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===''Kingdom Hearts χ''===
===''Kingdom Hearts χ''===
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====''First Visit''====
When The Player first enters Olympus Coliseum, Philoctetes hears them approaching and assumes that they’re someone else – stating that it was about time they showed up, as they were drawing close to the deadline for taking in new entries. Once Phil realizes his mistake, he tells The Player that he has no business with them and that they should leave. Suddenly, Hercules runs in and is scolded by Phil for being late – the reason being that Pegasus had been grumbling again. When Hercules asks who The Player is, Phil says that he has no idea, but suggests that perhaps The Player is another candidate looking to join in the tournament – adding that The Battle Arena Tournament isn’t child’s play. Hercules takes a closer look at The Player and tells Phil that he likes the look of them, suggesting that they allow The Player to enter the tournament – though Phil refuses; questioning what The Player has to offer and claiming that they’re already over their entry quota anyway. Instead, Hercules suggests that The Player enter on his behalf, prompting Phil to ask what Hercules is up to, only for Hercules to whisper to Phil that he’s acting on a hunch and that there’s something he has to do right now, so he’s leaving it all to Phil for the time being. Though disappointed, Phil accepts this and assumes that Hercules must know what he’s doing, promising to take care of The Player. Hercules thanks Phil and tells The Player that Phil will take care of them, mentioning that he’s sure The Player will become a great hero too, before leaving.
Phil starts The Player off in the Preliminaries, with The Player working his way up through the tournament by destroying Heartless. In the final round, The Player faces off against another Darkball, and when they manage to defeat it and win the Preliminaries overall, they gain a new power with the Keyblade and immediately rush over to Daybreak Town to report back to Chirithy.
====''Second Visit''====
Upon their return to Olympus Coliseum, The Player is approached by Phil – who tells them that he’d been waiting for them as it’s time for “the real deal”, advising The Player to go into the match with everything they’ve got.
After The Player emerges from The Arena Tournament successful – Phil voices his surprise, noting how he’d never thought that they’d get so far. However, Phil makes sure not to lower The Player’s hopes, for if they keep it up, victory won’t be just a dream anymore. Then, Cloud Strife emerges from the arena, asking if the tournament is just some kind of game to The Player. Cloud states that The Player has no reason to win the tournament, and has been fighting without a real sense of seriousness over the situation. Confused, Phil asks what Cloud is talking about, only for Cloud to claim that he intends on winning the tournament. Phil tells Cloud that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, as The Player has potential, and might even become a hero. Though this doesn’t faze Cloud, who simply brushes it off and says that he couldn’t care less before walking away
====''Third Visit''====
After receiving word about the resumption of the tournament, The Player makes their way to Olympus Coliseum once again to meet with Phil. Phil notes that The Player looks even stronger than the last time they’d seen one another before guiding The Player back into the arena to continue the tournament. Once The Player has made their way through to the end of the semifinals, telling them to keep it up and they’ll be the champ; although it wouldn’t be so easy for them if Hercules were there, so Phil encourages The Player to take their moment while they still have a chance. Just then the doors to the arena open as The Player’s opponent for the finals has been decided. As Cloud walks out of the arena, Phil is a little dissuaded, making note of Cloud’s mysterious nature. Regaining his senses Phil tells The Player to be careful as people who are shouldering burdens tend to be powerful, so they can’t lose focus for even a second until the very end.
After The Player defeats Cloud, they turn their back on him, only for Cloud to attempt one last strike on them. Fortunately, Hercules runs in and saves The Player. With the tension diffused, Hercules notes that the tournament seems a little fishy, and so Phil takes another look at the tablet to find that written in fine print it states: “The winner shall receive a trip to the Underworld.” With this, Hercules is able to surmise that Hades is behind the whole thing. Hades then appears and admits to having done what he’s been accused of – though he’d not accounted for Hercules not participating in the tournament he accepts that the unpredictable only spices things up. With a change of plans, Hades then asks who their champion is. Laughing, Hercules tells Hades that because he’d arrived before the match had been officially finished, they couldn’t declare a winner and his contract is thereby invalid. Though Hades is furious, his mood lightens when Cloud asks to be taken to the Underworld. Though Phil and Hercules try to convince Cloud that he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into as the Underworld is the world of the dead that exists beneath Darkness itself. Surprisingly, Cloud seems to like the idea, feeling as though “he” would like that kind of place. With Cloud’s persistence and interest in Darkness, Hades accepts and takes Cloud to the Underworld. Hercules decides that he won’t stand for this and that they have to save Cloud, which Phil agrees to – postponing the tournament indefinitely now that Hades is involved. Phil suggests that The Player leave before they get too involved in the situation, leaving himself shortly thereafter – allowing Chirithy to pop in and agree that The Player should take their leave. Chirithy says that The Player’s heart lacks the amount of power necessary to defeat this kind of Darkness as of yet. When The Player refuses to listen to Chirithy, Chirithy accepts and admits that he’d been ordered to ready a Gate for The Player that will lead them to The Underworld – where Darkness rules. Chirithy advises The Player to be on their guard and keep their heart strong before sending The Player on their way through the Gate.
In the Underworld, The Player follows the path taken by Hades and Cloud, only to come to a dead end when they finds a tightly sealed door blocking the path.
Returning to the Coliseum, The Player tells Phil that he was unable to find Cloud, only for Phil to scold him for not leaving it to Hercules as he was meant to – as it’d be safer if he didn’t get involved with Hades.
