
Revision as of 14:40, 7 May 2012 by ShardofTruth (talk | contribs) (switched German affiliate)
The following is a list of affiliates who have graciously decided to link back to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki.
NIWAAffiliateTile-Final.png KingdomHeartsFrancophoneWikiAffiliateTile.png KingdomHeartsGermanWikiAffiliateTile.png FanonWikiAffiliateTile.png
Nintendo Independent
Wiki Alliance (NIWA)
Kingdom Hearts
Francophone Wiki
Kingdom Hearts Wiki (German) Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki Donkey Kong Wiki
Lylat Wiki Spyro Wiki WikiBound Fire Emblem Wiki NintendoWiki
TheLightningSpirit78AffiliateTile.png Errynewtile.png DeadFantasyAffiliateTile.png Afftileforumsite.png
Thelightningspirit78 TheErryK Dead Fantasy Wiki Kingdom Hearts Media Starfy Wiki
F-Zero Wiki Cyberman65
We are looking forward to more sites linking back to us! If interested in affiliating with the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, please leave a formal request on our Requests page!