Quotes:Mother Gothel
This page contains a list of quotes spoken by Mother Gothel during the course of Kingdom Hearts III.
Cutscene QuotesEdit
Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit
- "The outside world is a dangerous place. You must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, flower?"
— talking to a young Rapunzel. - "Rapunzel? Rapunzel!"
— realizing Rapunzel is missing. - "Who's there?"
— meeting Marluxia. - "Excuse me, good travelers. Do you know Rapunzel?"
— meeting Sora and company. - "My apologies. I'm Rapunzel's mother. The poor child left home without a word, and I've just been worried sick. Please tell me: where is my dear, sweet girl?"
— introducing herself. - "Lost her? You're of no use to me. I'll find her myself."
— when Donald and Goofy reveal they had lost Rapunzel. - "Rapunzel! My precious girl. Are you all right? Are you hurt? I was so worried about you, dear. So I followed you. And I saw them attack you, and— Oh my. Let's go. Let's go, before they come to."
— finding Rapunzel. - "Please speak up, Rapunzel. You know how I hate the mumbling."
— when Rapunzel realizes that she is the lost princess. - "Oh, Rapunzel. Do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?"
— when Rapunzel makes it clear she knows she's the lost princess. - "Everything I did was to protect you."
— when Rapunzel realizes Gothel had locked her up all these years. - "Where will you go? He won't be there for you."
— confessing that Flynn won't save her. - "That criminal's to be hanged for his crimes. Now, now, it's all right. Listen to me. All of this is as it should be."
— revealing that Flynn is to be hanged. - "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy."
— when Rapunzel defies her. - "Rapunzel, really! Enough already! Stop fighting me!"
— fighting Rapunzel. - "In case you get any ideas about following us."
— chaining Flynn. - "No! Oh no. No... What have you done? What have you done?!"
— her last words before aging to death.