The Guest

Joined 15 February 2011
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== Family ==
Before we start, i am the same guy as Zexion Sentiment, but i can asure you that the data on there is out of date, and i have changed MUCH since then! I clicked the send new password to email thing but i couldn't remember the password of the email account it was sent too, so i tried to recover that one's password but i couldn't remember the answers to the secret questions....:(
So i have the right to use any mugshots that ZS has. thank you.
Like ZS, My previous account, my mother is Yveline, author of the soon-to-be-real ebook: Stalkers Not Allowed, wich you shouldn't pay attention to unless you're being stalked she's starting out her business with contacting universities so they can learn about this stuff..
My father is an Algerian Mechanic named Djamel, he and mom met as penpals. he can be rather insensetive towards animals, wich is a quality that i HATE in him, and his happiness is only fueled by money, but i've learned to live with it.
My younger sister is Farane, also known as Lexogom on the KH Wiki, we used to share that account but it's all hers now.
I have a kid sister named Shayla, who is incredibly cute, but has a completely different face when made angry....
There are probably hundreds of family members of mine whom i don't even know exist, especially on my Father's side. but that dosen't matter. i have a few more known family members but they are sorta insignificant...
Yasin is one of my cousins
Dabia is one of my aunts, half aunt basically.
Samir is a cousin of mine, although he's already 30 years old......:?
And that's about it. all i know is, IM gonna be the one to make my family line famous. you'll see ;)

== Weapon ==
== Weapon ==
