This page contains a list of quotes said by Lingering Will during the course of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Terra's Story

  • "Aqua, Ven...One day I will set this right."
    at the end of Terra's story.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

  • "Aqua...Ven...Keyblade...Who are you? I can feel it...we have met before. But isn't you...It isn't you that I have chosen. Why isn't it him? Xe-ha-nort. Is that you?...Xeha-nort. Xehanort!"
    before fighting Sora.
  • "I see. Your strength is...What I sensed in you is..."
    upon defeat.
  • "So, you are back, young boy. I have nothing more to say. All I have left is my hatred for Xehanort. A feeling without a soul."
    upon Sora challenging him again.