Combo Plus is an ability that extends Sora's ground attack combo by one step. You can equip more Combo Plus abilities to boost the effect, adding several more successive steps to Sora's basic attack. Sora will start out the game with a three-step attack combo for both ground and aerial attacks.

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, the Soldier Heartless Enemy Cards gives you the Combo Plus ability.

In Kingdom Hearts II, you can learn the ability by leveling up the Valor Form or by using the Sleeping Lion Keyblade.

Kingdom Hearts


  • LV.9
  • LV.72
  • LV.84
  • LV.96


  • LV.42
  • LV.75
  • LV.96


  • LV.66
  • LV.78
  • LV.84
  • LV.96

Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix


  • LV.21
  • LV.66
  • LV.93


  • LV.63
  • LV.87
  • LV.96


  • LV.87
  • LV.93
  • LV.99

See also: