Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Pete during the course of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts coded, and "Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance".

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Terra, Ventus and Aqua's Story

  • "Whaddaya mean!?"
    upon finding that he did not win the Million Dreams Award.
  • "There's gotta be a mistake. Everybody voted for Captain Justice. I made sure! Now, go on, tell her!"
    talking to everyone about the voting.
  • "Better try the other one..."
    before changing into his "Captain Dark" attire.
  • "The rogue racer, Captain Dark!"
    after changing into his "Captain Dark" attire.
  • "Like that matters to me. Besides, what are you gonna do about it?"
    talking to Queen Minnie.
  • "Let me go! Put me down! What!? You can't--no--hey, easy!"
    before the brooms carry him away.
  • "Who does she think she is, dumpin' me in a place like this? Well, I'll just bust outta here and--"
    while trapping.
  • "Really!? Oh, then you can count on me. Just get me outta here, and you can tell me what to do!"
    before Maleficent releases him from the prison.

Terra's Story

  • "I am... Captain Dark!"
    introducing himself to Terra and company.
  • "And you must be the chump who made me miss a new track record. Hold on... How's come I don't know you? Somebody bringin' in a ringer?"
    talking to Terra.
  • "Must be downright temptatious to try 'n' stop a primo racer like me from gettin' the record. But we all gotta play by the rules, rookie."
    before leaving Terra and company.
  • "My kart musta sprung a spring! You yahoos just wait--next time, I'll clobber all of you!"
    after winning the race.

Ventus's Story

  • "Tada! Wearin' the mask of peace and hope... comes the fearless defender and hero of this town! It is me--Captain Justice!"
    upon Ventus meeting him.
  • "Oh! Well, uh, forget that. How can I help? That's the only reason I'm here."
    asking Ventus for any help.
  • "And kid, don't you go forgettin'...Captain Justice is the one who solved all your problems. That would be Justice with a J."
    talking about himself to Ventus.
  • "Well, if it ain't the last kid Captain Justice saved. 'Fraid you'll have to get in line. I'm working on another catastrophe here for these fellas--Huey, Dewey, and Louie, my good friends."
    upon meeting Ventus along with Huey, Dewey, and Louie and Queen Minnie.
  • "This machine is busted. It just needs a good poundin'..."
    before he starts punching the machine.
  • "Not with that machine! Well... The kid mighta got it to work this one time. But junk like that needs to get junked!"
    talking about the machine.