The Player once again returns to the Underworld, where they find the door to be open. Continuing deeper into the Underworld, The Player finds Hades – who voices his annoyance with Cloud, who had apparent declined an offer Hades had posed and then proceeded to “hurt” Cerberus. Hades vows to make Cloud suffer the next time he sees him. Before leaving, Hades then realizes The Player’s presence, asking what they were doing there before deciding he didn’t care and summoning Cerberus. Announcing that he intends on taking out his rage on The Player, Hades watches from above while ordering Cerberus to tear The Player apart. Eventually, The Player manages to defeat Cerberus – prompting Hades to ask whether or not everyone was just trying to irritate him. Calming himself down, Hades turns the tables and decides to use the situation toward his advantage. Hades tells The Player that he never anticipated that they’d defeat Cerberus, noting how powerful they were – and also asking if they’d like to become stronger. After much coaxing from Hades, The Player reluctantly agrees, encouraging Hades to explain that in order to gain more power they’d have to bind their will to the Darkness, and since Darkness is a true source of power – so long as they can control it The Player should be able to wield it freely at will. However, apparently it’d all be for naught if The Player were crushed by the Darkness of the Underworld, suggesting that if The Player can reach his Throne Room he will tell him the rest.
With Hades gone, Chirithy appears and asks if The Player is really going, warning The Player that they’re deep in the darkness and that even though it may seem like a shortcut to obtaining power, if they fall too deep into it they may never be able to come back. Chirithy leaves it at that, sighing as it states that The Player must decide what road to take for themselves as their mission in life is only that of an observer, meaning that it’s not permitted to interfere, before disappearing once more.
The Player makes their way through the Valley of the Dead to Hades’ Throne Room, where Hades applauds The Player for not getting swallowed by the Darkness of the Underworld. True to his word, Hades says that he will teach The Player how to access Darkness. However, The Player asks that Hades instead tell them where Cloud is – enraging Hades. Despite his lack of concern for Cloud, Hades mentions that he’s unsure of whether a human could survive in the Underworld for so long, meaning that Cloud may just be dead somewhere. Although, The Player has managed to avoid being consumed by Darkness as well, and so Hades intends on allowing The Player to access their talent to its full capabilities. When The Player asks how Hades intends on making that happen, Hades explains that it’s very simple, all The Player has to do is perform a few little tasks and the ability to control Darkness would then come naturally.
First, Hades sends The Player to destroy the Neoshadows that had appeared in the Cave of the Dead.
Next, Hades had The Player collect 10 glass balls he’d hidden throughout the Valley of the Dead
Then, Hades sends The Player to defeat a Fire Plant Heartless he’d stationed at the Gates of the Underworld. By the end of this test, The Player is still unable to harness the power of darkness, and so instead Hades tells The Player to wait while he thinks up more tests.
When The Player returns to the Underworld, Hades tells them to go through the gates at the entrance to the underworld and enter the Great Cavity that leads to the depths of the Underworld. Here The Player would get to see what true darkness really is.  Here, The Player finds Cloud, who catches a black feather in his hand before noticing The Player. Cloud claims not to have any more business in the Underworld, commenting on its awful atmosphere and advising The Player to leave soon as well. Just then, Hercules runs in with the intention of leaving the Underworld with Cloud and The Player. Hades arrives, having come to see what was taking so long. When Hercules insists that they’re leaving, Hades claims that the party is only just getting started, ordering The Player to show Hercules and Cloud their newly found powers over Darkness. Hades didn’t anticipate that The Player would turn on him instead, feeling as though everyone is betraying him these days – though Hercules reasons that The Player never would have sided with Hades anyway. Accepting this, Hades claims to have another card up his sleeve anyway. Hercules demands that Hades move out of their way before he has to force him out of the way – unexpectedly though, Hercules finds himself lacking in energy. Laughing, Hades reveals that because Hercules isn’t a god, the Darkness in the Underworld will affect him pretty quickly, revealing his decision to bring Cloud and The Player to the Underworld to have all been part of his plan to force Hercules into the Underworld.
Hades then sends Hercules away in a blast of black fire, while deciding to destroy the Coliseum as his finale. Cloud volunteers to buy some time for them, directing The Player to search for Hercules in the meantime. When The Player questions Cloud’s change of heart, Cloud reasons that he doesn’t like the idea of being used. While Cloud exits the Underworld to stall Hades’ destruction of the Coliseum, The Player makes way for Hades’ Throne Room, where he finds Hercules bound in black glowing chains. Using the power of the Keyblade, The Player frees Hercules and together they rush to leave the Underworld and stop Hades at the Coliseum.
The Player and Hercules find that most of the Coliseum has been destroyed, though Cerberus is down for the count, arriving just as Hades strikes down Cloud. Hades is shocked to see Hercules, but welcomes the challenge, however Hercules is not dissuaded by Hades’ power, because this time he has his friends as his support. While Phil takes care of Cloud, Hercules and The Player dive into a long and drawn out battle with Hades. Together, they manage to defeat Hades, who makes a hasty retreat after admitting that training The Player was a mistake. Phil congratulates Hercules on his victory, mentioning that he could feel the power of his and The Player’s friendship at work. Hercules then looks to The Player and agrees that friends offer the greatest source of power. This intrigues Cloud, who then decides that he should be on his way as he has no business there anymore – however Phil stops him and insists that he rebuild the Coliseum, a task which Cloud reluctantly accepts.
===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
[[File:Future Heroes 01 KHBBS.png|thumb|left|Zack talking to Ventus in Olympus Coliseum.]]
[[File:Future Heroes 01 KHBBS.png|thumb|left|Zack talking to Ventus in Olympus Coliseum.]]
