rule Book that would help guide the new Union Leaders and explains that they must erase the memories of the Keyblade War from the minds of the Dandelions. As the truth about the Keyblade War must be kept a secret among the new Union leaders, Ava tells Ephemer that they must work with the Chirithy to protect the secret. Ava then sends Ephemer another realm in preparation and instructs him to meet the other Union leaders in the Keyblade Graveyard after the war.

The Moogle once again meets the unseen figure in an alleyway, stating that he did in fact end up cooperating with them. The figure tells the Moogle that he’s making the right choice, taking the Light Drawing Bangle back from the Moogle. Still unsure of whether or not he’s doing the right thing, the Moogle regrets to admit that he’s sure he’s got some happy customers because of it. The figure asks if the Moogle now understands, as what they’re doing is essential to their mission. The figure once again suggests that he’ll call on the Moogle’s aid once again in the future before disappearing, leaving the Moogle alone to justify his actions by stating that there’s no other way.
When Ephemer fails to meet Player at the Fountain Square the following day, a saddened Chirithy comforts Player, suggesting that he give Ephemer the benefit of the doubt. Touched, Player embraces Chirithy as they cry, much to Chirithy's shock. Strelitzia, who had taken note of Player's waiting throughout the day, sees this after returning from her missions for the day. From this moment on, Strelitzia feels drawn to Player - though she is too shy to approach him.

In Daybreak Town, The Player learns from The Moogle that he’s lost his stock in the marketplace, meaning that if he runs out of stock then he and The Player will be in real trouble. This is why The Moogle suggests that The Player help him out by looking for the stock scattered across the marketplace. Once The Player has rounded up The Moogle’s stock, they return it, only to find out that a plane-like Heartless had stolen the Moogle shopping list that details everything that The Moogle needs to buy for his store and ran off in the direction of the warehouse. After chasing down the Heartless and destroying it, The Player returns the letter to The Moogle, who’s relieved to be able to get back to business. The Moogle elaborates that this all happened because a Heartless had chased him from The Lighthouse.
Not long afterwards, Player dreams about Ephemer, who attempts to enter the Clock Tower with Player - though when Player proves to still not be ready, Ephemer says that he'd be waiting for Player and disappears. When Player wakes, he voices his interest in searching for answers within the Clock Tower, but Chirithy rejects the idea since the tension has growing between the Foretellers. Player decides to look for Ephemer with Chirithy before making a move for the Clock Tower. After Player learns that Ephemer had been seen with Ava recently, Player sneaks into the Clock Tower, where he encounters Ava. Recognizing Player from what Ephemer had told her, Ava decides to test the strength of Player's heart. Though she is impressed, Ava notes the sadness within Player's heart, which could lead them down the path to darkness, but she has faith in him and Chirithy. Ava then sends Player and Chirithy back home and forbids them from returning to the restricted area.
Concerned over what The Moogle had told them, The Player travels to The Lighthouse in the Seacoast Park. When they get to The Lighthouse, rather than finding a Heartless, The Player finds Chirithy, who tells him of the new Heartless that had appeared there before him, Minute Bomb Heartless. With this, Chirithy sends The Player to destroy the Minute Bomb that had been terrorizing The Lighthouse, while it looked into whether or not anymore Minute Bombs had appeared anywhere else. Throughout the day, The Player hunts down all the Minute Bombs around the marketplace and destroys them. Chirithy congratulates The Player on a job well done, but notes that they look tired and suggests that they return home for some rest.

That night, while The Player sleeps, he dreams of The Clock Tower, where he sees the five Foreteller meeting with someone in a Black Coat, Unknown χ. Before The Player can investigate however, they’re surrounded by Darkness and pulled out of their dream, finding Chirithy to be in the room with them. Chirithy asks what had happened, as it looked as though The Player was having a pretty bad nightmare, when The Player confirms this, Chirithy advises them to go back to sleep. When The Player is sleeping once again, Chirithy turns to the window and asks if he’s right to assume that Chirithy (3) had been the one to get in the way. Chirithy (3) materializes and asks if Chirithy was showing The Player a dream and what it was up to. Coldly, Chirithy claims that his interests are the exact opposite of Chirithy (3). Chirithy (3) sighs and asks if that means that they’ll become enemies before disappearing again. Turning to The Player, Chirithy asks itself whether or not it will be able to protect them.
Back home, Player rests while Chirithy watches over them. Ava appears to ask if Chirithy had been the one to show Player the dream about Ephemer. When Chirithy denies this, Ava suspects that is trying to reach out to Player from another realm. Ava suggests that the connection between both Player and Ephemer could mean that Player is getting closer to that realm as well, but whether or not he continues down that path is up to his heart. Ava warns Chirithy that it must protect Player from the nightmares before she departs.

The next morning, The Player hears that The Moogle is looking for them and makes his way to his shop. Once there, The Moogle informs The Player that a powerful Heartless appeared in Sea Coast Park, which would stop his customers from coming there to stop. As such, The Moogle asks that The Player to look into the matter and eliminate the Heartless. The Player does as directed, only to find another Keyblade wielder taking on the powerful Heartless, an Invisible. When they manage to destroy the Invisible, the wielder collapses and The Player rushes to his side to offer their help. The wielder claims to be fine and manages to pick himself up before admitting that the Invisible might have been a little too much for him to take on by himself. The wielder introduces himself as Ephemer, from an opposing Union – meaning that he and The Player are meant to be rivals. However, Ephemer assures The Player that they have nothing to worry about since they are acting independently rather than being on missions on behalf of their Unions. Ephemer wonders if his meeting with The Player was a destined meeting, ultimately deciding to provide The Player with information in return for helping him.
Having received a special mission for Player from the Foretellers, Chirithy meets with Player in the Fountain Square and gives them the Bracelet of Light that will protect Player from darkness. Chirithy mentions that Player will need the Bracelet for his next mission, in which they will be delving into the Corridors of Darkness and adds that the Bracelet of Light can only protect him for so long, before sending Player on their way. After clearing the Heartless from within the Corridors of Darkness in Daybreak Town, Agrabah, and the Dwarf Woodlands, Chirithy advises Player to be prepared for their next mission.

Ephemer reveals to The Player that the Lux that they’ve been gathering for the Unions is not the Light of fairy tales, and that the worlds that they’ve been visiting are like an illusion that has taken a solid form, meaning that the Light that they’re gathering is actually from Daybreak Town. When The Player voices their confusion, Ephemer elaborates that the worlds they’re in now are adjoining lands, and that there is a countless number of worlds in the universe. Due to the amount of these worlds it’d be impossible to travel to each one to gather Lux. Thus, by creating a world that doesn’t truly exist in that place it was made possible for them to gather Lux from other worlds too far to reach. What Ephemer is interested in is the source of these illusionary worlds, which he believes is the Book of Prophecies and The Foretellers of the Unions. In short, Ephemer tells The Player that they’re actually gathering Light from a large world, but doing so in a confined space. Even so, no one disputes the fact, which is why he had been searching for a reason, only Ephemer discovered that each of the Unions has different goals. Hearing this reminds The Player of the dream they’d had last night, which he tells Ephemer about, believing that it could somehow be tied to the answers Ephemer seeks. With this, Ephemer suggests that the two of them investigate the location in the dream for themselves.
{{canon|Events dependent on Player's Union|*}}
After the Player successfully completes the [[Dark Corridor Trials]], Chirithy reports back to Player's Foreteller, who is pleased to hear of their progress, but Chirithy questions the wisdom of assigning such a dangerous mission. The Player's Foreteller laments that they have no choice but to hasten the Player's training, as they must strengthen their resistance to darkness as quickly as possible and obtain as many warriors as they can get on the side of light.

