
Revision as of 03:11, 8 October 2009 by DoorToNothing (talk | contribs)

...that Kingdom Hearts II is rated E+10 for alcohol use because of the scene where Barbossa takes a drink from his wine bottle?

...that Sora is the first character to wield three Keyblades at once?

...that part of Kairi's name ("Kai") is the Japanese word for "sea" (海), and that her whole name is homophonous with the word for "nautical mile" (海里 or 浬)?

...that in the Chain of Memories manga, Larxene was seen reading a book about the infamous French writer Marquis De Sade, the namesake of sadism?

...that only the Kingdom Key, Oathkeeper, and Oblivion are Keyblades that have appeared in all of the games so far?