The Video stays

Azul need not get huffy with me for not including the video of Chernabog that was once there when I tried to repair the damage done by some noob ghost.

Besides, I don't know why the video needs to be in the info box when it can be in a subsection instead. BamaSebastian 15:04, 26 June 2008 (UTC)

Is he a Heartless or a living Character?

Gnut2.0 - It is the fate of a Nobody
TALK - An entity shrouded in mystery.
OK, I really want to figure this out once and for all. Is Chernabog a Heartless or not? If he was, wouldn't he be in the category of a pure blood 'cues he doesn't have an emblem (unlike the rest of the Heartless in that world.)
Ultima - Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test.
He is the demonic denizen of Bald Mountain, not a heartless, that is why he has the character boss template instead of the hearless boss template.
-11:07, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
Gnut2.0 - It is the fate of a Nobody
TALK - An entity shrouded in mystery.
Oh, that makes sence. One last thing though, and this is more of a pet peeve, I don't like how the game killed him. I guess I just wanted to see more of a story around him is all. It was a kinds bitter sweet battle I say.