This page contains a list of quotes said by Ava during the course of Kingdom Hearts Union χ, and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "Master, did you make this? It's so cute!"
    on the Master of Masters creating the Spirit Chirithy.
  • "No! I won't let you do that!"
    objecting Aced on getting rid of the "cute" Nightmares.
  • "Maybe you can growl at them?"
    teasing Aced on being the bear.
  • "But Master, isn't there anything we can do?"
    on what is written in the last page of the Book of Prophecies.
  • "Hope? Master, what is it that you need me to do?"
    when the Master is introducing her role to her.
  • "You really think that...I'm the right person for this?"
    unsure of her role.
  • "I understand."
    when the Master says she is the only person for her role.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Union leaders?"
    after listening to the Master of the next part of her role regarding Union leaders.
  • "Is there a need to maintain the Unions?"
    skeptical of the need of having Unions.
  • "You can do that?"
    when the Master says he wants everyone to start over with a clean slate.
  • "Why is this one circled in red?"
    after being given a list of five names to recruit.
  • "The Book?"
    on the wielder getting a copy of the Book of Prophecies.
  • "That sounds awfully risky."
    doubting the plan.
  • "All right."
    accepting the Master's instructions.

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "Is that...a dark Chirithy?"
    when Ira summons a captured Nightmare Chirithy.
  • "Yeah, in that case, who's to say that the Nightmare you saw belongs to one of us? It could belong to anyone in our Unions."
    telling the other foretellers.
  • "The bangles? I know when they're equipped, they have the power to collect dark energy, but I thought we all agreed that was okay."
    when Ira suggest that the Power Bangles were the Nightmare's doing.
  • "Oh, no. Everyone's already equipped their bangles."
    after realizing the danger of the bangles.
  • "I hope... I hope we can all resolve this soon..."
    leaving the room.
  • "Maybe there's something he hasn't told us."
    to Aced and Gula in private about Ira.
  • "But alliances are forbidden, Aced!"
    to Aced.
  • "I agree that we need to do something to fight the darkness, but combining our Unions? That was strictly forbidden by the Master."
    to Aced.
  • "I want... I want to follow the Master's teachings."
    to Aced.
  • "When will it stop? I don't want us to turn against each other..."
    at Fountain Plaza.
  • "Oh. Hello! Your name is Ephemer, right?"
    to Ephemer.
  • "Long day... Do you remember what you asked me before? About why the Unions compete against each other instead of working together. Actually, I always wondered the same thing."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Yes, and as such we must obey. The Master said so, so it is. But lately, I've really started to wonder. You once told me that you were looking for answers, that you wanted to solve the mysteries of this world. Well, I think that's how things should be. We need to question things and think for ourselves."
    to Ephemer.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Not a chance! You were trying to pull a fast one on me, weren't you?"
    to Ephemer asking about the Book of Prophecies.
  • "If you say so. But, I really do think it would be great if all the Unions could work together and be friends."
    to Ephemer.
  • "That sounds fun. You'd better go home and get some sleep then."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Thank you. If worse comes to worst, I want to leave the future to kids who see the world like you do. Let the wind carry you far, far away... My Dandelions."
    after Ephemer leaves.