After The Player and Ephemer make way to The Clock Tower, Chirithy appears and asks “He’s your instigation, then?” With that, Chirithy (3) – Ephemer’s Chirithy – appears and responds ambiguously. Moving toward Chirithy (3), Chirithy notes how his fellow Chirithy’s appearance has changed – growing darker from the last time they’d seen one another. Chirithy (3) instead ignores Chirithy and asks what it’s going to do instead, and if he’s really all right with The Player seeking out the truth.
Gula dissolves his alliance with Aced, citing the fact that they are no closer to knowing the identity of the traitor than before and unintentionally revealing Invi's role in his decision. Furious, Aced attacks Invi for her interference. Invi tries to defend that she is protecting the balance of power as the Master ordered them to, but Aced remains adamant that they need to defy the Master's teachings to protect the world and create alliances against the looming darkness. Invi deems Aced to be the traitor and attacks him with her Keyblade. When Ava and Gula arrive at the scene and join Invi in her fight against him, Aced launches himself into a vicious battle with his former comrades, from which he barely emerges alive.

Ephemer and The Player make it to the Clock Tower – where Ephemer mentions that he’s been many times to investigate though he’s never been able to get into The Tower itself before. Seeing that The Player is discouraged, Ephemer suggests that they split up and look for another way that they can sneak in through.
After making their rounds in other worlds, Player and Chirithy return to Daybreak Town, where they another wielder named Skuld, who asks why the collection of Lux has to be treated like a competition between the Unions. Skuld admits Ephemer had reached out to her through her dreams and requested that she seek out Player. Player then explains his similar dream about Ephemer, with Skuld suggesting that they investigate the Foretellers' Chamber for further answers, though Chirithy objects to this. Having witnessed the battle between Aced and Invi, Skuld takes as a sign that Ephemer is right about the impending end of the world. In spite of Chirithy's protests, Player agrees to go with Skuld to look for answers at the Foretellers' Chamber.

Seeking out The Moogle, The Player updates him on the Invisible’s destruction prior to asking about how to get into The Tower, claiming that they’re in trouble if they can’t figure out how to. Though unsure, The Moogle makes note of how the canal flows further down The Tower, so logically if they were to follow the canal The Player might be able to find a way into The Tower. With this in mind, The Player then seeks out the switch that controls the water flow to the canal. The Player meets up with Ephemer again, who’d found a place that looked rather suspicious, which turned out to be the location of the water control switch.
Before making it into the Clock Tower, Player, Skuld, and Chirithy are confronted by [[Darkling|Darklings]] that are after their Lux. When the wielders defeat them, the Heartless make a hasty retreat, but before Player and Skuld can pursue, their path is blocked by Nightmare Chirithy. Nightmare Chirithy tells Player and Skuld that they should embrace the darkness, just as their colleagues had before becoming the Darklings since that the power the Darklings had fought with was entirely their own. Chirithy objects that those are not the teachings the Chirithys are meant to provide, but the Nightmare Chirithy retorts that the truth of the world isn't something that can be taught, but rather learned first hand. Frustrated, Chirithy asks where Nightmare Chirithy's wielder is, who reveals that its wielder is nearby before it disappears. Pressing on to the Foretellers' Chamber, Skuld asks that Chirithy guide them through the Clock Tower. Although Chirithy is hesitant to do so because of the appearance of the Darklings and Nightmare Chirithy, it complies.

Together, The Player and Ephemer descend beneath the streets of Daybreak Town and follow the canal underground into the sewers, which Ephemer makes note of seemingly being the only area down there connected to outside. Despite wanting to go further, Ephemer tells The Player that it’s too dark for them to see anything and that they should call it a day for the time being.  
{{canon|Events dependant on Player's Union|*}}
Upon viewing the Foretellers' Chamber, Player and Skuld unable to find any clues about Ephemer's whereabouts. As they are about to leave, they are caught by the Player's Foreteller, who informs them that Ephemer had been caught and disposed of several days before. The Foreteller tells them that Ephemer had been using them, as he hailed from a Union whose purpose contradicted their own, and asks what they intend to do next.
Although Chirithy assures the Foreteller that will not retaliate, Player decides to avenge Ephemer and battle the Foreteller, with the latter ultimately emerging victorious. As Player is cast to the ground, the façade of the Foretellers' Chamber fades away and the group find themselves in the waterways.

The next day The Player meets with Ephemer again, who explains that he’d been thinking about how to light their way through the sewers and come to the conclusion that they could use candles. Unfortunately though, he’d been refused, so Ephemer asks The Player if they could try asking for candles instead. As such, The Player goes into the shop and asks The Moogle if they can borrow one of his candles, which The Moogle agrees to. The Player then gives the candle to Ephemer and the two return to the sewers, with Ephemer lighting the way – with only a single candle however they’ll need to be careful not to allow the Heartless to extinguish their flame. As they travel further and further through the sewers, The Player has to defeat more and more Heartless in order to protect the candle. It isn’t until The Player meets their match against an Invisible that Ephemer has to intervene – making the two of them even. Though The Player wants to continue, Ephemer stops them, stating that they’d wasted too much time down there for one day, and if they were to break into the room and investigate that would take even longer. Not to mention how if they don’t go on their missions from their respective Unions, they’ll raise suspicion, suggesting that they try again at their next available time. The Player accepts Ephemer’s points, and so Ephemer extends his hand and declares that the two of them are “friends beyond Unions” now. The Player shakes Ephemer’s hand as he suggests that they meet at the fountain the following day at noon to continue their investigation, before heading home for the night.
Ava heals Player, thanking them and Skuld for showing her the strength of their hearts and asking for their forgiveness for her deception. Ava proceeds to tell them the truth of the Keyblade War, Ephemer's involvement, and her plan to recruit Keyblade wielders with a strong resistance to darkness to become Dandelions. She invites Player and Skuld to join as well. Although Skuld immediately agrees, Player is concerned for those not chosen to become Dandelions. Ava respects their decision, but asks that Player and Skuld keep everything she has told them a secret due to the sensitivity that comes with the topic of the future.

At home, Chirithy notes how happy The Player seems to be, prompting The Player to explain how they’d met Ephemer. Chirithy understands, though it voices how it’s never had any friends, it can’t tell if it feels good. However, The Player assures Chirithy that the two of them are friends, which seems to cheer Chirithy up.
In the aftermath, Gula looks over the Lost Page in an alleyway and recalls of the role he was given by the Master, reminding himself to trust no one but himself. From there, Gula ventures to locate Aced, finding him collapsed in one of the houses of Daybreak Town. Confronting Aced, Gula tells him about the incomplete nature of their copies of the Book of Prophecies and the contents of the Lost Page. Summoning his Keyblade, Gula reveals that the Master tasked him to find and stop the traitor, much to Aced's disbelief and rage. Unable to forgive Gula for silently standing by while the Foretellers fought each other, Aced cuts him down with his Keyblade. However, before he can finish Gula off, Ava arrives and begs Aced to stop, who consents and leaves Ava to tend to Gula on her own.

In the sewers, Ephemer rushes to the entrance to The Tower, apologizing to The Player before going any further.
As Aced hobbles through the streets of Daybreak Town, he eventually finds himself face-to-face with Ira. Believing that Ira had come to finish him off, Aced collapses to the ground and requests Ira make his end swift. However, Ira explains that he will not eliminate Aced, as he wants to fulfill the role he was given by the Master. As it is not their place to try to change the events of the future, Ira wants to continue working with Aced to ensure that light lives on instead, stressing that they can't afford to lose any of the Foretellers. Aced is touched to hear that Ira still considers him to be a comrade and informs him that Gula has the Lost Page and that he's been using it to discern the identity of the traitor. While Gula claimed this to be his role, Aced remains unsure, as he is incapable of forgiving Gula's actions. Advising Aced to keep Gula's role a secret, Ira sets out to find Gula and retrieve the Lost Page.

