This page contains a list of quotes said by Ephemer during the course of Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover, and Kingdom Hearts III.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "I'm all right. Thanks. I guess I got a little cocky. I'm Ephemer. I belong to the Union [Union]. Nice to meet you!"
    to Player in Waterfront Park.
  • "Looks like we're on different teams. But I'm working on something other than my Union task today, so think of me as Union free for the day. Hmm. I guess I can tell you what it is, since you helped me out. Can you keep a secret? The worlds we visit—the worlds of fairy tales—are nothing more than holograms. You know, projections. The light we collect there is actually this world's light."
    to Player.
  • "Umm, to put it simply: There are lots of worlds, right? And they're all connected by land. But it's impossible to go around to all of them. That's why there's a mechanism that projects those worlds here and allows us to collect Lux from far away lands. I'm gathering information, trying to figure out how the whole thing works. My hunch is that the Book of Prophecies held by the foretellers is what's creating these holograms. Get it? Or have I lost you?"
    to Player.
  • "Good. Anyway, we're in this town, gathering the light that belongs to this vast world. Not just gathering, fighting over it, without knowing why. After a little digging, I discovered that all the Unions have different goals."
    to Player.
  • "Really? Interesting... Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you come with me?"
    to Player.
  • "Great! Then let's head to the place you saw in your dream."
    to Player.
  • "So you don't know where the room is? I've been here a few times, but I haven't found a way in. All right, let's split up and see if we can get inside somehow."
    to Player at the Clock Tower Area.
  • "Great minds think alike. Other than the entrance, this is the only place that connects outside. Be careful, there's a fair share of Heartless around here."
    to Player at the Underground Waterway.
  • "Now we're even."
    saving Player from an Invisible.
  • "Wait. I think we should come back later. It's taken us this long just to find a way in. Think of how much longer it'll take for us to enter the tower and find the room. It's gonna look suspicious to our Union leaders if we're missing for too long. We know how to get in now. Let's save the rest for another day."
    to Player.
  • "We may not be in the same Union, but we're friends, right? Let's meet tomorrow at Fountain Square. How about noon?"
    to Player.

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "Uh-huh! Uh, hey, can I join you?"
    to Master Ava.
  • "Why the long face? Did something happen?"
    to Ava.
  • "Huh? Isn't it just because the Master said so?"
    to Ava about the Unions.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Master Ava, you're really not yourself today. I guess even foretellers have their off days. Hey, maybe talking about the Book will cheer you up!"
    to Ava.
  • "No, no! I was joking!"
    to Ava.
  • "You know, I made a friend from another Union today. They don't talk much, but I think they're just shy. We're meeting again tomorrow."
    to Ava about Player.
  • "'Kay! Well, it was nice talking to you. I don't know what's got you down, but please cheer up!"
    to Ava before leaving.

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "Woah! You're really not yourself today."
    to Ava.
  • "You know, I made a friend from another Union today. Wasn't much of a talker, maybe just shy. We're meeting again tomorrow."
    to Ava about Player.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Sorry, Player..."
    at the Underground Waterway.
  • "Who is it? You...!?"
    to Ava.
  • "Me? A Master? A Union leader? That's crazy. And what's this nonsense about "the end"?"
    to Ava.
  • "I'm listening, but this whole conversation about the end and leading Unions and all... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."
    to Ava.
  • "So it's like an alternate reality?"
    to Ava.
  • "So they won't remember any of it?"
    to Ava about memories of the war.
  • "It might be a burden, but isn't it better they remember the past? The past IS what makes the future."
    to Ava.
  • "I'm sorry. I really am! There was something important I had to take care of. I hope you can forgive me. Are you still up for our adventure?"
    to Player in a dream.
  • "It's up ahead. Are you with me? Ah, you're not ready yet. I had a feeling that might be the case. I'll be waiting, Player."
    to Player in a dream.
  • "Sorry about that."
    to Player in the aftermath of the Keyblade War.
  • "I know, but I'm here now. Let's go."
    to Player.
  • "Skuld? Well, this is a surprise!"
    to Skuld.
  • "Of course not! We came here once right after the war, remember? I just never thought I'd see you here again."
    to Skuld.
  • "I dunno. I wasn't sure I believed Master Ava when she said others would come. But now that you're here..."
    to Skuld.
  • "So, Master Ava talked to you too, huh?"
    to Ventus.
  • "She's easy to talk to, that's for sure."
    to Ventus about Ava.
  • "No, we haven't decided any of that yet. I think we should wait until we're all here."
    to Brain.
  • "Rules are rules. I don't want anyone else to have to carry the burden of the past."
    to Brain.
  • "About that... I don't know if we should be assigning people just yet."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "We should keep the five Unions as they are for now. As for who goes where, we'll need to discuss it in length."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "Exactly. I don't want people being loyal to only their own Unions."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "You can speak up if you don't agree."
    to Ventus.
  • "Then it's settled. Oh, and to avoid any confusion or chaos, let's not say a word about the foretellers to anyone just yet."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "Chirithy, don't forget about your task."
    to Player's Chirithy.
  • "And we can't stand to lose anyone now. The darkness in this world is not the same as what we faced in the other one."
    to Player's Chirithy.
  • "It feels more...complex, like there's more to it than meets the eye. Almost like it has its own will."
    to Player's Chirithy.
  • "I know. I'm sorry, but this concerns everyone. I get a really bad feeling every time something happens in this world that didn't happen in the other one. This Union Cross business also Something's not right."
    to Skuld.
  • "I know, but— "May your heart be your guiding key.""
    to Skuld.
  • "Oh, hey, Lauriam. I was thinking about that Shift Pride thing mentioned in the book. It might just be a friendly competition, but I don't like the thought of wielders fighting each other. But it's written in the book, so we have no choice. Why would Master Ava and the others want us to do this?"
    to Lauriam.
  • "You're right. I have been kind of anxious since I became a Union leader. Thanks, Lauriam."
    to Lauriam.
  • "That's worrying. Can I help?"
    to Lauriam about a missing person.
  • "But EVERYONE here is a leader."
    to Brain.
  • "A-all right. When we became Union leaders...we all received a copy of the rulebook. Do you remember reading about Shift Pride?"
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "Up to me, huh? I think we should do what it says."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "Not so fast, Brain. I said we should follow the book. But I don't want wielders fighting each other. Remember how all the worlds were recreated as data after the Keyblade War? That means we were also recreated as data. All of us."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "People don't have to fight each other. They can fight other wielders' data instead."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "Hey! Well, maybe I did have a little help from Lauriam."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "In any case, we can thank Lauriam for this solution. I wouldn't have come up with it myself! Too bad he's not here to take credit for it."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "I didn't realize you were going to show up so soon. If I had, I would've waited to talk about Shift Pr—"
    to Lauriam.
  • "Someone who's not very talkative, someone who didn't join the Dandelions."
    to the other Union leaders about Player.
  • "A friend of mine."
    to the other Union leaders about Player.

Kingdom Hearts III

  • "Need some help?"
    to Sora.