Remind me to add to this later

Lea KHBBS.png
Name Isaac
A.K.A Nekuyo2, Axisac, (nobody form), Isey (by his girlfriend)
Currnet Residence Land of Departure Logo KHBBS.png
Date of Birth IX/IXX
Keyblade Guardian Soul KHII.png Guardian Soul
Personality Friendly, Sarcastic (at times), Quirky, Artistic
Weapon Keyblade
Status Keyblade Apprentice
Summons Simba, Cloud, Mushu
D-Links File:DL Aqua.pngFile:DL Ventus.pngFile:DL Zack.pngFile:DL Mickey.png

Hello, my name is Nekuyo2, and you may call me Nekuyo or Isaac. I know basic coding, so I tend to mess around with my signature.

About me

I am a Michigander (meaning I live on Michigan). My favorite KH characters are; Aqua, Ven, Roxas, Riku, Sora, Axel, Zexion, Xion, and finally Lea.


 The wandering Mercanary 

For my convenience

My editcount

My signatures page