Aqua's Story

  • "Tada! Wearin' the mask of peace and hope... comes the fearless defender and hero of this town! It is me--Captain Justice!"
    upon meeting Aqua.
  • "What's this? Trouble? Captain Justice to the rescue!"
    upon hearing Horace Horsecollar's call for help.
  • "Monsters!? Well... too bad. Not on the list."
    making an excuse to not fight the monsters.
  • "Do not fear! I am on my way! Sounds like this catastrophe can't wait. But, uh, I'll be back here in a jiff!"
    upon leaving.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • "Where is it? It's gotta be around here somewheres..."
    talking to himself in Agrabah.
  • " Grrr... Well, I ain't givin' up till I find a way in! And once I find the lamp that's stashed down there... Heh heh heh... All my wishes'll come true."
    talking about the lamp.
  • "I coulda swore somebody was watchin' me... Next I'll be jumpin' at my own shadow. Grrr... Great! I had to go and lose my place! Now I gotta start lookin' from the beginning."
    thinking someone is watching him.
  • "Hmph! Here for the magic lamp, are ya?"
    talking to Roxas.
  • "Don't try and play dumb with me! You listen up an' listen good! That lamp is official property of Pete--that's me! Ya got it? So you goons can keep your dirty mitts off!"
    before fighting him.
  • "Rrrrrrgh... Ya puny little punks! First I can't find the dag-blasted lamp, now I gotta deal with these weirdos... It just ain't fair!"
    after being defeated.
  • "Zoinks! This can't be good! I'm outta here!"
    fleeing the cave.
  • "Heh heh heh... Those blockheads are actually diggin'! My plan's goin' perfectly! ...Muh? That's weird... Where'd the Heartless go!?"
    talking to himself.
  • "So, it's you what's been goin' around takin' out my Heartless!"
    talking to Roxas.
  • "Listen pal, nobody messes with Pete's private army and gets away with it--including you! Now my new giant Heartless is gonna pluck you clean outta the sky! Let's see how you like that!"
    before battling Ruler of the Sky.
  • "Nngh, dag-nabbit! I'll get you for this!"
    running away.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • " I sent some of my lackeys inside to see if the master of this here tower's as big and tough as they say. Word is, he's a real powerful sorcerer. Which would make him the perfect bodyguard for me. See, it don't matter how tough he is---once he's a Heartless, he'll do as I say!"
    talking to Sora and company while in the Mysterious Tower.
  • "What are you two nimrods doin' here!?"
    talking to Donald and Goofy.
  • "Heartless squad! Round up!"
    after releasing some Heartless onto Sora and company.
  • "Oh, ya don't know, eh? Well, it's old Yen Sid. 'Course he's probably a Heartless by now!"
    talking about who lives in the Mysterious Tower.
  • "Now what's gonna happen to our plan?"
    before seeing Diablo in Villain's Vale.
  • "Oh, they're nuttin' but trouble, the whole lot of 'em. So, uh... what're you gonna do about Hercules? He's made mince meat outta every fighter you sent at him. Pretty soon the Underworld's gonna be standing room only. Say, why don't you just pick somebody already dead and save him the trouble?"
    talking to Hades about Sora and company.
  • "I got Heartless all over the Underworld now. So you can leave those pipsqueaks to me. Look, pal, you just keep working on turning Hercules into a Heartless. Then he'll be all mine."
    talking to Hades.
  • "What's wrong? Can't fight in the Underworld? Ohh, boo-hoo-hoo!"
    before fighting Sora and company in the Underworld.
  • "This place gives me the creeps. I'll deal with you nitwits next time!"
    before leaving Olympus Coliseum.
  • "Beats me. They musta had some other matters to deal with."
    talking to Maleficent.
  • "Oh...I miss those good ol' days... What I wouldn't give to go back in time... What I wouldn't give..."
    during one of his flashbacks.
  • "Oh, thank you, thank you! You can count on me...! So, what do I do?"
    talking to Maleficent in one his flashback.
  • "Don't fail her again... let's see... That's it! I just gotta smash that cornerstone to smithereens! But first... I gotta go get my old boat back."
    - before going to Timeless River.
  • "Your future's on the line, pallie, so back off and give me the boat!"
    talking to Past Pete.
  • "You'll pay for this!"
    after he loses the Cornerstone of Light.
  • "Ha! You're still wet behind the ears!"
    before fighting him the second time.
  • "Really? 'Cause ya look like regular pirates to me."
    talking to Barbossa.
  • " Whoa! Now I get what you were sayin'... Well, if you see two doofuses and a brat holdin' a Keyblade, steer clear. They got a kinda magic that don't belong in this world, see? And nobody knows what it'd do to ya. 'Specially when the moon's showing whatcha really are."
    talking about Sora and company to Barbossa.
  • "Weren't you listenin' to me before?"
    before Sora and company fights some pirates.
  • "See? I told ya you'd be needin' ol' Pete!"
    before calling the Illuminator to aid Barbossa in battle.
  • "Stop your whining and hand it over!"
    talking to the Peddler.
  • "Heh heh, I win!"
    upon getting the lamp off the Peddler.
  • "Time for Plan B! I'm finishin' you mugs off right now!"
    before calling Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord.
  • "You! You've messed with me for the last time! I'm gonna get you yet!"
    before leaving Agrabah.
  • "My back..."
    upon falling down a rock in the Pride Lands.
  • "Aw, that was just a sneak preview! 'Cause this ain't over---not by a long shot!"
    after Scar is thrown off the Cliff.
  • "Anger and jealousy turned the king of Pride Rock into a Heartless! Oh, your kingdom's gonna rise again...But this time, as the Pride Lands of Darkness!"
    before fighting Scar.
  • "What, are you nuts? We're never gonna win! I don't know about you, but I'm outta here, sister!"
    running away from the Nobodies in Hollow Bastion.
  • "Well, the setup is... kinda nice, I guess, but... what about all the Heartless? This in-between world---it's way too close to the darkness! They ain't gonna listen to us here!"
    talking to Maleficent about taking over The World That Never Was.
  • "But there's no way we can take 'em all!"
    talking to Maleficent about the hordes of Heartless.
  • "Well, if it ain't the boat-boy King."
    talking to Mickey.
  • "Now lookie here. Opportunities like this don't come along every day, ya know. Bring 'em on!"
    before he and Maleficent fight the hordes of Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts coded

  • "Gwahahahaha! Been a long time."
    talking to Mickey.
  • "You want me to lend ya a hand?"
    talking to Jafar.
  • "Yeah, but not the real one. I used the corruption to make a copy. Ya know, a fake. A duplicate."
    talking about a duplicate lamp to Jafar.
  • "It all happened thanks ter me!"
    talking to Maleficent.
  • " I heard youse were up to something. I went searchin' through the castle, as Maleficent ordered me to. And then-"
    during his flashback.
  • "Too bad! Now you haven't got a leg left to stand on! GWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
    before leaving.
  • "I'm busy getting the Puppet ready. You stay here and play with these guys!"
    talking to Sora.
  • "What's going on here!? I thought Maleficent destroyed that thing..."
    when Sora get his keyblade back.
  • " Hmph...You just won't stop getting in my way, will ya!? I guess I got no choice but to show you what I can really do!"
    before fighting him.
  • "I turned him into my Puppet, that's what! Data is such a handy thing, isn't it. I got those bugs inside of him. Come on, Puppet, listen up. I want ya to smash him good!"
    after Riku appears.
  • "But Maleficent! We really oughta listen, just this once."
    talking to Maleficent.
  • "I'm tired of this place. See ya. We're gettin' out of here."
    before he and Riku leaves.

"Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance"

  • ""Thug" works for me"
    - when Donald calls him a thug.

Battle Quotes

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "I'll show you!"
    using bombs.
  • "Get outta my way!"
    when using stomp attack.
  • "This outta take care of you little runts!"
    - summoning a boulder on top of Sora.
  • "Come to Pete!"
    when summoning Heartless.
  • "That's right lunkheads, Pete's invincible!"
    bringing up his shield.
  • "W-w-wait! What are you doing!?"
    when using Pinball Reaction Command.
  • "Noo!"
    when knocked over.
  • "You mugs couldn't follow me if you wanted to!"
    when throwing items.
  • "Later, losers!"
    when throwing items.
  • "I'll show you!"
    when throwing items.
  • "Oooh, I can't take anymore..."
    when knocked out.
  • "Go and get 'em!"
    - commanding fire and black hole.
  • "How about a change?"
    when changing scenery.