The next day, The Player sits by the fountain waiting for Ephemer all day, only for Chirithy to ask what was wrong as they’d skipped their missions for yesterday and today. Chirithy suggests that they head back for the night, while also attempting to console The Player by assuring them that there must have been a good reason why Ephemer didn’t come, stating that when a friend breaks a promise something really important must have happened. Chirithy can understand that The Player must be sad, but encourages them to believe in Ephemer. When this doesn’t seem to work, Chirithy mentions how if The Player is sad, then he’ll be sad too, because they’re friends too. Feeling a little better, The Player picks Chirithy up in a warm embrace, revealing his Dream Eater symbol on his back momentarily.
Knowing that Ira is searching for him, Ava takes Gula into hiding, though Invi quickly discovers them and reports their location to Ira, leading him to confront Ava a few days later. Frightened by the possible consequences, Ava protects Gula from Ira, who calmly retreats after Ava asserts her resolve. When she returns to Gula's side, Gula informs her about the ambiguous contents of the Lost Page, which predicts an inevitable betrayal and "the one who bears the sigil", whom he assumes was Aced. Gula commends the distraught Ava for always walking the straight and narrow path, blaming himself for basing his actions on the Lost Page. Determined to find out what the Lost Page truly means, Gula intends to summon Kingdom Hearts to force the Master's return and pleads with Ava to help him with his plan. When Ava declines, reasoning that summoning Kingdom Hearts is forbidden, Gula respects her decision and goes off on his own.

Once again, Donald, Goofy, Chip and Dale have found themselves stranded in Daybreak Town, having crashed their Gummy Ship while looking for “The Key” which King Mickey specified in his letter. A Moogle enters the scene with a homemade Keyblade that he intends on fighting off the Heartless with – though it breaks apart and merges with The Player’s Keyblade instead. The Moogle allows The Player to defeat the Heartless on his behalf, and Donald and Goofy continue to observe The Player - assuming that they're the "key" which King Mickey was referring to. The Moogle then asks for his homemade Keyblade back, but every time he’s given the Keyblade it returns to The PLayer - destroying The Moogle's dream of fighting with a Keyblade so that he could collect and sell the merchandise he reaps from his efforts. Chip and Dale then return, revealing that the Gummy Ship had been repaired, but may take off randomly any minute. Donald, Goofy, Chip and Dale quickly file into the Gummy Ship, but forget about The Player. Goofy wave’s goodbye to The Player, but Donald voices his interest in bringing The Player along with them so that they could help them find King Mickey. However, before this can be done the Gummy Ship takes off, leaving Player and their Chirithy alone.
Ava later chides Invi for worsening the conflict between the Foretellers by divulging Gula's whereabouts to Ira. During their argument, Ava reveals that she is recruiting Keyblade wielders from different Unions in a secret location because that is the role she has been assigned by the Master. Invi apologies for her words and inquires about Gula and her confrontation with Ira. As Ava discloses Gula's plot to summon Kingdom Hearts by collecting Lux, Invi realizes that Aced and Ira are gathering light to maintain the balance, but worries that doing so will ultimately lead to the Keyblade War. Deciding that she will also collect Lux to maintain the balance of power, Invi advises that Ava do the same, as they must do whatever they can to delay the Keyblade War for as long as possible.

Ephemer is shown sitting by the fountain with the Vulpeus Foreteller, Master Ava – claiming that she seemed troubled. Reasoning that even Foretellers must get worried about things from time to time, Ephemer teasingly asks Ava if she could divulge the secrets of The Book of Prophecies to him. Ava denies Ephemer, asking if he’s only teasing her because she’s the easiest Foreteller to talk to. After Ephemer denies this, Ava tells him that it’s all right and asks if she’s right to assume that Ephemer is not tightly bound to his Union companions. Rather than answer Ava, Ephemer tells her that he’d made a friend from another Union earlier and that the two of them agreed to meet each other the following day. Hearing this, Ava suggests that Ephemer return home for some rest to prepare. Agreeing Ephemer stands and bids Ava farewell, stating that even though he doesn’t know what’s going on he hopes that Ava gets better. After Ephemer leaves, Ava thanks him and mentions to herself that should something unexpected happen she’ll be leaving it to the children like Ephemer, who are not bound to their Unions. Looking up, Ava is surprised as a dandelion seed floats past her face – to which she calmly says “Fly away and ride the wind… dandelion”.
Given the situation, Ava gathers the Dandelions in Fountain Square and directs them to continue with their training for the mission and avoid the Keyblade War and fly away to the world outside. With that, Ava entrusts her Dandelions with the future and the world's light. In a last ditch effort to avert the Keyblade War, Ava seeks out Luxu to find the the Master's whereabouts and have him prevent the war.

The following day, Ephemer is shown meeting The Player at the fountain, apologizing for being late as something important had come up. Together the two go through the sewers and prepare to enter The Tower, only The Player still doesn’t appear to be ready yet. Seeing this, Ephemer tells The Player that he’ll be waiting before he fades away in a cluster of dandelion seeds.
As time passes, Player and Chirithy find more Keyblade wielders squabbling with one another over the ownership of light. Despite Chirithy's suggestion that they do not get involved, Player intervenes when they Keyblade wielders draw their Keyblades. Chirithy scolds the wielders for raising their weapons against a comrade and attempts to reason with the Keyblade wielders to no avail.  

The Player wakes up at home, revealing everything to have been a dream, also waking up Chirithy in the process. The Player tells Chirithy about the dream involving Ephemer, finishing by stating that they intend on looking for him at The Tower. Chirithy shuts down the idea, reasoning that the area is within the Foreteller’s territory and right now isn’t the best time for this kind of thing. Chirithy says that it’s not supposed to tell The Player the details, but trouble has been brewing between the Foretellers of each Union, and so it’s best if The Player doesn’t go anywhere near The Clock Tower.  
Overhearing an argument between Player, Skuld, and several Keyblade wielders from different Unions Aced lectures the wielders of the importance of trusting their Unions and that the strength of a Union is determined by victory rather than Lux. When Skuld begins to object, Aced notes that she is part of Ava's Dandelions and points out that Ava what is doing with the Dandelions a display of power as well. Player steps forward and challenges Aced. Aced easily defeats Player and disqualifying him as a Keyblade wielder. Upon Ira's arrival to the scene, he rebukes Aced for raising his Keyblade against another wielder. Despite Aced's attempts to defend himself, Ira tells Aced that his bloodlust that drew him to their location. Aced argues that the Keyblade War is unavoidable, blaming the other Foretellers for intensifying the situation. Aced admits that he intends on unifying all of the Unions and appointing himself as leader once he banished Ira and the other Foretellers. Ira dismisses his foolish plot and warns Aced that his arrogance will lead to his downfall. Aced states that he will be waiting at the place of the final battle before taking his leave.

Despite Chirithy’s warning, The Player goes to The Clock Tower anyway, but when Chirithy follows The Player and reiterates his warning, The Player decides to double back and seek answers before progressing any further. The Player goes through town ands questions fellow Keyblade wielders about Master Ava, with one wielder mention that that they’ve seen people gathering in the fountain plaza, though they’re not sure why. Two other wielders mention a rumor that one of the Foretellers is going to be gathering superior Keyblade wielders no matter what Union they come from, and that this Foreteller is supposed to be Master Ava of Vulpeus, as well as the fact that they’d seen her around the fountain plaza a lot recently. In The Moogle Shop, another Keyblade wielder says that the last time they saw Ephemer he was speaking with Master Ava. Alternatively, the wielder has a friend that knows a great deal about Master Ava – but they’re away on a mission presently, though The Player can ask them about her when they get back. The Player then goes to ask The Moogle whether or not they know anything about Master Ava, but The Moogle instead sends The Player out in search of another Keyblade wielder who he’d sent out for some things and who has yet to return. The Player does this and in return for helping him out, The Moogle reveals that the Keyblade wielder who knows a lot about Master Ava has returned and that The Player should check the Coastal Park. Upon arrival in the Coastal Park, The Player finds that the wielder they’ve been searching for is under attack by some Darkballs. After helping to defeat the Darkballs, The Player questions the wielder about Master Ava, and learns that Master Ava was last seen heading for The Tower.  
Once the crowd disperses, Ira affirms that the Keyblade War is unavoidable to Player, Skuld, and Chirithy. Shocked, Skuld mentions how Ava had said there would be no winner after of the Keyblade War and inquires the reasons behind the conflict. Ira explains that it is the fact that there will be no winner and tasks Skuld and Player to prepare themselves as he departs - only for Player to fall unconscious.

