This page contains a list of quotes said by Lauriam during the course of Kingdom Hearts Union χ.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

  • "I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
    to Ephemer, Skuld, Ventus, and Brain.
  • "Number Five? Then I must be the last one."
    to Ephemer, Skuld, Ventus, and Brain.
  • "I apologize for making you wait. I was searching for something and time got away from me. My name is Lauriam. It's nice to meet you all."
    to Ephemer, Skuld, Ventus, and Brain.
  • "You're not weak, Ven. You're kind."
    to Ventus.
  • "That's wise. As planned, all the Keyblade wielders are undergoing their training again. It may be a good time to discuss the issue when that's over with."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "What's the matter? You look troubled."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Hmm. Maybe it's all just a big prank?"
    cheering Ephemer up.
  • "But you smiled. You really need to take it easy. Stop being so serious all the time."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Don't mention it. There are only five of us, and we need to stick together."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Well, once the Keyblade War ended...the worlds were recreated in data along with the people in them. I'm looking for someone who was supposed to have become a Dandelion...but I haven't seen them anywhere. So I thought I'd search the data."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Thanks, but it's a personal matter. I'd like to sort it out myself."
    to Ephemer.
  • "Are you Elrena?"
    to Elrena.
  • "I want to ask you about my sister...Strelitzia."
    to Elrena.
  • "Yes, and she mostly kept to herself so I don't know what happened to her. Yours is the only name I've ever heard her mention. You two were in the same party a few times, right? I was wondering if you knew anything."
    to Elrena.
  • "I see. She wasn't sure about joining the Dandelions at first, but I managed to convince her. I didn't have many chances to see her after that...and then I realized it's been a while since I've seen her at all."
    to Elrena.
  • "Nothing came of it, huh? These must be the new memories they were given. So my sister was around until before the war... She couldn't have gotten caught up in it, could she?"
    to himself.
  • "Did you last see her before or after the bells?"
    to Elrena's Chirithy.
  • "So she definitely disappeared before the Keyblade War. Maybe this "someone" is the key to finding out what happened."
    to himself.
  • "It does. Will you let me know if you think of anything else?"
    to Elrena and her Chirithy.
  • "No, it's fine. Thanks anyway. My sister has such a good heart. I wouldn't be surprised if she accidentally got caught in the war trying to save this "someone.""
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "I'm Lauriam. It's nice to meet you. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Is that all right?"
    to Player.
  • "Well, I have to excuse myself. There's someplace I need to be."
    to Ephemer and Player.
  • "Player. It was nice meeting you. This may not make much sense to you, but please...keep my sister in your heart, okay?"
    to Player.
  • "No problem. Thanks for your help. I've managed to uncover some things since."
    to Elrena.
  • "Her Chirithy talked about a war? Are you sure?"
    to Elrena's Chirithy.
  • "Strelitzia was certain the Keyblade War was going to become a reality. But how could she have known? Perhaps Brain might know something."
    to himself.
  • "Skuld filled me in on the situation. Did you figure out what was causing the glitches?"
    to Ephemer.
  • "Do you think the Darklings guided them here?"
    to Ephemer and Brain.
  • "These glitches... They're showing up in town too. I saw one of Strelitzia."
    to the other Union leaders.
  • "Yeah. I came here because I thought you might be able to make some sense of it."
    to Brain.
  • "We escaped the war, only to find ourselves trapped in a cage? Irony at its best."
    to the other Union leaders.