This page contains a list of quotes said by Luxu during the course of Kingdom Hearts Union χ, and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "What!? There was a Keyblade War back then too?"
    to the Master of Masters.
  • "Did you have a Master of your own?"
    to the Master.
  • "Who was fighting who?"
    to the Master.
  • "Light? There were wielders besides you?"
    to the Master.
  • "And the darkness? Were there monsters like there are now?"
    to the Master.
  • "Oh, so they were human?"
    to the Master.
  • "What? It's still going on?"
    about the Keyblade War.
  • "The world will end and be rebuilt...?"
    to the Master.
  • "What? You're going to sit back...and leave the fate of the world in other people's hands?"
    to the Master.
  • "Cornerstones...? But they can come home once they're done, right?"
    about the Dandelions.
  • "We can't get rid of the darkness in this world, so we're ending it to escape into another one. We can't win against the darkness, can we?"
    to the Master.
  • "Of course not! As Keyblade wielders, we're supposed to fight against the darkness. But we're just giving up and running away!"
    to the Master.
  • "There's no other way to put it. And we're gonna have to keep running wherever we go."
    to the Master.
  • "So I should just wait and see what happens?"
    to the Master.
  • "Well... I don't like the idea of waiting around for something to happen."
    to the Master.
  • "Have you ever spoken with darkness?"
    to the Master.
  • "Huh, like you. That's exactly what I mean."
    saying the Master has a thought process in common with darkness.
  • "Anyway... Darkness can at least understand what we're saying, right?"
    to the Master.
  • "Really!? Are they watching now?"
    to the Master.
  • "That wasn't funny."
    to the Master.
  • "Anyway... What about Ava's wielders, the Dandelions? What if they come face to face with darkness? They're tasked with the great duty of rebuilding our world. If anything happens to them..."
    to the Master.
  • "So the Dandelions ARE in danger!"
    to the Master.
  • "What's their end game?"
    to the Master about darkness.
  • "I'm really worried about the Dandelions."
    to the Master.
  • "Even though our future depends on them?"
    to the Master.

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "The Gazing Eye?"
    wondering the name of the Keyblade given to him by the Master.
  • "Oh, what then?"
    when the Master denies that it is the name of the Keyblade.
  • "No Name..."
    proceeding to call the Keyblade as such when the Master says it has no name.
  • "Ew!"
    showing disgust that the No Name has the Master's eye in it.
  • "So the Book of Prophecies..."
    when he figures out that the book exists because of his role.
  • "But I haven't done anything yet..."
    the Master congratulating him on his future success.
  • "Do I really have to go alone? What about the others?"
    worrying about his role and the others.
  • "What's in it?"
    asking about the contents of the box given to him.
  • "Great, now I really wanna know."
    when the Master insists that it is a secret and that he cannot open the box.
  • "I promise."
    when Master agrees to indulge him on the promise that he keeps it as a secret and not to open the box.
  • "But why?"

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Can't you just tell me now?"
    to the Master.
  • "I'm listening."
    to the Master.
  • "The world is going to end?"
    to the Master.

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "May my heart be my guiding key."
    departing on his journey to fulfill his role.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Oh, it's you."
    approached by Ava.
  • "Watching. That's my role."
    when Ava asks what he has been doing.
  • "Watch. He asked me to watch."
    when Ava asks what the Master told him to do.
  • "I wasn't given a copy of the Book like the five of you. Instead, I need to make my way to the future as written in that book. I'll witness the end of this world and go on to the next. You're searching for a way to avoid the war, right? That's why you were looking for me, hoping I could lead you to the Master. Sorry, but I can't help you. This world is meant to end."
    explaining to Ava.
  • "What's written on the Lost Page...the page none of you have in your Books. The page on which the Master's intentions are inscribed."
    explaining the Lost Page.
  • "My role is to carry the secret with me. And to do that, events need to play out just as they're written on that page. The Master isn't interested in this world and what's to come. He's observing, doing what it takes for me to fulfill my role."
    on the Master's intentions.
  • "You asked for the truth, so there it is. Now that you know who the traitor is, can you accept it?"
    after telling Ava who the traitor is.
  • "Then follow your fate and fight. If there's another solution, it'll become apparent after the war is over. Has it occurred to you that maybe the Master wasn't so concerned about the world's future...but how we, his disciples, would let our hearts guide us?"
    when Ava is skeptical that it is the truth.
  • "Time's almost up, Dandelions..."
    to the Dandelions.
  • "Aren't you supposed to be a part of the whole? Or are you acting on your own right now? Is that it?"
    to Darkness.
  • "I stayed."
    to Darkness.
  • "Figures you wouldn't know what's going on, seeing you didn't take a very good look at the Book."
    to Darkness.
  • "I'm here because your friend—the Master of Masters—told me to be. Said I could watch what happens, but not to act. "Look, but don't touch." He always said the strangest things. But I've thought about it for a long time, and I think I know what he meant now."
    to Darkness.
  • "It's not for me."
    to Darkness.
  • "A seed of light to be planted in the future. The true Dandelion."
    to Darkness.