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

  • "But, to be honest, I think it would be great if all the Unions could work together and be friends."
    to Ephemer.
  • "That sounds like so much fun! Then, you'd better go home and get some sleep."
    to Ephemer.
  • "If the worst happens, I'll be glad to leave the future to the kids who see the world in the way that you do. Let the wind carry you far, far Dandelions."
    after Ephemer leaves.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "Ephemer? Yes, I know him, but you still haven't answered my question."
    to Player.
  • "You came to find me because of some rumor?"
    to Player.
  • "I see. Ephemer said he was waiting for you here in your dream, but this place is restricted."
    to Player.
  • "So you thought that he may have gotten caught up in the problems that we foretellers have been having lately. And because someone saw us talking the other day, you thought that maybe I had something to do with it."
    to Player about Ephemer.
  • "You're honest. I like you. You're not too far off base, but I can't tell you much else right now."
    to Player.
  • "Show me what you can do."
    engaging Player in battle.
  • "Not bad. I see a lot of potential in you. But I also see sadness in your heart. Hanging on to it will eventually lead to darkness. You need to somehow let it go. With this little one helping you, you'll be fine. Now, go home. And I'm sorry, but this area is strictly off-limits, all right?"
    to Player.
  • "So it's you. You're the friend he told me about..."
    after Player leaves.
  • "I'm sorry. But it wasn't fun for me either, you know."
    approaching Player's Chirithy.
  • "Please, call me "Ava." Did you show him/her the dream of Ephemer?"
    to Player's Chirithy.
  • "Then perhaps it was Ephemer himself."
    to Player's Chirithy.
  • "Ephemer's getting very close to the truth. He's fallen into an unchained state and now finds himself in a different realm. From that realm, I believe he tried reaching out to him/her. If they connected, even in a dream, that means he/she's getting closer to that realm too. Whether he/she continues down that path is up to his/her own heart. Chirithy, you have to protect Player from the nightmares, so the wind can carry him/her far away from here."
    to Player's Chirithy.
  • "Invi, Aced! What's going on!?"
    to Invi and Aced.
  • "Chirithy, I expected more from you. You know this area is off-limits."
    disguising herself as another foreteller.
  • "I caught another wielder in here just the other day. A friend of yours?"
    to Player and Skuld while disguised.
  • "Yes. But you must know his Union gathers Lux for a reason that contradicts ours. He befriended you to get his hands on information, nothing more. But he is a threat no longer."
    to Player and Skuld about Ephemer while disguised.
  • "So be it."
    when Player challenges her in battle.
  • "Congratulations. You fought admirably."
    before removing her disguise.
  • "Player, Skuld. Thank you for showing me the strength of your hearts. I hope you'll forgive me for deceiving you, but the foreteller you fought, the room you were in, were both merely projections."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "It's as Ephemer stated in your dream. The world will soon end. But if all wielders disappear along with it, there will be no one left to drive away the ensuing darkness. So we must prevent this at all costs. My role in all of this is to gather wielders with great potential, regardless of their Unions. They must survive for the world after."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "Ephemer must've caught wind of the fact that there was more to everything than what he'd been taught, so he started questioning things. He went looking for the truth because he knew there was one to be found. That's how I knew he was the one, the one I could count on to lead the Dandelions in my stead."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "They're a special group of Keyblade wielders that will remain after the rest of us are gone. It was my role to put the Dandelions together. But I have to be there when the inevitable events unfold, so I need someone to replace me when I'm gone. And I chose Ephemer. He accepted, and now he's far away from here, waiting."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "Yes, he's fine. However, this world is not. There is a wielder who has been corrupted, and the Chirithy you saw earlier is proof of that. But I want the world to come to be filled with light. That's why only wielders with a strong resistance to darkness are chosen as Dandelions. So I ask both of you: will you join us?"
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "They will have no choice but to fight in the Keyblade War."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "I'm afraid it's inevitable."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "Of course, take all the time you need. This decision is yours to make, and you should do what feels right. I just ask that you keep this to yourselves. I'm afraid the future is a very...sensitive subject."
    to Player and Skuld.
  • "There you are, Luxu."
    to Luxu.
  • "What have you been doing all this time?"
    to Luxu.
  • "What did the Master ask you to do?"
    to Luxu.
  • "Luxu, what do you know?"
    to Luxu.
  • "His intentions? Are you implying that he wanted this? This chaos...this war?"
    to Luxu about the Master.
  • "Tell me, what's written on that page? Luxu, are you responsible for all of this? Are you...are you the traitor?"
    to Luxu about the Lost Page.
  • "Th-that can't be true..."
    to Luxu after being told who the traitor is.
  • "Are you saying his interest was in US all along? That's ridiculous! Luxu, you're interpreting the Master's words in your own way. This can't be what he wanted!"
    to Luxu.
  • "It's you."
    to Player during the Keyblade War.
  • "Ready your blade. I won't ask twice."
    to Player.
  • "Some things aren't for you to know. Listen to me: you must join the Dandelions and go far, far away from here."
    to Player.