Heading to the entrance in the sewers, The Player and Chirithy finally find Master Ava. Ava questions why The Player has sought her out, prompting The Player to explain that they’re looking for Ephemer. Shocked and confused, Ava admits to knowing Ephemer, but still doesn’t understand what that has to do with her. The Player divulges that he’d had a dream where Ephemer told them to meet him there. Understanding, Ava reiterates that Ephemer is waiting there for them in a dream and that they’re telling her this in the Foreteller’s domain. Master Ava reveals that Ephemer had recently gotten caught up in some trouble that the Foretellers had brought on, and out of all the Foretellers – Ava assumes that The Player found her to be the most suspicious. Accepting this, Ava summons her Keyblade and challenges The Player to battle. Eventually, Ava stops the battle, and an exhausted Player falls to the ground. Ava commends The Player’s power, but warns them that they harbor sadness in their heart and that they need to overcome it quickly. However, Ava is not too concerned, noting that The Player has a good friend by their side in the form of Chirithy, so she’s sure everything will work out fine. Ava advises The Player to return home for the night while also making it known to The Player that they can’t come to The Tower whenever they feel like it. Understanding, The Player leaves with Chirithy, allowing Ava to realize that they are the friend Ephemer had spoken of.
Elsewhere, Strelitzia is approached by Ava, who reveals to her how the world would soon come to an end. Asking that Strelitzia become one of five Dandelions to succeed the Foretellers as Union Leaders following the events of the Keyblade War, Ava provides her a collection of laws by which the Union Leaders would be required to follow. That night, Strelitzia begins to have doubts about becoming a Union Leader and feels uneasy about abandoning those who are not Dandelions. Realizing that Player is not one of the Dandelions, Strelitzia resolves that she has to find him and convince Player to join the Dandelions in order to save him from taking part in the Keyblade War.

When Ephemer went to The Tower entrance in the sewers alone, he stopped before he could get in, having heard someone approaching. When the Unknown χ emerges from the shadows, Ephemer asks who they are before the scene fades to black.
Chirithy and Skuld manage to bring Player back home to rest. With Player asleep, the two discuss the growing tension between the Unions and conclude Keyblade War appears to be unavoidable. When Player awakens, Skuld voices her concern over the loss of morale amongst the Dandelions since Ava's sudden disappearance. Chirithy recommends they should speak with Gula in regards to Ava's whereabouts. After searching the town, Player, Skuld, and Chirithy find Gula in an abandoned house. Gula notes that the three of them are not collecting Lux and deduces that are members of Ava's Dandelions. When Skuld confirms this, Gula asks if that meant that they were looking for Ava, who has been missing recently, and what they intend to do when they find her. Suspecting that they are seeking Ava to avert the upcoming Keyblade War, Gula reminds them that they cannot change anything and only the Master can stop it. However, Gula tells them that the Master disappeared, and the missing Luxu might be the one only to know of his whereabouts. When Gula remarks on the similarities to between Skuld and Ava, Skuld realizes that Ava is searching for Luxu to find the Master.
Chirithy watches over The Player as they sleep, mentioning that they’d had a tough day and that he’d never anticipated having to fight a Foreteller. Master Ava then appears in the room, remarking on her own surprise over the situation, though admitting that she wouldn’t have fought so simply had she been serious – signifying that she was only testing The Player’s strength. Chirithy asks Ava about her actions, only for her to ask if it had been the one to show The Player the dream with Ephemer. When Chirithy denies this, Ava voices how it may have been Ephemer trying to reach The Player from the dream. Chirithy questions what Ava means, so she elaborates by saying that Ephemer had been closing in on the truth, and as such she believes that he’s now in another dimension apart from the free one that they call “Unchained”, and that Ephemer seems to have attempted reaching out to The Player from this dimension. Moving closer to The Player, Ava suggests that if Ephemer and the dream really are connected, then that could mean that The Player is also nearing the Unchained dimension – though whether or not they continues will depend on their heart. Ava then asks Chirithy to protect The Player from their nightmares so that The Player can fly away and ride the wind one day as well, before disappearing once again. Looking to The Player, Chirithy questions what Ava means by protecting them from nightmares.

Following the successes of The Player at Beast's Castle, The Player meets Chirithy in the Fountain Plaza, where Chirithy greets them happily and asks if he’s right to assume that The Player’s always “going at it with all he’s got” – revealing that he’d brought something as a reward for all of The Player’s hard work, handing The Player Beads of Light. The Player celebrates briefly before Chirithy tells them that there’s no need for it and asks that The Player put it away. Chirithy explains that while The Player wears the Beads of Light, they can’t be devoured by the Darkness, continuing to say that they’d been assigned a special mission directly from their Foreteller and that they’ll need the Beads of Light to complete the mission successfully. Elaborating, Chirithy explains that The Player would still be defeating Heartless, but within the Corridors of Darkness, advising Player to be careful because the Beads of Light can only protect them from the Darkness for a set period of time. The Player accepts the mission before them, earning some encouragement from Chirithy, who suggests that The Player not push themselves and do their best.
Ava manages to find Luxu on the outskirts of Daybreak Town and begins to interrogate him. When Ava asks for clarification, Luxu explains that, unlike the Foretellers, he is meant to continue on into the future written in the Book of Prophecies, seeing through the end of the world. Luxu surmises that Ava wants to avoid the Keyblade War and that she had sought him out in order to find the Master, and deems her efforts as useless. Luxu also states that the Lost Page is a prophecy that the Foretellers aren't aware of and that it is his mission to inherit its secrets. This makes Ava wonder if everything that has transpired has been of the Master's will.

Following the success of their mission, The Player and Chirithy return to Daybreak Town through the Corridors of Darkness, where Chirithy commends The Players success, though admitting that they’d be requiring Player’s help once again if the same sort of mission comes up again.
Ava begins to suspect Luxu of being the traitor. Summoning his Keyblade, Luxu proceeds to tell her the truth about the traitor, much to her disbelief. Luxu asks Ava if she believes that she can stop the Keyblade War when it is unavoidable. Ultimately, Luxu states that even if there was another answer, that would still be the result of the battle and ponders if the Master would rather know how his disciples will guide the keys than the fate of the world. Ava, refusing to believe that the Master would choose them over the world, accuses Luxu to be taking his advantage of the Master's will. Ava attacks Luxu with her Keyblade, and the clashing of their Keyblades sends a ripple effect throughout Daybreak Town, which tolls the bell that signifies the beginning of the end.
Chirithy later meets with the Foreteller in the tower to report on how The Player handled the mission. The Foreteller states that all’s well that ends well before leaving – only to have Chirithy chase after them. Chirithy asks the Foreteller if they didn’t think that it was a bit early to be giving The Player a mission like that, only for the Foreteller to explain that it was necessary in order to expedite The Player’s growth; as they must develop a resistance to the Darkness as soon as possible. When Chirithy asks why, the Foreteller reveals that a rise of the forces of Darkness draws near, and until that time the numbers of their Union must be increased as much as possible, which Chirithy says he understands.

Returning to the Fountain Plaza through the Lanes Between following a mission, Chirithy commends The Player’s success – only to notice how fatigued The Player has become; admitting that the collection of Lux has become more difficult lately, but it can’t be helped as each Union is increasing the amount of Lux they’re collecting. Suddenly, a voice rings in from nearby – wondering why the Unions are competing in the first place. Another Keyblade wielder then emerges from the Lanes Between nearby, reminding The Player and Chirithy that all the Unions’ goals are the same: to protect the Light, yet at some point people wanted to outdo one another and gather more and more Lux – suggesting that it’s possible that their goals have changed. Chirithy asks who the Keyblade wielder is, and so she introduces herself as Skuld, stating that it’s nice to meet The Player.  
Gula then recites a passage of the Lost Page to Player and co., explaining that the traitor described on it would be the one to bring an end to the world. Gula admits that, although they suspected someone, they were unable to stop them. Chirithy questions if Gula should be divulging the Lost Page to them, and while Gula affirms that he should not, he sees it meaningless to hide its contents now that the Keyblade War is near. Hearing the bells of the Clock Tower toll, Gula announces that the war has begun and advises Player, Skuld, and Chirithy to leave, as each Union will likely rally their forces soon enough.

Abruptly, Skuld asks if she’s right to assume that The Player knows Ephemer – shocking both The Player and Chirithy – though Skuld explains that she knew Ephemer because they were from the same party. Continuing, Skuld explains that Ephemer had become a Keyblade wielder not long ago, and recently he’d left their party. Skuld admits that the next part is the most important, revealing that Ephemer has since visited her in her dreams and instructed her to help The Player. When Chirithy asks why Ephemer would ask her to do such a thing, Skuld admits that she doesn’t know, though ever since Ephemer disappeared she’s felt as though she’s passed by him a hundred times – though he’s never greeted her, and she’s unsure why he’s appearing to her through her dreams; so she’s not even sure why she’d meant to work with The Player. Ultimately she’d sought out The Player in hopes that they might know something.  
Strelitzia and her Chirithy learn that Player was last seen by an abandoned house and go to investigate, though Player is nowhere to be found. Suddenly, someone comes out from the shadows and attacks both Strelitzia and her Chirithy, stealing Strelitzia's Rule Book. In her last moments, Strelitzia recalls how she really wanted to speak with Player, carrying her Chirithy in her arms as she fades and her heart is released.

The Player then explains to Skuld that Ephemer’s appeared to them through their dreams as well. Happy to be finally getting somewhere, Skuld asks what Ephemer said and what kind of dream he’d appeared in. When The Player explains the dream to Skuld, Skuld is intrigued by the fact that Ephemer had said that he’d be waiting for The Player. Skuld then suggests that they return to the place The Player went to with Ephemer once more, though Chirithy says that they can’t – as Master Ava had barred them from doing so. However, Skuld suggests that this is because there’s something there; believing that the reason Ephemer wanted her to work alongside The Player likely has something to do with that. Skuld then mentions that there’s something else as well, only to be interrupted by a large crashing. Realizing that the sound came from nearby, Skuld summons her Keyblade and suggests that they investigate, with The Player and Chirithy following close behind.
After Skuld leaves to be with the Dandelions, Player asks Chirithy if it will disappear if they do as well, which Chirithy confirms. When Player asks for Chirithy's opinion on the Keyblade War, Chirithy confesses that it does not want Player to fight, though it clarifies it says this as a friend rather than as Player's guide. Taking Chirithy's advice to heart, Player decides not to take part in the Keyblade War, choosing to join the Dandelions instead. Nightmare Chirithy, who has been eavesdropping on their conversation, appears and scorns Player as a coward for abandoning their friends by not participating in the war. Angered by this, Player demands to know who the Nightmare Chirithy is, who reveals that Player has been using the power of darkness via the Power Bangle. Although Chirithy refuses to believe this, Nightmare Chirithy tells its counterpart that this is all just another part of the Master of Masters' will.

Skuld, The Player and Chirithy are brought to a stop when they see that the source of the crashing was in fact the Anguis and Ursus Foreteller battling across the rooftops of Daybreak Town. Skuld questions why the Foretellers are fighting one another, stating that it seems as though Ephemer was right; confusing The Player and Chirithy. Skuld reveals that what she was going to say earlier was actually something that Ephemer told her in her dreams; that the end of the world was drawing near. Chirithy asks what Skuld means, and while she doesn’t know, she does remark on how the end always comes suddenly and without warning – similarly to how Ephemer disappeared. The Player then suggests that they carry on to the place where they were meant to meet Ephemer.
Accusing Nightmare Chirithy of being a liar, Chirithy insists that the Power Bangle takes the sins and turns them into light rather than darkness. With this, Nightmare Chirithy contradicts its counterpart's claim by revealing that he also belongs to Player, but differs from Chirithy in that it can act on its own will. Nightmare Chirithy declares that, if Player refuses to take part in the Keyblade War, it will show Player its dream himself and summons the Darklings to battle with Player. When Chirithy questions Nightmare Chirithy's motive, Nightmare Chirithy proclaims that Nightmares like exist to show people bad dreams, allowing them to severe connections and live freely, a concept that Chirithy is unable to understand.

On their way, Skuld, The Player and Chirithy are confronted by humanoid Heartless – Black Costumes – who demand that the Keyblade wielders give them their Lux. While The Player and Skuld fend off the Black Costumes, they’re unable to destroy them before they run off, and while they chase after the Heartless, a Nightmare Chirithy appears and blocks their path. Chirithy asks who the Nightmare Chirithy is, and after a short greeting, Chirithy realizes that it is Chirithy (3) – who reasons that because people just fight over Lux in the end, he thinks it would be best if the Keyblade wielders just hand it over to them; though it’s not a problem if they want to hold on to it for now. When Chirithy brings up the Chirithy (3)’s changed appearance, Chirithy (3) asks if he likes the new look – leading Chirithy to the revelation that Chirithy (3) had been completely engulfed by the Darkness.  
When Player defeats the Darklings, Nightmare Chirithy comments Player's strength before absorbing the Darklings and taking on a monstrous form in order to offer Player a real challenge. After a rigorous battle, Player emerges victorious against Nightmare Chirithy, who reverts to its regular form and begins to fade away. Nightmare Chirithy remarks on how their connection has now been severed, prompting Chirithy to ask if that means it will disappear. Although Nightmare Chirithy affirms this, it warns them that they will meet in another dream, before disappearing completely.

When Skuld voices her surprise, Chirithy (3) asks why they all hate the Darkness so much, reasoning that just as there is night and day in the world, there is Light and Darkness within them all – so what is there to be afraid of. Chirithy asks if he’s right to assume that the three Black Costumes were originally human – which Chirithy (3) confirms – shocking Skuld and The Player. Chirithy (3) explains that weak-hearted humans are afraid of Darkness and are eventually consumed by it, whereas letting the Darkness in and controlling it is how one can possess true strength. The Black Costumes, like the Keyblade wielders, are not using the fragmented power of the Foretellers, asking if he’s right to assume that the Keyblade wielders before him are indeed using their own power. Chirithy mentions that that is not the method of teaching they’re meant to be using – while Chirithy (3) writes off their teaching as unrelated; reasoning that the truth of this world isn’t something that can be taught to anyone, only learned for yourself. This prompts Chirithy to ask who Chirithy (3) is tied to – only for Chirithy (3) to laugh and reveal that “he’s” nearby and that they’ll be meeting him sooner or later, before disappearing.
===''Kingdom Hearts Union χ''===


Revision as of 14:52, 12 March 2018

Daybreak Town

The world icon for Daybreak Town from KHUX's theatre mode
Daybreak Town Logo KHX.png
Japanese デイブレイクタウン

Romaji Deibureiku Taun
Game Kingdom Hearts χ

Themes Header.png

KHχ tracks
Field theme - Dearly Beloved
File:Dearly Beloved KHX.ogg
Field theme - Daybreak Town field theme
File:Daybreak Town field theme KHX.ogg
Battle theme - Daybreak Town battle theme
File:Daybreak Town battle theme KHX.ogg
Other worlds
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts
Dive to the Heart | Destiny Islands | Disney Castle
Traverse Town | Wonderland | Olympus Coliseum
Deep Jungle | Agrabah | Monstro
Atlantica | Halloween Town | Neverland
100 Acre Wood | Hollow Bastion
End of the World | Realm of Darkness
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Castle Oblivion | Twilight Town
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts II
Mysterious Tower | Radiant Garden
The Land of Dragons | Beast's Castle | Timeless River
Port Royal | Pride Lands | Space Paranoids
The World That Never Was | End of Sea | Keyblade Graveyard
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts coded
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Land of Departure | Mirage Arena
Dwarf Woodlands | Enchanted Dominion | Castle of Dreams
Disney Town | Deep Space
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
La Cité des Cloches | The Grid | Symphony of Sorcery
Country of the Musketeers | Prankster's Paradise
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]
Daybreak Town
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]
Game Central Station | Niceland | Cy-Bug Sector | Candy Kingdom
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts III
The Final World | Secret Forest | Olympus
Toy Box | Kingdom of Corona | Monstropolis
Arendelle | The Caribbean | San Fransokyo
Scala ad Caelum | Quadratum

Daybreak Town is a world that appears in Kingdom Hearts χ and serves as the hub for the player. The town is similar in appearance to Radiant Garden and Traverse Town.


Before Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]

Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Which Foreteller appears is dependant on Player's Union.

In time, Player meets their respective Foreteller, who commends Player's ability, but encourages them to team up with their comrades to take down stronger foes. The Foreteller informs them that there are others who collect Lux, but that not all among them share the same goal of bringing peace to the world, and entreats Player to help discern who walks the path of darkness. Template:Canonend

After traversing the worlds on various quests, Player returns to Daybreak Town, finding that a Gummi Ship had crashed in Waterfront Park. After the Moogle steals some Gummi Blocks for itself, Player meets Donald Duck and Goofy, who recognize the Keyblade and ask for Player's help in recovering the Gummi Blocks. While fighting the Heartless for Gummi Blocks in the Market, Player is overcome by a group of Wizards. Mickey Mouse, guided by the Star Shard, intervenes and saves Player, who informs him of Donald and Goofy's situation. Mickey introduces Player to Chip and Dale, who he sends ahead with Player to help Donald and Goofy reconstruct the Gummi Ship. While alone, Mickey questions what it was that guided him to Daybreak Town, unaware that Invi is watching him from afar. With Chip and Dale's help, the Gummi Ship is restored, but because Donald prematurely launches the engine, the Gummi Ship readies for takeoff, but not before Mickey rejoins the group.

Player comes across The Moogle again, who asks that Player take the Light Drawing Bangle to extract Lux from Raid Bosses for him. After Player does so, the Moogle meets with an unseen figure in an alley. When the Moogle questions why the figure didn't just give Player the Bangle themselves, the unseen figure claims it to be too soon for that. Though the Moogle regrets tricking his favorite customer, the unseen figure claiming that he'd need the Moogle's help again in the future.

When Player again encounters Donald and Goofy, they have yet again crashed the Gummi Ship into Daybreak Town. Donald and Goofy encounter the Moogle, who has constructed his own Keyblade out of wood, which proves to be ineffective against the Heartless. When Player steps in, his Keyblade changes to become the Moogle O' Glory and Donald and Goofy realize that Player is the "Key". The Moogle plots to steal Player's Keyblade after he's powered it up, but when he attempts to do so, he is disappointed to find that the Keyblade simply returns to Player. As Donald and Goofy prepare to leave with Player after Chip and Dale fix the Gummi Ship, they realize that Player is not inside with them and take off without the "Key".

When Player next returns to Daybreak Town, Nightmare Chirithy, posing as Chirithy, gifts Player the Power Bangle, which allows Player the ability to unknowingly utilize the darkness to empower the Keyblade.

One day, Chirithy tells Player that its creator, the Master of Masters, gave the Foretellers copies of the Book of Prophecies, but that they had been shocked by the final entry, which detailed a cataclysmic event known as the Keyblade War, and decided to draw upon powers from the future in order to prevent the final entry from coming true. In revealing that the Foretellers all share the same goal but follow different paths, Chirithy asks that Player not lose sight of their own.

Ira calls a meeting of the Foretellers after capturing Nightmare Chirithy, claiming there to be a traitor among them. Ira reasons that the Nightmare has to belong to one of them, as it was responsible for the Power Bangles, which is something it could not have obtained without help. Unable to come up with a viable solution to identity the culprit, Aced calls Ira's leadership into question for accusing one of them of being a traitor and storms off. When alone, Ira tells Invi of the Lost Page and asks that Invi keep an eye on the others.

As Neoshadows appear in Daybreak Town, Player teams up with other members from their Union in order to take on the new breed of Heartless. During this time, Chirithy meets with another Chirithy, who mentions that its wielder appears to be rather indifferent, much to its concern. Given the strife between the Foretellers due to the emergence of the Nightmare Chirithy, Chirithy attempts to encourage its comrade, stating that they have to trust their wielders to flourish. Later, When Player returns to the Moogle's Shop to reunite with their friends, Chirithy appears instead, breaking the news that Player's friends had all met their end by the Neoshadows and delivering the apology one had given with his last words. Taking its leave, Chirithy reunites with its comrade, finding the other Chirithy collapsed on the ground and fading away. This Chirithy admits that its wielder had fallen to darkness it fades from existence.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Which Foreteller appears is dependant on Player's Union.

Following the disappearance of the other Chirithy, the Foreteller leading Player's Union appears to speak with Chirithy. The Foreteller reveals that even though the Keyblade wielders are gathering Lux at an amazing rate, the darkness is spreading even faster. With this, Chirithy asks if that means that there really is a traitor among them, to which the Foreteller states that they are not willing to believe that yet. Template:Canonend

One night, Player is shown a dream by Chirithy, in which the Foretellers meeting with the Master of Masters in the Foretellers' Chamber. However, before Player can explore the dream, Nightmare Chirithy forces Player awake. Chirithy advises Player to go back to sleep before confronting Nightmare Chirithy for its interference. Nightmare Chirithy asks what Chirithy was trying to achieve by showing Player the dream. Chirithy admits that its intention are the opposite of its Nightmare counterpart's, prompting the latter to declare the two of them to be enemies before it disappears. A worried Chirithy vows to protect Player.

The following day, Player is sent to deal with a Heartless in Waterfront Park and befriends another Keyblade wielder named Ephemer. After the two wielders decide to investigate the Foretellers' Chamber from Player's dream, Chirithy asks its Nightmare counterpart if Ephemer is its wielder. Chirithy notices that Nightmare Chirithy's fur has darkened, to which Nightmare Chirithy mocks its adversary and asks what it intends to do as Player is getting closer to the truth.

Aced meets with Ava and Gula to discuss their lack of faith in Ira's leadership. Gula agrees to form an alliance with Aced, though their alliance would not influence their respective Unions. Ava remains loyal to the Master of Master's teachings, which forbid alliances. Invi arrives and discovers Aced's intent, condemning him for his actions, though Aced counters with his suspicion of an alliance between her and Ira based on Invi's actions. Invi reports back to Ira about the alliance, intent on convincing Gula to change his mind, before distancing herself from Ira in order to quell Aced's suspicion.

Together, Player and Ephemer find an entrance to the waterways in the 2nd District, leading them to discover an entrance to the Clock Tower. The two agree to continue their investigation the following day to dissuade suspicion. Afterwards, Ephemer finds Ava mulling over recent events in the Fountain Plaza and attempts to comfort her. Although Ava remains vague, she expresses her doubts about the Master's teachings regarding the competition between the Unions. Ava approves of Ephemer's desire to solve the mysteries of the world, as she believes that people should question things and think for themselves. When Ephemer reveals that he had befriended a Keyblade wielder from a different Union, Ava is pleased that wielders from other Unions could work together and encourages him to get some rest. Meanwhile, as Player tells Chirithy about Ephemer, Chirithy entertains the notion of making friends, but remarks on not having friends of its own. Player assures Chirithy that the two of them are friends, a sentiment that surprises Chirithy.

Later that night, Ephemer attempts to enter the Clock Tower alone, only to encounter Ava. Ava discloses to him that she intends on choosing five people from the Dandelions, including Ephemer, to act as Union Leaders in the Foretellers's stead after the Keyblade War. Although Ephemer is reluctant to ascend to the position, he agrees to do cooperate with Ava's intention. Ava provides Ephemer with a Rule Book that would help guide the new Union Leaders and explains that they must erase the memories of the Keyblade War from the minds of the Dandelions. As the truth about the Keyblade War must be kept a secret among the new Union leaders, Ava tells Ephemer that they must work with the Chirithy to protect the secret. Ava then sends Ephemer another realm in preparation and instructs him to meet the other Union leaders in the Keyblade Graveyard after the war.

When Ephemer fails to meet Player at the Fountain Square the following day, a saddened Chirithy comforts Player, suggesting that he give Ephemer the benefit of the doubt. Touched, Player embraces Chirithy as they cry, much to Chirithy's shock. Strelitzia, who had taken note of Player's waiting throughout the day, sees this after returning from her missions for the day. From this moment on, Strelitzia feels drawn to Player - though she is too shy to approach him.

Not long afterwards, Player dreams about Ephemer, who attempts to enter the Clock Tower with Player - though when Player proves to still not be ready, Ephemer says that he'd be waiting for Player and disappears. When Player wakes, he voices his interest in searching for answers within the Clock Tower, but Chirithy rejects the idea since the tension has growing between the Foretellers. Player decides to look for Ephemer with Chirithy before making a move for the Clock Tower. After Player learns that Ephemer had been seen with Ava recently, Player sneaks into the Clock Tower, where he encounters Ava. Recognizing Player from what Ephemer had told her, Ava decides to test the strength of Player's heart. Though she is impressed, Ava notes the sadness within Player's heart, which could lead them down the path to darkness, but she has faith in him and Chirithy. Ava then sends Player and Chirithy back home and forbids them from returning to the restricted area.

Back home, Player rests while Chirithy watches over them. Ava appears to ask if Chirithy had been the one to show Player the dream about Ephemer. When Chirithy denies this, Ava suspects that is trying to reach out to Player from another realm. Ava suggests that the connection between both Player and Ephemer could mean that Player is getting closer to that realm as well, but whether or not he continues down that path is up to his heart. Ava warns Chirithy that it must protect Player from the nightmares before she departs.

Having received a special mission for Player from the Foretellers, Chirithy meets with Player in the Fountain Square and gives them the Bracelet of Light that will protect Player from darkness. Chirithy mentions that Player will need the Bracelet for his next mission, in which they will be delving into the Corridors of Darkness and adds that the Bracelet of Light can only protect him for so long, before sending Player on their way. After clearing the Heartless from within the Corridors of Darkness in Daybreak Town, Agrabah, and the Dwarf Woodlands, Chirithy advises Player to be prepared for their next mission.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Events dependent on Player's Union

After the Player successfully completes the Dark Corridor Trials, Chirithy reports back to Player's Foreteller, who is pleased to hear of their progress, but Chirithy questions the wisdom of assigning such a dangerous mission. The Player's Foreteller laments that they have no choice but to hasten the Player's training, as they must strengthen their resistance to darkness as quickly as possible and obtain as many warriors as they can get on the side of light. Template:Canonend

Gula dissolves his alliance with Aced, citing the fact that they are no closer to knowing the identity of the traitor than before and unintentionally revealing Invi's role in his decision. Furious, Aced attacks Invi for her interference. Invi tries to defend that she is protecting the balance of power as the Master ordered them to, but Aced remains adamant that they need to defy the Master's teachings to protect the world and create alliances against the looming darkness. Invi deems Aced to be the traitor and attacks him with her Keyblade. When Ava and Gula arrive at the scene and join Invi in her fight against him, Aced launches himself into a vicious battle with his former comrades, from which he barely emerges alive.

After making their rounds in other worlds, Player and Chirithy return to Daybreak Town, where they another wielder named Skuld, who asks why the collection of Lux has to be treated like a competition between the Unions. Skuld admits Ephemer had reached out to her through her dreams and requested that she seek out Player. Player then explains his similar dream about Ephemer, with Skuld suggesting that they investigate the Foretellers' Chamber for further answers, though Chirithy objects to this. Having witnessed the battle between Aced and Invi, Skuld takes as a sign that Ephemer is right about the impending end of the world. In spite of Chirithy's protests, Player agrees to go with Skuld to look for answers at the Foretellers' Chamber.

Before making it into the Clock Tower, Player, Skuld, and Chirithy are confronted by Darklings that are after their Lux. When the wielders defeat them, the Heartless make a hasty retreat, but before Player and Skuld can pursue, their path is blocked by Nightmare Chirithy. Nightmare Chirithy tells Player and Skuld that they should embrace the darkness, just as their colleagues had before becoming the Darklings since that the power the Darklings had fought with was entirely their own. Chirithy objects that those are not the teachings the Chirithys are meant to provide, but the Nightmare Chirithy retorts that the truth of the world isn't something that can be taught, but rather learned first hand. Frustrated, Chirithy asks where Nightmare Chirithy's wielder is, who reveals that its wielder is nearby before it disappears. Pressing on to the Foretellers' Chamber, Skuld asks that Chirithy guide them through the Clock Tower. Although Chirithy is hesitant to do so because of the appearance of the Darklings and Nightmare Chirithy, it complies.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Events dependant on Player's Union

Upon viewing the Foretellers' Chamber, Player and Skuld unable to find any clues about Ephemer's whereabouts. As they are about to leave, they are caught by the Player's Foreteller, who informs them that Ephemer had been caught and disposed of several days before. The Foreteller tells them that Ephemer had been using them, as he hailed from a Union whose purpose contradicted their own, and asks what they intend to do next.

Although Chirithy assures the Foreteller that will not retaliate, Player decides to avenge Ephemer and battle the Foreteller, with the latter ultimately emerging victorious. As Player is cast to the ground, the façade of the Foretellers' Chamber fades away and the group find themselves in the waterways. Template:Canonend

Ava heals Player, thanking them and Skuld for showing her the strength of their hearts and asking for their forgiveness for her deception. Ava proceeds to tell them the truth of the Keyblade War, Ephemer's involvement, and her plan to recruit Keyblade wielders with a strong resistance to darkness to become Dandelions. She invites Player and Skuld to join as well. Although Skuld immediately agrees, Player is concerned for those not chosen to become Dandelions. Ava respects their decision, but asks that Player and Skuld keep everything she has told them a secret due to the sensitivity that comes with the topic of the future.

In the aftermath, Gula looks over the Lost Page in an alleyway and recalls of the role he was given by the Master, reminding himself to trust no one but himself. From there, Gula ventures to locate Aced, finding him collapsed in one of the houses of Daybreak Town. Confronting Aced, Gula tells him about the incomplete nature of their copies of the Book of Prophecies and the contents of the Lost Page. Summoning his Keyblade, Gula reveals that the Master tasked him to find and stop the traitor, much to Aced's disbelief and rage. Unable to forgive Gula for silently standing by while the Foretellers fought each other, Aced cuts him down with his Keyblade. However, before he can finish Gula off, Ava arrives and begs Aced to stop, who consents and leaves Ava to tend to Gula on her own.

As Aced hobbles through the streets of Daybreak Town, he eventually finds himself face-to-face with Ira. Believing that Ira had come to finish him off, Aced collapses to the ground and requests Ira make his end swift. However, Ira explains that he will not eliminate Aced, as he wants to fulfill the role he was given by the Master. As it is not their place to try to change the events of the future, Ira wants to continue working with Aced to ensure that light lives on instead, stressing that they can't afford to lose any of the Foretellers. Aced is touched to hear that Ira still considers him to be a comrade and informs him that Gula has the Lost Page and that he's been using it to discern the identity of the traitor. While Gula claimed this to be his role, Aced remains unsure, as he is incapable of forgiving Gula's actions. Advising Aced to keep Gula's role a secret, Ira sets out to find Gula and retrieve the Lost Page.

Knowing that Ira is searching for him, Ava takes Gula into hiding, though Invi quickly discovers them and reports their location to Ira, leading him to confront Ava a few days later. Frightened by the possible consequences, Ava protects Gula from Ira, who calmly retreats after Ava asserts her resolve. When she returns to Gula's side, Gula informs her about the ambiguous contents of the Lost Page, which predicts an inevitable betrayal and "the one who bears the sigil", whom he assumes was Aced. Gula commends the distraught Ava for always walking the straight and narrow path, blaming himself for basing his actions on the Lost Page. Determined to find out what the Lost Page truly means, Gula intends to summon Kingdom Hearts to force the Master's return and pleads with Ava to help him with his plan. When Ava declines, reasoning that summoning Kingdom Hearts is forbidden, Gula respects her decision and goes off on his own.

Ava later chides Invi for worsening the conflict between the Foretellers by divulging Gula's whereabouts to Ira. During their argument, Ava reveals that she is recruiting Keyblade wielders from different Unions in a secret location because that is the role she has been assigned by the Master. Invi apologies for her words and inquires about Gula and her confrontation with Ira. As Ava discloses Gula's plot to summon Kingdom Hearts by collecting Lux, Invi realizes that Aced and Ira are gathering light to maintain the balance, but worries that doing so will ultimately lead to the Keyblade War. Deciding that she will also collect Lux to maintain the balance of power, Invi advises that Ava do the same, as they must do whatever they can to delay the Keyblade War for as long as possible.

Given the situation, Ava gathers the Dandelions in Fountain Square and directs them to continue with their training for the mission and avoid the Keyblade War and fly away to the world outside. With that, Ava entrusts her Dandelions with the future and the world's light. In a last ditch effort to avert the Keyblade War, Ava seeks out Luxu to find the the Master's whereabouts and have him prevent the war.

As time passes, Player and Chirithy find more Keyblade wielders squabbling with one another over the ownership of light. Despite Chirithy's suggestion that they do not get involved, Player intervenes when they Keyblade wielders draw their Keyblades. Chirithy scolds the wielders for raising their weapons against a comrade and attempts to reason with the Keyblade wielders to no avail.

Overhearing an argument between Player, Skuld, and several Keyblade wielders from different Unions Aced lectures the wielders of the importance of trusting their Unions and that the strength of a Union is determined by victory rather than Lux. When Skuld begins to object, Aced notes that she is part of Ava's Dandelions and points out that Ava what is doing with the Dandelions a display of power as well. Player steps forward and challenges Aced. Aced easily defeats Player and disqualifying him as a Keyblade wielder. Upon Ira's arrival to the scene, he rebukes Aced for raising his Keyblade against another wielder. Despite Aced's attempts to defend himself, Ira tells Aced that his bloodlust that drew him to their location. Aced argues that the Keyblade War is unavoidable, blaming the other Foretellers for intensifying the situation. Aced admits that he intends on unifying all of the Unions and appointing himself as leader once he banished Ira and the other Foretellers. Ira dismisses his foolish plot and warns Aced that his arrogance will lead to his downfall. Aced states that he will be waiting at the place of the final battle before taking his leave.

Once the crowd disperses, Ira affirms that the Keyblade War is unavoidable to Player, Skuld, and Chirithy. Shocked, Skuld mentions how Ava had said there would be no winner after of the Keyblade War and inquires the reasons behind the conflict. Ira explains that it is the fact that there will be no winner and tasks Skuld and Player to prepare themselves as he departs - only for Player to fall unconscious.

Elsewhere, Strelitzia is approached by Ava, who reveals to her how the world would soon come to an end. Asking that Strelitzia become one of five Dandelions to succeed the Foretellers as Union Leaders following the events of the Keyblade War, Ava provides her a collection of laws by which the Union Leaders would be required to follow. That night, Strelitzia begins to have doubts about becoming a Union Leader and feels uneasy about abandoning those who are not Dandelions. Realizing that Player is not one of the Dandelions, Strelitzia resolves that she has to find him and convince Player to join the Dandelions in order to save him from taking part in the Keyblade War.

Chirithy and Skuld manage to bring Player back home to rest. With Player asleep, the two discuss the growing tension between the Unions and conclude Keyblade War appears to be unavoidable. When Player awakens, Skuld voices her concern over the loss of morale amongst the Dandelions since Ava's sudden disappearance. Chirithy recommends they should speak with Gula in regards to Ava's whereabouts. After searching the town, Player, Skuld, and Chirithy find Gula in an abandoned house. Gula notes that the three of them are not collecting Lux and deduces that are members of Ava's Dandelions. When Skuld confirms this, Gula asks if that meant that they were looking for Ava, who has been missing recently, and what they intend to do when they find her. Suspecting that they are seeking Ava to avert the upcoming Keyblade War, Gula reminds them that they cannot change anything and only the Master can stop it. However, Gula tells them that the Master disappeared, and the missing Luxu might be the one only to know of his whereabouts. When Gula remarks on the similarities to between Skuld and Ava, Skuld realizes that Ava is searching for Luxu to find the Master.

Ava manages to find Luxu on the outskirts of Daybreak Town and begins to interrogate him. When Ava asks for clarification, Luxu explains that, unlike the Foretellers, he is meant to continue on into the future written in the Book of Prophecies, seeing through the end of the world. Luxu surmises that Ava wants to avoid the Keyblade War and that she had sought him out in order to find the Master, and deems her efforts as useless. Luxu also states that the Lost Page is a prophecy that the Foretellers aren't aware of and that it is his mission to inherit its secrets. This makes Ava wonder if everything that has transpired has been of the Master's will.

Ava begins to suspect Luxu of being the traitor. Summoning his Keyblade, Luxu proceeds to tell her the truth about the traitor, much to her disbelief. Luxu asks Ava if she believes that she can stop the Keyblade War when it is unavoidable. Ultimately, Luxu states that even if there was another answer, that would still be the result of the battle and ponders if the Master would rather know how his disciples will guide the keys than the fate of the world. Ava, refusing to believe that the Master would choose them over the world, accuses Luxu to be taking his advantage of the Master's will. Ava attacks Luxu with her Keyblade, and the clashing of their Keyblades sends a ripple effect throughout Daybreak Town, which tolls the bell that signifies the beginning of the end.

Gula then recites a passage of the Lost Page to Player and co., explaining that the traitor described on it would be the one to bring an end to the world. Gula admits that, although they suspected someone, they were unable to stop them. Chirithy questions if Gula should be divulging the Lost Page to them, and while Gula affirms that he should not, he sees it meaningless to hide its contents now that the Keyblade War is near. Hearing the bells of the Clock Tower toll, Gula announces that the war has begun and advises Player, Skuld, and Chirithy to leave, as each Union will likely rally their forces soon enough.

Strelitzia and her Chirithy learn that Player was last seen by an abandoned house and go to investigate, though Player is nowhere to be found. Suddenly, someone comes out from the shadows and attacks both Strelitzia and her Chirithy, stealing Strelitzia's Rule Book. In her last moments, Strelitzia recalls how she really wanted to speak with Player, carrying her Chirithy in her arms as she fades and her heart is released.

After Skuld leaves to be with the Dandelions, Player asks Chirithy if it will disappear if they do as well, which Chirithy confirms. When Player asks for Chirithy's opinion on the Keyblade War, Chirithy confesses that it does not want Player to fight, though it clarifies it says this as a friend rather than as Player's guide. Taking Chirithy's advice to heart, Player decides not to take part in the Keyblade War, choosing to join the Dandelions instead. Nightmare Chirithy, who has been eavesdropping on their conversation, appears and scorns Player as a coward for abandoning their friends by not participating in the war. Angered by this, Player demands to know who the Nightmare Chirithy is, who reveals that Player has been using the power of darkness via the Power Bangle. Although Chirithy refuses to believe this, Nightmare Chirithy tells its counterpart that this is all just another part of the Master of Masters' will.

Accusing Nightmare Chirithy of being a liar, Chirithy insists that the Power Bangle takes the sins and turns them into light rather than darkness. With this, Nightmare Chirithy contradicts its counterpart's claim by revealing that he also belongs to Player, but differs from Chirithy in that it can act on its own will. Nightmare Chirithy declares that, if Player refuses to take part in the Keyblade War, it will show Player its dream himself and summons the Darklings to battle with Player. When Chirithy questions Nightmare Chirithy's motive, Nightmare Chirithy proclaims that Nightmares like exist to show people bad dreams, allowing them to severe connections and live freely, a concept that Chirithy is unable to understand.

When Player defeats the Darklings, Nightmare Chirithy comments Player's strength before absorbing the Darklings and taking on a monstrous form in order to offer Player a real challenge. After a rigorous battle, Player emerges victorious against Nightmare Chirithy, who reverts to its regular form and begins to fade away. Nightmare Chirithy remarks on how their connection has now been severed, prompting Chirithy to ask if that means it will disappear. Although Nightmare Chirithy affirms this, it warns them that they will meet in another dream, before disappearing completely.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ




Dream Eaters
